1,287 search results for “group als” in the Public website
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Does the human brain process angry voices automatically?
Using brain imaging to discover the area in the brain that recognizes emotion.
class using a technological intervention: Investigating the effect grouping mechanism using anonymity aspect in reducing bias and prejudice in
In a virtual game environment, one of the positive effects of anonymity is the absence of one's prejudice toward others, which can give a person the freedom to change and experiment (Bartle, 2003). This project will adopt anonymity to be added to online cross-cultural collaborative learning in higher…
Certificate Dutch as a Foreign Language
The CNaVT exam is the official, international exam of Dutch as a Foreign Language for all who learn Dutch all over the world. The Catholic University of Leuven organizes the exam. The Dutch Language Union has commissioned this collaboration.
Tolerantie als democratisch ethos
Inaugural lecture
Om te beginnen met gezond gedrag moeten vaak eerst problemen als schimmel op de muren of financiële sores worden aangepakt
Medici kunnen veel repareren, maar ziekte voorkomen of uitstellen is beter. Daarvoor is vaak leefstijlverandering nodig en dat blijkt lastig. Gezondheidswetenschappers Sandra van Dijk (Universiteit Leiden) en Valentijn Visch (TU Delft) doen onderzoek naar de vraag hoe je mensen kunt helpen met gedragsverandering…
De stad en de dood
Het is een wijdverbreid idee dat (post-)middeleeuwse steden een sterfteoverschot hadden en zij slechts in leven konden blijven door de toestroom van migranten; een fenomeen dat bekend staat als het ‘urban graveyard’-effect. Over details valt te twisten, maar duidelijk is dat de stad en de dood dichter…
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving
HZ Kenniscentrum Zeeuwse Samenleving doet op vraag van regionale overheden en maatschappelijke organisaties onderzoek naar actuele en maatschappelijke thema’s in de provincie Zeeland. De uitkomsten van onderzoeken en analyses worden gebruikt voor kennisopbouw en als basis voor beleidsopbouw en -ontwikkeling.…
Profile 1. State formation in medieval Frisia
Politically speaking, the Frisian coastal area constitutes a special case in late medieval Europe since it was not subject to an overlord as it withstood feudalization in the 13th century. Its many sub regions, which were dominated by elites of small noblemen and freeholders, long time succeeded in…
Gaining control of lipid-based nanomedicine by understanding the nano-bio interface
Dit proefschrift beschrijft een collectie aan alternatieve strategieën voor het begrijpen, ontwerpen en toepassen van lipide nanosystemen, waarin de rol van de bio-nano interacties centraal staan. In het bijzonder wordt gekeken naar de interactie van RNA-lipide nanosystemen, bekend van de toepassing…
Activity-based protein profiling reveals off-target proteins of the FAAH inhibitor BIA 10-2474, SCIENCE, 2017
The drug BIA 10-2474 inhibits fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH), a lipase that degrades a specific endocannabinoid. On the basis of this activity, BIA 10-2474 was being developed as a potential treatment for anxiety and pain. In a phase 1 trial of the drug, one subject died, and four others suffered…
Maar zo bedoelde ik het niet!
Aan de hand van bekende en minder bekende voorbeelden uit de wereld van politiek en media laat dit boek zien hoe je strategisch gebruik én misbruik kunt maken van taal.
Degradome analysis of vaccines
The objective is to develop in vitro antigen degradation assays in order to mimic the fate of the antigen in vivo.
Praktische zaken - Toelating en aanmelding
Een medewerker van Frontoffice Studentenzaken legt uit waar je vooral rekening mee moet houden als je je wilt aanmelden bij de Universiteit Leiden.
Music Cognition
Knowledge and culture subproject 1:
The influence of music training in speech processing
In this project, we plan to combine two strands of research in speech processing: (a) the impact of prosody on speech processing and (b) the impact of musical training on speech processing. In our project we will test 8 year-old children with different degrees of musical training: (a) primary school…
Overview of the CML reports
Adapted deformations and Ekedahl-Oort stratifications of Shimura varieties
This thesis concerns the relation bettween the good reduction of Shimura varieties and the associated loop groups.
Next generation lipopeptide antibiotics
This thesis describes the evaluation of novel natural products with antibacterial activity enabled by total chemical synthesis.
Group violence: collective and individual issue
The out of control ‘Project X’ event in Haren, hooligans who arrange to meet up to fight and beach riots at the Hoek van Holland: group violence is increasingly hitting the headlines. Are those who took part seasoned criminals? And what characteristics do group offenders have? PhD defence on 29 September…
Restructuring of Corporate Groups in Europe
Restructuring of corporate groups was discussed at the joint conference of the European Law Institute (ELI) and the Business & Liability Research Network of Leiden University took place in Leiden (the Netherlands). During this conference, developments at both the national and European levels were discussed.…
Unique insight into origin of Hofstad group
The Hofstad group is known mainly because of Mohammed B., the murderer of Theo van Gogh. PhD candidate Bart Schuurman examined this Dutch jihadist group based on interviews and confidential police files. How and why did the group come about? What drove some of the group members to commit terrorist…
e-Coach: Tailored cognitive-behavioral e-Health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions
The major aim is to develop, evaluate, and implement disease-generic cognitive-behavioral interventions through the internet in order to optimize tailored health care for patients with chronic somatic conditions.
Disclaimer: Manuscripts related to the Resilience Center are for academic purposes only and are not intended for mass distribution or copying. Please refer to applicable laws for fair use, including copyright holders' restrictions on publications.
MicroGRICE: Greenhouse Gas Reduction in RICE: MICRO-biome climate smart applications
Can we use indigenous microbial rice communities to reduce methane production in agricultural settings?
Targeted biomolecule production for therapeutic use
We aim to develop a drug-delivery method based on the production of biomolecules directly at the target site.
Small molecule inhibitors of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase (NNMT)
NNMT wordt beschouwd als een nieuw potentieel farmacologisch doelwit in de behandeling van een verscheidenheid van kankers, stofwisselingsziekten en andere pathologieën. Het toenemend aantal publicaties waarin de rol van NNMT bij ziekten wordt opgehelderd, heeft op zijn beurt de ontwikkeling van krachtige…
Die Ersten Bauern Mitteleuropas
Eine Archäobotanische untersuchung zu Umwelt und Landwirtschaft der Ältesten Bankkeramik.
Epistemological Inquiry into Islam’s Moral Economic Teachings, Legal Discourse, and Islamization Process
Mr. S. Al Daghistani defended his thesis on 30 November 2017
Pharmacogenetics is nowadays increasingly incorporated in the clinic to better predict pharmacokinetics and optimize dosing regimens of drug treatments. While this approach has been successful and improved our prediction of drug metabolism, drug levels within patients may still commonly deviate between…
Parking garage Gorlaeus Building
, Wassenaarseweg 76, 2333 AL, Leiden
Oudheid in de Hortus Botanicus
Welke planten in de Mediterrane tuin waren al bekend bij de oude Grieken en Romeinen, en hoe werden ze toegepast?
Democratie, deugden, docentschap
On 8 November, Jordi Wiersma defended the thesis 'Democratie, deugden, docentschap: de docent als gids in de democratie'. The doctoral research was supervised by Andreas Kinneging and Paul van Geest.
Interdisciplinary project group wins Bouw Recycling Award
An Interdisciplinary project group of the Master Industrial Ecology was awarded a prize for its project “From waste to resource, One chain with shared responsibility”, commissioned by AEB Amsterdam and Waag Society.
Collaboration group Aarts and Intel
Physics professor Jan Aarts starts a collaboration with chip manufacturer Intel to perform fundamental research in low-power, cryogenic computing.
Conference on restructuring of corporate groups
The European Law Institute (ELI) and Business and Liability Research Network (BLRN) of the Leiden Law School organise a conference on restructuring of corporate groups in the afternoon of 5 December 2018. ELI’s Business Rescue Report of Prof. Em. Bob Wessels and Prof. Stephan Madaus is the starting…
de Dreu awarded ERC Advanced Grant for research on conflicts between groups
Professor of Social and Organisational Psychology Carsten de Dreu has been awarded an Advanced Grant by the European Research Council. This subsidy of 2.5 million euros will allow De Dreu to carry out research on the causes of conflicts between groups at both macro- and micro-level.
A three-step approach to supporting patient self-management in clinical practice
The aim of this project is to develop, evaluate, and multicentre implement a blended form of cardiac rehabilitation that uses a theory-based approach to guide patients to full self-management.
Integrated life cycle assessment and life cycle costing of concrete recycling in the Netherlands
Integrating life cycle assessment (LCA) with life cycle costing (LCC) offers the opportunity to simultaneously analyze the environmental and economic aspects of product alternatives, for the integration of which a unified computational has been proposed by Heijungs et al. (2013) [1]. The project aims…
The role of expectancies and avoidance learning in the maintenance of somatic symptoms
Somatic symptoms, such as pain, itch, and fatigue have been shown to have a bidirectional relationship with mental symptoms. Although acute somatic symptoms serve some adaptive properties, chronic symptoms can instead lead to interference in daily activities and lower quality of life.
Trends in social assistance, minimum income benefits and income polarization in an international perspective
Social assistance and minimum income benefits are important instruments as a safeguard against low income and poverty. There have been major developments in minimum income benefits both in developed and developing countries over the last decades. Our study collects several empirical studies regarding…
The use of self- and peer assessment with video in courses on professional practice
How can video on professional practices in university courses be used in a valid and useful way for assessment and feedback?
- Italian 1
problems during COVID highly variable by symptom cluster and population group
People already diagnosed with a mental disorder before the COVID-19 pandemic did not show a disproportionate increase in symptoms afterwards. This is one result from the first systematic review of longitudinal studies following their study population from before to during the first eighteen months of…
Tuberculosis causes 1.5 million deaths yearly and anti-tuberculosis therapies are threatened by emergence of drug resistance. Development of innovative drug combinations should be accelerated with the use of translational pharmacological models. Moreover, host-directed therapies (HDT), which stimulate…
New classification for tropical plant group Phyllanthus
There is much wrong with the taxonomy of the plant genus Phyllanthus. Roderick Bouman of the Hortus botanicus Leiden has developed a new phylogeny for Phyllanthus and exposes the evolution of the plant genus. Publication in TAXON.
Contact information & address
Uitnoding Norbetinessenklooster Sint Catharinadal te Oosterhout
De drieëndertigste contactdag voor belangstellenden bij het Norbetinessenkloster Sint-Catharinadal vindt plaats op zaterdag 10 mei. Inschrijving voor 25 april.
Mapping and Fostering Teachers’ Sense of Agency in Inclusive Education
How can we map and foster Dutch secondary teachers’ agency in inclusive education practices?
Biomolecular analyses of skeletal remains in the circum-Caribbean across the historical divide (A.D. 1000-1800)
As part of the NEXUS1492 project, this project will use ancient DNA techniques to shed new light on the demographic and health history of the Caribbean and the impact of European colonization on indigenous communities in the region.