397 search results for “brussel” in the Public website
Thesis prizes for Bettina Schmiedler and Till Steinkamp
Leiden Law School has awarded two students from the Van Vollenhoven Institute’s Master in Law and Society prizes for best thesis.
eLaw – Centre for Law and Digital Technologies organizes a panel at the CPDP 2017
The Conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) is an annual world-leading multidisciplinary conference that takes place in January in Brussels. This year, eLaw, the Centre for Law and Digital Technologies of Leiden University, participates in the CPDP conference as one of the event’s…
Improving juvenile justice systems in Europe: Training for professionals
Prof. Ton Liefaard and dr. Stephanie Rap (together with Apollonia Bolscher LL.M.) are involved in developing a training Toolkit and Manual for the project Improving Juvenile Justice Systems in Europe: Training for Professionals (JUST/2013/FRC/AG).
Call for Papers: Good Governance and the Built Environment of Late Medieval Cities (ca. 1200-1600)
From 3 to 5 September 2025, the project Governing and Building the City will organize the conference 'Good Governance and the Built Environment of Late Medieval Cities (ca. 1200–1600)' at KBR in Brussels. The deadline for the call for papers is 7 April.
Vasiliki Kosta and Olga Ceran speak on academic freedom at the European Parliament
On 5 February, Dr Kosta and Dr Ceran spoke at the high-level conference entitled ‘Perspectives on academic freedom in Europe and beyond’, organised in Brussels by the European Parliament’s Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA).
MIRD Gala & Reconnect 2025: The future of international relations
On 18 January 2025, the Annual Reconnect & Gala of the Advanced MSc International Relations and Diplomacy (MIRD) celebrated over 20 years of bringing together current MIRD students, alumni, and faculty members. This year’s discussions focused on the theme: 'The Future of IR: Digital Innovation, Climate…
- Volume 7 (2012)
In memoriam - Prof. Herman Schaper 1949-2021
It is with sadness that we have learned of the passing of our former colleague professor Herman Schaper on Tuesday 30 November this year. Herman held the Pieter Kooijmans Chair in Peace, Law and Security at Leiden University from 2014 to 2017.
Good party? Good cause
A leaving do, birthday or other celebration? Many people like to ask for a donation to a good cause for their birthday or anniversary present. Leiden research can be one such cause.
New light on dark matter
An international team of astronomers has found an unexpected link between dark matter and visible stars in stellar systems. This discovery may even cause us to reconsider our understanding of gravity. They published on their discovery in 'Nature' on 1 October.
Extensive discussions on Business Rescue in Europe
On 19 and 20 March, the reporters of the ELI Project on Rescue of Business in Insolvency Law (Prof. Bob Wessels Prof. Stephan Madaus, Halle-Wittenberg, Ass. Prof. Kristin van Zwieten, Oxford) chaired a conference to present the preliminary results of this project. The project, initiated by the European…
Honours students of the ‘Tackling Global Challenges’ track present their impact projects
On 8 December, Friday afternoon, the second year students of the Honours College track ‘Tackling Global Challenges’ presented their final assignment for the Competences Lab course. The goal was to set up an impact project and organize an event about it. The diverse groups listened and shared their ideas…
Is the Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity too broad?
To discuss this question, chairmen, members, and secretaries of the Research Integrity Committees (Commissies Wetenschappelijke Integriteit, CWI) of almost all Dutch universities gathered at the Leiden Observatory on 21 April. Also present were members of the committees from Leuven, Brussels, Ghent,…
From military intervention to long term counter-terrorism policy
The question of how military interventions can best transition to a long term counter-terrorism policy forms the core research question of three interlinked reports. This research project has been completed with support of NATO’s Science for Peace and Security Programme. Leiden University researchers…
Introducing: Jeffrey Fynn-Paul
This summer, Jeffrey Fynn-Paul started as a lecturer at the Institute's Social and Economic History section.
New report by Christa Tobler on indirect discrimination
On 15 December 2022, the following thematic report of the European Equality Law Network was published: Christa Tobler, Indirect discrimination under Directives 2000/43 and 2000/78, for the European Commission, Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union 2022.
Business Rescue: interim results discussed in Ferrara
From 7-9 September the Annual Conference of the European Law Institute (ELI) was held, this time kindly hosted by the University of Ferrara in Italy. The ELI has adopted a project on the Rescue of Insolvency Law. Professors Bob Wessels and Stephan Madaus, Project Reporters, attended the Annual Conference…
Annetje Ottow and Seda Gürkan visit the College of Europe
Prof. Annetje Ottow and Assist. Prof. Seda Gürkan visited the College of Europe campus in Bruges on 22 March 2024.
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Justice of UK Supreme Court, delivered Europa Lecture
The Rt. Hon. the Lord Mance, Judge at the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom delivered the Europa Lecture on 29th September 2016 in the Grand Auditorium of the Academy Building at Leiden University. The lecture was entitled: “Jurisdiction, judgments and proper law relating to states outside the Brussels…
eLaw well represented at CPDP2018
From Jan. 24 until Jan. 26 the 11th annual conference on Computers, Privacy and Data Protection (CPDP) takes place in Brussels. The Leiden Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) will be represented in several of the panels at the conference.
Successful launch of the Leiden Competition Talks on Regulation 1/2003
On 16 November 2022, the Europa Institute hosted an online panel discussion on the fragmentation of the application of the EU antitrust rules across the EU. The event inaugurated the Leiden Competition Talks webinar series on the functioning of the EU antitrust enforcement framework.
Mark Klaassen on Dutch NOS news on deportation of rejected asylum seekers
At this week’s EU summit in Brussels, Dutch Prime Minister Rutte will try to get support for his plans to combat migration. He proposes tighter border controls at Europe’s external borders and returning rejected seekers to their country of origin more often. But how feasible is the latter proposal?
Antoaneta Dimitrova in Nu.nl about EU and rebellious member states
Hungary belongs to the EU, but democracy is being seriously and systematically threatened there. Does the rest of the EU have the means and the political will to deal with member states that are out of step? Antoaneta Dimitrova, professor of 'Comparative Governance' at the Institute of Security and…
European Commission wants uniform return policy for migrants
Consensus among Member States on the return of failed asylum seekers is currently lacking. For that reason, the Head of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, wants new legislation that provides for a uniform policy. Armin Cuyvers, Professor of European Law, commented on the issue on Dutch radio…
Draft agreement Switzerland-EU uncertain due to ‘Brexit envy’
Now that a Brexit agreement has been reached, envy is rearing its ugly head among Swiss politicians. This envy is not only rooted in reluctance towards the European Court of Justice or having to accept EU rules. It also comes from the fact that for some time now many Swiss believe that the current bilateral…
Carel Stolker in the media: 'Brexit won't hold back science'
'Never underestimate universities as a connecting force.' These were the words of Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker in his address on the Dies Natalis, in reference to the imminent Brexit. A message that struck a chord with the Dutch and international media.
European Commission: is total paralysis imminent if Hungarian candidate is rejected?
The European Parliament is set to vote on the approval of the new Commission, and some Parliament members have already expressed concern over the controversial appointment of Olivér Várhelyi to the role of commissioner. Armin Cuyvers, Professor of European Law, discusses this issue in Dutch financial…
Jelle van Buuren on NOS.nl about the reduced threat level for terrorism
Jelle van Buuren, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, in conversation with the NOS, warns to remain alert despite the reduced threat level for terrorism.
Anthon Verweij appointed as Secretary INSOL Europe Academic Forum
During the fall conference of INSOL Europe Academic Forum in Berlin Anthon Verweij, PhD-candidate at the Department of Business Studies, has been appointed as Secretary to the Board of INSOL Europe Academic Forum. Anthon Verweij took over the responsibilities of Professor Paul Omar of Nottingham Trent…
CML Rev on Tour in Oslo
On 20 October 2016, a highly successful 2nd CML Rev Annual Conference took place, in Oslo. This was organized in cooperation with the Oslo Centre for European Law. The title was: Crossing Europe’s Borders: New approaches to migration in European law.
Freya Baetens appointed to the Chair in EU External Economic Law
The Europa Institute is delighted to announce the appointment of Freya Baetens to the Chair in EU External Economic Law.
Events and conferences
Leiden Law Academy (LLA) organises professional conferences for Leiden Law School. These vary from one day to multiple days.
For most of the past ten years, Europe has been in a state of ‘crisis’. The bank crisis mutated seamlessly via the Euro crisis to the present migrant crisis. Whereas previously the general assumption was that even closer cooperation within the European Union was a foregone conclusion, the EU is now…
- Career prospects
International partner universities
Onze samenwerkingsovereenkomsten bieden zowel studenten als medewerkers de kans om een periode in het buitenland te verblijven en zo hun horizon te verbreden. Ook fungeren de overeenkomsten regelmatig als basis voor onderzoeksprojecten of andere samenwerkingsvormen.
Monarchy in Turmoil. Rulers, Courts and Politics in The Netherlands and Germany, C.1780 – C.1820
How did rulers in the Netherlands and in adjacent smaller German territories adapt their regimes to ongoing change in legitimacy and decision-making during the transition period 1780-1820?
Cyber Security by Integrated Design (C-SIDe)
C-SIDe project involves a broad selection of associates in solving cybersecurity problems. Security of software systems has emerged as a critical need in our interconnected society. Companies developing software products look for Security-by-Design approaches accommodating security into their software…
From urban food organizations to food policies
Comparing gazes between Turin and other cities in the global north.
‘It will be much easier without the British’
The year 2020 should finally be Brexit year. The United Kingdom is set to leave the European Union on 31 January, at midnight Dutch time. Legal scholar Joris Larik from Leiden University College The Hague explains why he is not advocating remain.
ILS conference on the European Union as a Global Actor in Maritime Security
On Thursday 25 and Friday 26 October 2018, the Europa Institute organized a conference within the framework of ‘Interaction between Legal Systems (ILS): Policing the High Seas’ and in cooperation with four Interest Groups of the European Society of International Law. The event brought together representatives…
The team of WIIS-Netherlands exists out of the board members and the advisory council.
Professor Dr Isabella H. Ph. Diederiks-Verschoor 1915-2017
Prof. Dr Isabella Diederiks-Verschoor passed away on 17 October 2017 at the age of 102. She was a pioneer of air and space law, both in the Netherlands and all over the world.
Citizens central part of diplomacy
‘Ordinary citizens’ are featuring more prominently in foreign policies which has already resulted in some unexpected outcomes such as Brexit. Jan Melissen, Senior Fellow at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) conducts research into the societisation of diplomacy. He is interested in…
Leiden online course among the world's best
An online course offered by Leiden University on the European Union is among the top 50 MOOCs in the world. This was announced recently by MOOC platform Class Central.
Leiden University College: Another quality seal for one of Europe's top liberal arts and sciences programmes
For the eleventh time in a row, Leiden University’s unique liberal arts and sciences programme has been awarded the ‘Top Rated Programme’ quality seal by Keuzegids universiteiten 2024.
Veni grant for Jeroen Wolbers for research on how crisis managers can deal with fragmentation
Jeroen Wolbers is Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. In the coming 4 years, Jeroen will study command tactics during sudden-onset crisis operations with his Veni grant. He will investigate how crisis managers can deal with fr…
Online course for diplomats bridges perceptions between Islamic and Western worlds
Professor Maurits Berger is presenting an online course, starting on 6 November, on the images that Islam and the West hold of one another. The course will be useful for diplomats from Teheran to Islamabad.
Distinguished Scholar Award presented to Jan Melissen: ‘Very honoured’
Professor Jan Melissen (ISGA) is the recipient of the 2022 ISA Distinguished Scholar Award in Diplomacy Studies. It is the first time this prize has been awarded to someone in Europe. Melissen: ‘I am very honoured and humbled to be the first person to receive this award outside North America.’
Executive Board column: Open communication isn’t rocket science, but we do forget it at times
We want to be an engaged community where we feel heard and enjoy working together. But how do we have an open conversation about difficult topics?
LERU universities generated 100 billion euros for the European economy
In 2016, the 23 members of the League of European Research Universities (LERU) generated a collective economic value of €99.8 billion in Gross Value Added and 1.3 million jobs. These and other figures, which appear in a just published report by LERU, demonstrate the impressive contribution that LERU…