3,593 search results for “arabic language and linguistics” in the Public website
Liveblog as Genre in Pursuit of Credibility
PhD defence
Special: Introduction to Chinese Dialectology
Lecture, Special Topics in Dialectology (2023)
Instrumentos musicais nas línguas bantu e a herança no português do Brasil
PhD defence
Lecture by Harry van der Hulst
Van struikelblok naar bouwsteen
PhD defence
Towards the Automatic Detection of Syntactic Differences
PhD defence
Studies in Tocharian verbal morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
PhD defence
Spanish English contact in the Falkland Islands: an ethnographic approach to loanwords & place names
PhD defence
N400 as an index of semantic feature preactivation
Lecture, LACG Meetings
A functional approach to differential indexing
PhD defence
The persistence of space: Formalizing the polysemy of spatial relations in functional elements
PhD defence
Stop! Hey, what's that sound?
PhD defence
Like Dust on the Silk Road
PhD defence
The DP-Internal Origin of Datives
Lecture, Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Pluricentriciteit in de taalgeschiedenis
PhD defence
Indo-Slavic lexical isoglosses and the prehistoric dispersal of Indo- Iranian
PhD defence
Submission Guidelines
All manuscripts submitted to Inter-Section need to adhere to these guidelines. Since 01-08-2022 Inter-Section uses APA7 as a reference system. Inter-Section therefore now follows the new Faculty of Archaeology guidelines concerning referencing and bibliography.
Book series
Diplomatic Studies (DIST) is a peer-reviewed book series that encourages original work on the theory and practice, processes and outcomes of diplomacy.
Text in Context
Recontextualising the Papyri from Roman Soknopaiou Nesos / Dimê (Fayyum, Egypt)
In Memoriam: Stefan Landsberger (1955-2024)
My colleagues and I have been devastated to learn that our good colleague and friend Stefan Landsberger (born 1955) passed away unexpectedly, on 26 September 2024. Stefan had been a fixture of China Studies in the Netherlands, where he had been Associate Professor of contemporary Chinese History and…
This is a list of scientific publications by students and staff of the Media Technology MSc programme.
CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Lecture, CMGI Brown Bag Seminar
Femicide: a comparative approach from a Dutch, Italian and European point of view
- Maartje Draak Seminars
Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2022: 'Christiani et Ceteri. The Treatment of Christians in the Roman Empire'
Forum Antiquum Lecture Spring 2023: Who reads Martial’s epigrams? The gender gap in reading Roman literature
LUCAS PhD Alumni Network Event 2022
Alumni event, Job market Preparation for PhD's
Ñii Ñu’u - Sacred Skin
Film screening and Q&A
LUCAS Conference 'Practices in Comparative Medievalism'
Taiwanese Literature in Dutch: the Voice of the Translators
Metje Postma retires after 37 years
This February Metje Postma will stop teaching and retire. But she is not done with the discipline yet: she will finish her PhD and there are still five films on the shelf that she plans to complete.
The ancient Egyptians were just like us
The people who lived in Saqqara, City of the Dead in Egypt, died thousands of years ago, but they are not all that different from us. This is what a study by the National Museum of Antiquities in Leiden, The Netherlands concludes. If you wanted to prove that you had good taste in ancient Egypt then…
‘Friends can achieve a great deal together’
On 29 January, the Mayor of Leiden, Henri Lenferink, was awarded Leiden University’s Scaliger Medal. The longest-serving Mayor of Leiden was presented with the medal by the University’s longest-serving Rector Magnificus, Carel Stolker. Lenferink was awarded the medal in recognition of his achievements…
- Com(parative) Syn(tax) Series
Prehistoric loanwords in Armenian
PhD defence
The ambiguity of the post-verbal modal morpheme DE in Sichuanese
Lecture, CHiLL series
AI & Humanities, Help, Hype or Hassle
Políticas de retorno diaspórico desde Latinoamérica a Galicia (España): la eterna contradicción entre la sangre y la lengua
- Public graduation presentation, Lal Avgen
Workshop Phi and Agree
The Gulag Legacy - Memory of Stalinism in Today's Russia
Tunen syntax and information structure
PhD defence
The Leiden 'Humanities in a Digital World' Symposium
2. Measuring Dialect Distances & Distance Matrices
Course, Introduction to Dialectometry (2024)
Iterative tone spreading and experimentally testing tonal spread
Open Science Coffee: User experiences on preregistration
Dutch Grammar in Japanese Words
PhD defence
Introduction to Dialectometry
Lecture, Leiden Dialectology Workshop series 2022
5. Contemporary Approaches in Computational Dialectology
Course, Introduction to Dialectometry (2024)
LUCDH FAIR Workshop with Kristina Hettne and Peter Verhaar