2,482 search results for “media een land” in the Public website
Just Future
Which key factors contribute to effective land justice pathways for the protection of people’s land rights and prevention of conflict?
Anna van Duijvenvoorde: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Anna van Duijvenvoorde.
Ellen de Bruijn: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Ellen de Bruijn.
How can academics be supported in the face of threats on social media?
'Academics who share their knowledge with the outside world on social media are often insulted or even threatened. Especially female academics and academics of colour seem to regularly be the victim of sexist and racist comments.' This is what Ineke Sluiter, Professor of Greek Language and Literature…
Kelly Ziemer
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.l.ziemer@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
peek of exhibition Frank Scholten: Archeology and Tourism in the ‘Holy Land’
The Rijksmuseum van Oudheden (RMO) was due to open its doors to the small photography exhibit Frank Scholten: Archaeology and Tourism in the ‘Holy Land’ in April. Since the organisers, Leiden University and the RMO, have had to temporarily close, researchers Karène Sanchez and Sary Zananiri would like…
Media attention for the learning adolescent brain
The brains of adolescents react more strongly to receiving rewards. This can lead to risky behaviour, but research in Leiden has shown that it also has a positive purpose: it makes learning easier. The publication of an article on the research findings led to a lot of media attention.
ISGA researchers in international media
Terrorism, crisis, violence, intelligence, diplomacy, war and peace are topics that are broadly covered in ISGA's research activities. Regularly, ISGA researchers appear in international media to discuss their research expertise. This item offers an overview of non-Dutch and non-English articles and…
Was Brexit een valse belofte? Wat de rellen van extreemrechts te maken hebben met migratiebeleid
Waarom laaien er rellen op in het Verenigd Koninkrijk, aangespoord door de extreemrechtse British Defence League? Jorieke Manenschijn sprak met EenVandaag over hoe de beloftes van Brexit aan de woede hebben bijgedragen.
Sharing knowledge about social media in Africa
Africa is online. Leiden Africa expert Mirjam de Bruijn is fascinated by the fast development of mobile telephony and social media in Africa. She maintains a website on the topic, focusing on isolated, marginalised and conflict-ridden areas in Middle Africa.
Corona research crowdfunder attracts media attention
Within a month, the Wake Up to Corona crowdfunding campaign had already raised 600,000 euros for corona research in Leiden. The goal is to raise enough money for the LUMC to set up a second laboratory that is safe enough for research into the new virus. The initiative has not escaped the attention of…
Should states use Social Media to warn civilians in armed conflict?
In a new essay for Ethics & International Affairs, Dr Henning Lahmann, Assistant Professor of International Law & Technology at eLaw, addresses the question whether states should resort to social media to warn a civilian population ahead of military operations.
Media on the dissertation of Wimar Bolhuis
Electoral promises are not always realized in the coalition agreement, and that is often at the expense of households. On an average they pay 4 billion euros more than planned. That is what the PhD research of Wimar Bolhuis shows. Several media reacted on his PhD research.
Media attention for lime-producing Neanderthals
Neanderthals were the first people to make glue, but how did they do that? Leiden archaeologists discovered how, and their findings did not go unnoticed.
Leer het oorlogsrecht kennen in een Massive Open Online Course
De online cursis begint op maandag 12 november en de inschrijving is nu geopend.
Eerste Kamer vervult te veel een politieke rol
De rol van de Eerste Kamer is het toetsen van wetten op uitvoerbaarheid. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, zegt voor NPO Radio1 dat de Eerste Kamer nu te veel een politieke rol in plaats van een controlerende rol vervult.
Botanie: een liefde die je niet kunt dwingen
Botanisch filosoof Norbert Peeters vertelt over hoe mensen omgaan met planten in het algemeen, en met onkruid in het bijzonder.
‘Radicalisering is een logisch gevolg van hoe wij samenleven’
Hoogleraar Radicalisation Studies Tahir Abbas wil mensen er bewust van maken dat radicalisering voortkomt uit hoe wij als mensen samenleven
Er is een ‘ingrijpende cultuurverandering’ nodig bij vrouwengevangenissen
Er zijn structurele (sociale) veiligheidsproblemen in vrouwengevangenissen, blijkt uit onderzoek van Leidse onderzoekers Esther van Ginneken en Yara Abbing. Universitair hoofddocent Van Ginneken sprak met Trouw: ‘We moeten macht, seksualiteit en discriminatie bespreekbaar maken.’
Meehelpen een Serious game ontwikkelen in Psychologielab op Wielen?
Psychology Lab on Wheels makes science accessible for everyone. On Monday 24 June, we will be back with our mobile lab at the Old Observatory near the Singelpark in Leiden. Join our research to learn to better recognise emotions with a Serious game and read more about participant Maxime and game developer…
Is een uitzonderingspositie in het asielrecht voor Polen haalbaar?
Ook Polen wil het recht op een tijdelijk afschaffing op asiel, zo maakte premier Tusk onlangs bekend. Hoe groot zijn de kansen in Brussel en vormt dit een optie voor Nederland? Mark Klaassen, universitair docent Immigratierecht, spreekt over de kwestie in het Algemeen Dagblad.
Vier onderzoekers van FSW krijgen een ERC Starting Grant
De Starting Grant wordt jaarlijks door de European Research Council (ERC) toegekend. Dit jaar zijn er in Nederland 51 onderzoekers die een Starting Grant ontvangen, waaronder 4 onderzoekers van FSW.
‘Je kan door een stage veel beter aan jezelf werken‘
Oberon Janszen, alumnus Bestuurskunde, ging na zijn studie als stagiair bij de Inspectie der Rijksfinanciën aan de slag
What’s Your Story?: diversiteit in een kaartspel
The JEDI Fund supports projects that promote diversity and inclusivity within the university. One of these projects is the card game called ‘What’s Your Story?’, developed by university lecturer Tingting Hui.
Is de nieuwe ZZP-wet een valse belofte?
De nieuwe wet Verduidelijking beoordeling arbeidsrelaties en rechtsvermoeden (Vebar) moet duidelijk maken, wanneer iemand als echte zzp’er wordt beschouwd of als werknemer. Stefan Sagel, hoogleraar arbeidsrecht, schreef een opiniestuk over dit onderwerp in de Telegraaf.
What's Next? Alumni Talks on Life after Media Technology
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology MSc students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme by Media Technology MSc students themselves, and followed by social…
Anouk van Vliet
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.l.van.vliet@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9512
‘The influence of the media on legislation is limited’
News articles have only a limited influence on the course of legislative processes. This is the finding of political science expert Lotte Melenhorst in her PhD dissertation. Defence 21 March.
Call for Papers 'Playing Politics: Media Platforms Making Worlds'
We are living through an age in which social media platforms have given way to entirely new forms of politics and politicking. It is no exaggeration to say: there is a before and after social media.
What's Next? Alumni Talks on Life after Media Technology
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology MSc students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme by Media Technology MSc students themselves, and followed by social…
Report: Dutch media insufficiently prepared for psychological intimidation by China
China is actively attempting to silence critical voices about the country, including in the Netherlands. This is the main conclusion of a report on Chinese interference and intimidation within the Dutch media landscape. The media are often not well prepared for this.
Hundreds of Stone Tombs Discovered in Land of 'Dead Fire'
The faculty has been investigating hundreds of ancient stone tombs in Jordan’s Black Desert.
Wouter Hins
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
hins@wxs.nl | +31 71 527 8838
Weiyan Low
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.low@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mark Westmoreland
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.r.westmoreland@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3773
Michaël Opgenhaffen
Faculty of Humanities
m.p.a.opgenhaffen@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2099
Andrew Shield
Faculty of Humanities
a.d.j.shield@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2550
Tarlach McGonagle
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.e.mcgonagle@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Yinzhi Zhang
Faculty of Humanities
y.z.zhang@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2519
Gina van Ling
Faculty of Humanities
g.i.van.ling@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009137
Lifestyle Enclaves in the Instagram City?
Commentators and scholars view both social media and cities as sites of fragmentation. Since both urban dwellers and social media users tend to form assortative social ties, so the reasoning goes, identity-based divisions are fortified and polarization is exacerbated in digital and urban spaces.
What's Next? Alumni Talks on Life after Media Technology
With the What's Next? series we hope to inspire current Media Technology MSc students, show the variety of paths taken after the studies, and bring together alumni. Editions of the series are generally organized around a particular theme by Media Technology MSc students themselves, and followed by social…
Congratulations to the first Arts, Media and Society cohort!
The Groot-Auditorium of the Academy building was recently stage to the graduation of the first cohort of the BA-track Arts, Media and Society. This impressive room, normally only used for PhD defenses and inaugural lectures by professors, was accommodated a ceremony attended by 17 students and their…
LIACS part of Horizon 2020 project about social media analytics
Since January 2019, The Leiden Institute for Advanced Computer Science is part of the RISE_SMA project. In this European project 6 universities, in collaboration with companies, government authorities and NGOs, will join forces to get more insight in social media data during crisis situations. The kick-off…
Media Technology researchers presenting at Brave New World conference
The "BRAVE NEW WORLD" conference is about how future technology will impact human life. On November 8-9 it is held in Leiden. Two of the invited speakers are researchers and lecturers of the Media Technology program.
Martijn Manders and the media fascination with “Klein Hollandia“
Recently, we have witnessed an increased interest of the public and media in the hidden world of underwater archaeology sparked by the identification of a shipwreck as
Sybille Lammes new professor of New Media and Digital Culture
Sybille Lammes is leaving Warwick University in Britain to research digital culture in daily life at Leiden University. She will start as professor New Media and Digital Culture on September 1st 2017
Join us at the European Media Arts Festival (EMAF)
Students, staff and alumni of the Media Technology program will make a collective visit to the European Media Art Festival 2021, one of the most influential international forums of contemporary Media Arts.
Jojanneke van der Toorn in the media about workplace inclusion
Jojanneke van der Toorn appears in several media trying to bridge science and society with the aim of contributing to effective and evidence-based diversity policy. Read more in English and Dutch media.
Media Technology lecturers in NVON's magazine Terugkoppeling
Maarten Lamers and Peter van der Putten were guest editors of magazine Terugkoppeling, the publication of the NVON (Dutch Association for Education in Natural Sciences), and wrote two articles. On March the 29th 2018 the Media Technology lecturers are opening speakers at the national Bétatechniekdag,…