Universiteit Leiden

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Think carefully before sharing anything

Sharing data and documents with colleagues or other organisations can be useful, but it can also entail various risks. You should therefore think carefully before sharing anything, and always ask if you’re not sure whether sharing is permitted.

Information – both about the university and about people – is valuable and deserves to be protected. This is not only the view of the university itself but is actually a legal requirement of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The university therefore takes security measures to protect this information. If you want to share something, always stop and think: is it desirable, necessary and permitted to give another person access to certain information?

What to look out for?

Personal data Business information

Dare to ask

If you’re not sure whether you’re permitted to share certain information with an organisation or person, don't hestitate to get in touch with the Privacy or Security Office.

Sharing personal data

Please contact the Privacy Office via privacy@bb.leidenuniv.nl.

Sharing other business information

Please contact the Security Office via security@bb.leidenuniv.nl.

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