2,485 search results for “media een land” in the Public website
Bart Barendregt
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
barendregt@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3475
Paul Hoftijzer
Faculty of Humanities
p.g.hoftijzer@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Eric van Hoof
e.j.m.a.van.hoof@bb.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4896
Inge Ligtvoet
Faculty of Humanities
i.j.g.c.ligtvoet@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1956
Tommy van Avermaete
Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden
t.o.van.avermaete@library.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2818
Willem van Wijk
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
w.l.van.wijk@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 3451
Federico De Musso
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
f.de.musso@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Miguel Mira
Faculty of Humanities
m.mira@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Clara Bik
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.m.b.bik@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Clean diesel and dirty scandal: The echo of Volkswagen’s dieselgate in an intra-industry setting
In 2015 the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revealed that German car manufacturer Volkswagen had illegally installed software to produce fake NOx-emissions results. This study aims to analyze how the German news media framed VW’s role.
New research report: Land and climate change: Rights and environmental displacement in Mozambique
New research report and policy brief by Carolien Jacobs (VVI) and Bernardo Almeida (VVI)
Worldwide degradation of land use and nature threatens prosperity and well being
The world’s prosperity and well-being are seriously being threatened by the degradation of land and nature. Although there are opportunities to turn things around, fears of further deterioration in the coming decades must not be taken lightly. That is concluded at the Intergovernmental Science-Policy…
Psychology Media Presentation 2024
Also in 2024, our colleagues from the Institute of Psychology were visible in the media in various ways. Check out their appearances in Dutch media, from NRC to the Podcast psychologist.
Een weerbare democratie vraagt om onderhoud
Hoogleraar Encyclopedie van de Rechtwetenschap Bastiaan Rijpkema roept met een opiniestuk in NRC op tot een weerbare democratie in 2025: ‘Democratisch ethos vraagt meer dan een gloedvol betoog.’
Een dag vol (nep)skeletten en mammoettanden
De Faculteit Archeologie bestaat dit jaar 25 jaar. Ter ere van dit jubileum opende de faculteit op 1 maart zijn deuren voor het brede publiek.
Hoe de VOC een kruidnagelmonopolie kreeg
Promovendus Tristan Mostert onderzocht de ‘kruidnageljacht’ op de Ambonse eilanden en ontdekte dat VOC-gouverneurs extreme tactieken gebruikten.
Colonial Bureaucrats, the Metropole and the making of the 1875 East Indies’ Land Alienation Prohibition
On Thursday 9 December, Dr Upik Djalins presented an online lecture, entitled 'The Colonial Bureaucratic Network versus the Metropole: The Origin Story of Land Alienation Prohibition in the 1870s East Indies'.
Siamak Anvaritutunchi
Faculty of Humanities
s.anvaritutunchi@kunsten.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
David Fontijn: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of David Fontijn.
Jan Sleutels: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Jan Sleutels.
Various media on drug research Mario van der Stelt
Media in the Netherlands and abroad reported extensively about the drug research led by Leiden chemist Mario van der Stelt. In this research, Van der Stelt shows which unwanted side-effects a French drug candidate has.
Eveline Crone in the media
In the Dutch media lots of articles have recently appeared based on interviews with Eveline Crone about the adolescent brain.
Laura Steenbergen in the media
Psychologist Laura Steenbergen appears in the media from time to time talking about the gut-brain ax.
Marieke Liem: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Marieke Liem.
Lenneke Alink: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Lenneke Alink.
Elk jaar organiseert het LIBC in samenwerking met de gemeente Leiden een Publieksdag over hersenonderzoek.
Simone van der Hof: ‘Banning social media solves nothing’
The Australian parliament passed a law banning social media for youth under sixteen in late November. This solves nothing, argues Simone van der Hof, Professor of Law and Digital Technologies, in NRC. ‘Services should be held to the law.’
‘The gatekeepers’ van het internet; waarom een ‘gratis’ internet niet bestaat
Of je nu appt, online nieuws leest, of door Instagram scrolt, jouw gedrag wordt gemonitord. Sterker nog: wát jij ziet, wordt door anderen bepaald. Promovendus Aleksandre Zardiashvili onderzocht de impact van online advertenties en de macht van de bedrijven erachter.
New website for Media Technology
Welcome to the new website of the Media Technology MSc program.
Victor Posthuma
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
v.posthuma@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009400
UnMiSSeD - Understanding Misinformation and Science in Societal Debates
UnMiSSeD studies the interaction between misinformation and science in societal debates using a mixed qualitative-quantitative approach.
Maikel Kuijpers: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Maikel Kuijpers.
Jelle van Buuren in NRC on social media and the storming of the Capitol
Jelle van Buuren, university lecturer at ISGA, discusses the role that social media played in the storming of the Capitol last Wednesday
Climate Change Response in Weak Rule-of-Law Environments
This socio-legal study focuses on the implementation of climate change response laws and policies in developing countries with a weak rule-of-law environment, and their (unforeseen) effects on vulnerable peoples’ land rights.
Our year on social media
From a successful April Fool’s prank and alumni love stories to a fabulous float on 3 Octobe: these were the highlights of our year on our social media channels. Hope you’re following us?
Coronavirus: LUMC media appearances
The staff of the Leiden University Medical Center are doing all they can to help as many corona patients as possible. They are also making regular media appearances to discuss the disease. Below are a few examples.
Pepita Hesselberth
Faculty of Humanities
p.hesselberth@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2202
Classes on offer
Below you will find an overview of all PRE-Classes provided by the various programmes of Leiden University. For each section, you can find a description of the content and more specific information about the requirements for participation in the Class.
Digital Activism in Asia: Good, Bad, and Banal Politics Online
This article introduces the special issue on ‘Digital Activism’ by exploring some of the trends in social media activism and scholarship thereof. The authors ask to what extent this literature helps us understand Asian forms of online activism, which forms of activism have relatively done well, and…
How China is muzzling the commercial media
The commercial media in China are more likely to promote the stability of the regime than to undermine it. Political scientist Daniela Stockmann analyses in her new book, Media Commercialization and Authoritarian Rule in China why this is the case. ‘Many journalists do not want a disrupted society.’
Solving the Real Property Conflicts in Post-Gaddafi Libya, in the Context of Transitional Justice
What is the state of access to justice in real property grievances in today’s Libya, and how should it be improved?
Media Technology MSc. Exhibition 50%
February 10th-12th & 16th-19th, Opening Thursday February 9th, 17:00.
The effect of trial by media
The trial of Dutch rapper Ali B is receiving massive media attention. Party due to himself, the trial can be followed by the public. How will this affect the upcoming verdict? Dutch newspaper ‘De Volkskrant’ spoke to legal scholars and experts including Jan de Keijser.
Our year on social media
It’s been a turbulent, bizarre and extraordinary year, 2020. Coronavirus turned the lives of everyone at our University upside down. Out teaching, research and all the events that are held in a year: nothing was the same as before. That this affected all of us is clear from the highlights and many reactions…
The recording industry and ‘regional’ culture in Indonesia : the case of Minangkabau
This book explores chronologically, for the first time, the representation and redefinition of Indonesia’s regional cultures through recording media, from the introduction of the gramophone record through the current video compact disc (VCD) era, taking as case study the Minangkabau ethnic group.
In de ban van de Ararat
Schatten uit het oude Armenië
Jeroen ten Voorde: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Jeroen ten Voorde.
Henk van Steenbergen: In the media
Stay tuned for updates on relevant media appearances of Henk van Steenbergen.
Ursic gave interview about privacy, digital technologies and social media
Our researcher and PhD candidate Helena Ursic was interviewed with Druzina, one of the biggest weekly newspapers in Slovenia.
- In Memoriam