Archive management
The Archive Records Act and Archive Decision regulate the storage of information in documents (digital and analogue), information systems and websites.
The University has specified how it implements this legislation and related obligations in the Archive Management Regulations (in Dutch).
The University is legally bound to maintain an archive. In addition, adequate archive management is necessary for our organisation to formulate future policy, ensure continuity and offer legal accountability. It also represents a valuable source of information.
Your task
We can only keep our archives in order if we all work together. You should therefore make sure that you assign an employee or unit to be responsible for registration and archiving.
If you need help with archiving, please contact the Archive management department. Our product catalogue (in Dutch) describes how we can support you throughout the archiving process.
Archive transfer
Formally you should transfer an archive to the Archive management department once it loses its ‘immediate administrative value’. In many cases, this means ten years after you have stopped building the archive. The Archive management department follows the statutory norms when deciding what to do with such archives.
Retention period
There is a statutory period for how long a document must remain available in an archive. At Leiden University, retention periods are set in the basisselectiedocument (in Dutch). If you have any questions about the retention period of your archived documents, please contact the Archive management department.