1,036 search results for “recognition rol” in the Public website
Converting cultural heritage into usable data
How can we make the information in handwritten historical research reports accessible and searchable? Data scientists at Leiden University are working with other universities on a method that will improve access to cultural heritage.
The World Cultural Council (WCC) is an international organisation based in Mexico. Since 1984 the WCC has held an annual Award Ceremony granting prizes to outstanding scientists, educators and artists whose breakthroughs in the fields of knowledge, learning and research have contributed positively to…
To promote a sustainable partnership with Asia, it is important to gain a better understanding of each other in economic, socio-cultural, historical, and legal terms. For decades, scholars from Leiden have made a significant contribution to the acquisition of knowledge about both the present and the…
Colloidal LEGO with peptides
The Relationship between State and Religion in a Changing Dutch Society
In recent decades, the Netherlands’ struggle with multiculturalism has caused an upsurge in public interest in the relationship between state and religion. In this, the Dutch address a subject relevant not just to them, but to all of Europe.
Access & Support Platform
The Access & Support Platform is a network of disability experts by experience, i.e. staff and students, at Leiden University.
Conference 2022
On July 8 and 9, 2022, Leiden University hosted the second conference of the research group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution, in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University.
At Leiden University, researchers from all disciplines work together to find answers and design innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.
Learning Chairs
In the Department of Business Sciences, three chairs are established. Together, the chair holders lead the Turnaround, Rescue & Insolvency Leiden Research Team (TRI Leiden), which consists of legal and business science researchers from Leiden Law School. TRI Leiden aims, through an international and…
Marriage Law and Practice in Indonesia
This project looks at the current practices of marriage law in Indonesia. It examines the often ambiguous views different groups hold of marriage, from local villagers in Bengkulu to women’s activists in Jakarta, and how these relate to the development of national law on the one hand and local practices…
Skin Deep? Reading the Surfaces of the Body in Ancient Greek Literature and Science
The skin has recently gained attention within body studies for its many specific cultural and social associations, in addition to its biology. This project aims to examine the different layers of meaning and the functions invested in the skin in ancient Greece: how did ancient Greek literary and medical…
Assyriology (research) (MA)
The research master's in Assyriology, a specialisation of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme, at Leiden University provides you with a multidisciplinary study of the languages, literatures and cultures of the Ancient Near Eastern world.
Media about hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies
An international team of more than 200 astronomers from 18 countries has published hundreds of thousands of unknown galaxies. The data are part of a project lead by Leiden professor of Observational cosmology Huub Röttgering. Both Dutch and international media reported extensively about the publica…
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Vacatures Raad van Advies
De Raad van Advies bestaat uit leden die een binding hebben met de faculteit. Daarnaast zijn zij goed thuis in de wereld van de advocatuur, de rechterlijke macht, de overheid en het bedrijfsleven. Het faculteitsbestuur gebruikt de adviezen van de Raad van Advies bij de beleidsontwikkeling van de faculteit…
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Rina Visser: Art becomes a process
On 1 November 2018, Rina Visser-Rotgans obtained her doctorate with her thesis on ‘Veranderend kunstenaarschap. De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken’ (Artistry evolving. The function and definition of the artist in participational practices of art). Rina’s research…
Small Grants 2024 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Matthias Haentjens and the second conference on bank resolution
On 3 February 2021, Prof. Matthias Haentjens spoke at the second conference on bank resolution, jointly organised by the European Banking Institute (EBI) and the Single Resolution Board (SRB).
Hanneke Hulst new Scientific Director Institute of Psychology
Prof. Hanneke Hulst has been appointed Scientific Director of the Institute of Psychology by the Board of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences. She will start on 1 February 2024 for a period of 3 years, succeeding Andrea Evers and interim director Serge Rombouts.
Mixtec activist Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez Honoured
Mixtec researcher and cultural activist Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) has been awarded a Medal of Merit during the World Conference of Indigenous Woman in Lima, Peru.
Els Kindt delivers keynote address at Speaker Odyssey 2018
Els Kindt will provide a keynote lecture on 'Speaker recognition and language processing in IoT environments: key messages for industry and researchers ' upon invitation of the biometric community at Odyssey 2018.
eLaw students organize lecture by the European Data Protection Supervisor
On Tuesday 11 February, the European Data Protection Supervisor, Mr. Wojciech Wiewiórowski, visited eLaw, - center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden Law School to give a lecture on facial recognition systems and data protection in Europe.
Blog Post | The Taliban in Kabul: some diplomatic challenges
The occupation of the Afghan capital Kabul by the radical Taliban movement on 15 August 2021 received enormous international attention, not least because of the crisis that soon enveloped Kabul airport as desperate Afghans sought to flee the country on evacuation flights mounted by the United States…
Migration and crime are in the spotlight in society. Within the Institute for Criminal Law and Criminology, research in this area has strongly developed in recent years. The concept of Crimmigration is central to this.
- In Memoriam
Learn more about the former members of the Young Academy Leiden who contributed to a better position for young academics. In the academic year 2023-2024, Young Academy Leiden said goodbye to eleven of its members, who became YALumni. In the five years they were member of YAL, they all experienced…
As a venue, Leiden University is a fitting setting for recognising the outstanding achievements of the award winners and celebrating the inspiration that they bring as role models for encouraging a fairer society by motivating one individual at a time.
Past events
Conferences, Workshops and Lectures showcasing research and tools in Digital Humanities.
Honorary doctorates and prizes
Leiden University regularly confers honorary doctorates, and presents awards and prizes.
New HR pilot ‘Annual Interview’ aims for a team oriented approach
Together with Leiden University’s central HRM department, the department of Health-, Medical- and Neuropsychology has started a new HR pilot. For all colleagues a simplified and improved ‘Annual Interview’ is being introduced.
European Grant for Mariska Kret's Virtual Reality emotion training tool
Teaching people to recognize subtle, real-world expressions will help them understand and trust others better. The aim of Mariska Kret is to develop an interactive virtual-reality training tool (E-VIRT) for a broad group of users, including patients. Kret provides a brief description of her idea for…
WCC award ceremony: Distinctions for leading scientists
This year, Leiden University is organising the 34th Award Ceremony of the World Cultural Council (WCC). Who will be the prize winners this year?
Becoming friends with algebraic formulas
Peter Kop, secondary school teacher, PhD, and teacher educator at ICLON, studied how sketching a graph of an algebraic formula could promote students’ symbol sense. Defence on 18 November.
Article by Linda Geven on knowledge of suspects published in Biological Psychology
The article deals with the physiological recognition of knowledge by suspects and whether this can be used to distinguish between true and false confessions.
Open Science in Recruitment and Promotion Policies
Dutch knowledge institutions are taking steps to recognise and reward open science. On 13 December, the Open Science NL Steering Board approved a total of 1.2 million euros in grants to 23 institutions. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) will lead the national coordination of the local…
Freya Baetens awarded Francqui Chair
Freya Baetens, Professor of European Law, has been awarded a Chair by the Francqui Foundation in Belgium for the impact of her work on lawmaking and policymaking in Europe and beyond.
Ineke Sluiter receives honorary degree from the University of Bristol
Ineke Sluiter received an honorary degree from the University of Bristol on 18 February 2020. In the Wills Memorial Building, she addressed young doctors about the importance of academic expertise and interdisciplinarity.
Winnie Gebhardt receives Honorary Fellowship
Health psychologist Winnie Gebhardt has been appointed as Honorary Fellow of the European Health Psychology Society (EHPS) in recognition of her exceptional contribution to the EHPS and the field of health psychology.
A new leaf for land rights?
Willem van der Muur's article on Indonesia's recent recognition of indigenous land rights was published by New Mandala.
New impulse for autism research in collaboration with China
Psychologists of Leiden University and Peking University will collaborate to investigate the deficiencies in emotion recognition in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The new collaboration fits very well in the policy of Leiden University in which intensified collaboration with China has…
In Memoriam professor Wim Jiskoot (1961-2021)
Afgelopen zondagavond, 22 augustus, is na een kort ziekbed onze zeer gewaardeerde collega professor Wim Jiskoot, Hoogleraar Technologie van toediening van medicijnen, overleden. Wim werd twee weken geleden onverwachts geconfronteerd met het feit dat hij een vergevorderd stadium van kanker had, waarvoor…
Rapport: Opsporing seksueel uitbuiten van jongeren kan effectiever via directe omgeving
Preventie, signalering en opsporing van seksuele uitbuiting van jongeren kan effectiever via buren, klasgenoten en andere mensen uit hun sociale leefomgeving. Dit volgt na onderzoek van universitair docent Ieke de Vries in samenwerking met het Centrum Kinderhandel en Mensenhandel (CKM).
Blog Post | An Identity Perspective on Non-great Power Public Diplomacy
The postwar Liberal International Order faces grave challenges today mostly in the form of geopolitical competitions among great powers and exclusionary identity politics unfolding across different countries.
Qihuang prize awarded to Mei Wang
Dr. Mei Wang, chair of ‘Leiden University - European Center for Chinese Medicine and natural compounds’ has been awarded the ‘Qihuang prize’. The prize is awarded by the Chinese Medicine Society in recognition of her significant contribution to Chinese medicine outside China and to further stimulate…
Leiden University receives Prime Minister's Award from Korea for Korea Studies program
Ambassador Hyoung Chan Choe of South Korea paid his first visit to Leiden University Nov. 22, where he was received by President Annetje Ottow and Professor of Korea Studies Remco Breuker.
NWO grant for super fast analysis of disease progression
New funding allows IBL-researcher Herman Spaink to purchase a measurement device for more studies on human diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis using zebrafish as the model system.
Vincente Fischer de Miranda Rodrigues wins KHMW Brouwer Thesis Prize for History
Master's student Vincente Fischer de Miranda Rodrigues is the winner of the KHMW Brewer Thesis Prize for History. He was awarded the prize for his research on donatism.
Professor Ben Lugtenberg received ‘The Arima Award for Applied Microbiology’
Emeritus Professor Ben Lugtenberg received ‘The Arima Award for Applied Microbiology’ from the IUMS (International Union of Microbial Societies) for his life-time contributions to this field.
Inequity and Spondyloarthritis
PhD defence