4,055 search results for “history of centre and eastern europe” in the Public website
Art History (MA)
The master’s programme in Arts and Culture at Leiden University is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Art History and Museum Studies. Informed by leading interdisciplinary research, this degree provides you with a strong academic foundation for a variety of careers in museums, galleries and…
History of crime comes to life
For many people, five o’clock signals the end of their working day. But not for the motivated students of the Honours College Law. With some drinks and snacks, they keep going well into the evening. This time, they met for the festive conclusion of a course which brought the history of Dutch crime to…
The Enforcement of Offender Supervision in Europe. Understanding Breach Processes
This book provides a comparative analysis of the process of breach across ten different European jurisdictions by identifying and elaborating a number of key analytical themes through which the different systems can be compared and evaluated.
Drug-Related Homicide in Europe
Drug-related homicide (DRH) has the potential to act as a valuable indicator of wider drug-related crime. Yet DRH remains a knowledge gap within this broader field of study.
Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe, 1200-1600
Louis Sicking's Maritime Conflict Management in Atlantic Europe was awarded an 'Internationalisation in the Humanities' grant from NWO. What can we learn from how maritime conflicts were managed in the past?
Institute for History
The motto of the Institute for History is: ‘Global questions, local sources.’ Its researchers use local sources to find answers to major historical questions. Without historical analysis, it is impossible to understand and explain the issues in society today. Leiden itself has a rich history, with big…
Sweet Tooth | Zoetekauw
The journey of sugar from east to west
Inaugural lecture: Open the treasure room and decolonize the museum
The treasure houses of Leiden's University Library and Naturalis house wonderful historical collections with dried plants and botanical drawings. Tinde van Andel, extraordinary professor of History of botany and gardens, studies these collections.
Migrants, welfare and social citizenship in postcolonial Europe
This paper explores how citizenship is enacted and experienced in welfare encounters for Egyptian migrant parents in Paris, Amsterdam, and Milan, highlighting the importance of social citizenship and personal interactions in shaping belonging.
Summer School on the History of the Book
Van 21 augustus tot en met 8 september zijn de workshops en cursus van de jaarlijkse Summer School on the History of the Book van het Allard Pierson en de vakgroep Boekwetenschap. Drie weken lang is er elke werkdag een cursus, workshop of lezing over thema’s die te maken hebben met de geschiedenis van…
Grotius Centre
Leiden University has a long and outstanding tradition in the field of public international law.
Labor. Essays in Honor of Jan Lucassen | Studies in Global Social History, Volume: 9
This collection of seventeen essays takes its inspiration from the scholarly achievements of the Dutch historian Jan Lucassen. They reflect a central theme in his research: the history of labor.
Nina Adriaanse
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.adriaanse@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Internationalisation in Fine Arts and Design Higher Education in Europe
This research intends to study the why, what, how and the possible outcome of internationalisation in higher education institutions of fine art and design.
Monika Baar new Professor of Central European Studies
The Foundation for Austrian Studies and the Institute for History are very glad to announce that Monika Baár has been appointed as the holder of the Special Chair for Central European Studies.
Ideology and Social Structure of Stone Age Communities in Europe
Also including: Wateringen 4 & Acquiring a taste.
Plant ageing, rejuvenation and life history strategy
What are key regulators of plant ageing that can reverse ageing in plants (rejuvenation), and how can we use this knowledge to improve crop plants?
The Making of the Democratic Party in Europe, 1860–1890
This book analyses the emergence of modern parties in nineteenth-century Europe and explores their connection with the slowly developing institution of democracy.
Bilingualism and Minority Languages in Europe: Current Trends and Developments
This collection considers such issues as the cognitive, linguistic and emotional benefits of speaking two languages, the perceptions, attitudes and issues relating to identity in minority language areas, and the number of grammatical aspects amongst those who speak these minority languages.
Tracing plant histories
Linking botanical collections, peoples, and illustrations in seventeenth century Dutch Brazil
Felicia Rosu
Faculty of Humanities
f.rosu@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4116
Colonial and Global History (MA)
The master’s programme in Colonial and Global History at Leiden University offers the most in-depth and comprehensive programme on the history of colonialism and globalisation currently available in Europe.
- Art History Book Launches
Marika Keblusek
Faculty of Humanities
m.keblusek@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2360
“The Binnenhof” a contested court. History, housing and politics in The Hague, 1813-2013
This project examines the meaning of this historical place, and the way it has been used by the political institutions that have had their seat there.
Global History in the 2020s
The International Summer School ‘Global History in the 2020s’ (27-29 June 2023) for PhD candidates, is looking for applicants. The summer school is organized by the European Network in Universal and Global History (ENIUGH), and precedes the 7th European Congress on World and Global History (29 June…
Managing the News in Early Modern Europe, 1550-1800
This special issue of Media History (22-3/4, 2016), co-edited with Helmer Helmers (University of Amsterdam), develops a new perspective on the early modern communication revolution. It discusses news as a specific kind of information – by its nature continuous, unreliable, and diffuse – which needed…
Study of utilization of combined hormonal contraceptives in Europe
Combined hormonal contraceptives (CHC) are associated with an increased risk of venous thromboembolism (VTE). In 2013, a review was published by the European Medicines Agency (EMA). In this review, the authors concluded that the risk of VTE varies by the type of progesterone in the CHC. Subsequently,…
Alejandra Roche Recinos
Faculteit Archeologie
a.roche.recinos@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2390
Katherinne Guerra Cheva
Faculteit Archeologie
k.s.guerra.cheva@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Connecting in times of duress: understanding communication and conflict in Middle Africa’s mobile margins
This research programme seeks to understand the dynamics in the relationship between social media, mobile telephony and the social fabric under duress in Africa's mobile margins. It combines studies on mobility/migration, conflict and communication in an attempt to uncover these new dynamics, which…
Representations of Everyday Islam in Europe: Scholars and the ‘Real World’
What forms does Muslim religiosity take in daily life? What is the relation between representations of Islam and Muslims by scholars and the views that exist in the ‘real world’?
Leiden Conversations in History
Leiden University has been an attractive destination for scholars ever since 1575. In the wake of the recent pandemic, our staff members welcome international colleagues to campus again to discuss issues from the past, and how we should presently understand the past. ‘Leiden Conversations in History’…
Crystal Ennis
Faculty of Humanities
c.a.ennis@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5635
Exhibition encourages us to reflect on the history of slavery
What is the significance of the history of slavery for our present-day society? A special exhibition in the inner courtyard of the Academy Building features eleven insightful portraits of students and staff, and their answer to this question. The aim of the exhibition’s initiators is to make the subject…
Raymond Fagel
Faculty of Humanities
r.p.fagel@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2730
Artefact biographies from Mesolithic and Neolithic Europe and beyond
Papers in honour of Professor Annelou van Gijn
Online Course EU Policy & Implementation: Making Europe Work!
In this top-rated course, you will learn how the European Union prepares and decides on policy, and how policy is transferred to member states and implemented by various authorities. It discusses the challenges of the European multi-level governance structure and the main causes of policy failure or…
Anne-Isabelle Richard
Faculty of Humanities
a.i.richard@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1399
Vacancy: PhD History of Architecture URBAN-DELTA (KU Leuven)
The Department of Architecture of KU Leuven is looking for two full-time PhD students (48 months) for the ERC-funded project "URBAN-DELTA: Metropolises in the Mud. Innovation in Delta Building Technology in Europe and China before 1800", directed by Merlijn Hurx. Apply before: June 10
Ancient Worlds network
The Ancient Worlds Network brings together staff and graduate students in LIAS working on the ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern world.
Leo Lucassen
Faculty of Humanities
l.a.c.j.lucassen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2724
Worlds full of signs: ancient Greek divination in context
This monograph by dr. Kim Beerden compares Greek divination to divinatory practices in Neo-Assyrian Mesopotamia and Republican Rome.
World History For International Studies
Studying change in the course of human history, in different places, through the lens of a diverse set of core themes; World History for International Studies offers readers a set of windows into different debates historians have been conducting.
Scholarly temptations: self-discipline and desire in Victorian Britain.
How did British scholars and scientists in the period of discipline formation envision, experience and resist scholarly temptations?
Beyond the city wall: history of Batavia's hinterland
Throughout the 17th and 18th centuries, the city of Batavia was supplied with produce by its hinterland, known as the Ommelanden. Bondan Kanumoyoso studied the history of the various ethnic groups that populated this area and in doing so has shed light on the structure of modern-day Indonesian society.…
Global Leadership Centres Roundtable
The Leiden Leadership Centre is a member of the Global Leadership Centres Roundtable (GLCR). The Global Leadership Centres Roundtable is the international network of university-based leadership centres.
Randal Sheppard
Faculty of Humanities
r.c.sheppard@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2656
Sadovski talks about religious hyperdiversity in early modern south-east Europe
On October 11, the Austria Centre Leiden teamed up with the Leiden Jewish Studies Association to welcome Dr. Lena Sadovski for a lunch time talk. Fifteen colleagues from across the university, including retirees and graduate students, attended Dr. Sadovski's fascinating lecture entitled “When religion…
Life Sciences Artificial Intelligence Data Science