618 search results for “modern jaar” in the Public website
Manon van der Heijden
Faculty of Humanities
m.p.c.van.der.heijden@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2670
Emma Grootveld
Faculty of Humanities
e.j.m.grootveld@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2069
Vacancies: four PhD positions in History
The Institute for History announces vacancies for three PhD positions on Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective and one PhD position to conduct research on the United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC).
- Spring School Medieval and Early Modern Studies: Landscape History and Ecology
Double Lecture: Illustrated Books and Manuscripts in Early Modern Japan
Paul Kozowyk (Material Culture Studies) wins 2nd/3rd prize Leiden University Thesis Awards
Leiden University 2016 thesis awards were awarded to Kaspar Pucek (History), Mariska Meijer (Bio Medical Sciences) and Paul Kozowyk (Archaeology).
Branda Katan spreekt over ESG-class actions bij Suum Cuique
Op woensdag 24 april 2024 organiseerde de studievereniging Suum Cuique haar jaarlijkse congres, dit jaar met het thema ‘De WAMCA en ideële vorderingen’. Branda Katan, bijzonder hoogleraar Corporate Litigation bij de Universiteit Leiden en partner bij Stibbe, sprak samen met Robin Tess Bolland, advocaat…
Casper Wits in POLITICO on the EU's China Policy
University lecturer Casper Wits wrote an opinion piece on the ongoing diplomatic tensions between the European Union and China for POLITICO. In this article, he argues that 'rather than shrinking from the fight, the EU must develop a China policy that prioritizes progressive values and human rights.…
Captive Entanglements: Slavery, Medicine, and Natural Inquiry in Early Modern Italy
Lecture, Global Histories of Knowledge Seminar
Introducing: Maria Pereira Bastião
Maria started as a team-member in one of dr. Catia Antunes' research projects in December 2014 as Early Stage Researcher of the Marie Curie – ITN Project ForSEAdiscovery on ‘Portuguese forest resources and timber supply in the Early Modern period’.
Modernity and the Darkness at the Heart of the Enlightenment: Racism
Dating of Modernity may differ from theorist to theorist, the earliest is the Renaissance, from the beginning of the 16th century. The Enlightenment, though much later, in the 18th century is undisputedly constitutive of the notion of Modernity, and the thoughts/writings of Immanuel…
Digital guest lectures for high school students: ‘It is an art to appeal to them properly’
How do you make lobbying and rhetoric both challenging and understandable for high school students? Professor Jaap de Jong found the answer in climate activist Greta Thunberg. Together with his colleague Arco Timmermans, he developed a digital guest lecture on how to present a convincing story.
The Plurality of Early Modern Media: 21st-Century Perspectives on Interdisciplinary Research in the Humanities
David Schaper
Faculteit Archeologie
d.p.schaper@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 6 1275 4061
Aafje de Roest
Faculty of Humanities
f.a.de.roest@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Alex Gekker
Faculty of Humanities
a.gekker@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Book Launch | Precarious Modernities: Assembling State, Space and Society on the Urban Margins in Morocco
On 4 March 2022, Cristiana Strava will present her recent monograph, Precarious Modernities: Assembling State, Space and Society on the Urban Margins in Morocco. Using rich ethnographic detail, Precarious Modernities offers an immersive account of the multiple scales and entangled…
Sara Bolghiran
Faculty of Humanities
s.bolghiran@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1693
- Week 3: 21–27 January
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
- Symposium Environmental History in the Medieval and Early Modern Low Countries
Introduction to Digital Humanities: Methods, Tools, & Projects in Pre/Early Modern Japan Studies
Introducing Didi van Trijp
Didi van Trijp started her PhD project at LUCAS in October 2015. Her PhD project is part of A New History of Fishes. A long-term approach to fishes in science and culture, 1550-1880, a project directed by prof. dr. Paul Smith.
15 September: Deadline AMT2 Research Funding (final round)
The deadline for the final round of AMT2 Research Funding is 15 September 2018, 17 hrs CET. Application is open to all academic staff of Leiden University. IMPORTANT: THE AMT RESEARCH FUNDING SERVES FOR PROJECTS THAT PREFERABLY ARE IMPLEMENTED IN 2018 AND OTHERWISE MUST BE COMPLETELY ORGANISED IN…
1 March: Deadline AMT2 Research Funding (final round)
The deadline for the final round of AMT2 Research Funding is 1 March 2018, 17 hrs CET. Application is open to all academic staff of Leiden University.
15 December: Deadline AMT2 Research Funding (final round)
The deadline for the final round of AMT2 Research Funding is 15 December 2017, 17 hrs CET. Application is open to all academic staff of Leiden University.
Wouter Linmans: 'The Netherlands did see World War II coming'
On 10 May 1940, the Netherlands was taken completely by surprise by the attack of the German army. Wasn’t it? In his dissertation, Wouter Linmans debunks the idea that the Second World War took the Netherlands by surprise. ‘From 1935 onwards, all major political parties wanted to invest in the military.’…
Who was the owner of the drowned books near Texel? 'It must be someone who travelled a lot'
When hobby divers revisited a nearly 400-year-old shipwreck off the coast of Texel, they discovered more than 1,000 objects in wooden boxes. Eight years later, postdoc Janet Dickinson used recovered books to compile a profile of the mysterious owner.
Pieter Slaman: German occupation lengthened mandatory education
Assistant professor and dual PhD candidate, Pieter Slaman writes in Binnenlands Bestuur about the fact that the German occupier lengthened the period of mandatory education in The Netherlands.
LUCDH Lunchtime Speaker Series: Digital Analyses: Old English Poems and Modern Comics
Join us for our next LUCDH lunchtime talk presented by Janessa Vleghert on Wednesday, 30 November 2022 at 12:00 – 13:00 (CEST). Are you interested in digital humanities? Do you want to learn more about the different computer programmes and software you could work with and how they could…
University of Chicago Press Journals Continue to Earn Top Impact Factor Rankings
According to Thomson Reuters’ 2014 Journal Citation Reports® (JCR) and the Washington & Lee University School of Law 2014 Journal Rankings, 22 journals published by the University of Chicago Press rank at the top of their subject categories.
religion did not(?) matter in the Balkans: confessionalization in early modern Southeastern Europe
Tracing Shumi: Politics and Aesthetics in Modern Japanese Literary Discourse and Fiction
PhD defence
Sara Polak
Faculty of Humanities
s.a.polak@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2142
Manifesting Minutes and Mapping Cosmographies: Time and Place in Early Modern Deccan
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
Willemijn Tuinstra
Faculty of Humanities
w.tuinstra@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5271646
Isabel Casteels
Faculty of Humanities
i.casteels@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Timothy de Zeeuw
Faculty of Humanities
w.j.t.de.zeeuw.2@umail.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9950
Prehistoric language contact in Southern Africaː Khoisan traces in modern Bantu languages
Lecture, Summer School evening lectures
Special operations in an era of escalating great power competition: ‘There is no shortage of challenges’
On Tuesday 20 September, David Kilcullen, one of the world’s leading experts on modern warfare, visited Campus The Hague of Leiden University to discuss future developments in special operations and the escalating competition between great powers.
Wim van Anrooij
Faculty of Humanities
w.van.anrooij@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Quinten Somsen
Faculty of Humanities
q.o.somsen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1646
Human Trafficking and Piracy in Early Modern East Asia: Maritime Challenges to the Ming Dynasty Economy, 1370–1565
Lecture, China Seminar
A Social History of Elephant Watching and Elephant Keepers in Early Modern China
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Regulating Relations: Controlling Sex and Marriage in the Early Modern Dutch Empire
PhD defence
Between the Court and the Village: Uncovering how was Early Modern Warfare Really Waged in Southeast Asia
Lecture, COGLOSS
Peter Liebregts guest lecturer in Canterbury
At the invitation of the Centre for Early Christianity and Its Reception (CECIR), Peter Liebregts, Full Professor of Modern Literatures in English (LUCAS), visited the University of Kent in Canterbury from March 17 to 20, to give a lecture and a masterclass.
Call for Papers - Monarchy in turmoil: princes, courts, and politics in revolution and restoration 1780-1830
For every period, it is a challenge to unearth the details of political trafficking; yet the effort needs to include all relevant persons, groups, and institutions – not only those wielding formal responsibilities. We hope to reinvigorate this effort by inviting specialists to present their research…
‘Archaeology is rooting around between the artefact and the person’
‘Archeologists don’t dig up explanations, let alone certainties,’ says Joanita Vroom, Professor of Archaeology of Medieval and Early Modern Eurasia. ‘Their job is to bridge the gap between the sherds that they find and people’s everyday lives. What do ceramics from the past say about people’s eating…
Ann Stoler Leiden GLASS
Professor Ann Laura Stoler from The New School for Social Research in New York will be the Spring 2016 Global Asia Scholar. She will visit Leiden University from May 17-19, 2016.