4,220 search results for “from and literary studies” in the Public website
From every angle
PhD defence
Learning from small samples
PhD defence
Book launch: Roots of counterterrorism, Contemporary Wisdom from Dutch Intelligence
Lecture, Book launch
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
Telling Stories: Narrative Traditions from South and Southeast Asia
Discovering and Uncovering the Crimmigration Control Apparatus from Within
PREPARE Final Conference – Engaging with children from violent extremist families
- OSCoffee: Trust vs. accountability - from red tape to red flag
Discretion and decision making seminar
On 20 & 21 April 2017 international researchers in the field of law and society and criminology presented their work in Brussels and shared ideas on discretion and decision-making.
Enabling the most impact from Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) research
Working Group
Minecraft in Morocco: virtual building blocks bring the past to life
Getting young people excited about history is quite possible without books. Researchers from Leiden travelled to Morocco to work with schoolchildren on reconstructing cultural heritage in the popular video game Minecraft. The result: one virtual 14th-century city gate – and 20 teens with a greater appreciation…
Brain changes underlying social anxiety: numbers count!
In a recent mega-analysis, researchers from Leiden University aimed to clarify the contradictory findings of research into social anxiety disorder. They found that to obtain reliable research results having the largest possible sample size is important. Publication in NeuroImage:Clinical.
The Military Perspective: Sea Power in International Security
The Military Perspective: Commanding Air Power
Intelligence & the Direction of War
The energy transition under the nanoscope: Gravitation funding for ANION project
Bringing together chemists and physicists to thoroughly investigate how electrochemical processes work on the smallest scale. That is the goal of the new Advanced Nano-electrochemistry Institute of the Netherlands, or ANION for short. The consortium receives a Gravitation funding of 23.6 million euros…
Keuzegids consumer guide: six top programmes at Leiden University
Leiden University has six top bachelor’s programmes, according to Keuzegids universiteiten 2024 consumer guide to universities published on 30 November 2023. This once again puts the university in third place among broad universities ranked according to top programmes.
‘Everyone in healthcare realises that something has to change’
Good, accessible and affordable healthcare is increasingly difficult to provide. Martin Schalij from the LUMC understands that this can keep people awake at night.
Healthcare interpreting today and tomorrow
immediately see the logic behind the processes.’ Her career has taken her from Leiden to Delft and back to Leiden again.
The Executive Board of the Institute of Psychology has a new Director of Operational Management. It’s the perfect role for Paula van den Bergh. ‘For me, “connection” is a nice word. If you see the connections between things, you immediately see the logic behind the processes.’ Her career has taken her…
The Military Perspective: Space Power
The Use of Artificial Intelligence Technologies for Military Purposes
Videoconferencing with the Rural Riches group: ‘The most important thing is to develop some discipline’
The Rural Riches research group convenes for coffee on a daily basis. Remotely, that is, to prevent the spread of coronavirus. It is the perfect way to stay connected, exchange ideas, and socialise. ‘We now are more in touch with each other than in the usual situation when we are all at the Faculty.…
Jewish Magic from Antiquity to the Twenty-First Century
Russia correspondent Eva Hartog: ‘Return to the Netherlands? No way!’
Russia correspondent Eva Hartog took a Master’s in Political Philosophy in Leiden in 2011. This former editor-in-chief of The Moscow Times sees this short period as a new chapter in her life. And she is once again contemplating her future now she can no longer ask the big questions in Russia.
Social Science Matters: scientist about voting behaviour
How do people vote? How rational are voting choices? How much do external factor weigh in? In this article social scientis provide some background.
Sexuality in the Renaissance. From dissertation to public book
Lecture, Research Seminar Europe 1000-1800
Interactions from Lipid Membrane Deformations
PhD defence
Seventeenth-century Dutch were masters in fake news
LUC historian Jacqueline Hylkema unmasks forgeries from the early modern Dutch Republic in the research project
From data to discoveries: machine learning and optimization in space
800 year old mystery of ancient bone disease solved
Scientific research at the molecular level on a collection of medieval skeletons from Norton Priory in Cheshire, United Kingdom, could help rewrite history after revealing they were affected by an unusual ancient form of the bone disorder, Paget’s disease. Osteoarchaeologist Carla Burrell, attached…
Asia Academy #06: Taiwan's Future
Two Vrije Competitie Grants for LUCL researchers
LUCL is pleased to announce that two Vrije Competitie Grants have been awarded to LUCL researchers. Prof.dr. Lisa Cheng and dr. Jenny Doetjes have been awarded a grant for their project 'Understanding questions'. Prof.dr. Michael Kemper (UvA) and prof.dr. Jos Schaeken have been awarded a grant for the…
The internal structure of sentential negation: A view from suppletion
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Supplier Codes of Conduct: From Policy to Practice
LTP Lecture: Frege’s Logic: From 'Begriffsschrift' to 'Grundgesetze'
Unveiling Media Accessibility: From Research to Practice and Back
Lecture, Leiden Translation Talks
Jason Laffoon's Archaeometry article in top 20 most read
The research article ‘The life history of an enslaved African’ is one of the top 20 read Archaeometry articles in the period of January 2017 to December 2018.
Partners into the Contemporary Art Sector: Exploring China as a Case Study
Lecture, China Seminar
Lunch Time Seminars
The biweekly Lunch Time Seminar is an online only event, but it is not publicly accessible in real-time. If you would like to attend one of the upcoming sessions, please send an email to sails@liacs.leidenuniv.nl.
‘Think what you want to do about international students before developing your housing policy’
Students used to live with a landlady or even with the professor whose course they were taking. Student accommodation has since become more professional, making it something the new government will have to tackle. What should the new government do?
Remembering Olivier Nieuwenhuyse with a festschrift: ‘He would have loved this book’
On November 16 a festschrift in honor of Dr Olivier Nieuwenhuyse was presented in a moving event at the Faculty of Archaeology. Professor Bleda Düring, a personal friend of Nieuwenhuyse, was one of the initiators. ‘If he had been here, he would have loved this book.’
Archaeologists bring experts on human evolution together with Kiem grant
Leiden University's Kiem grants aim to help develop new interdisciplinary and interfaculty collaborations and encounters. In the first round, a Kiem grant was awarded to a group of researchers from the Faculty of Archaeology, the Faculty of Social Sciences, and the LUMC for the organisation of a symposium…
The implementation of central reforms at the local level. Three case studies on the Austrian Empire, Bavaria, and Prussia around 1800
Lecture, Research seminar 1000-1800
Authority in conversation: from linguistic norms to moral order
“Armez-vous des sciences”? The Creative Lives of African Universities
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
Participatory Action Research: possibilities and challenges in the humanities
Course, Terra Incognita Masterclass
QAnon and Alien Gods: Plausibility Construction in the Cultic Milieu (11th Leiden Symposium on New Religiosity)
Lecture, Symposium
Use of Chemical Weapons – from Attribution to Accountability
Conference, Seminar
LCCP Colloquium "Singing Unsung Stories: From Disinterest to Strange Taste"