4,628 search results for “sociale law” in the Public website
A ‘confused person’ is more of a misunderstood person
The person who cried out at Dam Square on Remembrance Day in 2010. For Michiel van der Wolf this marked the rise of a new phenomenon: that of ‘confused people’. Because since that Remembrance Day, the number of reports of ‘confused people’ in the Netherlands has increased rapidly in the statistics.…
About the programme
Interested in the programme overview of European and International Human Rights Law? Please take a look at this page. The programme information is listed.
Meghan Ingram wins the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2021
On 7 December, Meghan Ingram won the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award 2021 for her thesis on the rights of children of foreign terrorist fighters held in Syria. The prize for the best master’s thesis in the field of children’s rights is awarded every year by Defence for Children and the Department…
Pre-Trial Detention in the Dutch Juvenile Justice System
On 25 January 2018, at 16:15 hrs, Yannick van den Brink will defend his doctoral thesis titled ‘Voorlopige hechtenis in het Nederlands jeugdstrafrecht’ (‘Pre-trial detention in the Dutch juvenile justice system’) at the Academy Building of Leiden University. The doctoral research is supervised by Professor…
Kim Schuurman wins 2023 Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award
Each year, the Jaap Doek Children’s Rights Thesis Award is presented to the student who has written the best master’s thesis in the Netherlands or Belgium in the field of children’s rights. The award was established by Defence for Children and Leiden University's Department of Child Law.
Rotating Honorary Chair in Enforcement of Children’s Rights 2024/2025
Jonathan Todres appointed as Rotating Honorary Chair in Enforcement of Children’s Rights 2024/2025
Maartje van der Woude gives a lecture at UC Berkeley on ‘The Securitization of Migration and Racial Sorting in Fortress Europe’
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Institute) will give a lecture at the Institute of European Studies of the University of California in Berkeley on 4 March 2019.
Jelle But, Demy Jongkind, and Wim Voermans publish in The Theory and Practice of Legislation
The most recent edition of the journal ‘The Theory and Practice of Legislation’ contains a contribution by Jelle But, Demy Jongkind and Wim Voermans.
Evidence: fact finding
Leiden Law School has a strong tradition of research in the field of fact-finding and evidence in criminal cases.
Richard Karlsson Linnér: ‘I expect a future where a genetic test will be as much a no-brainer as getting X-rayed.’
Assistant Professor Karlsson Linnér, who works at the Department of Economics, is one of the recipients of a Veni grant. His research on the accuracy of preventive genetic testing is a fine example of the intersection of economic science and law.
Teaching is a vital part of CompaRe’s activities. Both in Leiden and abroad, our aim is to educate the minds that will redesign and drive forward the regional integration of tomorrow. We do so by offering multiple courses on comparative regional integration in Leiden, the creation of a MOOC on comparative…
Beyond the Dichotomy between Migrant Smuggling and Human Trafficking
PhD defence
CompaRe aims to conduct and stimulate research on comparative regional integration in Europa, Asia, Africa and Latin-America. To this end, CompaRe organizes conferences and workshops, and CompaRe members contribute to conferences, research papers, publications and reports on comparative regional…
Introducing the new Faculty Board
On 15 February 2024, Leiden Law School's Faculty Board will enter a new phase.
André van der Laan appointed Professor by Special Appointment of Juvenile and Adolescent Crime
André van der Laan has been appointed Professor by Special Appointment of Juvenile and Adolescent Crime at Leiden University, a chair established by the Leiden University Fund (LUF) and the Dutch Research and Documentation Centre (WODC). It is the first time that a professorship by special appointment…
‘My mother couldn’t attend my wedding due to corona measures’
At the Faculty of Science, forty per cent of the employees are of a non-Dutch nationality. Amongst PhDs that is even sixty per cent. How are they doing in a time of working at home in a different culture, when travelling is not possible? Biologist Astri Kusumawardhani is the second in this series to…
Maartje van der Woude receives NWO grant for research on ethno-racial profiling
Maartje van der Woude, (Professor of Law & Society, Van Vollenhoven Institute, Leiden University) has received an NWO research grant. This year, 60 of these grants in the Domain of Social Sciences and Humanities were awarded by research funder NWO. It is a prestigious grant for research on a topic…
Extensive media attention for research into income inequality
On behalf of trade union FNV, Egbert Jongen and Heike Vethaak from Leiden University conducted a study on income distribution over the past 40 years. Dutch national media outlets have given extensive news coverage to their study.
New Executive Board at Leiden University
Leiden University has a new Executive Board. Since 8 February 2021, Annetje Ottow has been the new President and Hester Bijl the new Rector Magnificus of the Board, while Martijn Ridderbos has continued in his role as Vice-Chairman.
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
Join our Online Experience Day
Leiden University College The Hague (LUC) offers a 3-year Bachelor's programme with a focus on Global Challenges: Peace & Justice, Sustainability, Diversity and Prosperity. The programme offers room for flexibility; you get to specialize in a major of your choice and combine this with a minor or electives.…
Overview of publications
The BLRN members have published extensively in recent years. In addition to the BLRN book series, dissertations of BLRN members published in the E.M. Meijers Institute Series, you will find below a selection of our publications. For a more complete overview of publications of each BLRN member, please…
Introducing: Stefano Bellucci
In August 2014 Stefano Bellucci started working as Senior Lecturer in African History at the Institute for History.
COI Conference 2023: Towards just institutional approaches to conflict prevention and resolution
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
Freya Baetens speaks at UNESCO conference
Last week, the Ravenna School of Law hosted the UNESCO conference on World Heritage between Education and Economy: A Legal Analysis, at which Freya Baetens presented her paper entitled The new generation of EU Free Trade Agreements: heralding the end of public financial support to maintain cultural…
Our team
Researchers from five different discplines work together in this interdisciplinary initiative.
Why Publish With Us
Founded in 2006, The Hague Journal of Diplomacy (HJD) is the world's leading research journal for the study of diplomacy and has made an important contribution to shaping diplomatic studies as an international academic field. Our mission is to present work from a variety of intellectual traditions for…
8-11 April - Career Days 2024
Course, Career Week
BNAIC/Benelearn conference big success
Reinforcement learning, agents and classification: these are just some of the topics researchers on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning discussed at the BNAIC/BeneLearn conference 2020. It was the first time Leiden University hosted the annually held Belgium Netherlands Artificial Intelligence…
Prison reward systems do not work well and prisoners are the ones who pay
Ten years ago, a new reward system was introduced in Dutch prisons: the only way prisoners could earn extra ‘freedoms’ was through good behaviour. Jan Maarten Elbers concludes that this system does little to encourage behavioural change and can even be counterproductive.
LUCIR 2024 Annual Lecture: Courts in Conflict: Developments and Challenges in Human Rights Litigation in Armed Conflict
Exploring new methods at Research Lab Legal Data Science
How can data analytics be used as a research method in the field of legal research? This question was addressed during the Research Lab Legal Data Science on 23 September, 2016.
Terugblik: De impact van Meijers is na 70 jaar nog steeds voelbaar
In een goedgevuld Teldersauditorium vond op maandag 24 juni het symposium ‘Het Erfgoed van Meijers: 70 jaar waardering en inspiratie’ plaats. Vanuit verschillende perspectieven werd gereflecteerd op de omvangrijke nalatenschap van de Leidse hoogleraar Eduard Maurits Meijers, die precies zeventig jaar…
Procederende belangenorganisaties: ‘Zo worden ook de meest kwetsbaren gehoord’
Interest organisations are increasingly taking legal action and that’s a good thing for democracy, says PhD candidate Rowie Stolk. ‘It means that the most vulnerable social groups – including children and refugees, who tend to have a weaker political position – are protected.’
Seasons of Interdisciplinarity
The Seasons of Interdisciplinarity are an initiative by the Young Academy Leiden that started in 2021.
Book series
Diplomatic Studies (DIST) is a peer-reviewed book series that encourages original work on the theory and practice, processes and outcomes of diplomacy.
'Unwanted Citizens of EU Member States' conference in Liverpool
A PhD candidate from the Van Vollenhoven Institute, Maryla Klajn, was recently invited as one of the speakers to the 'Unwanted Citizens of EU Member States’ conference, which took place in Liverpool on August 27th, 2019.
‘The really hard part is thinking up a wrong answer.’
The topics of discussion included multiple choices questions, research on teaching, workload and many other things. On 29 October four new enthusiastic fellows were installed in the Leiden Teachers’ Academy and presented their research innovation projects.
Het raakt alle gezinsleden: hoe seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen door kan werken in de familie
Seksueel misbruik tussen broers en zussen kan ook na jaren nog grote impact op de familierelaties. Dat blijkt uit onderzoek van Sheila van Berkel, Iva Bicanic en Anja van der Voort, die slachtoffers met elkaar in gesprek brachten over hun ervaringen. ‘Ouders ontkenden of minimaliseerden het misbruik…
Human Trafficking
Tackling human trafficking has been a priority on international, national and local policy agendas for some decades now. Yet a number of knowledge gaps stand in the way of how the issue is approached. Interdisciplinary research is essential if we want to expand our knowledge to benefit policy and pr…
Maartje van der Woude Visiting Scholar at UC Berkeley
Professor of Law and Society Maartje van der Woude (Van Vollenhoven Institute) will be visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Law & Society at the University of California in Berkeley for the next 6 months.
Bart Custers in Red Pers on Virtual Reality
The increasing Technological opportunities of Virtual Reality (VR) increasingly resemble the real world (and more). In Japan VR holidays are very popular and VR porn is emerging.
Bart Custers on CBC Radio on selling your own data
Companies like Facebook and Google make billions of dollars by selling or using our personal data. The data could be used by many different entities for many different reasons: from universities for research, to brands for creating targeted ads. But rather than just giving their data away to these companies…
Do Intersex & Transgender Children Have Human Rights?
Leadership change at YAL
As every academic year, the leadership team of the Young Academy Leiden is changing. As of September 2021, Dr. Annemarie Samuels (Associate Professor, Social and Behavioural Sciences), former Vice-Chair, will be the Chair of YAL. And Dr. Sarah Giest (Assistant Professor, Governance and Global Affairs)…
A multidisciplinary conversation on 'The Story of Constitutions' – Wim Voermans’ latest book
Book presentation
- Earth Day Event: Universal Income & Sustainability
On juvenile crime and responses to it
Inaugural lecture
Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh obtains grant for 'gendered migration' research
Dr. Jennifer Day from the University of Melbourne, Dr. Margaretha Wewerinke-Singh and Ms. Olivia Johnson have obtained a $30,000 (EUR 26.741) research grant from the National Geographic Society for a two-year interdisciplinary research project on 'Gendered Migration: Women, Evictions, and Power in Port…