3,915 search results for “transitional chinese political through” in the Public website
Our man in Jakarta keeps the institute running from Venlo
The COVID-19 pandemic forced many staff of Leiden institutes abroad to leave their posts in a hurry. How is the KITLV Jakarta team doing now? Director Marrik Bellen talks about the turbulent times for this Leiden institute and its staff. And can we learn anything from the Indonesian approach?
Starting university with a sleepover
El CID, the University introduction week, has begun! We spoke on Sunday evening to the first new arrivals who had come to Leiden to spend the night at the University Sports Centre. New students can sleep here all this week as well as at the ice rink or in a student house.
Eurasian empires: report on the final conference
The final conference of the Eurasian Empires programme took place from 15 to 17 June 2016 in Leiden. The conference concluded a five-year research programme in which nine researchers worked on their own specific projects within the programme’s Eurasian scope, transcending borders by bringing together…
442nd Dies Natalis focuses on Asia
On the 442nd anniversary of the foundation of Leiden University, and at the start of the Leiden Asia Year, lawyer Jan Michiel Otto, an expert in the field of law in developing countries, delivered the first Dies lecture. He compared demagogues in Asia who call upon Muslims to turn against their governments…
From the Spanish flu to Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis: 'Government intervention can have unexpected effects'
From the Spanish Flu during WWI to COVID-19: the role of the American government in these Pandemics. Professor Giles Scott-Smith, who together with Dario Fazzi and Gaetano Di Tommaso completed the book project Public Health and the American State, discusses a century of American responses to health…
Animated video in Dutch about corona specially for children
A Dutch-language video shows children their new life during the corona crisis and gives them some guidelines to help them feel less worried. The short animated video was made by two German researchers with whom child psychologists Anke Klein and Annelieke Hagen are working. ‘With our translation, this…
Spinoza prize for Jan Zaanen
Jan Zaanen, Professor in Theoretical Physics of condensed material, has been awarded a Spinoza prize. His pioneering ideas about the collective behaviour of quantum particles and high temperature superconductivity have often given him the reputation of being something of a rebel.
What makes us ill?
Genes predict whether you have a propensity for an illness but environmental factors often have the last word: nutrition, air pollution, lifestyle, stress. The exposome as both culprit and chance. Large-scale research is being carried out into this at Leiden. Thomas Hankemeier, Professor of Analytical…
Interview: Zeger van der Wal about 'Good Governance in Asia and the West'
On Thursday 28 September 2017 the Institute of Public Administration of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) organizes the event ‘Good Governance in Asia and the West: What is the Difference?’ as part of the Leiden Asia Year. Below you can read the interview with professor Zeger van der…
Blog Post | Do diplomatic gifts matter?
In this blog, Jorg Kustermans asks the question whether diplomatic gifts matter - a subject covered in the latest HJD Forum on gift giving in diplomacy.
Lancering The Hague Global Futures Hub
Speeddating with traineeships
Career and apply for jobs
Panel Discussion | A Hundred Years of Republican Turkey: A History in a Hundred Fragments
Debate, Panel Discussion
- Call for Papers: Digital Workshop on Localizing the Women Peace & Security Agenda Across Multiple Governance Challenges
LIC Lecture + drinks
- Volume 4 (2009)
LCN2 organizes seminars on the last Friday of each month.
Tales of the Revolt. Memory, Oblivion and Identity in the Low Countries, 1566-1700
This research project, that started in September 2008, aims to explore how personal and public memories of the Dutch Revolt in the seventeenth century evolved and interacted to create new political and cultural identities for the societies that eventually were to become the kingdoms of the Netherlands…
Engaging Europe in the Arab World: European missionaries and humanitarianism in the Middle East (1850-1970)
From the mid-19th century until the 1970’s, the Middle East witnessed the presence of various European missionaries who played a fundamental role in the birth and the development of humanitarianism. Since these Christian missionaries were well integrated in the local Middle Eastern societies via their…
Turning over a new leaf: Manuscript innovation in the twelfth-century renaissance
How did the medieval manuscript develop as a physical object during the Twelfth Century Renaissance and what do these changes tell us about the intellectual culture of the period?
- Former guest researchers
Programme structure
The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context. Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice—from legal mobilization to regulation and compliance…
Van Marum Colloquium: Ryuhei Nakamura & Hideshi Ooka
Booklaunch 'Security Studies: An Applied Introduction'
Lecture, Paneldiscussion
Homo Ignoscens: Neo-colonialism, White Supremacy and the Re-Invention of Blacks in Contemporary ‘African Philosophy'
Access to Justice in Today’s Libya
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
- Ultra-high vacuum exfoliation method for the preparation of large-area single layer TMDC films
Beyond the trenches
PhD defence
Prospects for law reform and democracy under Indonesia’s new president
VVI Research Meeting 2023-2024
Liveable Planet Lunch Lecture: ‘If you want to travel far, go together’: transdisciplinary collaboration for a Liveable Planet - Laurens Hessels
Exploring host-immune-microbial interactions during intestinal schistosomiasis
PhD defence
Connecting the Dots: The Role of Internationally Mobile Scientists in Linking Nonmobile with Foreign Scientists
Book presentation ‘Assisting International Justice’
Book presentation
Fragile Resonance | Jason Danely
Lecture, Research Seminar
- IBL Spotlight - Han de Winde and IBL Analytical Facility
Philosophy/Japan Studies: Befriending Things on a Field of Energies
Why Humanities? Frans-Willem Korsten about Literature & Law
LUCIP Lecture, On Badness: Cruelty and Madness
Reflections on a year of Russia's war of aggression on Ukraine
Debate, Roundtable discussion
Special Session of the Nietzsche Research Seminar with Ekaterina Poljakova
Double Lecture: Illustrated Books and Manuscripts in Early Modern Japan
Ukraine and the Failure of Global Security
The future of the past is enough to make you feel down
The slogan of the Faculty of Archaeology, ‘The Future of the Past starts at Leiden University’, might sound like empty marketing speak. But there is something to it. The past can teach us a lot about climate change and that could make us fear the worst for our future. Archaeologist Gerrit Dusseldorp…
‘A week feels like a month at the National Think Tank’
In the National Think Tank (NDT) 20 young academics spend four months reflecting on how to solve a societal problem. Four participants from Leiden told us about their experience.
‘Prehistory holds up a challenging mirror to us’
Leiden alumnus Luc Amkreutz is a curator at the National Museum of Antiquities. His exhibition about the submerged landscape of Doggerland highlights what we can learn from prehistory. ‘Just like the people of Doggerland, we are confronted with climate change, but we are responsible for the speed of…
Corry Donner on her retirement: 'I’ll definitely miss the intellectual stimulation, but what I want most now is to get out of my head.'
As Board Secretary, Corry Donner aims to be a ‘spider in the web’; someone who keeps a watchful eye on and brings together all the different perspectives of the institute’s board. Now she's left her carefully woven web at the university and transfer her tasks to her successor. Last September, we talked…
Public Administration celebrates its anniversary, professors reflect: '40 years young!'
Public Administration has been around for 40 years, and that deserves to be celebrated. Before the festivities begin, four figures from the Institute of Public Administration reflect on the past years, with one even looking back over the last 25 years. Speaking are: Bernard Steunenberg, Caelesta Braun,…
Blog Post | From ‘Disinformation’ to ‘Information Disorder’: Changing the Narrative about Unwanted Communication
Disinformation has become a popular subject of study and debate. A plethora of publications and policies have emerged, aiming to analyse and curb the negative consequences of unwanted communication.
Interviews with over 100 civil servants under Trump reveal worrying picture
It was challenging to get civil servants from the first Trump administration to speak about their work experiences, but sociologist Jaime Lee Kucinskas succeeded. The picture that emerged from her findings, she says, is far from positive. 'The more I spoke with them, the more emotions I saw. They were…
Institute managers Marjolein and Wiesje: Ambitious on the work floor, in the restaurant and on the football field
Marjolein van Reisen has been Institute Manager Finance for a year, and Wiesje Zikkenheiner has been Institute Manager HR for two months. This duo job is by no means a luxury in an ever-growing organisation. Marjolein: 'We’re both new to this world, so we have our hands full.'