991 search results for “catalysis surface” in the Public website
Institutional trust
Trust in public institutions in the Tata Steel case and beyond
On electronic signatures of topological superconductivity
Promotor: Prof.dr. C.W.J. Beenakker
Self-assembly of Colloidal Particles
The miniaturization of machines towards the micron and nanoscale requires the development of joint-like elements that enable and constrain motion. We developed a facile method to create colloidal joints, that is, anisotropic colloidal particles functionalized with surface mobile DNA linkers that control…
The electrode-electrolyte interface in CO2 reduction and H2 evolution: a multiscale approach
Electrocatalysis allows for storing electricity or converting it into chemical bonds, producing chemical building blocks and fuels using renewable resources.
On the geometry of fracture and frustration
Promotor: Prof.dr. M.L. van Hecke, Co-Promotor: Prof. dr. V. Vitelli
Modelling the interactions of advanced micro- and nanoparticles with novel entities
Novel entities may pose risks to humans and the environment. The small particle size and relatively large surface area of micro- and nanoparticles (MNPs) make them capable of adsorbing other novel entities, leading to the formation of aggregated contamination.
Pesticides and the Environment
The book ‘Pesticides and the Environment’ gives a transparent overview of facts and figures concerning pesticide use in the Netherlands and the impact of pesticides on the environment.
The Middle Palaeolithic Occupation of Europe
Faculty of Archaeology, University of Leiden
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to-fuel devices: a multiscale computational approach
In the current global context, there is a pressing need to address sustainable energy supplies to safeguard our Planet and its ecosystems. The choices made by human society have a significant impact on genetic evolution and climate.
Highly Efficient Activation of HCl Dissociation on Au(111) via Rotational Preexcitation
The probability for dissociation of molecules on metal surfaces, which often controls the rate of industrially important catalytic processes, can depend strongly on how energy is partitioned in the incident molecule. There are many example systems where the addition of vibrational energy promotes reaction…
Knots in plasma
A plasma is an ionized gas with very low electrical resistivity. As such, magnetic field lines are 'frozen in' and move with the fluid. Magnetic field lines that are linked, knotted and tangled, cannot be undone by the fluid motions.
Anisotropy, multivalency and flexibility-induced effects in colloidal systems
We have studied the impact of particle shape anisotropy, multivalent interactions and flexibility on systems of micron-sized colloidal particles.
Protecting Transnational Critical Information Infrastructure: Vitality, Vulnerability and Diplomacy
This paper, like the seminar on which it is based, considers how the governance of transnational critical information infrastructure (CII) could be approached at the global level. It suggests that when one is thinking about the (potential) governance of CII, it is important to recognise that not all…
Minipigs as an Animal Model for Dermal Vaccine Delivery
Appropriate animal models for intradermal vaccine delivery are scarce. Given the high similarity of their skin anatomy to that of humans, minipigs may be a suitable model for dermal vaccine delivery.
PNEC-pro is a user-friendly screening tool for professionals dealing with the assessment of surface water quality. The tool calculates local, watertype specific no-effect concentrations (PNEC) of copper, lead, nickel, and zinc based on biotic ligand models (BLMs).
Motivic invariants of character stacks
This thesis studies the geometry of representation varieties and character stacks. These are spaces parametrizing the representations of a finitely generated group, typically the fundamental group of a compact manifold, into an algebraic group G.
Teris van Beek
Dr. at the Department of organic chemistry, Wageningen University - the Nederlands
Luminescence and applications of lanthanoid coordination polymers
Promotor: E. Bouwman, Co-Promotor: S. Bonnet
In vitro model systems for studying the impact of organic chemicals on the skin barrier lipids
This paper describes two synthetic lipid models designed to replace human stratum corneum (SC) in studies of the impact of volatile organic chemicals on the molecular organization of the skin barrier lipids.
APL20 - Collection of Papers
Volume 20 contains eight articles based on research of the Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University.
Painting and Drawing
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Low energy electron transmission through layered materials and chiral organic films
In this Ph.D. thesis we study the interaction of low energy electrons with thin materials, namely layered materials (graphene, hexagonal boron nitride, molybdenum disulfide) and organic films. At these low energies the quantum mechanical wavelength of the electron wave function is in the order of a…
Zebrafish Delivery
Is there a sufficiently large market for drug screening and testing in Zebrafish larvae using membrane fusion?
- Events
Role of near-surface environment in tuning electrochemical CO2 reduction reaction and H2 evolution reaction
PhD defence
Van Marum Colloquium: Probing the Curious Chemistry in Micro- and Nanodroplets using Nanoelectrochemistry
LIC Lecture: Density functional theory in chemistry: Where are we today?
Van Marum Colloquium: Fundamental Insights into Electrochemical Aldehyde Oxidation: Curiosities and Lessons for Novel Electrode Concepts
Van Marum Colloquium - Beyond Cyclic Voltammetry: What can we learn by measuring the reaction entropy and volume of electrochemical reactions
Van Marum Colloquium: Imaging Electrochemical Reactions by Operando Optical Microscopy
Van Marum Colloquium: Plasma Chemistry to aid the Energy and Materials Transition in the Process Industry
Fruit, flowers and vegetables can be kept longer using new sensor
As fruit and vegetables ripen, ethylene gas is released. Ethylene also influences the speed at which they ripen. Chemist Tom van Dijkman studied how small and inexpensive sensors can be made that measure ethylene concentrations during transportation. PhD defence 12 May 2016.
Van Marum Colloquium: Ryuhei Nakamura & Hideshi Ooka
Van Marum Colloquium: Determining the recovery efficiency of gunshot residue with stubs
Open Science debate - STIBNITE: developing the next generation organic semiconductors
Joan van der Waals colloquium
The Joan van der Waals colloquium is an ongoing bi-weekly lecture series.
Ancient Charm
The aim of ANCIENT CHARM was to develop neutron-imaging techniques and the associated equipment, and help establish neutron imaging as a mainstream archaeological analytical technique. In particular, one of the goals was a new imaging technique which called neutron resonant capture imaging combined…
Light-activatable metallodrugs and metal-functionalized liposomes
Metal-containing molecules combine geometrical features and a reactivity that are inherently different from that of organic molecules. My research focuses on light-activatable metal-based anticancer drugs and metal-functionalized liposomes. Light is a very selective way to activate photosensitive drugs…
Systems diagnosis of chronic diseases, explored by metabolomics and ultra-weak photon emission
Promotor: J. van der Greef; Co-promotor: E. van Wijk, M. Wang
Shape Analysis for Phenotype Characterisation from High-throughput Imaging
We have studied shape with a particular focus on the zebrafish model system. The shape is an essential appearance of the phenotype of a biological specimen and it can be used to read out a current state or response or to study gene expression.
Muslim Youth and the 9/11 Generation
On young Muslims seeking to understand their place and make their way in a transformed world.
Simulating the birth environment of circumstellar discs
Circumstellar discs are the reservoirs of gas and dust that surround young stars and have the potential to become planetary systems.
Freezing conditions in warm disks: snowlines and their effect on the chemical structure of planet-forming disks
This thesis focusses on the temperature structure in protoplanetary disks. The relation between structures seen in the dust and gas-phase molecules is investigated.
Data mining and algorithm development
Due to the modern techniques of combinatorial chemistry and high-throughput screening, data on the biological activity of many millions of compounds is known. However, it is still very difficult to transfer this data into knowledge: if we know that compounds A and B bind to a certain protein with high…
The Agro Pontino archaeological survey
Lava worlds: characterising atmospheres of impossible nature
Over the last three decades, the discovery of exoplanets has revealed the boundless variety of worlds beyond our own Solar System. Majority of planetary systems contain short-period planets that are larger than Earth but smaller than Neptune.
A chemical biology approach for targeting of ligand-drug conjugates
Promotores: Prof.dr. H. S. Overkleeft, Prof.dr. G. A. van der Marel
Rebels and Legitimacy: Processes and Practices
Legitimacy is generally a term that is associated with the state. The term surfaces when there are problems with state legitimacy—when it is lacking or absent. This present volume attempts to think through the relevance of the concept of legitimacy for other political actors than the state.
Towards controlled microneedle-mediated intradermal immunization
Traditionally, vaccines are administered intramuscularly using conventional hypodermic needles, which cause pain and distress. Microneedles are very short needles (smaller than 1 mm) that are practically invisible to the naked eye.
Pre-Columbian social organisation and interaction interpreted through the study of settlement patterns
An archaeological case-study of the Pointe des Châteaux, La Désirade and Les Îles de la Petite Terre micro-region, Guadeloupe, F.W.I.