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Student for a day Philosophy: Global and Comparative Perspectives
Study information
Sponsored Research
Global Interactions sponsors a number of research projects of Leiden University researchers.
In the Making #7: { Dis, A } - Pearing
Arts and culture
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Saving the world together: The value of transdisciplinarity in tackling sustainability challenges
79 students, 15 organisations, and 16 projects: within the master’s programme Governance of Sustainability, diverse groups of students worked together with organisations to tackle sustainability challenges. In this blog, Annemiek de Looze reflects on how the power of their transdisciplinary approaches…
What makes us ill?
Genes predict whether you have a propensity for an illness but environmental factors often have the last word: nutrition, air pollution, lifestyle, stress. The exposome as both culprit and chance. Large-scale research is being carried out into this at Leiden. Thomas Hankemeier, Professor of Analytical…
Critical Caribbean Thought on Colonial Legacies
The Caribbean as we know it today is fundamentally a product of colonial activity and globalisation. Practically everyone that inhabits the Caribbean has ancestors from different continents due to colonial activity, which profoundly affects the area to this day. Caribbean writers, both in the Caribbean…
Flash interview with alumnus and new Faculty Advisory Council member Yousef Yousef
Yousef Yousef is a 'self-made man'. But he first obtained his bachelor's degree in tax law in Leiden. 'A CEO needs to have a basic understanding of the principles of law', he says.
Faculty of Science says goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo
During the farewell reception on 29 August, the Faculty of Science will say goodbye to Dean Geert de Snoo. On 1 November 2019, he will continue his career as Director of the Netherlands Institute of Ecology (NIOO-KNAW). Colleagues talk about his significance for ecology, about his contribution as a…
Why you (won’t) vote – A reading list
In November, the Dutch will elect a new parliament. Not all eligible citizens will go out and vote, however. How can this be explained, and how big of a problem is it? International research into voter turnout can shed new light on this issue – and offer possible solutions.
- Nine public graduation presentations
Cleveringa Professor Roméo Dallaire on Rwanda and PTSD
Cleveringa Professor Roméo Dallaire led the UN peacekeeping mission in Rwanda in 1994, but was unable to prevent a genocide from unfolding before his very eyes. Eight hundred thousand people lost their lives. In his Cleveringa Lecture on 26 November, this retired Lieutenant-General from Canada speaks…
The transformative power of food
Creating a good life and new work values through foodwork?
Re-occurring moments to reflect on our values: ‘It’s about commitment to culture change'
How do we navigate the continuously developing landscape in research integrity, ethics, and open science? Anna van 't Veer and Eiko Fried discuss the underlying principles and values of science with all psychology units in their Responsible Scholarship workshop.
442nd Dies Natalis focuses on Asia
On the 442nd anniversary of the foundation of Leiden University, and at the start of the Leiden Asia Year, lawyer Jan Michiel Otto, an expert in the field of law in developing countries, delivered the first Dies lecture. He compared demagogues in Asia who call upon Muslims to turn against their governments…
Back to the scanner: brain science in times of corona
For their research many neuropsychologists use the brain scanners at the LUMC. At the start of the pandemic, the rules for visiting the hospital became stricter and a large amount of psychology research looked as though it would fall through. Thanks to good protocols the researchers can now pick up…
Neanderthals hunted straight-tusked elephants, 125,000 years ago
A Leiden and Mainz (Germany) based team studies the activities of early humans in a 125,000 years old Last Interglacial ecosystem, formerly exposed in a large open cast brown coal pit near Halle (Germany). The Last Interglacial is an important warm-temperate period, showing the full flora and fauna…
Open call to BRIN-LDE Academy
The 2022 Academy is co-organised by Leiden, Delft Erasmus Universities (The LDE Alliance) from the Netherlands and the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN). Aim of this five day programme is co-creation in the field of teaching and research on sustainable urbanisation. It also aims to facilitate…
Sustainability and energy: AI research in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
From energy transition to the nitrogen crisis: artificial intelligence can be of great help. Researchers from the three universities in Zuid-Holland are seizing the opportunity. Three of them talk about collaborative research in the AI for Energy and Sustainability focus group within the Zuid-Holland…
Call for Papers - Monarchy in turmoil: princes, courts, and politics in revolution and restoration 1780-1830
For every period, it is a challenge to unearth the details of political trafficking; yet the effort needs to include all relevant persons, groups, and institutions – not only those wielding formal responsibilities. We hope to reinvigorate this effort by inviting specialists to present their research…
Lions in the queue for food
The number of lions in Kenya is decreasing alarmingly, due partly to the encroaching cities and the development of the countryside. Together with local scientists and inhabitants, Leiden biologists are studying how this decline can be halted. ‘Lions are cleverer than we thought.’
Ten lecturers receive Senior Teaching Qualification
On 28 June, ten dedicated lecturers received their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). Rector Hester Bijl congratulated them in an online meeting. We asked some of them what this qualification means to them, what they believe ‘good teaching’ entails and what makes them so passionate about education…
FC Winter School student Ginevra Montefusco produces a web doc on Bari’s fish market
Mingo, a 91-year-old fish lover from Bari, takes us with him into the physical, symbolic and cultural space of the market.
A long-term perspective on human niche construction and alteration of ecosystems
Dr. Katharine MacDonald (Faculty of Archaeology) sketches the background to a recent paper in Science Advances, co-authored by her and other members of the Liveable Planet team.
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
Making everything we know computer-readable
Data and information should be stored in a way that computers can understand, says Barend Mons, professor of Biosemantics at the Leiden University Medical Center and Chair of the High Level Expert Group for the European Open Science Cloud. We speak with him about FAIR data, knowlets and nanopublicat…
Leiden research projects awarded NWO Open Competition grants
Various researchers from Leiden University have been awarded NWO (Dutch Research Council) Open Competition funding. Nine social sciences and humanities projects will receive the funding.
AI in port and maritime research in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
From a ship that has been designed to tell you what maintenance it needs and when, to an intelligent journey planner for global goods transport. The three universities in Zuid-Holland are abuzz with AI research in the field of ports and maritime. Three researchers explain. Part two in a series of five…
Central Crisis Team: ‘It sometimes comes down to the last second’
It’s the middle of the academic year, but most of the University buildings are closed – something that hasn’t happened since the Second World War. Fortunately, after a week of intensive preparations, the teaching has moved online. How is the Central Crisis Team steering the University through the corona…
Diversity symposium 2021: small steps can increase inclusion
‘Culture change takes time,’ said Vice-Rector Hester Bijl at the closing panel of the University’s Diversity Symposium on 26 January. She talked about the road to a diverse and inclusive university. The symposium provided plenty of concrete examples of small steps that can already be taken.
How can scientists contribute to a climate-resilient cup of coffee?
Agricultural production is one of the most vulnerable sectors to climate change around the world, and poorer countries face significantly more difficulties than the developed world. Coffee is an agricultural commodity that most people enjoy but are oblivious to the climate-related challenges affecting…
The Population History of the Bolivian Tropical Lowlands: Towards a multidisciplinary synthesis
Conference, Workshop
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Interview with Professor Dr. Carsten Stahn
Professor Dr. Carsten Stahn LLM., Professor of International Criminal Law and Global Justice at the University of Leiden, completed his habilitation in July 2020 at the Humboldt-University zu Berlin and acquired the Venia for Constitutional Law, International Law and International Criminal Law. The…
Joint Lectures on Evolutionary Algorithms - October 2024
Applied Probability Conference
New Foundations for Separation Logic
PhD defence
Cleveringa Meeting The Hague
Alumni event
Indian Problems, Yemeni Solutions? Legal Exchanges in the Sixteenth Century
Lecture, Leiden Yemeni Studies Lecture Series
The Hague Space Diplomacy Symposium
Healthcare interpreting today and tomorrow
Land for Food: Property contests in capitalist heartlands
VVI Research Meetings 2023-2024
Above- and belowground interactions in Jacobaea vulgaris: zooming in and zooming out from a plant-soil feedback perspective
PhD defence
Glyco(proteo)mic Workflows for Cancer Biomarker Discovery
PhD defence
Land for Food: Property contests in capitalist heartlands
VVI Research Meetings 2024-2025
Roots, branches and LHEAf
Conference, Final conference
- Event | The Hague Space Diplomacy Symposium
Counting events: Syntax and semantics of Chinese verbal classifiers
Lecture, CHiLL series
- Redefining h-BN Synthesis: Novel Precursor Pathways on Ni(111) Surfaces
HI The Hague Student Area