996 search results for “isabel domestic politiek” in the Public website
Symposium: Inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
How do national courts engage with the Convention on the Rights of the Child?
This year marks the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) by the UN General Assembly. How do countries implement this treaty and how does it relate to their own national legal system? PhD defence on 3 December 2019.
Henk te Velde on ABC Nightlife about Queen Wilhelmina
82 years ago Queen Wilhelmina fled to England. Henk te Velde tells about her on the Australian radio show 'Nightlife'.
Hans-Martien ten Napel on Tocqueville and modern democracy
Recently, Hans-Martien ten Napel was in the news on the above subject several times.
Janna Everaert - Dissertation
On 3 December 2020 (at 14.30) Janna Everaert will defend her dissertation "Macht in de metropool. Politieke elitevorming tijdens de demografische en economische bloeifase van Antwerpen (ca. 1400-1550)". To attend this event please send an email to janna.everaert@vub.be.
New Book by Daniel Peat - Comparative Reasoning in International Courts and Tribunals
Cambridge Studies in International and Comparative Law
Guest Researchers
Opportunities to join the initiative as a guest researcher and spend time in residence with GTGC in The Hague are available. If you are interested, we welcome you to contact us. Below you can find our current and former guest researchers.
- Diplomatic Theory
- Economic, Corporate, Commercial & Trade Diplomacy
Governance and society
Governance is a complex puzzle of organisations, people and divergent interests. Academic research in this field furthers our knowledge of the role of public administrators, of different organisational structures, of the people who work at such organisations and of how these organisations implement…
Pauline Aarten and Marieke Liem in ‘Politie en Wetenschap’ with their new research
Commissioned by ‘Politie en Wetenschap’, Pauline Aarten, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, and Marieke Liem, Associate Professor at Leiden University, published their new research last week. The study
The unexpected power of small states
One of the baffling aspects of international power politics is the unexpectedly major influence exercised by particular small states. Professor of International Studies and Global History Isabelle Duijvesteijn discovered that peace missions and development aid help generate power. Inaugural lecture…
Nominees Van den Berg Thesis Prize 2020
Who authored the best theses in Leiden University's Political Science BSc programmes?
Nominees bachelor thesis prizes Political Science 2022
The nominees for the Prof. Dr. J.Th.J. van den Berg-prijs 2022 and the IRO Thesis Prize 2022. Who wrote the best bachelor thesis in Political Science?
Saga Sjöberg and Thijs Brinksma win Political Science bachelor’s thesis prizes 2024
All students receiving their bachelor diploma in Political Science last week had a reason or two to celebrate. Two of them especially so: they won the annual award for the best thesis in the International Relations and Organisations and the Politicologie/Internationale Politiek programmes. Congratulations,…
Freya Baetens speaks at Uppsala Symposium on International Investment Law as a Field for Scholarly Research
On 3 June 2016, the Symposium on International Investment Law as a Field for Scholarly Research was organized by Uppsala University, together with the Nordic Network on Investment Law and the Swedish Institute of International Law.
Europe in the World
The place of European states and institutions in world politics is the core focus of this pillar. Research on this theme concerns European actors’ ability to promote peace, security and justice in their neighbourhood and to shape the future of global governance by translating its economic size into…
Leiden University has been promoting studies on Latin America and the Caribbean for a long time.
The Foundations of European Integration
Research on this theme concerns the legitimacy and effectiveness of Europe’s institutional order in the face of public alienation and normative contestation.
Sara Polak: 'I want to know if what social media is doing to the political game in the US is unique'
Political games have existed throughout history, but what is the role of 'play' in the way the American political world has developed? University lecturer Sara Polak has received an ERC Starting Grant to investigate this.
Becoming a 'Domestic Worker' or a 'Trailing Spouse': Migrant women, space, body and belonging in Singapore
PhD defence
The Political Economy of an Enigma: Exploring Vietnam's Domestic Dynamics and International Role
Lecture, LAC Asia Academy
Sibel Bahtiri is one of the new Faces of Science: ‘I want to show how we’re finding alternatives to animal testing’
PhD candidate Sibel Bahtiri is one of the new Faces of Science. In videos and blogs, she will show what life is like as a young researcher.
Interview Prof. em. Wim Blockmans
Prof. em. Wim Blockmans (Leiden University) has given an interview to ‘De Nieuwe Wereld’ (in Dutch). He talks about his latest book 'Medezeggenschap. Politieke participatie in Europa vóór 1800'. Take also a look at the YouTube channel of this Dutch philosophy collective as other videos feature medievalists…
Overview of Leiden publications on Central Asia. For additional publications dedicated to a single country, please go to individual pages of the researchers, which you can access through the Researchers page.
Centre for Art, Literature and Law (CALL)
The center studies the many ways in which issues of law and justice are dealt with in art and literature with a focus on liminal issues and cases. These are issues and cases where law comes to the limits of what it is capable of dealing with and art and literature explore the implications of what is…
Programme structure
From taking general introductions to developing your personal specialty; on topics ranging from the city council to the ‘new world order’; with forays into economics, history and philosophy: during Politicologie: Nationale en Internationale Politiek, a world will open up for you.
Introductie Sociale Wetenschappen: mens en gedrag in veranderde wereld
How do psychology, culture, politics, and upbringing influence our lives in a rapidly changing world? What is the role of education and development, and how do cultural differences shape our society? In the minor "Introduction to Social Sciences: Human Behavior in a Changing World" (30 EC), you will…
Call for Panels and Papers - 7th ENIUGH congress: ”Conflict and Inequity, Peace and Justice: Local, Regional and International Perspectives”
The Seventh European Congress on World and Global History, entitled
New co-convener team for LUCIR
As of January 2021, Leiden University’s Centre for International Relations (LUCIR) has a new team of coordinators, as well as a new advisory council.
LUCSoR student perspectives on the Jewish Experience, in podcast form
In her “Jews and Judaism” lecture class, Dr. Sarah Cramsey’s students produced 7-minute long podcasts instead of final papers.
The Europa Institute organises its annual PhD Day in a new online format
On Friday, June 12th, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day.
Genetics proves it: Indo-European did not come to Europe on horseback
Horses were first domesticated in South-West Russia, is the conclusion drawn by an international team of researchers writing in the well-respected journal Nature. Their conclusion resolves a longstanding archaeological question. But, surprisingly enough, this domestication did not contribute to the…
EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency (second edition)
Just Published: EU Banking and Insurance Insolvency (second edition) Authored and Edited by Gabriel Moss QC, Bob Wessels and Matthias Haentjens Published by Oxford University Press
Impacts of the use of Natural Resources and Products
Development of an aggregated impact indicator to measure decoupling.
Plant Macro-Fossils and Climate Change
This part of the research programme is carried out by Prof. Dr. René Cappers. It focusses on the continuities and changes in the use of plants at Late Neolithic Tell Sabi Abyad, as well as on their implications as proxy evidence for the climate change c. 6200 BC. Parallel to the design of the other…
Understanding coercive nuclear reversal dynamics: A comparative case study of the US coercive diplomacy against the nuclear programs of Iran
What are the conditions under which coercive diplomacy can compel a State to abandon its controversial nuclear (weapons) program? Based on the experience of the US coercive diplomacy against the nuclear programs of three countries, namely Iran, Libya and South Africa, Jean Yves Ndzana’s PhD research…
History and International Studies 1900-Present
The research programme History and International Studies 1900-Present addresses the interconnections and interdependence of contemporary global political, economic and cultural affairs from a multidisciplinary perspective rooted in the humanities.
Policy Review on Decoupling
Development of indicators to assess decoupling of economic development and environmental pressure in the EU-25 and AC-3 countries.
Foreign investment and colonial economic growth in Indonesia
The aim of this PhD dissertation is to explore the link between foreign investment and macroeconomic performance in the context of a colonial economic structure in Indonesia between c. 1910 and c. 1960.
Latin America and the UN
Subproject of the ERC project 'Challenging the Liberal World Order from Within: The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South'.
Seminar on Labour Exploitation in the Netherlands and the United Kingdom
In 2015 the division ‘Migration and Crime’ of the Dutch Society for Criminology has been established to bring together academic researchers that are active in this diverse field with each other and relevant persons and organisations. On March 10 it will organise its first seminar on labour exploitation,…
Ideology and Social Structure of Stone Age Communities in Europe
Also including: Wateringen 4 & Acquiring a taste.
At Leiden University, our Research Group is committed to advancing knowledge and understanding in the field of violence and violence prevention through interdisciplinary scholarship and innovative methodologies. Our faculty members are leading experts in their respective fields, bringing diverse perspectives…
Neandertal Legacy
The genetic material of currently living Europeans is partly of Neandertal origin. Were our ancestors successful because they were hybridising and interacting with the local populations they encountered when migrating into new places? Reconstructing our evolutionary trajectory is key for rethinking…
Perpetuating Bhutan Highland Heritages
This 4-year research project focuses on vernacular and unacknowledged heritages of the highlands of Bhutan. It seeks to make a major contribution to the preservation of these heritages, to create a cultural resource for current and future generations.
European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Our Master Law in European and International Human Rights Law (LL.M.) looks at the various human rights protection mechanisms from a comparative perspective
- Volume 4 (2009)
Researchers publish book on public organizations
Researchers Wim van Noort, Sandra Groeneveld, Marieke van der Hoek, Jelmer Schalk en Joris van der Voet published a book on public organizations.
Prize MOOC Public Administration 1 of the best courses 2017
Great news: the MOOC