Physical accessibility
The physical accessibility expert group was established to identify how we can make university buildings more accessible and how we can ensure this remains a focus in the future. The group's starting point is that students with disabilities should be able to access and move around university buildings as independently as possible. The group wants buildings to have better facilities in which students with disabilities can follow their education.
The expert group is working to identify the needs and wishes of building users. For this purpose it is collaborating with the university’s real estate department and Diversity Office. By way of an inventory, the group is examining the accessibility of university buildings. If relatively simple improvements are identified, these will be quickly implemented. The expert group will ultimately share the results of its inventory with the faculty boards and discuss ways in which accessibility can be improved.
The expert group also aims to improve the visibility of information about building accessibility on the website. Signage in university buildings is another are of focus. Finally, the group is also looking into how to make the university’s emergency plan more inclusive.