4,143 search results for “dutch act on financial supervisor” in the Public website
Proteomics and functional investigation of SUMO and ubiquitin E3 ligases
PhD defence
Award ceremony Jaap Doek Children's Rights Thesis Award
- Public graduation presentation, Sjoerd van Midden
- The Gender Agenda in International Justice: A Conversation with Gender Focal Points
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
Legitimation as political practice: everyday authority in Tanzania and beyond
Intimate Legal Interactions Meeting: Legitimacy as lens to study the governance of global citizenship education
Antiviral strategies against emerging coronaviruses
PhD defence
- Social Safety Dialogue - Session 1: Trust
The role of the UN in the conflict in Ukraine
Lecture, Seminar
PCNI Research Seminar on Political Meetings
Lecture, PCNI Research Seminar
- Public graduation presentation, Imara Bollinger
- Public graduation presentation, Cania Antariksa
L(SB)2 Seminar: Discovering new heparanase inhibitors through X-ray Crystallography
An Algebra for Interaction of Cyber-Physical Components
PhD defence
Lecture by Prof. Taylor: Dementia at the Ragged Edges of Family and the State
Marketing Nostalgia: Packing and Unpacking the Everyday Lives of Children in Japan
68th Rencontre Assyriologique Internationale
Sexuality and the interactional micro-politics of belonging
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Pathophysiology of von Willebrand factor in bleeding and thrombosis
PhD defence
Global China’s Human Touch?
PhD defence
- Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
The Hague: working towards a healthier city
The disparities in terms of health and wellbeing in The Hague are considerable. A team headed by Jet Bussemaker, professor in the field of policy and society, wants to change that. The 'fences' in the healthcare system have to be got rid of. In particular the Laakkwartier and Moerwijs, two poorer areas…
Leiden Law Cast #2: The role of the criminal defence lawyer with Dr M. Lochs
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Social Science Matters: Internationalization
International education in the Netherlands is under pressure. There is pressure on the student housing market, and there is a greater desire among right-wing parties to keep our education and students within the borders and to make studies Dutch-language. In these social matters we look at what international…
‘A week feels like a month at the National Think Tank’
In the National Think Tank (NDT) 20 young academics spend four months reflecting on how to solve a societal problem. Four participants from Leiden told us about their experience.
‘The historical pedigree of New Wars and New Terrorism’: meet LUCIR scholar Isabelle Duyvesteyn
Isabelle Duyvesteyn, Professor of International Studies and Global History at the Institute of History and member of the advisory board of Leiden University’s Centre for International Relations (LUCIR) is widely regarded as an expert on civil wars and conflicts. Her new book, Rebels and Conflict Escalation,…
Successful second annual conference of the Leiden Center for East African Law at the EAC headquarters in Arusha
On the 5th of May 2016, the second annual conference of the Leiden Center for East African Law (LEAC) took place at the East African Community headquarters in Arusha, Tanzania. The Conference was organized on the occasion of Europe Day with the generous support of the EAC, the EU delegation to EAC and…
Public Administration celebrates its anniversary, professors reflect: '40 years young!'
Public Administration has been around for 40 years, and that deserves to be celebrated. Before the festivities begin, four figures from the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the past years, with one even looking back over the last 25 years. Speaking are: Bernard Steunenberg, Caelesta Braun,…
Veni grants for 19 young Leiden researchers
Nineteen researchers who have recently been awarded their PhD are to receive a Veni grant of up to 250,000 euros. Science funding agency NWO has awarded a total of 158 Venis in this round; Leiden University's share of the awards is 12 percent.
No legal career but a food truck on Bonaire instead
If you study law, you won’t necessarily end up striding round a law firm in tailor-made suits. Alumnus Harrie Schoffelen certainly hasn’t: he made the conscious decision to follow another path in life. Together with his fiancée he runs a successful food truck on the tropical island of Bonaire. ‘Return…
Leiden Law Cast: The prison population NL vs. BE with Miranda Boone
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Maureen Rutten - van Mölken: 'Investeren in innovaties die de meeste gezondheidswinst opleveren'
Digitale medische technologie kan een belangrijke bijdrage leveren aan betaalbare zorg en het oplossen van het tekort aan zorgpersoneel. Maar hoe weet je of een innovatie daadwerkelijk waarde toevoegt aan het zorgsysteem?
GI grants awarded to Mariana Francozo, Sabine Luning and Wayne Modest
Global Interactions is pleased to announce that we have awarded a GI Advanced Seminar grant to Dr. Mariana Francozo (Archaeology) for 'Historia Naturalis Brasiliae' and a Breed Grant for 'Global Earth Matters' to Dr. Sabine Luning (CA-DS) and Dr. Wayne Modest (RCMC)
Annetje Ottow back in Leiden
Annetje Ottow is the first female president of the Executive Board of Leiden University, which means a return to her Alma mater.
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
Om te beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
Plastic surgeon Diederik Hofstede: ‘I like small scale'
After studying medicine in Leiden, Diederik Hofstede specialised in plastic surgery. 'I was attracted by its creativity and I enjoy working with my hands.' Cosmetic surgery is just 5% of the work.'
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Take care of each other’
After a turbulent Covid year, the well-being of our students and staff has the highest priority. How can we prevent physical and mental health problems? This was the key question at the Opening of the Academic Year in Pieterskerk in Leiden on 6 September.
Only in America: chemist becomes America correspondent
Chemistry, which is what Hans Klis studied in Leiden, is not what one might expect of a general journalist. ‘I’m a late bloomer,’ he says, despite having spent four years as America correspondent and written a book on notorious school shootings by the tender age of 34.
This archaeologist dives to VOC ship De Rooswijk
Martijn Manders conducts research on the sunken VOC ship De Rooswijk. Tirzah Schnater from the Ministry of Education, Culure and Science produced this impressive report of the work of this underwater archaeologist.
The future of the past is enough to make you feel down
The slogan of the Faculty of Archaeology, ‘The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University’, might sound like empty marketing speak. But there is something to it. The past can teach us a lot about climate change and that could make us fear the worst for our future. Archaeologist Gerrit Dusseldorp…
How to keep a forest happy? A study on singing behaviour in BaYaka hunter gatherers in Congo
For the first time, a group of international and interdisciplinary researchers led by Karline Janmaat and her former MSc Student Chirag Chittar, have tested the several hypotheses on music simultaneously in a modern foraging society during their daily search for tubers – their staple food.
Leiden Law Cast: reverend Ruben Van Zwieten
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
COI Conference 2023: Call for Abstracts
The 2023 Conference: Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) aims to identify just institutional approaches that seek (real) conflict prevention and conflict resolution in the legal context. It will be held in Utrecht on 28 and 29 September 2023. We welcome abstracts from all researchers around the…
The ancient Egyptians were just like us
The people who lived in Saqqara, City of the Dead in Egypt, died thousands of years ago, but they are not all that different from us. This is what a study by the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands concludes. If you wanted to prove that you had good taste in ancient Egypt then…
Van Bergen Prize winner Archery Attack has growth potential
Dutch and international students brandishing bows and arrows fire at each other on the fields of the University Sports Centre on 11 May. This is the aim – not the shooting each other, but the act of getting together.
Open call to BRIN-LDE Academy
The 2022 Academy is co-organised by Leiden, Delft Erasmus Universities (The LDE Alliance) from the Netherlands and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Aim of this five day programme is co-creation in the field of teaching and research on sustainable urbanisation. It also aims to facilitate…
Healthcare and population health: AI research in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
‘Our health is the area that stands to gain most from artificial intelligence.’ The three universities in Zuid-Holland are helping make these gains. Three researchers talk about their collaborative research into AI for health, drug discovery and healthcare in the AI knowledge cluster in Zuid-Holland.…
Leonard Blussé receives prestigious Fukuoka Prize in Japan
Leonard Blussé, Professor Emeritus of History of European-Asian Relations, was awarded the 13th Fukuoka Prize in Japan on 10 September.