2,308 search results for “ethics minorities” in the Public website
Admission and application
Are you interested in the Future Challenges Lab? Find out more about admission and application below.
Chemistry and Biotechnology for Sustainability
If mankind wants to survive into the 22nd century, we will need to change the way we live drastically. The human impact on our planet is everywhere, we are changing the atmosphere, the oceans and the land, leading to global warming, climate change, loss of biodiversity and pervasive pollution. There…
Connect art and academia at ACPA
Game Studies
How do games work? How do you make them? And how do games make us and our societies and cultures? The minor Game Studies will provide you with both the perspective and practice to give your own answers to these questions.
Cyber Security
The Leiden Institute of Advance Computer Science (LIACS) in collaboration with the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) have developed the minor Cyber Security to provide students with a mixture of technical and governance knowledge to set them on a path towards understanding cyberspace and…
Do you have any questions about the minor Food security, within Planetary Boundaries? Please contact us!
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Public Policy and Innovation
The Public Policy and Innovation department of the Institute of Public Administration focuses on shaping, implementing, and evaluating policy through innovative approaches. Our goal is to tackle complex societal challenges by exploring technological advancements and creative policy tools.
Modern Drug Discovery
How are new drugs developed? This question is central to the Minor Modern Drug Discovery (MDD), which covers the entire trajectory from disease to drug molecule and vice versa. The various research groups involved offer a complementary and interdisciplinary perspective by connecting the diverse subjects…
Human Evolution
This multidisciplinary minor provides students with knowledge on how and why humans became the way they are. The minor focuses on the evolution of the species Homo sapiens from other hominin lineages and animal ancestors, and on the various factors shaping this process. Not only is human evolution of…
Frugal Innovation for Sustainable Global Development
Are you interested to learn more about frontier innovation thinking and practices? Do you want to explore the societal relevance of frugal innovation? Are you up for a multidisciplinary challenge? Do you want to combine theory and practice? If you are answering these questions affirmatively, you are…
Psychology of Health and Disease
This minor focuses on the relationships between behaviour, health and illness.
Mind and brain
This minor focuses on the cognitive processes that influence the interaction between the brain and the mind.
Ancient Greek ersatz econonomics
This subproject of 'From Homo Economicus to Political Animal' will be on ancient analogues for modern-day “ersatz economics”, the economics of the “man in the street”.
- SAILS Lunch Time Seminar Special AI & Ethics
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017, eLaw - the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, will co-organize a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data together with partners of the e-SIDES project.
COST Action grant for Bart Custers
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) has awarded a network grant for the project GoodBrother. On behalf of Leiden University, Bart Custers, professor of Law & Data Science and director of eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, contributed to writing this proposal.
eLaw workshop at the Big Data Value Forum in Versailles
On November 22nd 2017 eLaw co-organized with partners of the e-SIDES project a workshop on the ethical, legal and socio-economic implications of big data.
Dynamics in Groups and Decision Making
This minor focuses on how our thoughts, emotions and behaviour are influenced by other people, and how we influence other people.
About the programme
The programme consists of 60 EC, to be completed in one year.
ELSA Lab Defence
Embedding ethical legal and societal aspects for responsible military AI.
Ethical Principles for International Criminal Judges
- SAILS Lunch Time Seminar AI & Ethics
Violence Studies
In this minor programme, students will become familiar with the nature and scope of violence; the ways in which it impacts public order, and the ways in which society can respond to and, ultimately, prevent violence.
Public Administration: Multi-Level Governance
The public sector is increasingly a multi-level system, with interactions between public and private actors on the national, sub-national (provinces, regions) and international level and various public, semi-public and private organisations that perform public tasks. In this minor students pay attention…
Gjovalin Macaj
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
g.macaj@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Liesbet Nyssen
Faculty of Humanities
e.a.nyssen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272171
Corruption & Integrity in the Netherlands (1945 - present)
The database is created by the Centre for Public Values and Ethics of the Institute of Public Administration. Its aim is to collect and describe scandals involving (supposed) corruption and lacking integrity of public officials in the Netherlands between 1945 and the present.
Do you have any questions about the minor Artificial Intelligence and Society? Please contact us!
Our institute contributes to multiple curricula.
Late Antiquity and early Islam
This NWO project, which is being be carried out in close cooperation with the universities of Oxford (contact: Prof. Robert Hoyland) and Princeton (contact: Prof. John F. Haldon) and the UMR 8167 (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, CNRS, University Paris-Sorbonne, Paris IV, University Panthéon-Sorbonne,…
Master Class | Factory Girls, Sex Workers, and Minorities: Writing the Marginalized in History
Hanan Hammad and Eftychia Mylona give a master class focusing on conceptual and methodological challenges in writing histories of marginalized social groups.
Religion in a Changing World
Religion is everywhere. Knowledge of religion is essential for anyone who wants to understand the world. If you are fascinated by the diversity of religions, their development throughout history and their meaning today – both in people’s personal lives and in society – the minor Religion in a Changing…
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Working groups at eLaw
The purpose of eLaw's Working Groups is to stimulate a productive working environment for cooperation within the Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University.
The researchers at the Institute of Education and Child Studies focus on child rearing and the development of children and adolescents with and without developmental and other problems, in biological and non-biological families, childcare, education and care institutions.
- Meet our staff
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Immersive Journalism: Virtual Reality and the Future of the News Industry
This collection explores how immersive technologies affect newsmaking and the positive and negative impacts they may have on journalistic norms, professional ethics, audience engagement, and data protection.
Diploma requirements
To be eligible for Governance and Sustainability at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
Robert Zwijnenberg: what makes us human?
Advanced biotechnology allows us to select or alter the genetic makeup of human embryos. What limits do we impose on biotechnological intervention in nature and the human body? And whose call is that?
Our research focuses on a number of subthemes, such as the history of collecting, the agency of museum collections, the ethics of collecting (including legal aspects), and the integration of humanities and technical research in exploring the collections.
Proposal Submission Form
Authors who would like to publish in Inter-Section are requested to fill in this form as first step in the publication process. Before this form is filled in, the contributor must have requested at least one faculty staff member to support them in the writing and submission process.
JUSTREMIT is an ERC-funded project that brings together political theory, ethnography, and security studies in an interdisciplinary study of remittances and global justice.
De (on)rechtvaardige samenleving
The interdisciplinary minor De (on)rechtvaardige samenleving (The (In)just Society) offers an in-depth and applied perspective on social justice in the Netherlands. We achieve this by examining the topic from various angles and by actively engaging with you as a student in addressing concrete societal…
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Would you like to know more about this minor?
Psychology: a comprehensive introduction
This minor provides a representative and coherent overview of the entire discipline of Psychology.
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) offers courses at both bachelor’s and master’s level. There are also minors, online learning and courses for professionals.
Next444 Roundtable Report
How do we make tomorrow more sustainable, equitable, fair, and just? On the evening of 5 February scholars gathered in the conference room of Grand Café The Burcht to discuss this grand question at the Next444 Roundtable. Organized by the Young Academy Leiden as one of the final events of the Leiden…