654 search results for “supply chair” in the Public website
Research project The Power of Evidence
Evidence-informed policy-making is crucial for good governance. Yet, despite the abundance of evidence from research and evaluation available to decision-makers, we know little about the actual influence of evidence on government policies. The ‘Power of Evidence’ (PoE) research programme, directed by…
Making and creating with ages-old knowledge
The ability to create objects and structures with our hands has been essential to human development. This ability is something modern society is at risk of losing. Leiden archaeologists gather knowledge about ancient processes of ‘making and creating’ over the centuries, knowledge that helps our current…
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
A smarter approach to energy and raw materials
Over the past century, the world population has grown exponentially, as has our need for energy and raw materials. If we wish to continue to live prosperously in the future, we have to radically restructure our economy and consumption. Scientific research shows us how to do this.
Leiden Science for society
Research truly comes to life when it contributes meaningfully to society. By sharing our findings, advising policymakers or contributing to community projects – we can make a real impact. Scroll down and discover how Science and society can mutually benefit from each other.
Booming cities, new entrepreneurs
Exponential population growth and rapid urbanisation are prompting the development of gigantic African metropolises that must be supplied with resources such as food, water and energy. This creates economic opportunities, drives migration and presents political challenges. Researchers from Leiden combine…
Constraints on large-scale implementation of BioSolarCells, Early stage assessment of environmental value propositions
What performance criteria does a new technology have to fulfill in order to be added to the list of future energy options and what constraints exist in terms of broad market penetration?
ForSeaDiscovery - Forest resources for Iberian empires: ecology and globalization in the age of discovery
An interdisciplinary and innovative research group combining History, underwater archaeology, GIS and wood provenancing methods.
Academic Staff
Leiden academics research the world around us and pass on their knowledge to future generations. Each with his or her individual expertise and personal fascination for a particular discipline, they are the public face of the University.
The Faculty of Medicine
SKY HIGH: Vertical farming a revolution in plant production
As a new vision on food production, the feasibility study on LED light to grow crops with the biological- and chemical evaluation of final products.
CircuMat | Circular city & Industry park MATerials metabolism learning package and assessment tool
Some examples of research questions include: What framework of circular strategies should local practitioners use? How should practitioners organize their monitoring of the circular economy activities in the region of interest? What are the main products that have the most circular potential in the…
The poet as pop star. Literary celebrity in the Netherlands 1780-1900
In which way was literary celebrity constructed in the nineteenth century and what forms of fandom were there?
Faculty of Science
Making an impact by creating solutions for the challenges of the future. That’s what we do through our education and research in biodiversity and sustainability, artificial intelligence, complex networks, new medicines, quantum technology, and galaxies.
Mining conflicts
An effective and equitable approach to resource conflicts?
Macro-level assessment of environmental implications of changes to circularity
How to ensure the environmental and economic benefits of circularity transition at macro-scale?
AI in Neuroscience: Development of Methods to make Personalized Predictions for Migraine and Stroke from E-Health Sensor Data
The research of this PhD project can be subdivided into two main disease areas: migraine and stroke. For both we will be investigating how artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) techniques can be used to study these afflictions, their (early) detection, and their potential treatment.
- Multigreen
Microbial Induction of Plant Resilience to Drought Stress (MicroRes)
What are the genes and molecular mechanisms involved in bacteria-mediated plant drought tolerance?
Institute of Public Administration
The Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University is located in the administrative heart of the Netherlands, The Hague. From this central location, the institute bridges academic research and practical application to address current issues both domestically and internationally.
Research at Leiden Law School means research at the highest level.
Leiden University purchases a wide range of goods and services every year. To a greater or lesser extent, they all have an environmental impact.
Programme structure
The programma structure of the advanced master International Children's Rights of Leiden University can be found on this page.
Career prospects
With an MSc degree in Governance of Sustainability you are well prepared for a broad array of career prospects in the field of sustainability, such as working with or for governments, at consultancies or continuing your academic research.
Population Health Management (MSc)
The interdisciplinary two-year Master PHM will train you to contribute to a more integrated health care system.
Student life
The Hague is a real student city and has everything you’ll need to turn your time as a student into the time of your life.
The urban labour market of Roman Italy
This thesis analyses the existence and the functioning of the urban labour market in the early Roman empire by looking at the crucial influence of social structures, such as the family and non-familial labour collectives.
Food and drink
Sustainably produced food reduces CO2 emissions during production and promotes the region’s economy. The University is working to increase the number of organic, fair trade, vegetarian and vegan products in its restaurants.
Into the ether or the state? Legibility theory and the cryptocurrency markets
In this article, the authors explore why there is substantial cross-national variation in the level of regulatory clarity surrounding cryptocurrencies
Webinar Population Health Management
Study information
Open Consultation on UN GGE 2015 Norm Proposals
The Leiden University’s Program for Cyber Norms, a research platform to investigate the development and implementation of law and policy applicable to uses of ICTs, in cooperation with the think-tank ICT4Peace conducted a global open consultation on how to implement the UN Group of Governmental Experts’…
Localising global garment biographies
Discover the effects of clothing value and lifespan on buyer-user-producer relationships through collaborative research with Localising Global Garment Biographies.
- Opening Lecture Owada Chair: Global Diversity and the Living International Human Rights Law
Navigating corporate responsibility in global supply chains using codes of conduct
PhD defence
Towards responsible and resilient mineral supply chains, with case studies on cobalt, antimony, and zinc
PhD defence
Thijs Porck wins LUS Teaching Prize 2019
Lecturer in Old and Middle English Thijs Porck was awarded the annual Leiden University Student Platform (LUS) Teaching Prize at the opening of the academic year. The jury praised his endless supply of innovative teaching ideas.
Special Chair for Central European studies and LJSA Member Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey holds “teach-ins” on the most recent history of Israel/Palestine
Since the horrific events of October 7, 2023, Leiden students have grappled with difficult questions about Israel, Gaza and Israel/Palestine conflict more generally. Drawing on her expertise in the history of the Jewish experience in the diaspora and beyond, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey has held multiple…
Challenging the paradigm of filthy and unhealthy medieval towns
Mapping sanitary infrastructure in large urban societies in the Low Countries, 1200–1900
Get involved: Faculty activities
Welcome to the Leiden Science community! Throughout the year, our faculty hosts a range of events designed to bring together students and staff. From interesting lectures to lively gatherings and ceremonial milestones, there’s always something happening for you. Explore the upcoming events and make…
An empirical examination of consumer law
This project aims to answer legally relevant questions in the field of consumer law by means of empirical research.
As a Faculty of Humanities graduate you are part of a valuable network. Discover how you can remain in contact with other alumni and the University!
Impacts of the use of Natural Resources and Products
Development of an aggregated impact indicator to measure decoupling.
European Energy, Environment and Health
Research on this theme addresses the systemic risks faced by European societies and affecting the quality of life of European citizens.
Application and selection
Applications for 2024-2025 have closed. Below you find more information about next year's application procedure.
Monitoring and detection of nanomaterials in biological media.
How do nanoparticles bioaccumulate and biodistribute in organisms?
The research within the Food research programme at CML focuses on a transition towards sustainable food production and consumption systems. We investigate from a very small to a very large scale, at a local, national or international level. We do so by researching for example molecular tools, food systems,…
Environmental Impacts of Diet Changes
Evaluating the environmental consequences of diet changes in the European Union.
Student housing procedures and norms vary greatly from country to country. In the Netherlands, most universities do not have their own dormitories and students generally arrange their own accommodation. Find out how you can arrange your student housing. Make sure to start early! Affordable rooms are…
The Hague
The Hague is the Netherlands’ fastest-growing student city, and has been Leiden University’s second location since 2010. In addition to housing the Netherlands’ ministries and government bodies, The Hague is the International City of Peace and Justice and is home to countless embassies, political…
Weighing the impacts of our goods and services on the environment and climate: how to measure?
The car we buy is made out of thousands of components, which are produced using different types of materials. These materials need to be sourced from different places, sent to production facilities and assembled. Once the car is dismissed, the components need to be taken care of by either reusing, recycling…