Lock your screen
Locking your screen before leaving your desk: it’s so easy to do but we often forget. This quick action protects both you and the university. Do you always lock your screen when you leave to get a coffee, walk to the printer or chat with a colleague in the corridor?
Working securely starts with you. If you leave your desk for just a moment and don’t lock your screen, someone can easily misuse your computer. It only takes a second to lock your screen and secure the information: will you make a habit of it?
How to lock your screen? This is how!
Use the following key combination:
Windows: Win + L
MacOS: Crtl + Cmd + Q
Linux: Crtl + Alt + L
Why is it so important to lock your screen?
Locking your screen prevents someone else simply accessing your computer (or mobile device) and seeing or stealing sensitive information. Other security measures can’t check whether it’s actually you that is working on your computer. This is why it’s so important to lock it.
Locking your screen ensures that no one can access your own private information or the personal data you’re working on, such as someone’s CV. You have a legal obligation to ensure that unauthorised persons are not able to see personal data that you have to process.

A good habit for you and your colleagues to acquire
Learn to always lock your screen when you leave your desk, even if you think you will only be away for 30 seconds. You might unexpectedly get into a conversation with a colleague, or something else might happen that means you’re away for much longer than you intended.
Help your colleagues by talking about it together, and remind one another if anyone forgets to do it. Your colleague’s computer can also be used to gain access to your data, so don’t hesitate to speak about it with them.