1,874 search results for “ancient naar echt” in the Public website
Van struikelblok naar bouwsteen
On the 10th of January, Astrid van Winden successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Astrid on this achievement!
Ancient Networks
The archaeology of transregional exchange (1st millennia BCE-CE)
Modern Perceptions of Ancient Religions
The aim of this Research Traineeship will be to analyze the underexplored reception of ancient religions in popular culture, taking Dutch spiritual magazines as a case study. There are five such magazines: Paravisie (1986- ), Paraview (1997- ), Happinez (2003- ), Bres (1965- ), and Prana/Mantra (1975-…
Daily Records of events in an Ancient Egyptian Artisans'Community'
Irene Morfini defended her thesis on 21 February 2019
Ancient Greek ersatz econonomics
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' will be on ancient analogues for modern-day “ersatz economics”, the economics of the “man in the street”.
Ancient Charm
The aim of ANCIENT CHARM was to develop neutron-imaging techniques and the associated equipment, and help establish neutron imaging as a mainstream archaeological analytical technique. In particular, one of the goals was a new imaging technique which called neutron resonant capture imaging combined…
Diversifying Ancient History
The project ‘Diversifying Ancient History’, sponsored by the JEDI Fund from the Faculty of Humanities, aims to thoroughly revise the first-year curriculum of Ancient History. Through these innovations, the course will cater the needs of the present generation.
Ancient History (MA)
Leiden University's master’s programme in Ancient History is your opportunity to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the history of the Greek and Roman periods, with a focus on the mentality and social and economic history of the period between 400 B.C. and 400 A.D.
Het gebruik van drones; een verkennend onderzoek naar onbemande luchtvaartuigen
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), often referred to as drones, have become easy and inexpensive to buy, and it is generally expected that the use of drones by private individuals, businesses and public authorities will increase tremendously in the coming years. This raises questions as to what is technologically…
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
Ancient History (research) (MA)
In the research master Ancient History at Leiden University you will study the history of the Greek and Roman period, focused on the mentality and social and economic history in the period 400 B.C.- 400 A.D.
- Van Onzichtbaar naar Zichtbaar / From Invisible to Visible
History: Ancient History
Are you thinking about studying Ancient History? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Introduction to Ancient Egypt
Do you live in Egypt and have you always wondered about all the pharaonic heritage surrounding you? This fall NVIC organizes a beginner’s level, introductory course in Egyptology. In 6 richly illustrated lessons, the history of ancient Egypt will be brought to life, both chronologically as well as thematically.…
Ancient Near Eastern Studies (BA)
The areas around the Mediterranean Sea have a rich and fascinating past. Do you want to explore these ancient and diverse cultures of the Mediterranean World? In the Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme Ancient Near Eastern Studies at Leiden University you will study the world of Ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia…
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA)
The MA Classics and Ancient Civilizations at Leiden University covers the entire range of present-day research on the civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, Anatolia, Syria and Palestine, Greece and the Roman Empire. In chronological terms, the program covers thousands of years, from the early origins…
The impact of migration: Migrant-related change in the ancient Near East
This project aims at investigating the multidirectional effects of forced and voluntary forms of migration in the ancient Near East.
Over lokalisme, liefdewerk en lonkend perspectief: Verkenning naar participatie en burgerinitiatief in de Nederlandse archeologie.
Dit rapport maakt deel uit van het project Receptenboek burgerparticipatie in opdracht van de Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed (RCE) en met steun van het Fonds voor Cultuurparticipatie.
Onderzoek naar vervuiling in de natuur
Leidse milieuwetenschappers doen onderzoek naar microplastics, bestrijdingsmiddelen en bemesting. En binnenkort naar lichtvervuiling en nieuwe materialen uit de nanotechnologie.
Wat is echt de moeite waard om te onderwijzen? Een perspectiefgerichte benadering - What is really worth teaching? A perspective-oriented approach
With a perspective-based approach to education, students' knowledge, skills and attitude are linked.
Van Aanvallen! naar verdedigen? De opstelling van Nederland ten aanzien van Europese integratie, 1945-2015
To what extent did The Netherlands' attitude towards European integration change after the 2005 referendum on the European Constitution?
- Ancient History Research Seminars 2024-2025
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (research) (MA)
The Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) master's at Leiden University covers the entire range of present-day research on the civilisations of Greece and Rome, Egypt and the Ancient Near East.
The Materiality of Texts from Ancient Egypt
New Approaches to the Study of Textual Material from the Early Pharaonic to the Late Antique Period
A war of words: What ancient Manchurian history does to Korea and China today
Why does the past elicit this intense activity in the present? What does the past mean for the present, and what does it do to it? A WAR OF WORDS will engage this complex of Chinese claims to Manchu-Korean ancient history, South Korean reactions, public discourse and cultural expression in both states,…
The Teaching of Khety and Its Use as an Educational Tool in Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday 23 October 2024 Judith Jurjens successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Skin Deep? Reading the Surfaces of the Body in Ancient Greek Literature and Science
The skin has recently gained attention within body studies for its many specific cultural and social associations, in addition to its biology. This project aims to examine the different layers of meaning and the functions invested in the skin in ancient Greece: how did ancient Greek literary and medical…
Ancient Egyptian Footwear: An Archeological Analysis
The wealth of shoes, sandals and other footwear from ancient Egypt is poorly understood due to lack of research. This is remarkable, because from the very beginning of Egypt’s long history footwear served practical as well as more spiritual purposes.
Ancient History Research Seminar December 2024
Lecture, Ancient History Research Seminar
Towards a historical contextualisation of Ancient Egyptian perspectives of the inner body, sickness, and healing
On Tuesday 30 April 2024 Jonny Russell successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Patterns of Paleomobility in the Ancient Antilles
Patterns of paleomobility in the Caribbean were studied through an inter-disciplinary approach using a combination of archaeological, osteological, mortuary, and isotopic data.
Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia
The Leiden Center for the Study of Ancient Arabia aims to promote research on the ancient languages and cultures of Arabia, and to disseminate this knowledge to the broader public.
The writing culture of ancient Dadan; a description and quantitative analysis of linguistics variation
Fokelien Kootstra defended her thesis on 23 April 2019
Uithuisgeplaatste kinderen keren vaak niet terug naar ouders
Een minderheid van de uithuisgeplaatste kinderen keert terug naar hun ouders, blijkt uit onderzoek van Universiteit Leiden. Hoogleraar jeugdrecht Mariëlle Bruning sprak met verschillende nieuwsmedia: ‘Alles staat zo onder druk dat te weinig ingezet kan worden op intensieve hulp.’
Water Management in Ancient Mexico: Archaeological Heritage and Sustainable Development
This project investigates ancient water management of streams, springs and runoffs on the archaeological site of Monte Albán, Mexico, as a means to contribute with different stakeholders in the development of sustainable solutions to water problems today such as floods and scarcity.
tell us: on ancestor worship, law, social status and gender norms in Ancient Egypt
On Wednesday 3 July 2024 Renata Schiavo successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Classics and Ancient Civilizations (MA and Research MA)
Are you thinking about studying Classics and Ancient Civilizations? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Cosmological interpretation of architecture: cases from Ancient China and Mesoamerica
The civilizations of ancient China and Mesoamerica, although not historically related and obviously different in many specific aspects (such as language and writing), show many interesting commonalities and similar tendencies in their cultural manifestations.
Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context
This monograph by dr. Kim Beerden compares Greek divination to divinatory practices in Neo-Assyrian Mesopotamia and Republican Rome.
creatIef, Creatiever, creaTiefst? Onderzoek naar het belang en de werking van creativiteitstraining bij Bachelor ICT-studenten
This dissertation presents the results of the importance of creativity for ICT-students of Dutch universities of applied sciences (in Dutch: hogescholen), and the functioning of training courses that aim to promote creative abilities is highlighted.
Knowledge Networks and Craft Traditions in the Ancient World
Material Crossovers
Maarja Seire
Faculty of Humanities
m.seire@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271707
Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece. Under the Spell of Stories
Experience, Narrative, and Criticism in Ancient Greece pursues a new approach to ancient Greek narrative beyond the taxonomies of structuralist narratologies.
Vermeerderd en verrijkt: de eerste gravures van de Leidse universiteit naar Jan Cornelisz. van 't Woudt beschouwd vanuit een stedelijke context
On Thursday 30 May 2024 Corrie van Maris successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Cornelis van Tilburg
Faculty of Humanities
c.r.van.tilburg@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2774
Paul Beliën
Faculty of Humanities
p.a.m.belien@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Mariëtte Keuken
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
m.w.keuken@library.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272039
Jürgen Zangenberg
Faculty of Humanities
j.k.zangenberg@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2579
Hieroglyphs, Pseudo-Scripts and Alphabets: Their Use and Reception in Ancient Egypt and Neighbouring Regions
The Egyptian hieroglyphic script was exceptionally versatile, as becomes clear when studying its multiple uses both within Ancient Egypt and beyond its borders.
Postdoctoral Researcher in Ancient Near Eastern Studies (fixed term 2 years; 1,0 fte)
Humanities, Institute for Area Studies