4,008 search results for “international politics” in the Public website
ERC Starting Grants for five young researchers from Leiden University
The ERC Council has awarded Starting Grants to five promising Leiden researchers. With an impressive three laureates, the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences has done particularly well. The fourth grant goes to the LUMC and the fifth to the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs.
Successful signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the CCOE and ISGA/FGGA
On 24 November a High-Level panel discussion on the occasion of the signing ceremony of the memorandum of understanding between the NATO Civil-Military Cooperation Centre of Excellence and the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs took place at Campus…
Learning About Digital Governance in Estonia with the Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme
The Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programme (BIP) is a short and intensive mobility programme funded by the European Union, that combines online learning with a short trip for in-person teaching.
Dr Karolina Pomorska has been awarded the Jean Monnet Chair “EU and the World” for three years (2018-2021). Jean Monnet Chairs are teaching posts with a specialisation in European Union studies for university professors, awarded by the European Commission in a highly competitive peer-reviewed proces…
Academic Staff
Leiden academics research the world around us and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Each with his or her individual expertise and personal fascination for a particular discipline, they are the public face of the University.
Weapons of Persuasion - the global wanderings of six Kandyan objects
This book explores the return of six outstanding Kandyan artefacts to Sri Lanka by the Dutch government in 2023. It captures numerous reflections of the international interdisciplinary research team that investigated the provenance of these artifacts and the remarkable layered history that the research…
- Australia
Forced Choices: Migration, Identity, and Belonging in the South Tyrolean Option (1939-1955)
Lecture, LIMS seminar / Austrian Studies Seminar
Anna Scott named inaugural artist-in-residence at University of Surrey
Anna Scott has been named as the inaugural artist-in-residence of the Institute of Austrian and German Music Research at the University of Surrey in 2022-2023.
Prinsjesdag Non-Dutchies (Engels)
Labour law, judicialisation, and the future of socio-legal studies in Indonesia
Labour is back as a significant social and political force in Indonesia, as was shown in the recent 1 May trade union demonstrations in Jakarta. Over the past years major changes have taken place in Indonesian labour law, leading to new forms of judicial and political resolution of labour disputes.
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences provides its ca. 5000 students with a thorough education in the social and behavioural sciences. The student population is very diverse and international in nature.
Master's Open Day (cancelled)
Study information
The Leiden University Institute for History has a wide-ranging academic scope unique for the Netherlands. This is directly reflected in the participation of her staff in various Master's and Bachelor's programmes at Leiden University.
Winning initiatives Van Bergen Award 2015 announced
The Van Bergen Fund aims to promote contacts between Dutch and international students in order to achieve a better understanding of each other's cultures. At the Symposium for Diversity and Inclusion the two winners of the Van Bergen Award 2015 were announced.
CrossRoads: European cultural diplomacy and Arab Christians in Palestine. A connected history (1920-1950)
This project aims to revisit the relationship between the European cultural agenda and the local identity formation process, and social and religious transformations of Arab Christian communities in Palestine, when the British ruled via the Mandate. What was the role of culture in European policies…
Human Rights and Climate Change: Call for Abstracts
On 27-28 January 2022, Leiden University’s interdisciplinary seed grant programme ‘Beyond Anthropocentric Interests and Values? Human Rights and Climate Change’ will host a conference on human rights and climate change. Researchers are welcome to join and contribute their view. The deadline for the…
The internet has many bosses. It’s chaotic but it works
Governance of the internet is chaotic, says Professor Jan Aart Scholte. Can we learn from this relatively new form of governance?
President Poroshenko: ‘I hope the Dutch people will make a wise decision’
The association agreement between the EU and Ukraine is highly important for peace in Ukraine, and it is therefore essential that Europe weathers these difficult times. These were the words of Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko on 27 November during his Europe Lecture at Leiden University.
ERC Consolidator Grants for four Leiden researchers
The European Research Council has awarded ERC Consolidator Grants to four researchers from Leiden. These grants of up to 2m euros will enable them to continue and expand their research.
A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s
Together with Knud Andresen, Bart van der Steen recently published a volume titled A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s.
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) is a scientific institute that specialises in security issues. The ISGA is a part of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs at Leiden University. The ISGA has developed from the Centre for Terrorism and Counterterrorism (CTC) and the Centre…
Governance and Dispute Settlement in the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol
In this working paper, Dr. Joris Larik provides an analysis of the governance and dispute settlement mechanisms under the Ireland/Northern Ireland Protocol.
Through our research, we work towards a fundamental understanding of the world and people around us. We use that knowledge to make the world a safe, healthy, sustainable, prosperous and just place.
Leiden Disability Studies Lunch
On 13 June the first Leiden Disability Studies Lunch was organized upon the initiative of the ERC Rethinking Disability team, based in the Institute for History. Its aim was to allow students and staff members from across various institutes of the Faculty of Humanites and also from other faculties to…
Prof Luuk van Middelaar guest professor at the Collège de France, Paris
From 24 March 2021, Professor Luuk van Middelaar will deliver four public lectures on 'Geopolitical Europe: Acts and words' at the Collège de France in Paris, on the invitation of the Chairholder on International Institutional Law, Professor Samantha Besson.
Institute for Philosophy Common Book Launch
CPP Colloquium "Arbitrariness and the Threshold for Moral Status"
CPP Colloquium "Global Justice Beyond North vs South"
‘Podcast gives its listeners a sense of identity and belonging’
In the Netherlands, when we talk about the United Nations, the conversation is almost always about the member states from the northern hemisphere. But the most interesting players come from the ‘Global South’, Professor Alanna O'Malley and her team argue in a podcast.
The European Union Studies Brussels study trip is back!
After two years of COVID-19 induced hiatus, the European Union Studies track of MA International Relations organized another successful study trip to Brussels. Over the course of three days the students had a chance to learn more about the EU institutions, meet lobbyists and interest group representatives…
Alumna Anouk van Oss wants a sustainable fashion industry
Fashion is a common thread running through alumna Anouk van Oss’s life. From a young age, fashion was a way for her to express herself. That was until she discovered how problematic the fashion industry is. She decided to focus on sustainability in her studies and hopes at some point to become a sustainability…
Tax Law (LL.M.)
The master’s programme 'Fiscaal Recht' provides you with in-depth theoretical and practical knowledge on all the ins and outs of tax law.
- Career prospects
Jorrit Rijpma participates in a panel in the ERA lunchtime Conference on the Future of Europe
On Wednesday 18 November 2021, Jorrit Rijpma was part of a panel at a conference organised by ERA, Academy of European Law. The question discussed was how the protection of the EU’s external borders and Schengen could be best achieved.
Honorary degree for Adrienne Héritier
Public Administration researcher Adrienne Héritier will receive an honorary degree from Leiden University. The award is for her groundbreaking work in the field of multilevel governance, decisionmaking and institutional theory at the European level. She will be awarded the degree on the dies natalis…
'There's so much to choose from'
On 24 February school pupils came looking for their dream programme in a packed Pieterskerk. Did they find what they were looking for? And does an Open Day help?
LUC Student Wins Nobel Peace Prize Essay Competition
Natalia Sobrino-Saeb, third-year student at Leiden University College The Hague, won the challenge by the Ignitor Fellowship Program held by the Nobel Peace Center for her essay on the threats to journalism in Mexico. On December 10th Natalia met the Committee of the Ignitor Fellowship in Oslo and attended…
Special anniversary celebration for Leiden University: 440 years
The celebration of Leiden's Dies Natalis on Monday 9 February in the Pieterskerk was extra special this year and was attended by many prominent guests. This was the kick-off of the special 88th Lustrum (five-year) celebrations in 2015.
Unravelling the complexity of HIV/AIDS
Dr. Josien de Klerk, Associate professor in Global Public Health at Leiden University College The Hague recently published some of her work on HIV/AIDS. In collaboration with a team of interdisciplinary researchers from the Amsterdam Institute for Global Health and Development she came to the conclusion…
From the Spanish flu to Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis: 'Government intervention can have unexpected effects'
From the Spanish Flu during WWI to COVID-19: the role of the American government in these Pandemics. Professor Giles Scott-Smith, who together with Dario Fazzi and Gaetano Di Tommaso completed the book project Public Health and the American State, discusses a century of American responses to health…
Webinar/onsite exchange: Is this genocide? Untold stories about occupied Palestine
Maxine David: ‘Have realistic expectations of what you can do in these difficult times’
Maxine David is a lecturer in European Politics in the Institute for History and is a busy bee when it comes to teaching. When countries started locking down due to the corona virus, she was in the United States. After some difficulty getting a flight back to her home country, the United Kingdom, she…
LUCIR/Grotius Centre roundtable: Preventing ‘repeat mistakes’ in war
Introducing: Leonor Álvarez Francés
From 15 augustus 2014 onward, Leonor Álvarez Francés is appointed as PhD student on Raymond Fagels NWO project ‘Facing the Enemy. The Spanish Army Commanders during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt (1567-1577)’
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Prof. Tim Koopmans
Tim Koopmans is one of the great minds in the history of Dutch and European legal scholarship. He taught law as a professor in Leiden and other universities, among which Ghent, Cambridge, Utrecht. He practiced it as a judge in the European Court of Justice and Advocate-General in the Dutch Supreme Court,…
Science for Policy in a Changing World Insights from Leiden University’s Europe Hub
- Career prospects