998 search results for “disease prevention” in the Staff website
ERC-subsidie om uit te zoeken hoe kinderen luchtweginfecties te lijf gaan
De crèche en het klaslokaal zijn misschien wel de meest gunstige plekken voor ziekteverwekkers. Toch is er relatief weinig bekend over hoe kinderen reageren op virussen en bacteriën en hoe het komt dat sommige kinderen veel beter beschermd zijn dan anderen. Simon Jochems, onderzoeker aan het Leids Universitair…
Internationalisation enriches: malaria research in Indonesia and lectures by professors from Nigeria
Leiden University has secured an impressive 12 European exchange grants. This is good news for students, lecturers and researchers from home and abroad.
Scouring the brain for causes of psychiatric illnesses
What happens in the brains of people with psychiatric illnesses? With a €23.23 million gravity grant, scientists from different fields will search for biological causes over the next decade. ‘By joining forces, we hope to improve diagnosis and treatment for patients with these diseases.’
'I have always worked for a better world. Here at Biology we do the same'
The new institute manager of the IBL studied biology for six months, but went in a completely different direction: development cooperation and the financial sector. Three decades later, Resi Janssen is making a radical career switch. Or isn’t she? 'In ten years’ time I want IBL to be in a new, sustainable…
A ‘lock’ to make genetic modification safer
Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) could be useful allies in the fight against critical environmental problems. Could because the use of GMOs is strictly regulated at the moment. A Leiden student team is now trying to make these GMOs safer with the aid of an ingenious lock.
18 billion animals a year: they die, but never end up on our plate
Each year a staggering 18 billion chickens, turkeys, pigs, sheep, goats, and cows either die or are killed without making it onto someone's plate. Environmental scientists Juliane Klaura, Laura Scherer, and Gerard Breeman were the first to calculate this number on a global scale. 'Reducing these numbers…
Alumnus Charlotte Poot developed a hospital app for children
Charlotte Poot (31) is co-founder and chair of Hospital Hero, an app that prepares children for a hospital visit. She studied and obtained her PhD at the LUMC.
Eight professors receive double appointment simultaneously
Delft, Nov. 15th, 2022 – Today, eight professors were simultaneously inaugurated as ‘Medical Delta professors’ at Leiden University, LUMC, TU Delft, Erasmus University and/or Erasmus MC. With an appointment of two or more of these five academic institutions, they combine technology and healthcare in…
A lifeline for Leiden research – TB solution a step closer thanks to this Indonesian university
Herman Spaink knows of many substances that may help combat tuberculosis. Lab space to study them safely is very limited in Leiden. A brand-new lab at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia will soon provide a solution. About time, says Spaink, ‘The disease is on the rise and is becoming less sensitive…
From droplets in the freezer to the inception of a potent new antibiotic
What started as an idea during a social gathering led to an unexpected breakthrough in research on resistant bacteria. Biologists and chemists from Leiden developed a new substance that proves to be effective against bacteria resistant to antibiotics. They published their discovery in Nature Chemist…
Referral options
If you’re unsure where to refer students to for well-being support, this page should help. It provides an overview of the support available at Leiden University.
Using images at Leiden University
Images are an increasingly important part of communication, but how do you choose suitable ones for the website and where can you find them? This page offers tips on finding the right image and what to watch out for.
Tips & tricks for online meetings
Most of us are spending more time looking at computer screens due to remote working and online meetings. Video calls have become a popular way of keeping in touch for professionals but it’s not without its problems. The two most frequently heard complaints are a general sense of fatigue and a lack of…
Work Balance in Action
Many people at the Faculty of Humanities engage in their work with great passion and enthusiasm. It is important that employees enjoy their work and create a healthy work balance. Work Balance in Action is intended to keep the theme of ‘work balance’ on the agenda. By engaging in dialogue around this…
Information literacy course
Study support
Application forms
Did you forget your password and do you want to request a new one? Do you want to modify storage for a workgroup, including access rights? Or do you want to submit another request for our ICT services or products? Please use the forms below.
Scientific Conduct for PhDs (LUMC)
Nieuw onderzoek naar het effect van gesprekken met je ‘ik’ uit de toekomst
Wat als je advies zou kunnen krijgen van je toekomstige zelf? Jean-Louis van Gelder en zijn collega’s ontvangen een ERC Proof of Concept-beurs voor het project YourFutureU, waarin deelnemers gecoacht worden door een virtuele AI-versie hun toekomstige ‘ik’.
Jan Anthonie Bruijn: The world cannot survive without interdisciplinary knowledge
‘Wonder is the beginning of insight. Don’t let that academic curiosity erode.’ This was Jan Anthonie Bruijn’s call to administrators and funding bodies in his valedictory lecture.
- News
300 million euros for new international stem cell consortium
The Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), the Danstem Institute from the University of Copenhagen and the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute in Melbourne have received 300m euros from the Novo Nordisk foundation. The aim of this new international consortium is to bring stem-cell based therapies…
Psychologists participate in high-tech biomarker research in health care
Next generation immunodermatology (NGID) is a nationwide, large-scale project, funded by a large grant of the Dutch NWO to unravel novel biomarkers for six different skin diseases. These biomarkers will drive a high-tech, patient-centric approach in clinical practice. Health psychologist Sylvia van…
Towards translation of CNS pharmacokinetics from mice to men
PhD candidates Mohammed Saleh and Berfin Gülave (Division of Systems Pharmacology and Pharmacy) published their research paper on “Using the LeiCNS-PK3.0 Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetic Model to Predict Brain Extracellular Fluid Pharmacokinetics in Mice”.
Dutch Medicines Days
The FIGON Dutch Medicines Days is the conference where partners from industry, scientific and professional associations, universities, and government present their findings in the field of innovative drug research & development, share new scientific insights and results, exchange experiences and information,…
European grant for Birte Forstmann to create an atlas of the Human Deep Brain
Deep-brain stimulation (DBS) is the most promising surgical treatment for movement and neuropsychiatric disorders, but is accompanied by unwanted side effects. Birte Forstmann, professor by special appointment, has been awarded a ERC Proof of Concept Grant to create an atlas of the human deep brain…
LIFES: From Reusable Data to New Treatments and Faster Diagnoses
Early diagnosis, new treatments, and personalised care: all of these are possible if we can better unlock the wealth of information hidden in health data. Unfortunately, this data is often poorly organised, difficult to access, and not interoperable. The new international Leiden Institute for FAIR and…
Healthy soil for a healthy gut
How does the soil we grow our vegetables in, affects the health of our gut? And does a healthy soil gives crops a better quality and taste? These are some of the questions Soil ecologist Emilia Hannula and a big consortium will work on. With an NWO-KIC grant of 1.8 million, CML, IBL, FGGA, the LUMC,…
Is a cancer pill a matter of time?
A cancer pill, preferably without severe side effects, is something we’d all welcome. Is it a matter of time before such a pill is a reality? We put this question to three Leiden researchers and asked how they themselves are contributing to new cancer treatments.
Dies Natalis all about innovating and connecting
‘We could share our knowledge more with others and apply it more widely,’ said Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, while presenting the new Strategic Plan on the University’s 447th Dies Natalis. The new Strategic Plan therefore focuses on innovating and connecting, among disciplines and…
Katharina Krüsselmann
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
k.krusselmann@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Nominees Casimir Prize (award ceremony is 5 September 2023)
The environment: victim and initiator of armed conflict
The Third International Conference on Environmental Peacebuilding is set to take place between 19 and 21 June at the Wijnhaven building in The Hague. During the conference, over 400 participants from across the globe will come together to discuss the relationship between the environment and armed co…
Leiden University researchers receive Vidi grants
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to Leiden researchers.
Pieter Tops
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
p.e.w.m.tops@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Pauline Schuyt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
p.m.schuyt@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7526
Jan Crijns
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.h.crijns@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5277521
Eline Slagboom
Faculteit Geneeskunde
p.slagboom@lumc.nl | +31 71 526 9731
Sigrid van Wingerden
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
s.g.c.van.wingerden@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8588
Somayah Elsayed
s.elsayed@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4561
Registration open: second international conference Institutions for Conflict Resolution
Cybersecurity month: Beware of phishing mails
Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences publishes advice on dignity and respect in academia
If universities and research institutions want to tackle unacceptable behaviour in academia, they must shift their focus from dealing with complaints to preventing such behaviour in the first place. This is what the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) has concluded. It has therefore…
Vidi grant for seven researchers from Leiden University
From malaria parasites as a vaccine to how top-level bureaucrats reach their decisions: seven researchers from Leiden University have received a Vidi grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This 800,000-euro grant will enable them to develop their own innovative line of research over the next five…
DNA analysis of historical mosquitoes will help us understand malaria transmission
Researchers from Leiden University, McMaster University and Public Health Ontario are calling on colleagues to track down archival specimens of mosquitoes from museums and other collections and to examine them with modern methods. This will tell them more about malaria transmission.
LUMC professor Maria Yazdanbakhsh receives Spinoza Prize
Leiden professor of Cellular Immunology of Parasitic Infections Maria Yazdanbakhsh receives the prestigious NWO Spinoza Prize this year. This, in many ways, border-crossing scientist contributes with her research to more effective vaccines against parasitic infections and better medication for inflammatory…
Awarded research project Next Generation ImmunoDermatology: Towards Biomarker-driven Dermatology practice in the Netherlands
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has, within the framework of Research along Routes by Consortia (NWA-ORC), awarded the research project Next Generation Immuno-Dermatology (NGID) with a prestigious grant of 11.7 MEuro. NGID is a nationwide, large-scale project to unravel novel biomarkers for six different…
Grants to build large-scale research facilities
Five projects with researchers from Leiden University have received a grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO) to build or upgrade existing research facilities.
Hadassah Drukarch presents at the Fair Medicine and AI conference
At the International Online Conference 'Fair Medicine and Artificial Intelligence' organised by the University of Tübingen (Germany), Hadassah Drukarch, junior researcher at eLaw, gave a presentation on how current algorithmic-based systems may reinforce biases in healthcare. This topic forms part of…
BPS-student Ramazan Kiliç receives Travel Grant for Research Symposium in Baltimore, USA
This summer, one of our BPS-master students, Ramazan Kiliç, will travel to Baltimore to present his research at the annual ARRE Research Symposium, a conference on ASXL-disorders that attracts researchers from all over the world, including the US, Japan, Germany, Ireland and, of course, The Netherlands.…
Master’s students Brechtje de Jong and Ilse de Weert win KNMP Studentenprijs 2024
Brechtje de Jong, a Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences master’s student, and Ilse de Weert, a Pharmacy student, have won the KNMP Studentenprijs 2024. They received the award for their outstanding academic performance and research internships.