Universiteit Leiden

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Brightspace is the online learning environment of Leiden University.

The faculty of Humanities uses Brightspace intensively as an online addition to education. Brightspace is used to access other applications, such as for plagiarism checks and online grading (Turnitin), peer review (FeedbackFruits/Pitch2Peer), videos (Kaltura) and voting during classes (Wooclap). Links to weblectures and knowledge clips are also offered through Brightspace.  


For all questions regarding Brightspace you can contact ecole@hum.leidenuniv.nl. We are happy to make an appointment to go over all your question, digitally or, when possible, at the university.

Trainings and open office hour

Before the start of each academic year, an open office hour is organised where you can ask all your questions regarding the digital learning environment. Trainings are organised for some Brightspace functionalities. These trainings are announced through the faculty newsletter and this website. 

Instruction videos

Through several instruction videos you can get acquainted with how Brightspace works. An overview of all available videos is accessible here. The faculty also offers some videos:

Manuals and getting to work


  • On Screensteps, all functionalities in Brightspace, from Assignments to Quizzes, are explained in an easy to follow, step-by-step, way.
  • Log in to Brightspace here. To log in, you use your ULCN login details (like Blackboard).
  • Practice in your Sandbox. You will find this personal practice environment when you sign in on Brightspace.
  • Take a look at this online training. This training module can be found on Brightspace when you log in and you can go through the training at your own pace. 


Creating courses Enrollment Content and copyright How to use Grade Categories Reusing and copying announcements
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