668 search results for “domestication processen” in the Public website
Blog Post | Recent shifts in diplomacy undermine China’s international standing
Over the past year and a half, China’s diplomacy has attracted attention from media institutions, policy makers and scholars around the globe.
Research: Verbal abuse and clip around the ear common in Caribbean Netherlands families
People from the Dutch islands of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius say that violence (mainly verbal) is fairly common in families. This is according to research by Leiden University, the University of Curaçao and UNICEF Netherlands. The researchers make recommendations for preventing such violence over…
- China's Diplomacy
- Digital Diplomacy (incl. TechPlomacy and Mediatisation)
- Diplomacy & Foreign Policy
- Diplomatic Actors (State, Non-state & Sub-state Actors)
Introducing: Honorata Mazepus
Honorata Mazepus works at the research group Political Legitimacy since september 1st 2011 and studies Russia within that group.
Carlotta Rigotti attends UNFPA Moldova
In anticipation of future legal reforms on gender-based violence in the Republic of Moldova, Dr Carlotta Rigotti was invited by the United Nations Population Fund to participate in a roundtable discussion on legislative and policy approaches to online and technology-facilitated violence.
Hanna Bosdriesz awarded doctorate cum laude
On 3 December 2019 Hanna Bosdriesz defended her dissertation on the fight against impunity for grave human rights violations in Latin America.
People Diplomacy in East Asia and Europe
“The ideas from society should be heard in order to narrow the gap between government and the people”. These words from Kwagjin Choi, Korean diplomat and co-architect of South Korea’s People Diplomacy sum up why, in the view of this guest speaker at ISGA, foreign ministries should pay much more attention…
Marieke Liem explains that the typical Hollywood serial killer image is not scienfically valid
In Belgium Radio 1, Marieke Liem (professor of Violence and Interventions) gives a scientific perspective on serial killers and explains the typical Hollywood image of serial killers is not in line with reality.
New ISGA Research Group: Physical Violence and Public Order
On January 1, the research group Physical Violence and Public Order was launched. Previously part of the group Terrorism and Political Violence, the new group focuses on violence ranging from mass shootings such as Columbine and Virginia Tech, to domestic violence, alcohol-related violence, violent…
- Volume 6 (2011)
PhD defence Anneloes Kuiper-Slendebroek
On Tuesday 19 December 2017 at 16:15 hrs Anneloes Kuiper-Slendebroek will defend her doctoral thesis 'Rechter over Grenzen' which deals with the application and interpretation of international law in Dutch private law. Supervisor is Martijn Polak, co-supervisor is Jeroen van der Weide.
Blog Post | The Diplomatic Elite, the People at Home and Democratic Renewal
‘Foreign policy’ may seem to the general public to be merely an official response to problems entering the nation from across the border. Yet the political reach of diplomacy has extended, and diplomats will have to find ways to engage more with home citizens, including those who feel sidelined and…
GLOBTAXGOV team and CIAT launch general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The launch of the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-avoidance Rules' generates strong interest among tax administrations.
New Dutch PM must look beyond national political landscape
In the upcoming Dutch general elections, the focus of the party campaigns is on national issues. Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of Foundations and Practice of the European Union and its Institutions, argues in a column in Dutch newspaper NRC that foreign policy should also be on the agenda.
Russian Interference in the United Kingdom
Willemijn Aerdts, lecturer at ISGA, discussed the Russian interference in the domestic affairs of Western countries on Dutch radio BNR.
Implementation of the EU Preventive Restructuring Directive Part I
In 2019, the European Parliament and the Council adopted the Preventive Restructuring Directive (2019/1023), providing for minimum harmonisation of, among others, preventive restructuring frameworks (PRF). This book, published in February 2024, provides in-depth analyses of its implementation in seven…
Freya Baetens speaks on renewable energy at the WTO
Recently the WTO panel report on India – Solar Cells (DS 456) was distributed. Under India’s Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM), solar power developers were required to use certain types of solar cells and modules manufactured in India for power generation projects in order to ultimately…
CfP Medieval accountability
On 2-3 June 2023, the University of Bucharest organizes the conference 'Medieval accountability: normativity, numeracy, and rhetoric from the institutional to the domestic sphere'. Proposals of circa 300 words outlining the source material, methodology, and anticipated findings should be emailed to…
Liveable planet lunch meeting - China and global climate change
On 21 October 2021, Shiming Yang joined the liveable planet lunch meeting. She talked about China’s international commitment and domestic climate policies. She examined a small yet important sector –the cooling sector. As Global Warming continues, the demand for cooling systems increases, but the main…
President's Ponderings - March 2021
Welcome to the WIIS NL community! We are excited to be launching our newsletter in the week we celebrate International Women's Day.
Four PhD Scholarships at the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies
From September 1, 2017, the Roosevelt Institute for American Studies (RIAS) will be awarding several four-year scholarships to complete a PhD in American History / American Studies.
Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova has been appointed as professor Comparative Governance
The Executive Board has decided to appoint Dr. Antoaneta Dimitrova as Professor Comparative Governance within the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, starting on 1 September 2017.
Emotional bond between humans and dogs dates back 14,000 years
Prehistoric people may well have had an emotional bond with domesticated dogs much earlier than we thought. Leiden PhD candidate and vet Luc Janssens discovered that a dog found at the start of the last century in a grave dating back 14,000 years had been sick for a long time and had been cared for.…
Research Seminar Constant Hijzen
On Tuesday 20 March, Constant Hijzen, Assistant Professor of Intelligence Studies at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), gave a lecture in the Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research Seminar series of Diplomacy and Global Affairs Research, titled ‘Of ticking bombs: Western services against…
Dog remains are often ‘just’ a wolf
Researchers have spent years looking for the ‘missing link’ between wolves and dogs. But many of the domesticated dogs that had been found prove to have been wolves after all. This is what vet and archaeologist Luc Janssens says in his dissertation. PhD defence on 27 June.
The Human Side of Homicide
On 28 February, Marieke Liem, Associate Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, appeared as a guest on the Dutch NPO Radio 1 Brainwash Podcast to discuss the 'big homicide questions' she is trying to find the answers to.
The number of threats is increasing. But is the Netherlands less safe?
Explosions at people’s homes, gangland killings and online threats: if you follow the news, it may seem as though threat levels in the Netherlands are rising. But is that really true? Researchers from Leiden University investigated this and have presented their results in the Dreigingsmonitor (Threat…
Terrorism and Political Violence
Understanding the evolving landscape of extremism in the 21st century.
Crete as melting pot: research into Late Antique, Byzantine and Early Islamic material culture at Gortyn, Greece
What does the excavated material tell us about the continuation and/or change of urban life during the transitional phrases from Antiquity to the Middle Ages on Crete and in the eastern Mediterranean more generally?
Crafting networks in early farming societies
Tracing the residues of Neolithic activities through the study of stone artefacts
Atrocities: when does the world intervene?
If we want to solve global problems, we need to know about both the theory and the practice. How does the international community make decisions about military intervention, for instance? Why is it such a complex process? Professor Herman Schaper has represented the Netherlands at the United Nations…
Politics, Culture and National Identities
The research group Politics, Culture and National Identities 1789-present investigates a wide range of national political cultures in Europe and the Americas in the 19th and 20th centuries. Instead of only analyzing high politics (the acts of governments and political parties), the research group focuses…
The Dakhleh Oasis Project
Update : March 2020 A.J. Mills
Regulating shadow banking - China's perspective
On 24 May 2017, the Hazelhoff Centre for Financial Law welcomed Shen Wei, Dean and Professor of law at Shandong University School of Law in China, for the 14th Hazelhoff Guest Lecture.
Admission requirements
To be eligible for Public International Law at Leiden University, you must meet the following admission requirements.
- About the programme
Governance of Violence (MSc)
What is the nature and scope of violence? Who offends, and in what context? Who are the victims? And how can we design suitable intervention and prevention strategies? In this track, you will be familiarised with the many faces of violent offending, to provide the knowledge and tools to understand,…
The minors offered by the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs in The Hague are closely linked to the defining image of The Hague as a city of international justice, peace and security as well as the centre of Dutch public administration and international governance.
Bordering Up: Regulating Mobility Through Passes, Walls and Guards
Bordering Up: Regulating Mobility Through Passes, Walls and Guards
Zebrafish personality, stress physiology and behaviour in the context of sound exposure
To what extent is sound a stressor to fish? And are behavioural and physiological phenotypes equally sensitive to disturbance by noise pollution?
The Cambridge History of Confucianism
Confucianism has been a major force in the cultural history of China, Japan, Korea and Vietnam for thousands of years, affecting the art, literature, science and politics of all these countries.
The research project MAXCAP: Maximizing the integration capacity of the European Union: Lessons and prospects for enlargement and beyond starts with a critical analysis of the effects of the 2004-2007 enlargement on stability, democracy and prosperity of candidate countries, on the one hand, and the…
Learning from the past
Leiden archaeologists investigate how people in the past impacted their environment. Together with scientists, environmental scientists, and humanities experts, they use this information to draw conclusions about the present – and show what we can learn from it for the future.
The Development of a Secret State. The Intelligence & Security Services and their contribution to the National Security State, 1945-1989
Subproject of
Violence and Violence Prevention
The Research Group 'Violence and Violence Prevention' studies interpersonal violence. We seek to better understand the dynamics underlying interpersonal conflict.
Military legitimacy during the Cold War: The Dutch army and its criticasters
Subproject of
Home sweet home
Investigating Neolithic houses in Britain through microwear and residue analysis of stone tools