1,466 search results for “etnische profiling” in the Public website
Koenraad Schalm Group - String Theory and Experiment
Truth is stranger than fiction. In 1997 Juan Maldaceña discovered a remarkable dictionary that translates equation for equation the physics of black holes in string theory into the more conventional physics of quantum mechanics of interacting particles. The remarkable possibility exists that…
Biomedical Imaging
The rapid advances in imaging technology enable to see inside the body with ever increasing detail.
- Prof Dr Matthias Erb
Spatial (3-D) CNS drug distribution in vivo
Another research line is the development of a spatial CNS drug distribution model, by ultimately including the 3-dimensional anatomical organization of the CNS.
Tom Louwerse, 'Improving opinion poll reporting: the Irish Polling Indicator'
Article in the journal Irish Political Studies discussing the challenge of aggregating opinion polls and presenting a method to better model major sudden political and societal events. This can can enhance opinion poll reporting in the media.
Innovation in Health Strategy and Quality of Care
The focus of health care is rapidly changing. The need for maximum gains with minimal input requires tailored health care strategies and an ever more explicit evaluation of health benefits for the patient.
- Prof Dr André Kessler
Immunity, Infection and Tolerance
The LUMC has a longstanding tradition researching the role of the immune system in infectious diseases, transplantation and auto-immune diseases.
- Prof Dr Caroline Müller
Jean-Luc Wolfender
Professor at the School of pharmaceutical sciences, University of Geneva - Switzerland
The Leiden Institute for Philosophy has a unique profile in the Low Countries and is one of few of its kind worldwide. It takes a global and comparative perspective of philosophy, whereas most philosophy programs restrict themselves to European and Anglo-American philosophical traditions rooted in Greek…
The Central Asia Initiative in Leiden was launched by the Leiden research area Asia Modernities and Traditions (AMT) in February 2015.
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Helmut Schiessel Group - Theoretical Physics of Life Processes
The group Theoretical Physics of Life Processes, led by Helmut Schiessel, focuses on the physics of chromatin, the DNA-protein complex that fills the nuclei of eukaryotic cells.
Vascular and Regenerative medicine
With an ageing population it is becoming increasingly important to find means to repair cells, tissue and organs through regenerative medicine.
Henkes Group - Active Materials
The research group of Silke Henkes at Leiden University. Part of the Leiden Institute of Physics (LION). The group studies the physics opf active materials.
- Prof Dr Marcel Dicke
- Dr Heiko Vogel
Louise Jawerth Lab
Research in the Jawerth lab focuses on using principles from soft condensed matter physics to understand important biological materials.
Golden Horde Project
The Golden Horde Project was initiated by Dr. Marie Favereau and Dr. Gabrielle van den Berg. The initiative is funded by Asian Modernities and Traditions (AMT) and Leiden Global Interactions (LGI) research profile areas.
John van Noort Lab - Chromatin Dynamics
Chromatin is an ubiquitous protein-DNA complex that forms the structural basis of DNA condensation in all eukaryotic organisms.
Translational Neuroscience
Within the LUMC medical research profile Translational Neuroscience innovative multidisciplinary research is performed on a number of severe disorders of the brain, nerves and muscles.
Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy
Cancer represents a formidable current and future global health challenge. The LUMC medical research profile Cancer Pathogenesis and Therapy charges this challenge by developing and implementing innovative patient-tailored, multimodal diagnostic methods and treatment modalities.
Studies in the aklu Documents of the Middle Babylonian Period
Nobuaki Murai defended his thesis on 24 January 2018.
Jan Zaanen Group - Quantum Matter Theory
The focus of our theoretical physics research is the nature of macroscopic matter that is in one or the other way still in the grip of quantum physics.
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Catecholamine function, brain state dynamics, and human cognition
The work presented in this thesis addresses the role of the locus coeruleus (LC) - norepinephrine (NE) system in various aspects of human cognition, and the modulation of brain state.
Create an ORCID and add this to LUCRIS
Why should you create and use an ORCID? Here is the answer!
Continuity and Change in US Counterterrorism Policy Through Policymaker Profiles
PhD defence
Single-cell immune profiling of atherosclerosis
PhD defence
Hans Mol
Faculty of Humanities
h.mol@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 527 1646
Working Paper Series
The Working Paper Series reflects the yet-to-be published work of eLaw researchers and the unedited versions of manuscripts that have been accepted for publication by journals and books.
Biotransformation of plant metabolites in microorganisms
- How to deconvolute metabolic mixture of precursors and products by biontransformation? - How to optimize the reaction conditions to produce bioactive compounds in biotransformation? - What is the effect of co-treating fungi or bacteria for biotransformations?
Hit and Lead Optimization
The goal of hit and lead optimization is to optimize suitable chemical starting points that can modulate a drug target. The methods and technologies used are similar to those in Hit Discovery, but once the compound has shown activity in an animal model, it moves from 'hit' to 'lead.'
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease
Prediction of human (CNS) target site concentrations in health and disease In the vision of Prof. de Lange we will only be able to predict human (central nervous system, CNS) target site concentrations and effects if we perform systematic, condition-dependent, integrative, and strictly quantitative…
Chemical Probe Facility
The Chemical Probe Facility is part of the Leiden Early Drug Discovery & Development (LED3) center. Activity-based protein profiling (ABPP) is one of the pillars of chemical biology. ABPP determines the activity of entire protein families in living cells and tissues under physiological conditions, such…
Research areas
Within the Graduate School you can conduct your PhD research in a wide range of subjects across the Social and Behavioural Sciences, with five distinct research areas offered by its Institutes.
About the programme
Dive into the heart of archaeological science: explore the flora and fauna of bygone ages, study human bones and teeth, analyse the cultural biographies of material objects, or become an expert in the use of digital data in archaeological research.
Programme structure
Learn about current approaches and ethical issues in heritage management and experience some of these in daily practice.
About the programme
Explore the contemporary dilemmas of archaeological heritage management, or focus on museum practices from an archaeological perspective.
Legitimacy and efficacy of litigating interest groups in public law
Interest groups play an important role in democratic society.
Visiting scholars
We welcome visiting scholars whose research aligns with our diverse areas of expertise.
The Hague Diplomacy Blog: Guidelines for Authors
The Hague Diplomacy Blog intends to stimulate debate among academics and policy makers on the diplomatic aspect of international politics. The blog is edited by Saskia Postema, Caitlan Read and Clotilde Facon.
Programme structure
Dive into the heart of archaeological science: explore the flora and fauna of bygone ages, study human bones and teeth, analyse the cultural biographies of material objects, or become an expert in the use of computational methods in archaeological research.
About the programme
In Applied Archaeology, you follow your personal interests, and choose a matching career profile and regional focus. What kind of archaeologist will you become? In the Applied Archaeology programme you get to plot your own course!
Biomedical Microscale Analytics
The Biomedical Microscale Analytics group is led by Dr. Rawi Ramautar. In present-day metabolomics, and bioanalysis in general, the analytical toolbox used encounters difficulties for the analysis of limited amounts of biological samples. As a result, a significant number of crucial biomedical/clinical…
The research conducted at the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research is clustered within the divisions of BioTherapeutics, Cell Systems and Drug Safety, Medicinal Chemistry and Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy, and the Metabolomics and Analytics Centre.
Normativity and its sources: Agency, interaction and conflict in a globalizing world
Are there general principles or values that should govern our actions as moral agents and/or as political subjects?
INFORM (Introduction of the data protection reform to the judicial system) is a project granted by the Directorate-General Justice and Consumers of the European Commission.
Philosophy responds to intellectual challenges posed by society and by the acquisition and organization of knowledge worldwide. It reflects on current practices in the light of past performances, while seeking to develop new perspectives on current problems.