689 search results for “health psychologie” in the Public website
Student for a Day - Occupational Health Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Tackle debt with healthcare funds: researchers on a healthier society for all
Technology, medical knowledge, social measures and the design of the living environment: all these needed to achieve a healthier society. In a series of interviews, 14 researchers from Zuid-Holland, including from Leiden University, argue for an integrated care approach.
'Public authorities insufficiently aware of obligations arising from freedom of choice of healthcare provider’
Is the right to choose your healthcare provider protected in the Dutch Constitution? What are the consequences then for the Dutch healthcare system? PhD defence on 5 July 2022.
Struggles of student life are central at OpenUp! symposium
The life of a students is not always easy and many students find it difficult to share their problems with each other. For that reason, the study advisers and coordinators of studies of Campus The Hague organise the symposium OpenUp!. This event was awarded with the Van Bergen Prize.
Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe was knighted in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Emeritus professor Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe received the royal award from the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam for her great contribution to the quality of care, especially to clinical and health care psychology.
Patient-centred research: less about the tumour, more about the patient
Amir Zamanipoor Najafabadi, a doctor and researcher at the LUMC’s Department of Neurosurgery, researches how meningioma treatment can have a long-term effect on a patient’s life. He recently defended his dissertation: with a patient on the examining committee, this was a unique occasion.
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga & Louk van Doorn win the DT4REGIONS Ideathon on AI Potential for Preventive Healthcare
eLaw - Center of Law and Digital technologies from Leiden Law School, and the Vascular Surgery Department at Leiden University Medical Centre in the Netherlands, join forces to explore the use of AI for diabetes and secondary prevention of diabetic foot problems and won a prize for it.
From the Spanish flu to Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis: 'Government intervention can have unexpected effects'
From the Spanish Flu during WWI to COVID-19: the role of the American government in these Pandemics. Professor Giles Scott-Smith, who together with Dario Fazzi and Gaetano Di Tommaso completed the book project Public Health and the American State, discusses a century of American responses to health…
What rights do donors have?
Collaboration is worthwhile. A joint LUMC and Leiden Law School project has received €142,500 from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This grant will advance research into the law and ethics of regenerative medicine.
Imagination can reduce pain
If you imagine in advance that something is not going to hurt, this could mean you experience less pain. This discovery was made by health psychologist Kaya Peerdeman during her PhD research on the placebo effect. PhD defence 7 February.
Online Master's Experience Day: Master Population Health Management
Study information
How can we live healthier lives? Universities and hospitals are going to find out
Getting out and exercising rather than slobbing on the sofa, breathing in fresh air instead of cigarette smoke and grabbing healthy snacks instead of junk food. In a new interdisciplinary Medical Delta programme, researchers are going to investigate how to help people live healthier lives. What are…
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Social decision making in humans and great apes
Efficiently responding to others’ emotions has great survival value, especially for social species, such as primates, who establish close, long-term bonds with group members. The closest living relatives to humans are the chimpanzee and the bonobo. Studying these species, and comparing them on the exact…
Open Science
On this page you find all the ways through which the Institute of Psychology aims to foster Open Science.
Entry requirements
We make a distinction between the following types of previous education.
Introductie Sociale Wetenschappen: mens en gedrag in veranderde wereld
How do psychology, culture, politics, and upbringing influence our lives in a rapidly changing world? What is the role of education and development, and how do cultural differences shape our society? In the minor "Introduction to Social Sciences: Human Behavior in a Changing World" (30 EC), you will…
'It’s the complexity of this group of patients that makes the challenge of improving their quality of life so interesting’
Dialysis patients experience a range of physical and mental symptoms that interact and influence each otherIn her doctoral research, psychologist Judith Tommel wanted to find the optimum approach to help these dialysis patients improve their quality of life. ‘We need to make sure we avoid excluding…
Pien van der Velde
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
p.van.der.velde@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Thea Vliet Vlieland
Faculteit Geneeskunde
t.p.m.vliet_vlieland@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 3598
Jacobijn Gussekloo
Faculteit Geneeskunde
j.gussekloo@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 8429
Grote fouten Uwv met WIA uitkeringen
Veel arbeidsongeschikten kregen jarenlang te veel of juist te weinig uitkering, omdat er fouten zijn gemaakt bij de berekening van het loon waarop de uitkering is gebaseerd. Barend Barentsen, hoogleraar Sociaal Recht, zegt op BNR radio, dat hij niet helemaal begrijpt hoe het zo fout heeft kunnen gaan…
VSNU presents Digital Society research agenda
The Digital Society research agenda was presented by the Dutch universities during the VSNU Impact festival on 23 November.
Honours Class on inequality: 'Focus on the big issues’
At the end of December, the concluding lecture of the Bachelor Honours Class 'Policy and Politics: struggling to combat social inequalities' took place. Students, under the guidance of former minister Jet Bussemaker, tackled the question of what inequality actually is.
People with an eating disorder benefit from eHealth
It often takes a long time for people with an eating disorder to seek help and receive treatment. eHealth could be a solution, PhD candidate Pieter Rohrbach has discovered.
Publication MSCA project on Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Robot Technology
On Saturday 9 March 2019, Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga got his first publication for his Marie Skłodowska Curie project on the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Robot Technology.
Leiden Healthy Society Center: making Leiden the healthiest city in the Netherlands
How can the people of Leiden age as well as possible? And what is needed to reduce health disparities? That is the mission of Leiden Healthy Society Center, a new partnership between the Municipality of Leiden, Leiden University and many other partners in the city.
Podcast: The Power of Ketogenic Interventions
Eating fewer carbs, moderate amounts of protein, and more fats — welcome to the ketogenic diet! While a ketogenic diet can have various effects on body and mind, did you know there are different types of ketogenic interventions? In this episode, Eline Dekeyster shares more about this topic.
Eveline Crone: 'Stay healthy'
Eveline Crone: 'Many thanks to my amazing Brain and Development Research Center colleagues. I am so thankful for the 15 fantastic years. It is also extremely exciting and energizing to start at Erasmus University Rotterdam with the Society, Youth and Neuroscience Connected SYNClab.'
Knighthood for Prof. Willem Heiser
On 31 January 2014 Professor Willem Heiser (Psychology, Statistics and Data Theory) was awarded the distinction of Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion. After his farewell lecture he received the royal honour for his exceptional academic, social and administrative achievements.
Podcast: Understanding High Sensitivity
High sensitivity, or sensory processing sensitivity, is increasingly discussed in popular media, but what does it actually mean to be highly sensitive? In this episode, Véronique de Gucht, associate professor at Leiden University, shares her expertise on this topic.
Knowledge to the neighbourhood on Day of Empathy
The tuktuk of the European City Of Science Leiden 2022 sent science on its way to the neighbourhood. In the town center of Oegstgeest, the Empathy Team, consisting of Liesbeth van Vliet, Hinke Hoffstadt, Yvette van der Linden and Jenny van der Steen, took interested visitors on a journey into the experience…
Nieuw onderzoek naar het effect van gesprekken met je ‘ik’ uit de toekomst
Wat als je advies zou kunnen krijgen van je toekomstige zelf? Jean-Louis van Gelder en zijn collega’s ontvangen een ERC Proof of Concept-beurs voor het project YourFutureU, waarin deelnemers gecoacht worden door een virtuele AI-versie hun toekomstige ‘ik’.
Peak performances by teams in the operating theatre: What makes a care professional resilient?
Working in an operating theatre is a highly competitive sport. High work pressure, stress, and unexpected developments during operations. This requires a lot from care professionals who need to be mentally resilient to be able to deliver peak performances time and time again. What makes a care professional…
Clashing fundamental rights in KLM labour dispute
Can the KLM reject an applicant for a job as a pilot or stewardess if they refuse to get vaccinated against Covid-19? Or put more broadly: can the employer of a new employee demand that they are vaccinated? Those questions were at the centre of court proceedings brought on Thursday by the Dutch Airline…
‘Children’s healthcare rights deserve more attention’
‘Children’s rights are somewhat of a poor relation’, says Professor of Law and Health Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm. In her inaugural lecture, she will emphasise how more attention needs to be paid to children’s rights in current thinking on law and health.
Rethinking Disability: the Global Impact of the International Year of Disabled Persons (1981) in Historical Perspective
How did disability become a global concern? In this project we will identify the contribution of international agencies, governmental and non-governmental organizations and, just as importantly, disabled people themselves, to the IYDP and by showing the connections, interactions and entanglements between…
Eduardo Arenas Catalán awarded Theo van Boven Maastricht Research Prize on International Law
Dr. Eduardo Arenas Catalán, lecturer and Academic Coordinator of the Advanced Master’s in European and International Human Rights Law at Leiden Law School, was awarded the Theo van Boven - Maastricht Research Prize 2018 for his doctoral thesis: “Solidarity and the right to health in the era of healthcare…
Kaya Peerdeman wins award for article on analgesia
Health psychologist Kaya Peerdeman has won the article award of the Postgraduate School For Research and Education in Experimental Psychopathology (EPP) for the best academic paper in 2015-2016. Published in European Journal of Pain on 19 April 2017.
Leiden Leadership Lunch: COVID-crisis or COVID-opportunity?
Building on the idea to “never waste a good crisis” the Leiden Leadership Centre reflected on what we can learn from the COVID-crisis and what kind of leadership opportunities we can identify during the Leiden Leadership Lunch of Friday 12 March. The luncht was the first of a three-part series of events…
International appreciation for Eiko Fried
Eiko Fried (Clinical Psychology) was inspired by the idea of mental disorders as complex properties with
Selin Topel
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
s.topel@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Philip Spinhoven acting Scientific Director Institute of Psychology
Professor Philip Spinhoven has been appointed acting Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology until 1 September 2021. He succeeds Michiel Westenberg who resigned from the position 1 January 2021, because he could no longer combine the responsibilities of Scientific Director with his academic…
Even unconscious stress can cause stress symptoms
Our vision of stress is starting to change fundamentally. We can suffer stress without even being aware of it, while sleeping as wall as during the day. Professor of Psychology Jos Brosschot will discuss this phenomenon in his inaugural lecture on 2 December.
Laura Sofia Marchetti Cardenas
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
l.s.marchetti.cardenas@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Gita Nadinda
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
p.g.nadinda@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Jard Mattens
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.d.j.mattens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Dion Woestenburg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
d.h.a.woestenburg@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Hedwig Vos
Faculteit Geneeskunde
h.m.m.vos@lumc.nl |
Gijsbert van Willigen
Veiligheid, Gezondheid en Milieu
g.van_willigen@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 4304