1,540 search results for “external gerard” in the Public website
Centre for the History of European Integration (CHEI)
The Centre for the History of European Integration (CHEI) is an initiative that brings together scholars working on European integration, broadly conceived, from a historical perspective.
IOPS Summer Conference 2025
Screening enormous databases to find a cure for cancer
Pharmaceutical research should make more use of data science, says Gerard van Westen, postdoctoral fellow at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR). ‘If we want to have better drugs, we should start with data.’
King’s Speech by an outgoing cabinet: political swansong?
The King’s Speech delivered by King Willem-Alexander on the third Tuesday of September in 2017 will be written by an outgoing cabinet. What effect will this have on its content? Professor Arco Timmermans (Public Affairs) and public administration expert Gerard Breeman analysed other King’s Speeches…
- Volume 7 (2012)
BPOC Lecture: Electrocatalytic Water Splitting Under External Magnetic Fields: Mechanistic Understanding and Experimental Evidences
- Public Diplomacy (incl. Soft Power and Sharp Power)
Attention to education and culture at lowest point in 20 years
After an extensive content analysis of the coalition agreement, a sharp fall can be seen in the focus on education & culture, science & technology and defence. This is the conclusion of university public administration professors Gerard Breeman and Arco Timmermans. They compared the content with all…
18 billion animals a year: they die, but never end up on our plate
Each year a staggering 18 billion chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows either die or are killed without making it onto someone's plate. Environmental scientists Juliane Klaura, Laura Scherer, and Gerard Breeman were the first to calculate this number on a global scale. 'Reducing these numbers…
King’s Speech trending topic at Wijnhaven
This year the King’s Speech, read out loud by King Willem-Alexander, was analyzed live again at Leiden University. Scientists, students, and even a hat designer came to discuss the ceremony after the speech.
The Steering Committee
Strategic direction of the Europe Hub lies with a Steering Committee, composed of members from several Leiden University faculties.
NWO grant for smart software that searches for new medicines
Gerard van Westen and his group, together with pharmaceutical company Galapagos, start on developing software that invents new effective molecules. They will receive an NWO LIFT grant of 280,000 euros, of which 63,000 euros will come from Galapagos. The company will also bring its expertise in biology,…
Richard Gill member of FQXi
Prof. Dr. Richard Gill has recently joined as a member of the Foundational Questions Institute (FQXi). FQXi is an international association of scientists who explore the foundations of physics and cosmology.
Application procedure
On this page you can find out more about applying for a PhD position at the Faculty of Humanities.
Criminal law - criteria for criminalisation
One of the recurring points of discussion within the Criminal Justice research programme is the question of what behaviour should or should not fall within the scope of criminal law. This research theme is examined from a legal-dogmatic and social-scientific perspective.
Understanding the Heterogeneity of Corporate Entrepreneurship Programs
In today's volatile market environments, companies must be able to continuously innovate. In this context, innovation does not only refer to the development of new products or business models but often also affects the entire organization, which has to transform its structures, processes, and ways of…
Stay or leave? Veteran teachers’ relationships with students and job satisfaction
Dissatisfied older teachers regularly quit teaching before reaching retirement age. In her dissertation, Ietje Veldman advocates specific coaching for this group to retain them for education.
States in Shock: The Adaptive Capacities of State Administrations to Transboundary Crises
This study examines how European state administrations responded to transboundary crises over the past 30 years and the extent of their successful adaptation.
From Star-formation to Recombination: Expanding our View of the Radio-Recombination-Line Universe
The origin and evolution of galaxies are closely tied to the cyclic feedback processes between stars and the interstellar medium (ISM).
Emotions and the psychosocial development of children with and without Developmental Language Disorder
Meet the author
Several times per year, the Europa Institute organises a ‘Meet the Author’ event. In the context of this event series external academics come to Leiden to discuss one of their recent publications. The event starts with a conversation between a member of the Europa Institute and the author, after which…
Probing molecular layers with low-energy electrons
Molecular materials have been a subject of interest in fundamental research and applications for decades, and have been studied as bulk crystals, (thin) films and as individual molecules, due to the large variety in their properties. This dissertation explores pentacene crystals near the two-dimensional…
Finding a supervisor
Once you have decided on your field of research, you should start looking for a supervisor as early as possible.
Cooperation of International Organisations in Peacekeeping Operations and Issues of International Responsibility
Can international organisations be held responsible for violations of international law by peacekeepers in a peacekeeping operation?
The University wants its teaching and research to have the maximum academic, cultural, social and economic impact.
The assembly history of the milky way nuclear star cluster
Promotor: P. T. de Zeeuw, Co-promotor: N. Neumayer; G. van de Ven
Reasoning about object-oriented programs: from classes to interfaces
Throughout the history of computer science, a major challenge has been how to assert that software is free of bugs and works as intended. Software bugs can lead to serious negative impacts on any software system. Throughout the main body of the thesis, we implemented a series of studies on exploring…
Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security—pushing the line?
This article on private active cyber defense by Dennis Broeders is part of a special issue of the Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions taken from the 2019 Conference on Cyber Norms organized by The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
Media Studies (MA)
The MA Media Studies consists of four different programmes in the fields of Journalism and New Media (Dutch taught), Book and Digital Media Studies, Film and Photographic Studies and Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory.
Rebels and Legitimacy: Processes and Practices
Legitimacy is generally a term that is associated with the state. The term surfaces when there are problems with state legitimacy—when it is lacking or absent. This present volume attempts to think through the relevance of the concept of legitimacy for other political actors than the state.
Luca Giomi Group - Soft and Bio Mechanics
We are interested in understanding the mechanics of soft materials, of which biological materials are prominent examples.
The Movement of Showing
Indirect Method, Critique, and Responsibility in Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger. Explores why Derrida, Hegel, and Heidegger conceive of their thought as a “movement” rather than as a presentation of results or conclusions.
Research at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies is primarily carried out under its Research Programme ‘Exploring the Frontiers of International Law’.
Motivational signals in public sector job advertisements and how they relate to attracting and hiring candidates
This article examines how motivational signals in job advertisements relate to public employers’ recruitment success.
Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching in the disciplines of cultural anthropology, education and child studies, political science, psychology, science and technology studies, as well as in multidisciplinary approaches.
Board of Examiners
The Board of Examiners of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS) consists of scientific staff members that are appointed by the Board of the Faculty of Science and acts independently from the research institute.
Discourse Analysis of Micro-Blogging and Media Policy in China
How new media shape the communication strategies of the PRC’s official news agency Xinhua?
Can traditional forest management protect and conserve ironwood (ulin) stands? An option and approach in East Kalimantan
Promotores: G.A. Persoon, H.H. de Iongh
Intelligence and Security
The Intelligence and Security Research Group at Leiden University explores how intelligence and security services function within political, bureaucratic, and societal contexts, and how their methods can be enhanced.
Board of Deans
The deans (chairs of the faculty boards) form the Board of Deans, which is chaired by the Rector Magnificus.
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Exploring the mechanism of targeted nanoparticle-mediated drug delivery using the zebrafish model
Open Access Publishing & Copyright
Leiden University policy requires researchers to make all their Leiden-affiliated peer-reviewed articles available.
About us
The staff of the Europa Institute possess extensive expertise on European Union law and European Human Rights law generally. Current research focuses on five areas of particular relevance for European integration.
Open Access and Copyright
Leiden University has an Open Access policy and a Copyright Information Office.
Age-Related Changes in Emotion Recognition Across Childhood
Accurately recognising others’ emotions is a fundamental social skill, relevant for navigating the social world from early childhood. Children’s ability to do represents a milestone in their socioemotional development and is associated with a number of important psychosocial outcomes. Many individual…
Modulation of leukocyte homeostasis in atherosclerosis
Promotores: Prof.dr. E.A.L. Biessen, Prof.dr. T.J.C. van Berkel
There are five categories of members within the Research School:
Frontex and Human Rights
Melanie Fink, Postdoctoral Researcher at the Europa Institute of Leiden University, has published her book Frontex and Human Rights, Responsibility in 'Multi-Actor Situations' under the ECHR and EU Public Liability Law. This work is based on her doctoral dissertation, which she defended in December…
- Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law
About us
Healthy University Leiden aims to promote a working environment where staff and students can do their jobs responsibly, healthily and in positive surroundings, and where they can achieve their potential.