4,054 search results for “history of centre and eastern europe” in the Public website
European grants for internationalising research and teaching
Various projects at Leiden University have been awarded an Erasmus+ grant, an EU funding tool. This is a substantial boost to the internationalisation of our research and teaching.
Historian Jeroen Duindam receives Austrian Cross of Honour for Arts and Sciences first class
On June 14th, Jeroen Duindam, Professor of History at the Faculty of Humanities, was awarded an exceptionally high distinction for his achievements in the field of Austrian history.
Throwback to the Archaeological Field School of 2022: ‘Excavating is very rewarding’
Back in June, the annual Leiden Archaeology Field School took place in Oss. For a month, every week, a group of 25 first year students gets to learn the ins and outs of a professional excavation. This is what they have been prepared for in the past year. ‘It is very exciting to put all the theory into…
Archaeological Heritage Value Mapping in Trinidad and Tobago
Trinidad and Tobago, a twin-island nation, has over 300 identified archaeological sites that testify to its diverse history, covering pre-colonial, colonial, and post-colonial periods. Many of these sites were discovered by archaeologists in the 20th century and have not been regularly visited and assessed.…
NEXUS1492 study on ancient human microbiomes published in Nature Scientific Reports
An international team of researchers, involving members from the ERC Synergy project NEXUS 1492 based at the Leiden University, the Universities of Oklahoma, Copenhagen and York reveal challenges when studying ancient microbiomes in a recent issue of Scientific Reports.
‘Human trafficking is a huge grey area’
Human trafficking is much more than kidnapping and selling people. Those who commit labour exploitation can, for example, also be sentenced for human trafficking. Criminologist Masja van Meeteren hopes to simplify the complexity of the phenomenon by charting the different forms of labour exploitati…
Benjamin Suchard: ‘The more you send out into the world, the more likely it will stick’
How do you make niche subjects interesting and accessible? Benjamin Suchard, historical linguist and researcher, seems to have created the perfect recipe, which consists of his various projects alongside his regular research, including a Twitter account and a major international film.
Promising test in Peru: tackling climate change whilst reducing poverty
What if we start taxing carbon-intensive products such as electricity and gasoline, and at the same time compensate low-income households? Hauke Ward and colleagues did just that in a computer simulation for Peru, with a remarkable outcome. Not only does the approach tackle climate change, but it could…
EUR 15 million for excellent archaeological research into the colonisation of the Americas
Corinne Hofman (Professor in Caribbean Archaeology) has been awarded 15 million euro by the EU for her archaeological research on the colonisation of the Americas. She will lead the ‘NEXUS 1492’ project together with colleagues Davies (VU), Brandes (Konstanz) and Willems (Leiden).
Language both connects and divides
Author and political scientist Mounir Samuel has spent recent years delving into the many ways that language can exclude people and bring them together.
Guest lecture on Deterrence in the era of Great Power Competition
During the guest lecture on 9 February, Jaap de Hoop Scheffer, Rob de Wijk and Frans Osinga discussed the situation in Ukraine and Taiwan. The crises in eastern Ukraine and the increasing tensions around Taiwan highlight the challenges the West faces in deterring aggression in the new era of key dynamics…
How Russia uses language as a weapon of war
According to Russian propaganda Ukrainians are Nazis and people from the West are Satanists. Egbert Fortuin thinks we should take this propaganda seriously.
Official opening of 467 new student flats
Kajsa Ollongren, Minister of the Interior and Kingdom Relations, opened a complex of 467 student flats in Leiden on 26 August. This is the (Y)ours development on the sustainable ‘Leidse Schans’ campus at Lammenschans train station.
How a region's contradictions shaped Boris Kowalski's career
Sometimes student life merges rather smoothly into a working adult life. This is the case for Boris Kowalski. At International Studies, he chose Russian as his language and Eurasia as his region of specialisation, he obtained his Master’s degree at Oxford in Russian and Eurasian studies, ended up in…
Archaeology school in Israel
Many mosaic stones and potsherds have been excavated, and a Byzantine synagogue is revealing its history layer by layer. The excavations at Horvat Kur are a field school for a young generation of researchers.
Why southern Africa is full of North Korean monuments
North Korean workers designed and built numerous monuments, museums and other buildings in southern Africa. This is clear from research by history student Tycho van der Hoog for his master's thesis. These monuments can be an important source of income for a country that has become quite isolated on…
Latin American and Caribbean delegation visits Faculty of Archaeology
The 4th Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) meeting was held at the Faculty of Archaeology on 20 November. Ambassadors and representatives from countries in Latin America and the Caribbean region met with the Leiden LAC region group to strengthen academic cooperation and discuss the internationalisation…
Traces of indigenous "Taíno" found in present-day Caribbean populations
A thousand-year-old tooth has provided genetic evidence that the so-called
Greek texts offer fascinating glimpse of multicultural Roman Empire
Casper de Jonge, Professor of Greek Language and Literature, believes that Greek texts from the Roman Empire are more interesting than was first thought. They offer a fascinating glimpse of the polyphonic and multicultural world of the Roman Empire. Inaugural lecture on 7 October.
Speed dating on Master’s Open Day: ‘What can you do with that master’s degree?’
Almost 3,500 visitors came to Master’s Open Day in Leiden and The Hague.
New Director of Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo wants to increase the institute’s visibility
Egyptologist Marleen De Meyer has been appointed the new Director of the Netherlands-Flemish Institute in Cairo (NVIC). Dr De Meyer has worked for the institute, which promotes Egyptian, Dutch and Flemish collaboration in the field of education and research, since 2016.
Being an Indonesian PhD in Leiden: what is that like?
Wija Wijayanto and Arum Perwitasari both were Indonesian PhD students at Leiden University, funded by the Leiden-DIKTI Graduate Scholarship Programme. With the help of this scholarship, literally thousands of students travel abroad to write their dissertations. During their research period, Arum and…
Leiden Law Cast: reverend Ruben Van Zwieten
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Leiden Law Cast #2: The role of the criminal defence lawyer with Dr M. Lochs
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Being an Indonesian PhD in Leiden: what is that like?
Wija Wijayanto and Arum Perwitasari both were Indonesian PhD students at Leiden University, funded by the Leiden-DIKTI Graduate Scholarship Programme. With the help of this scholarship, literally thousands of students travel abroad to write their dissertations. During their research period, Arum and…
In memoriam Harold V.J. Linnartz 1965 – 2023: Unlocking the Chemistry of the Heavens
With great sadness we share the news that Prof. Harold Linnartz passed away suddenly and unexpectedly on Sunday 31 December 2023. We are all in shock, and our thoughts are with his wife and children, other family, and friends. Harold was at the heart of our institute, as a researcher, as a supervisor,…
Interview: Zeger van der Wal about 'Good Governance in Asia and the West'
On Thursday 28 September 2017 the Institute of Public Administration of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) organizes the event ‘Good Governance in Asia and the West: What is the Difference?’ as part of the Leiden Asia Year. Below you can read the interview with professor Zeger van der…
Annetje Ottow back in Leiden
Annetje Ottow is the first female president of the Executive Board of Leiden University, which means a return to her Alma mater.
Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Material Legacies: The Post-Genocide Family Trees in Armenia
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Publish or Perish: Religious Zaydi publishers in Yemen during the 1990s
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
From decorative arts student in Leiden to curator at the biggest museum in New York
How does a Leiden alumnus end up working at the New York Metropolitan Museum of Art (The Met)? In the case of Daniëlle Kisluk-Grosheide, it was partly down to chance, luck, fate. But that was preceded by a unique degree in decorative arts in Leiden.
What politicians can learn from Cicero and Dionysius
'How do you write a slogan to win an election?' Steven Ooms answers this question in his PhD research into ideas about good prose in the time of Caesar and Emperor Augustus. This period is considered a high point for the development of literature. The Roman Cicero and the Greek Dionysius of Halicarnassus…
Sponsored Research
Global Interactions sponsors a number of research projects of Leiden University researchers.
Sustainable growth: a continuous balancing act for the FGGA Board
Erwin Muller, Dean of FGGA and Administrator of Campus The Hague, and Koen Caminada, Vice-Dean, share their thoughts on how ‘we’ as a faculty are doing based on three themes. A discussion about the balancing act between what is and what isn’t possible and the natural urge to continue to grow, the utility…
The Archaeology of Migration and Ethnic Minorities
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Ñii Ñu’u - Sacred Skin
Film screening and Q&A
Formation of Islam: Topics
The FOI project has a number of topics it aims to investigate. These are: State, Economy, Culture and Papyri. You will find links to bibliographies on this page.
Jacqueline Vel
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.a.c.vel@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277260
Nanne Timmer
Faculty of Humanities
n.timmer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2184
Why Nixon Went, and Trump Stuck Around
Lecture, Studium Generale
Religiosity and Knowledge in Muslim Context in West Africa: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Boko and Adini
Lecture, LUCIS Keynotes
Faculty of Archaeology launches dinosaur-focused research
Many an archaeologist, at some point in their career, is asked what type of dinosaur they discovered. Instead of once again patiently explaining that we do not do dinosaurs, the Faculty Board has now decided to listen to society’s call. ‘It is clear that the general public feels that dinosaurs are relevant…
Liveable Planet Interdisciplinary Collaborations: Jessica Kiefte-De Jong (LUMC) and Paul Behrens (FWN) on Food & Sustainability - Discussion
Tailoring medicines for the genetically diverse African populations
Lecture, Tuesday Talks: Science Insights
Imagining the Unimaginable: Finding the Islamic in Muslim Futures
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
POSTPONED - The Denial of Racism on Twitter: A Critical Discourse Analysis
Lecture, LUCIS What's New?! Series
Speeddate Humanities
Study information