711 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Staff website
Over nut en noodzaak van onderzoek naar hoger onderwijs
Inaugural lecture
De sterkste schakel! Opleiding verbindt wetenschap en praktijk
Inaugural lecture
Metalen en licht: sleutels naar een gezondere wereld
Inaugural lecture
Op Maat - Levertransplantatie en behandeling van leverfalen gepersonaliseerd
Inaugural lecture
Van willen naar zijn. De ambivalentie over diversiteit en inclusie
Inaugural lecture
Op de juiste plaats en op het juiste moment
Inaugural lecture
Innovatie in de hepatologie door klinisch en translationeel onderzoek
Valedictory lecture
Knooppunt dagboek. Meertaligheid, discourstradities en de geschiedenis van het Nederlands
Inaugural lecture
Ongekende Belangen. Over maatschappelijke democratie en bestuurlijke responsiviteit
Inaugural lecture
Oogkleppen af! Gedragsverandering voor een gezonde wetenschap en samenleving
Inaugural lecture
Open Q&A with the European Parliament President Roberta Metsola
The 2024 European Parliament election: what’s at stake?
Rick Lawson elected member of the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency
In November 2020 former dean Rick Lawson, professor of European Human Rights Law, was elected member of the Management Board of the EU Fundamental Rights Agency in Vienna. He was nominated by the Dutch Government following an open selection procedure.
Piet van de Velde
Faculteit Archeologie
p.van.de.velde@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Tijmen Pronk
Faculty of Humanities
t.c.pronk@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4168
Nisida Gjoksi
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
n.gjoksi@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Harold Koster
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
h.koster@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7235
Daniel Schade in The Washington Post: 'Schengen hasn't been fully functioning as intended since 2015'
More European countries are introducing border controls, clashing with the ideal of free movement within Europe. Daniel Schade, Assistant Professor of EU Studies at Leiden University, analyses this development in The Washington Post.
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
European Citizens’ Initiative and participatory democracy in the EU
Lecture, Seminar
Politica del anonimato en el cine de América Latina
PhD defence
Stimulering en facilitering van burgerinitiatieven door de overheid
PhD defence
Europeización de la Educación Superior en Chile y Colombia
PhD defence
Las narrativas precoloniales en el occidente de Oaxaca, México
PhD defence
State of the European Union 2022: what is to come?
Lecture, Seminar
LGBTIQ rights in Europe: the role of the European Parliament
Lecture, Seminar
- AI en invloed juridisch onderwijs
The PNR decision and beyond: Melanie Fink on the consequences of automation for the right to good governance
From 23 to 24 February 2023, the Conference ‘The Future of the European Security Architecture: The CJEU’s decision on Passenger Name Records and beyond’ took place at the KNAW in Amsterdam.
Faculty Research Day 27 January
European social policy in neoliberal times: dealing with social issues during and after the Delors years
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Eager enlargers, reluctant reformers? Central and Eastern European perspectives on EU’s institutional reform
Lecture, European Union Seminar
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
Stability in unstable times: how the European Central Bank handles inflation
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Man, woman and more: 'Why does my passport have to say I'm a woman?'
Protests against textbooks on trans persons in America and against a reading hour by drag queens in Rotterdam: it has been raining protests recently against people with a gender expression that does not match their birth sex. Why does this evoke such resistance? We asked Professor by special appointment…
Paul Nieuwbeerta affiliated professor at Statistics Netherlands
From April 2022, Professor Paul Nieuwbeerta will be working one day a week as affiliated professor for Statistics Netherlands (Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek (CBS)). He is Professor of Criminology at the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Leiden University.
Ralph Kijk in de Vegte
Administratief Shared Service Centre
r.kijk.in.de.vegte@assc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Hanna Stalenhoef
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
h.s.stalenhoef@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Vincent Walstra
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
v.r.walstra@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
'Frontex should have confined itself to a supportive role'
Frontex, the European Border and Coast Guard Agency, is currently facing serious criticism. Over a short space of time, it has been significantly expanded. And the larger the Agency becomes, the more often it comes under fire.
Maurits Berger on Ruetir about national holidays
Why are the majority of our national holidays based around Christian festivities? Arabist Maurits Berger talks about this in an article on Ruetir.
Jorrit Rijpma over asielbeleid toekomstig kabinet
Ontwikkelingshulp- en migratiedeskundigen zien dat er lessen zijn geleerd in het nieuwe regeerakkoord op het gebied van asielbeleid. Maar aan veel toezeggingen kleven cynische voorwaarden.
- European Week Against Racism
Volgens hoogleraar Sarah Wolff zijn EU-migratiedeals een slechte oplossing voor een niet bestaand probleem
Nu in heel Europa rechtse partijen hoog scoren in de peilingen is de verwachting dat de discussie omtrent migratie flink opgeschud gaat worden. Desondanks maant hoogleraar Sarah Wolff tot kalmte.
Effecten van korte gevangenisstraffen en de prijs die we ervoor betalen
Marie-leen Ryckaert
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.l.e.ryckaert@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9589
European Day of Languages
Alumna Tessa Schiethart: 'If I could go back to my student days, I’d go right away'
That Tessa Schiethart finished her bachelor's degree in International Studies with a thesis on Indonesian women's reasons for veiling was a coincidence. Or so she thought. Six years later, her book Seeing and Being Seen, in which she writes about her life with a wine stain and vision loss, is in the…
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
The European Precariat
PhD defence
Waarom Rutte de juiste kandidaat is om de cohesie binnen de NAVO te bewaren
Lars Brummel explains in The Conversation that Rutte is a good candidate to counter threats to NATO's cohesion.