624 search results for “recognition rond” in the Public website
Countering cyber terrorism in a time of 'war on words': Kryptonite for the protection of digital rights?
This collection includes six short policy-focused contributions exploring how legislation and policy on counter cyber terrorism unfold at the national level in the United States, the United Kingdom, China, Russia, France, and at the regional level of the European Union.
Transmedia storytelling for critical engagement
Leiden University and VU Amsterdam are developing a joint research project for a digital platform on which you can compose and share storylines with the use of images. Such interactivity will make a boring high school history lesson much more exciting and personalized. Furthermore, it will stimulate…
Marriage Law and Practice in Indonesia
This project looks at the current practices of marriage law in Indonesia. It examines the often ambiguous views different groups hold of marriage, from local villagers in Bengkulu to women’s activists in Jakarta, and how these relate to the development of national law on the one hand and local practices…
Imaging and Bioinformatics
On the basis of the characteristic aspects of a picture, certain computers can tell us what the picture is showing. They can learn this in the same way that young children are able to learn to recognize images. Further improving these techniques opens the way to a whole range of new applications. Biology…
Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance
On 5 February 2019, Alain Vannieuwenburg defended his thesis 'Pleidooi voor een lekenrenaissance'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. dr. P.B. Cliteur.
Participate in our experiments?
Would you like to join our research in Psychology Lab on Wheels? We currently have two experiments in the van. We will take the utmost care to protect your data and privacy. Join in our experiments. meld je aan.
Converting cultural heritage into usable data
How can we make the information in handwritten historical research reports accessible and searchable? Data scientists at Leiden University are working with other universities on a method that will improve access to cultural heritage.
The World Cultural Council (WCC) is an international organisation based in Mexico. Since 1984 the WCC has held an annual Award Ceremony granting prizes to outstanding scientists, educators and artists whose breakthroughs in the fields of knowledge, learning and research have contributed positively to…
Access & Support Platform
The Access & Support Platform is a network of disability experts by experience, i.e. staff and students, at Leiden University.
Learning Chairs
In the Department of Business Sciences, three chairs are established. Together, the chair holders lead the Turnaround, Rescue & Insolvency Leiden Research Team (TRI Leiden), which consists of legal and business science researchers from Leiden Law School. TRI Leiden aims, through an international and…
Exposure and health Assessment of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) at e-waste recycling site among workers in the informal sector in Nigeria
Do e-waste workers display enhanced effects of adverse health effects due to informal e-waste processing in Nigeria? Is there a difference between the health outcomes of the exposed and the control groups? Are there difference in health effects within and between job groups (collectors, dismantlers,…
Research at the SBC group is comprised of the following research themes:
The recognition that there may be more, so-called allosteric binding sites on a given receptor has also fueled our synthetic efforts. Over the last few years we have focused on many drug targets (adenosine A1, A2A and A3 receptors, the mGlu2 receptor and a classic ‘anti-target’, the hERG channel) to…
At Leiden University, researchers from all disciplines work together to find answers and design innovations in the field of artificial intelligence.
NL-BioImaging AM
NL-BioImaging AM is a distributed research infrastructure aimed at promoting progress in the most cutting edge microscopy technologies and providing open access to these technologies to a broad community of academic and industrial users. All Netherlands bio(medical) microscopy centers participate.
Our mission and vision
The mission and vision of the Faculty of Humanties have been determined in the Faculty Strategic Plan (FSP).
Institute of Tax Law and Economics
The Institute of Tax Law and Economics at Leiden Law School has three departments: the Department of Tax Law, the Department of Economics and the Department of Business Studies. The Institute brings together research and teaching at the point at which, on the one hand, law and, on the other, fiscal…
Leiden University Centre for Linguistics
There are over 7,000 languages in the world and over half of the world’s population is bilingual. But how do all these people use their language? And how do these languages differ from one another? Under the slogan of ‘Interconnecting linguistic diversity,’ the researchers from the Leiden University…
Formal Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics
The research programme Formal Theoretical and Experimental Linguistics brings together LUCL researchers who focus mainly on formal theoretical and experimental linguistics.
Colloidal LEGO with peptides
Conference 2022
On July 8 and 9, 2022, Leiden University hosted the second conference of the research group on Institutions for Conflict Resolution, in collaboration with Radboud University Nijmegen and Utrecht University.
Assyriology (research) (MA)
The research master's in Assyriology, a specialisation of the Classics and Ancient Civilizations (Research) programme, at Leiden University provides you with a multidisciplinary study of the languages, literatures and cultures of the Ancient Near Eastern world.
Futuring Heritage: Indigenous Perspectives on Conservation in the Eastern Himalayas
Exploring the intersection of environmental conservation, indigenous cultural expectations, and human-nonhuman relationships in the Eastern Himalayas. Developing inclusive approaches to ecological preservation through community-centered research.
Small Grants 2024 Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. As in previous years the LUCDH received a large number of excellent grant applications for Research and Personal Development funds. Congratulations to the recipients of this year's research award…
Journalistiek in Irak tweegesprek met Judit Neurink en Sakir Khader
LUCIS organiseerde op woensdag 4 maart een speciale avond over journalistiek in Irak. Journaliste Judit Neurink en programmamaker Sakir Khader vertelden over hun ervaringen en recente werkzaamheden in het land. De avond stond onder leiding van Wendelmoet Boersema (politiek redacteur van dagblad Trou…
Johan Kuiper: vaccin tegen aderverkalking
Ontwikkelen van een vaccin tegen aderverkalking
Mixtec activist Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez Honoured
Mixtec researcher and cultural activist Gabina Aurora Pérez Jiménez (Faculty of Archaeology, Leiden University) has been awarded a Medal of Merit during the World Conference of Indigenous Woman in Lima, Peru.
Els Kindt delivers keynote address at Speaker Odyssey 2018
Els Kindt will provide a keynote lecture on 'Speaker recognition and language processing in IoT environments: key messages for industry and researchers ' upon invitation of the biometric community at Odyssey 2018.
Learn more about the former members of the Young Academy Leiden who contributed to a better position for young academics. In the academic year 2023-2024, Young Academy Leiden said goodbye to eleven of its members, who became YALumni. In the five years they were member of YAL, they all experienced…
Blog Post | The Taliban in Kabul: some diplomatic challenges
The occupation of the Afghan capital Kabul by the radical Taliban movement on 15 August 2021 received enormous international attention, not least because of the crisis that soon enveloped Kabul airport as desperate Afghans sought to flee the country on evacuation flights mounted by the United States…
Honorary doctorates and prizes
Leiden University regularly confers honorary doctorates, and presents awards and prizes.
As a venue, Leiden University is a fitting setting for recognising the outstanding achievements of the award winners and celebrating the inspiration that they bring as role models for encouraging a fairer society by motivating one individual at a time.
Past events
Conferences, Workshops and Lectures showcasing research and tools in Digital Humanities.
New impulse for autism research in collaboration with China
Psychologists of Leiden University and Peking University will collaborate to investigate the deficiencies in emotion recognition in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). The new collaboration fits very well in the policy of Leiden University in which intensified collaboration with China has…
A new leaf for land rights?
Willem van der Muur's article on Indonesia's recent recognition of indigenous land rights was published by New Mandala.
Blog Post | An Identity Perspective on Non-great Power Public Diplomacy
The postwar Liberal International Order faces grave challenges today mostly in the form of geopolitical competitions among great powers and exclusionary identity politics unfolding across different countries.
NWO grant for super fast analysis of disease progression
New funding allows IBL-researcher Herman Spaink to purchase a measurement device for more studies on human diseases such as cancer and tuberculosis using zebrafish as the model system.
Professor Ben Lugtenberg received ‘The Arima Award for Applied Microbiology’
Emeritus Professor Ben Lugtenberg received ‘The Arima Award for Applied Microbiology’ from the IUMS (International Union of Microbial Societies) for his life-time contributions to this field.
Walk-in concert University organ
Arts and culture
Walk-in concert University organ
Arts and culture
New study finds countries with more rights for LGB people enjoy higher GDP per capita
Research on 45 years of legal and economic data for 132 countries by international team shows the addition of one right for LGB people is associated with over $2000 in GDP per capita
Minister wants to learn from dissertation on veteran policy
Theo van den Doel received his PhD in January for his research on veteran support. This showed that for long the government learned little from past missions. He has since presented his dissertation to the Lower House of Representatives, and the Minister for Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, has responded to…
Responsible Scholarship
Here we provide information on the ways through which the Institute of Psychology aims to foster responsible scholarship practices: conducting research with integrity, and meeting the needs for better quality and efficiency in psychological science.
Role of Chemokine Gradient Sensing in Ewing Sarcoma Progression, Angiogenesis and Immune Targeting
What are the biological and biophysical mechanisms that control chemokine gradient sensing and migration of immune, endothelial, and tumour cells in tumour development?
PhD candidates in their own words
The Data Science Research Programme at Leiden University combines data science with PhD projects in a wide range of disciplines. The programme has been running for over two years, and is producing the first astonishing results. A number of PhD candidates talk about their experiences and research bel…
Inverse Agonism and Constitutive Activity
Is asylum bad for men (and better for women)? Changing perspectives on female and male refugees and asylum seekers in the Netherlands in the
Subproject of
Glucocorticoids in zebrafish
A novel in vivo model system for studies on glucocorticoid resistance
Two cities: Leiden and The Hague
Since the late 1990s Leiden University has been located in two cities: Leiden and The Hague. Leiden is where the University was founded and still forms its heart, with six of the seven faculties being housed there. The faculty of Governance and Global Affairs is located in The Hague and most of the…
EXALT: Excavating Archaeological Literature
We will use Artificial Intelligence to make an intelligent, multilingual search engine for archaeological texts, which will enable new discoveries about the human past.