4,012 search results for “been into” in the Staff website
Class Battles from Indian Circus: Tales of Labour
Lecture, LIAS Lunch Talk Series
Slotbijeenkomst Scriptiewerkplaats Den Haag Zuidwest
Workshop: getting started with interdisciplinary education
How (and Why) to be Editors and Reviewers
Reading Group: Antigone
Reading group
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Enabling the most impact from Social Sciences & Humanities (SSH) research
Working Group
UMW Research Seminar
Lecture, UMW Research Seminar
LCN2 Seminar February 2023
Futures of Native American Studies lecture series presents: Sarah Sense
LIBC MRI Methods Meeting
Daniel Pauly: The Human Appropriation of the Earth and the Oceans
Professionalizing your community: an example from data management
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Papyrus, roses and a sea cat: the Leiden Dioskurides
Lecture, Studium Generale
Hardware-Software Co-Design towards Efficient Neuromorphic Computing
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Life Sciences with Industry 2023
Korean - Dutch Literature Night
Reading & Panel Discussion
Leiden University Nationalism Network
Lecture, Leiden University Nationalism Network
A New History of Fishes: Ichthyology in Context (1500-1880)
Environmental Humanities LU Talk
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Daybreak in Gaza - Stories of Palestinian Lives and Culture
Debate, BookTalk
BABESCH Byvanck Lecture
Young Academy Leiden - Citizen Science workshop by Margaret Gold
[CANCELLED] A dynamic interaction between morphosyntactic structure and constituent size on prosodic domain formation and marking – evidence
Lecture, CHiLL series
Social interaction meets technology
Lecture, LUCL Colloquium - Series '24/'25
Co-Align Conference 2023
Connecting to the network of Digital Cultural Heritage (Linked Open Data)
Executive Power and the Crisis of Modern American Democracy
Introduction to 360 video
Didactics, Research, ICT
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Reporting guidelines and their impact on papers, practices, and patterns in biomedical research
CWTS Seminar
The role of linguistic, visual and pragmatic context when predicting language in naturalistic settings
Lecture, LACG Meetings
Surface Knowledge: the roles and purposes of ink rubbings in- and outside China
Lecture, China Seminar
Voting with conviction? Or: why democracy may demand the impossible of voters
OSCoffee: Peer Review - In Search for Improvement
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The Assemblage of Social Death: Digital Vigilantism and Cancel Culture in China
Lecture, China Seminar
Workshop: getting started with interdisciplinary education
Michiel and Jort: best friends, political rivals
With the Dutch general elections just around the corner, it’s not always easy when political differences exist within your circle of friends. How do you not lose sight of each other in political discussions? We asked best friends Jort Schaafsma and Michiel van der Velde, both students at Leiden Law…
Eduard van de Bilt and Joke Kardux say goodbye to Leiden
For more than 35 years they helped put American Studies on the map: Joke Kardux and Eduard van de Bilt. This spring, the couple retired. A farewell interview.
Major research project GUTS kicks off: How can this generation of young people grow up successfully?
After a big two-day conference, the Growing Up Together in Society consortium has officially begun. Researchers from seven universities will spend the next decade looking at how young people grow up as engaged and resilient adults. Leiden psychologists explain how they will do so.
Bilingual and international education central to World Teachers Programme
In this bilingual profile, you follow university teacher training with a special focus on language, culture and diversity in bilingual and international education. Student Lauren Rutherford and educator Tessa Mearns talk about this programme.
What do you do if your professor winks at you?
Sexual harassment was the theme of the recent annual symposium of student ambassadors to the Leiden-Bollenstreek police in collaboration with the police and the municipality. An extremely important issue to students − if the 100 places being claimed as soon as the symposium was announced was anything…
Students become ‘change agents’ in Sustainability Challenge
Leiden students working to solve a sustainability problem at the request of an external party: that is the Sustainability Challenge. During a recent symposium, 28 groups of four to five students unveiled their solutions. The commisioners expressed great enthusiasm.
Liever een verre vreemde dan een valse buur
Mensen werken niet alleen liever samen met leden van hun eigen ingroup, ze concurreren er ook liever mee, lieten Leidse onderzoekers in een sociaalpsychologische studie in 51 landen zien. Dit ‘nasty neighbor’- effect was een grote verrassing voor de onderzoekers, totdat ze in studies over dieren doken.…
Seven projects receive funding from JEDI Fund
More focus on diversity in Antiquity, workshops for students with disabilities, and a card game to share stories about diversity: these and other projects will receive funding from the JEDI Fund in 2023.
Looking for love: how we can fool ourselves when we are into someone
Can we truly assess whether someone finds us attractive? Cognitive psychologist Iliana Samara conducted her PhD project on romantic attraction and discovered that men, in particular, tend to overestimate the interest of their date. She explains why this may be.
Developing tailored information for institutes on research grants
Sieger van den Aardweg is Knowledge Base Manager for the Grant Development Team at the Strategy and Academic Affairs Directorate, part of Administration and Central Services. He is working within the Leiden Research Support programme on tailored information provision, in collaboration with several institutes.…