1,944 search results for “material culture” in the Public website
Persian Language and Culture (BA)
Do you want to discover a language and culture that is completely different from the Netherlands?
German Language and Culture (BA)
Germany has an important position in Europe, both economically as well as politically and culturally. In the Bachelor's programme German Language and Culture you will dive into the rich language, history and literature of this influencial country and discover what it has to offer!
Cultural Translation and Reception
A core interest of our cluster members concerns processes of reception, transformation and (interlingual and intermedial) translation in medieval and early modern art, literature and media from diachronic and synchronic perspectives (in time, space, and between media).
Shaping Cultural Landscapes
Connecting Agriculture, Crafts, Construction, Transport, and Resilience Strategies
French Language and Culture (BA)
France isn't just a country of great writers, thinkers and the well known 'savoir-vivre', economically it is also of great importance to the Netherlands and the rest of the world. Study the French language and culture and acquire skills that provide great opportunities for an international career!
Material flow analysis for the C&D waste management systems in the Netherlands, Belgium, Spain and Finland
What are the flows of C&DW (e.g. bricks, concrete, gypsum and wood) in the case study countries ? How to define the specification for each material to be quantified? What indicators should be used to identify the pattern of each C&DW management system? How to interpret the MFA results in relation…
Incunabula on Late Medieval Spirituality, Religious Practice and Visual Culture in the Low Countries
This project investigates how the first generation of Dutch printed books (the incunabula, 1473-1501) affected late medieval spirituality, religious practice and visual culture in the Low Countries.
Solutions for CRitical Raw materials - a European Expert Network 2 (SCRREEN2)
How can Critical Raw Material policies/strategies be enhanced in the EU context?
Culture and Society in Morocco
Do you want to do your minor in Morocco? Then choose the minor Culture and Society in Morocco! You'll about Moroccan culture, society and languages, and a solid training in ethnographic research methods.
Italian Language and Culture (BA)
Ti amo Italia! Immerse yourself in the country of Michelangelo, Dante and Prada. Study one of the most popular languages in the world and discover why Italy has filled an exemplary role for so many centuries and still does. As a graduate of the Bachelor's programme Italian Language and Culture you will…
About the Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology minor
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is a social science. Anthropologists investigate the ways in which people give meaning to their lives and how they interact with one another.
Cross-craft interaction in the cross-cultural context of the Late Bronze Age East Mediterranean
In tracing intra-site, local and regional craft networks in Late Bronze Age Tiryns (Greece) the project aimed to understand technological changes, (dis)continuities and social practices from the Late Palatial until the Post Palatial periods in Mycenaean Greece.
English Language and Culture (BA)
From Great-Britain to the United States and from Australia to South Africa: people around the whole world speak and write English. In Leiden you will broaden your knowledge of the English language and the rich Literature and culture of the global English world on academic level.
Ñuhun Ñuu Savi: Land and language as cultural heritage of the People of the Rain
The research focuses on the understanding of symbolic stratigraphy of the land (through time) from the worldview of the People of the Rain (one of the Indigenous Peoples of southern Mexico), by studying contemporary cultural heritage in communities of the Mixtec Highlands.
World Cultural Council Awards 2017
The World Cultural Council (WCC) and Leiden University are pleased to announce that the 34th Award Ceremony will take place on Wednesday 8 November 2017 in Leiden. This year Professor Omar M. Yaghi, the James and Neeltje Tretter Chair Professor of Chemistry, University of California-Berkeley, USA,…
Law, Culture and Development
Law is of major importance for socio-economic development. Ideally, law organises human interaction in a way that promotes justice and legal certainty and protects vulnerable groups from exploitation and arbitrariness.
International Relations: Culture and Politics
Are you thinking about studying International Relations: Culture and Politics? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
Culturally responsive teaching in Dutch multicultural secondary schools
Unraveling culturally responsive attitudes, noticing skills, knowledge and reasoned practices of expert teachers.
Sustainable by Design framework for the next generation of Chemicals and Materials (SSbD4Chem)
How can the Safe and Sustainable by Design (SSbD) framework developed in the SSbD4CheM project facilitate the creation of safer and more sustainable chemicals and materials across various industries?
Assessing the Impacts Of Climate Change on Cultural Heritage in The Netherlands
This project aims to identify, quantify and map the exposure of Dutch national monuments to four climate change effects: flooding, waterlogging, drought and heat.
- Language and Culture Education: English
- Language and Culture Education: French
- Language and Culture Education: Dutch
- Language and Culture Education: German
Superlattices in van der Waals materials: A Low-Energy Electron Microscopy study
n this PhD thesis, the recombination of different atomic lattices in stacked 2D materials such as twisted bilayer graphene is studied. Using the different possibilities of Low-Energy Electron Microscopy (LEEM), the domain forming between the two atomic layers with small differences is studied.
Functionalized two-dimensional membranes and materials for solar-to-fuel devices: a multiscale computational approach
In the current global context, there is a pressing need to address sustainable energy supplies to safeguard our Planet and its ecosystems. The choices made by human society have a significant impact on genetic evolution and climate.
Lingli Hou
l.hou@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sowmya Marriyapillai Ravisandiran
s.marriyapillai.ravisandiran@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Catrin Böcher
c.bocher@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology is a social science. Anthropologists investigate the ways in which people give meaning to different aspects of their life and the way they interact with each other.
- Literary Culture (2/5 ECTS)
Information activities
information activities MSc Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology
Confronting Colonial Objects: Histories, Legalities and Access to Culture
Carsten Stahn has just published Confronting Colonial Objects: Histories, Legalities and Access to Culture. The book is part of the OUP Cultural Heritage Law and Policy Series.
Reactive Copolypept(o)ides as Novel Material for Systemic siRNA Delivery
The aim of the project is the development of polypept(o)ide-based delivery systems to use siRNA as systemic applicated therapeutic agent against e.g. solid tumors
A Cultural History of Thunderstorms
How did the invention and implementation of the lightning rod change the perception of thunderstorms on a scientific, technical, religious and artistic level, in the Netherlands and beyond, during the period 1752-1830?
Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory (MA)
The master in Cultural Analysis: Literature and Theory at Leiden University studies contemporary literature and culture (art, cinema, pop music) from a theoretical, critical perspective, with special emphases on approaches developed in cultural and literary studies, feminist theory, phenomenology and…
History of Cultures, Knowledge and Ideas
It is integral to many cluster members’ research to use Medieval and Early Modern Arts as a lens for studying the medieval and early modern periods at large:
Multilingualism, Nationhood, and Cultural Identity
Before the modern nation-state became a stable, widespread phenomenon throughout northern Europe, multilingualism-the use of multiple languages in one geographical area-was common throughout the region.
“This is Roosevelt’s World”: FDR as a Cultural Icon in American Memory
This dissertation studies the construction of Franklin Delano Roosevelt as a cultural icon in American memory, particularly by FDR himself.
The cultural turn in intelligence studies
This article explores an emerging “cultural turn” in intelligence studies, which, if fully realized, could entail the expansion of the discipline to include new methodologies and theories, and a more integrative understanding of historical causality that locates intelligence agencies within the widersocio-cultural…
Yanan Liang
y.liang@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Cultural Memory of War and Conflict
From Apartheid in South-Africa to 9/11 in the United States: there is not a single culture that is not shaped by the memory of war or conflict. The minor Cultural Memory of War and Conflict focuses on how such memory cultures influence and shape societies today.
Dutch Language, Culture and Society (MA)
In the master’s programme in Dutch Language, Culture and Society at Leiden University you will study the language and culture of the Netherlands from the Dutch Golden Age – the time of Rembrandt and Vondel – until today’s dynamic and muliticultural society.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology | Leiden University
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology at Leiden University studies the everyday practices of individuals and groups around the world in relation to the complex global challenges of diversity, sustainability, and digitalisation.
Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology (BSc)
Explore global cultural differences with our International Bachelor's in Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. Delve into gender issues, social media trends, food habits, social justice movements, and more.
Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture
Why do some scientists argue that there are five sexes? Why is it important to study sexuality outside the reproductive framework? The minor Gender and Sexuality in Society and Culture tackles some of the most controversial and contested questions of our time, while avoiding the pitfalls of easy answers…
Translation and the cultural Cold War
A new special issue on translation and the cultural Cold War sheds light on the understudied and yet important role of translation in cultural transfer.
Online Experience English Language and Culture
Study information, Online Experience
Joke Bruynzeel: culture reaches the heart
When doing business in foreign countries, you will encounter different languages and cultures. How does knowledge of cultural differences help you when you're trying to start a business or close a deal in another country?
Alisa van de Haar
Faculty of Humanities
a.d.m.van.de.haar@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2179