49 search results for “fundamentele arbeidsrecht” in the Public website
Arbeidsrecht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Arbeidsrecht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Too few work-related accidents reported to Netherlands Labour Authority
Many employers are unaware that work-related accidents must be reported immediately to the Netherlands Labour Authority (NLA) and therefore they neglect to do so. Therefore, there is often no investigation into the cause of an accident. The NLA is aware of only half of the number of work-related accidents…
Recent afgestudeerd masterstudent arbeidsrecht schrijft artikel voor Tijdschrift voor Arbeid
Rose Horstman bewerkte haar scriptie tot een artikel met de titel ‘de L-factor’ over de rol die de leeftijd van een werknemer speelt bij de begroting van de billijke vergoeding. De billijke vergoeding is een financiële tegemoetkoming die onder bijzondere omstandigheden bij ontslag wordt verstrekt.
Optimalisering: hoe fundamenteler hoe beter
Inaugural lecture
Heleen Andriessen publishes on sexual harassment in the workplace
The fact that sexual harassment in the workplace is a persistent problem became painfully clear again last year, especially after the widely watched ‘Boos’ broadcast on Dutch television. In June, the Supreme Court in the Netherlands settled a matter related to employment law: sexual harassment does…
Probing the darkness: the link between baryons and dark matter
Promotor: Prof.dr. J. Schaye, Co-promotor: Marcello Cacciato
Labour law (LL.M.)
Arbeidsrecht (labour law) is a specialisation within the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at Leiden Law School, Leiden University's renowned faculty of law.
Social Policy is increasingly incorporated as a subject of European law. The Social Dialogue with labour and management organisations leads to agreements that can be transformed into Directives of the Council
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Flexibilisation, globalisation and technological change: consequences for labour markets and social security.
This research project is funded by a subsidy from Instituut Gak.
Leiden Law Academy
Blijven ontwikkelen op academisch niveau is onontkoombaar in een snel veranderende arbeidsmarkt. Wij helpen u graag bij het actueel houden van uw kennis en vaardigheden. Voor een leven lang ontwikkelen moet u in Leiden zijn.
The building as book as a new origin of architecture
Subproject of
Zoonímia Histórico-comparativa: Denominações dos antílopes em bantu
On the 26th of February, Joane de Lima Santiago successfully defended her doctoral thesis and graduated. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Joane on this achievement.
Robert Smit receives his PhD with distinction. ‘I am happy to be back in the lab’
An all-optical transistor, a molecule-sized sensor and a new kind of single-photon source for quantum communication. All dreamed applications of fundamental physics that are one step closer thanks to Robert Smit. On 12 June, he defended his PhD thesis with distinction.
Employment law update by Jamie Korporaal and Fieke Weber
Jamie Korporaal and Fieke Weber, teaching staff at the Department of Labour Law and Social Security, recently published an item in the ‘Tijdschrift voor de Procespraktijk’. The journal item entitled ‘Kort en Bondig: Arbeidsrecht’ (‘Short and Sweet: Employment Law’) informs readers of rulings passed…
VvA meeting to focus on transnational labour law
At the meeting of the Dutch Employment Law Association (Vereniging voor Arbeidsrecht, VvA) on 12 March 2024, which Paul van der Heijden moderated as chair, Yvonne Erkens, Daan van Thiel and Bas Rombouts (Tilburg University) outlined the impact of the shift from soft law to hard law within the context…
Solutions for labour market shortages
The Dutch labour market is struggling with serious shortages in all sectors. Major causes are the ageing population, work pressure, mismatched and unused labour potential, and flex workers. In a joint article in the 'Tijdschrift voor Recht en Arbeid' (TRA), researchers from the Department of Labour…
Clashing fundamental rights in KLM labour dispute
Can the KLM reject an applicant for a job as a pilot or stewardess if they refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19? Or put more broadly: can the employer of a new employee demand that they are vaccinated? Those questions were at the centre of court proceedings brought on Thursday by the Dutch Airline…
Gerrard Boot moves to Central Appeals Tribunal
As of 1 October 2024, Professor Gerrard Boot, Senior Justice at the Amsterdam Court of Appeal, will transfer to the Central Appeals Tribunal. He has already been a Deputy Justice at the Tribunal for some time now.
Gerrard Boot rapporteur at FIDE congress in Sofia
Every other year, the Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen (FIDE) organises an international congress focusing on three topics in the field of EU law. This year’s congress took place from 31 May to 3 June in Sofia, Bulgaria. Gerrard Boot, Professor of Labour Law, acted as rapporteur during…
Fundamental Labor Rights and International Codes of Conduct
On 22 September, the Social Justice Expertise Center and the Dutch Association on Labor Rights (VVA) brought together eighty (Dutch) labor law lawyers to discuss the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and fundamental labor rights.
Gerrard Boot appointed deputy justice in Central Appeals Tribunal
As of 1 January 2024, Gerrard Boot, Professor of Employment Law, has been appointed to act as deputy justice in the Central Appeals Tribunal.
Classes on offer
Below you will find an overview of all PRE-Classes provided by the various programmes of Leiden University. For each section, you can find a description of the content and more specific information about the requirements for participation in the Class.
Criminal law - criteria for criminalisation
One of the recurring points of discussion within the Criminal Justice research programme is the question of what behaviour should or should not fall within the scope of criminal law. This research theme is examined from a legal-dogmatic and social-scientific perspective.
Gerrard Boot and Yvonne Erkens attend annual EALCJ conference
From 8 to 10 September 2022, Yvonne Erkens and Gerrard Boot attended a conference of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ). At the invitation of the Greek representative, the conference was held on Hydra. The EALCJ is an association of judges from all Member States of the European…
Gerrard Boot on embedding of zzp'ers within organisation
The Dutch cabinet wants to stop organisations from using zzp’ers (self-employed professionals) for work that is deemed to be embedded in the organisation. The only exception would be when a person explicitly meets certain criteria for entrepreneurs.
Entrepreneur’s role not given enough weight in VBAR Act
Labour law experts have called on the Dutch government to review the bill for the Dutch Assessment of Employment Relationships and Legal Presumption (Clarification) Act (‘VBAR’). Experts consider this legislative proposal, which aims to clarify the criteria for assessing employment relationships, as…
Gerrard Boot and Yvonne Erkens organise annual EALCJ conference
The conference of the European Association of Labour Court Judges (EALCJ) took place in Leiden from 8 to 10 June 2023. The EALCJ is an association of judges from all EU countries, which provides its members with a forum to exchange knowledge on (European) labour law and its application in the different…
Will employees have to start clocking in again?
This week the European Court of Justice ruled that companies in the European Union as of now have to register the amount of hours their employees work. Member States will be responsible for ensuring employers establish such registration systems.
Max Rood Moot Court competition on labour law
On 21 June, the Labour Law and Social Security department and study association SLN hosted the seventh Max Rood Moot Court competition. The morning session involved teams from various universities arguing labour law cases in the preliminary round. The Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (VU) team and Groningen…
Postgraduate course in Labour Law to begin in September
The new postgraduate course in Labour Law is set to be launched this September! For many years, it was a fantastic course for anyone wanting to enhance their knowledge following several years of practical experience. We’re delighted with the updated programme and teaching staff, who include top legal…
Paul van der Heijden appointed on arbitration panel USMCA in the United States
USMCA (North American Free Trade Agreement) is the successor to NAFTA – a free trade zone covering Canada, the United States and Mexico. This Agreement includes a new procedure to ensure compliance with fundamental labour rights.
Salaris voormalig directielid ITA door hoeveelheid nevenfuncties discutabel
Uit onderzoek van het NRC blijkt dat het salaris van oud-directielid Van Hove, van het inmiddels wegens grensoverschrijdend gedrag op de werkvloer in opspraak geraakte theatergezelschap ITA, bij menigeen de wenkbrauwen doet fronsen. Gerrard Boot, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, spreekt zich over deze salariskwestie…
Is de nieuwe ZZP-wet een valse belofte?
De nieuwe wet Verduidelijking beoordeling arbeidsrelaties en rechtsvermoeden (Vebar) moet duidelijk maken, wanneer iemand als echte zzp’er wordt beschouwd of als werknemer. Stefan Sagel, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, schreef een opiniestuk over dit onderwerp in de Telegraaf.
International Labor Rights Case Law Journal affiliated with Department of Labour Law
In recent years, much research has been conducted at the Department of Labour Law on the topic of sustainability and fundamental labour rights. Linked to this field is a journal: the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal (ILaRC).
Inaugural lecture Alan Neal
On the 17th of October professor Alan Neal will deliver his inaugural lecture as Professor of Social Justice at Leiden Law School. Professor Neal will teach the international labour law course in the Master’s Program Arbeidsrecht (Labour Law), the inaugural lecture will also be the first lecture in…
Dutch cabinet not adopting Boot Committee's main recommendation on ZZP plans
According to Gerrard Boot, Professor of Labour Law, the recommendations of the Committee he chaired on model agreements (Boot Committee) are only partly reflected in the plans of Karien van Gennip, the Dutch Minister of Social Affairs and Employment. The minister is working on a legal presumption of…
Flexible employment benefits offered more often
In an attempt to retain employees and tackle shortages in the labour market, some employers are now prepared to go further in offering attractive employment benefits. Dutch news programme 'Nieuwsuur' has discovered that large international companies, like Uber, McKinsey, and Salesforce, are prepared…
Collaboration BSc Security Studies and the Royal Netherlands Air Force
Interested in an internship at the Dutch Ministry of Defence? Good news! Leiden University and the Royal Netherlands Air Force have formalized their cooperation to offer students an unique opportunity to conduct an internship at an active military base in Woensdrecht, the Netherlands.
Is the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity too broad?
To discuss this question, chairmen, members, and secretaries of the Research Integrity Committees (Commissies Wetenschappelijke Integriteit, CWI) of almost all Dutch universities gathered at the Leiden Observatory on 21 April. Also present were members of the committees from Leuven, Brussels, Ghent,…
Labour Authority to dish out fines for bogus internships
A number of farmers and the exchange agency SUSP are accused of deception in their deployment of foreign interns. The agricultural companies allegedly gave the interns too heavy a workload for an internship. NOS reports that the Netherlands Labour Authority has announced its intention to fine these…
Official Opening Database on Business Ethics (DBBE)
For many years, human rights have mostly been a theme where states constituted the most important actors. Influenced by globalisation and the worldwide integration of the economy, multinational corporations have grown to feel more responsible for compliance to human rights.
Online Open Day for Professionals
Whether it's brushing up on a language, a course on current legal issues, or a master's degree in cybersecurity. Get inspired at the Online Open Day for Professionals on 2 November.
Promotieonderzoek: 'Stel rechten slachtoffers centraal bij aanpak arbeidsuitbuiting migranten'
Arbeidsuitbuiting van migranten wordt als een vorm van het strafrechtelijke delict mensenhandel beschouwd. De rechtspositie van de slachtoffers is mede daardoor ondergeschikt aan de strafrechtelijke procedure. Dat kan en moet anders, stelt Gerrie Lodder in haar proefschrift. Promotie op 21 april 202…
Size Effects in Microstructured Superconductors and Quantum Materials
PhD defence
Advanced MRI in aortic pathology and systemic interactions
PhD defence
How T cells talk to the neighborhood
PhD defence
Met zachte drang
PhD defence
Online Open Day for Professionals
Study information