1,541 search results for “external gerard” in the Public website
Admission to the Graduate School
Requirements for admission to the Graduate School and the steps described below in short are described in detail in the Leiden University PhD Regulations.
About this minor
In the minor Global Affairs, students will explore the practical side of International Relations from a variety of perspectives, such as diplomacy, geo-economics, geopolitics, international organizations, international security, and global governance.
Coffee with Gert & Niels: 'Growth and adaptability in challenging times'
Twice a year, Gert Renkema, Head of Financial and Economic Affairs at FGGA, provides us with an update on the faculty’s finances. This time, he sits down with Niels Laurens, Director of Operations, over a cup of coffee and tea to share the results of the past year and the financial outlook.
- Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Food for Thought
Once a month, the Europa Institute comes together to hear from its own staff members, guest researchers, or external scholars about their research plans, work in progress papers, or recently concluded projects relevant to European law. The Food for Thought-series is organised by Melanie Fink.
How to find a supervisor
This procedure is relevant for contract and external PhD candidates only.
The serosa: an evolutionary novelty in insect eggs
What is the function of the insect serosa?
Joining us
The Mathematical Institute regularly has vacancies. These are advertised on the homepage of the Mathematical Institute or on the general website of Leiden University. You can also join the Mathematical Institute as a guest, and of course you can also pursue a bachelor's or master's degree with us.
Emotions in EU foreign policy - when and how do they matter?
Politicians' statements often involve emotions, shaping public perceptions. This study highlights the role of emotions in EU foreign policy.
Structure-reactivity relationships in glycosylation chemistry
In a typical glycosylation reaction, a donor is activated to form a (variety of) electrophilic species which can react with a nucleophilic acceptor, following a reaction mechanism having both SN1 and SN2 character.
Programme structure
The programme places emphasis on the interrelation of regional economic law of the European Union with global or trade law of the World Trade Organisation.
Vision on Student Well-being
The University’s Vision on Student Well-Being outlines how the University plans to promote student well-being in the coming years.
Roman-Catholic reactions to Protestant 'moderns' in the Netherlands, 1840-1870
Ineke Smit defended her thesis on 17 September 2019
European foreign policy in times of crisis: a political development lens
EU foreign policy has become increasingly politicised over the past years, amongst others as a consequence of the succession of crises. Crises may engender processes of crisis framing and contestation. This article focuses on how the policy demands being voiced in these processes of contestation are…
Working at LUCAS
Read more about working at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS).
Matchmaking for open innovation: perspectives on multi-sided markets
Promotores: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Prof.dr. K. Sailer (Munich University)
Important information
Below you will find important information for new and current PhD candidates at the Institute for Philosophy.
Our history
As an educational and research institution Leiden University is seeking to understand its own relationship with the colonial and slavery past.
The niche of think tanks in a consensus – seeking and neo-corporatist policy advisory system
Bert Fraussen and Valérie Pattyn theoretically contribute to the existing literature on policy advice by drawing inspiration from niche theory.
Morin Lab - Synthetic Soft Condensed Matter
We investigate emergent structures and dynamics of soft materials self-assembled from microscopic constituents.
The variational mode: three cases about documents, artworks and animation
My artistic practice deals with documents and, more specifically, with the use and the exploration of their narrative potential.
Studying Human Origins
Disciplinary History and Epistemology
Privacy and data protection
As a PhD candidate, you probably work with personal data. That’s not just names and telephone numbers – it can also include things like cookies. To keep (personal) data as secure as possible, the university has established an information security policy.
Low-temperature spectroscopic studies of single molecules in 3-D and on 2-D hosts
Spectroscopic studies on fluorescent single molecules in organic condensed matter does not only provide information about the molecule itself, but also its near environment. By suppression of phonon-induced broadening of spectral lines through cooling to low temperatures, small changes in the spectral…
The secretariat is part of the Institute for the Interdisciplinary Study of the Law, part of Leiden Law School. The Institute Coordinator is in charge of the secretariat and the Institute's Academic Director is ultimately responsible for the secretariat. The secretariat provides administrative support…
Public leaders’ organizational learning orientations in the wake of a crisis and the role of public service motivation
This study explores public leaders’ organizational learning orientation in the wake of a crisis. More precisely, we study the association between public leaders’ public service motivation and their learning orientation (instrumental versus political).
On these pages you will find information on the research that is being conducted at each of the participating universities as well as the funding programme set up by the Research School.
Understanding the physical properties that affect the lipid organization in the skin barrier
It is the aim of this project to better understand how the physical properties of lipids influences the structure and overall barrier function of the skin.
PhD subsidy
As a PhD candidate you can declare costs that are related to the graduation formalities.
- Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar Series
Stepwise latent class analysis
The main methodological aspects of the use of stepwise LCA estimators under different circumstances.
Performance information and issue prioritisation by political and managerial decision-makers: A discrete choice experiment
This article explores the concept of issue prioritisation within the context of public administration research, focusing on decision-making processes.
Tailored care for children at high risk for problem behaviour
Accountability and data-driven urban climate governance
The use of increasingly large and diverse datasets to guide urban climate action has implications for how, and by whom, local governments are held accountable.
Changing the Nature of the Beast
On the first day at a new job, you have sweaty palms, nerves race through your system, and you feel insecure. Now, a couple of months later these feelings have left. You know what to do in your new role and have become part of the organization. The process leading to this result is called organizational…
Printeger – Promoting integrity as an integral dimension of excellence in research
The mission of Printeger is to enhance research integrity by promoting a research culture in which integrity is part and parcel of what it means to do excellent research, and not just an external and restrictive control system.
Ruthenium-peptide conjugates for targeted phototherapy
As leading cause of death worldwide, cancer is responsible for nearly 10 million deaths in 2020 according to World Health Organization (WHO). Cisplatin and its derivatives are commonly used chemotherapy agents for current cancer treatment in the clinics.
Lab facilities EEG
Measurement of brain activity by external electrodes (EEG).
Parties concerned
Many internal and external parties are involved in the expansion of the Gorlaeus Building.
African Studies Centre Leiden Research Programme
The ASCL Research Programme for the years 2019-2024 is called ‘Strident Africa: Societal and Environmental Change in the Context of 50 Centuries of History’. It examines the dramatic changes taking place on the continent in terms of population growth, urbanization, the role of external actors and the…
Members of LUXs teach courses in statistics and data science at Leiden University, Leiden University Medical Center and Leiden University College, for students of many backgrounds. They cooperate in offering wide-ranging master programs in Statistical Science and Data Science, and provide many opportunities…
Setup: Static Magnetic Field with Low Noise
Our cantilevers have a low intrinsic damping rate: this enables us to measure with low noise, since damping is proportionate to noise. However, when the magnet is close to the surface of a sample we want to study, we measure a much higher effective damping rate. This is caused by magnetic interaction…
PhD Confidential Advisor
As a PhD candidate, you can experience problems in the relationship with your supervisor or co-supervisor, with your immediate superior, colleagues or other PhD candidates. If you are unable to solve these problems, you can turn to a confidential advisor for PhD candidates.
A Grammar of Logba (Ikpana)
This book presents a comprehensive description of the grammar of Logba, one of the fourteen Ghana-Togo Mountain (GTM) languages spoken by approximately 7,500 speakers on the South-Eastern frontier of the Ghana-Togo border. It is the outcome of fifteen months research in Logba speaking communities.
Carlo Beenakker Group - Theoretical Nanophysics
Our world is shrinking, or at least our electronic devices are. From PCs to mobile phones: everything is smaller and thinner. The smaller the chip, the better it can conduct electricity and pass on information.
Digiuseppe & Poast, ‘Arms versus Democratic Allies’
In theory, states can gain security by acquiring internal arms or external allies. Yet the empirical literature offers mixed findings: some studies find arms and allies to be substitutes, while others find them to be complements. Political scientists Matthew Digiuseppe (Leiden University) and Paul Poast…
The lead zeppelin: a force sensor without a handle
Promotor: T. H. Oosterkamp
Knots in plasma
A plasma is an ionized gas with very low electrical resistivity. As such, magnetic field lines are 'frozen in' and move with the fluid. Magnetic field lines that are linked, knotted and tangled, cannot be undone by the fluid motions.
Admission to the Graduate School
All PhD candidates must be admitted to the Graduate School.
The institute is lead by the Scientific Director, prof.dr.ing. Martina G. Vijver, Director of Operations: Jasper Williams and Director of Education Dr. Stefano Cucurachi in collaboration with the Management Team.