2,300 search results for “informal politics” in the Public website
Career prospects
The combination of academic and professional skills taught in the Public Management specialisation of Public Administration makes graduates excellent candidates for positions as a public manager, or take on an advisory role as a management consultant or strategic advisor within public organisations.
ASCL Seminar: Seeing Development Approaches and Narratives from the African Periphery, 1979-2023
The combination of in-depth specialised and general knowledge about security challenges
The Master programme MSc Crisis and Security Management is completely changed. Combined with three main courses for all CSM-students, this new programme offers exactly the combination of in-depth specialized knowledge and general knowledge about security challenges in a globalizing world society and…
Call for papers: Modalities of Displacement in South Asia
‘Displacement’ has emerged as a keyword in studies of South Asia, across research in historical, anthropological, geographical, and cultural studies. In June 2018 Leiden University will host a two day conference - Modalities of Displacement - that will discuss 'displacement' in its multiple vectors…
The Power of Evidence unravelled in new research programme
Governments and public sector organisations consider evidence-based or evidence-informed policymaking as one of the pillars of good governance. That is to say: policies that are informed by scientific knowledge, expertise and evidence. In the research programme 'Power of Evidence', Valérie Pattyn and…
Two Van Bergen Prize winners: bringing Dutch and international students together
The Van Bergen Prize was awarded to not one, but two initiatives at the Diversity Symposium on 22 January. ‘Leiden City Safari’ is a fun city tour that will help incoming Dutch and international students get to know the city of Leiden – and each other. The interactive ‘OpenUP!’ symposium will invite…
Priorities of Poland's Presidency of the Council of the European Union
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Child abuse and professional confidentiality: ‘Focus on proper care, not on remaining silent’
How long should and may a doctor remain silent if he suspects child abuse? A GP who often sees the whole family, or a paediatrician, fills a crucial role when it comes to picking up signals of child abuse. Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm examined how tenable professional confidentiality of medical practitioners…
Experiencing Austria through archival research - Frederique Visser
Frederique Visser is Research Master student and Student Assistent to the Foundation for Austrian Studies. She writes about her experiences on her research trip to Austria.
Stories from Europe’s borderlands: A podcast series about living with, and resisting against, Europe's borders
In the upcoming months, PhD candidates Neske Baerwaldt (FdR / VVI) and Wiebe Ruijtenberg (FSW / CAOS) will produce the ethnographic podcast series ‘Grensverhalen’. The series will be published online in September, and will be used as teaching material in various courses.
Experience days FSW
Study information, Proefstuderen
Lecture by Michael Mazarr on 'Deterring China: Challenges and Opportunities'
Five Leiden researchers elected as members of KNAW
Five Leiden researchers have been nominated as members of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).They will be inaugurated on 16 September.
- Volume 3 (2008)
The Principles of Representative Government: Thrity Years Later
Lecture, Workshop
- Volume 10 (2015)
26 Research and Education Grants in 2020 for the Institute of Security and Global Affairs
Whilst 2020 has been an unusual and taxing year for colleagues at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), the Institute nevertheless can look back on an impressive range of successful grant applications during the previous year. This impressive result was achieved on top of excellent results…
Voice4Thought: listening to other voices
People in motion. This is the theme of the Voice4Thought festival taking place in Leiden from 21 to 25 September. Debates, songs, art, workshops, a conference for school pupils. It's all about the encounter.
Symposium on technology and privacy should offer new insights
Video conferencing from your sitting room and algorithms on social media that know your interests: new technology is an increasingly integral part of our lives. At the same time there is a growing call to protect our privacy, and this is causing friction, at the University too. In part because of the…
Does everybody get ‘a piece of the national cake’? How Nigerian politicians cooperate to distribute public resources.
Political scientist Leila Demarest tells about her research to Nigeria’s National Assembly. How do politicians cooperate and how are public resources distributed among the different regions?
How Charles Darwin can help us understand terrorism
In the past decades terrorists have regularly surprised us with unexpected and spectacular attacks, such as the one on the World Trade Centre in New York. How can intelligence services stay one step ahead of them? Consult Charles Darwin and Steven Spielberg is the advice of terrorism expert Yannick…
De Verbranders, a podcast on Europe's borders and resistance against them, is online
De Verbranders, a podcast produced by PhD candidates Neske Baerwaldt (FdR/VVI) and Wiebe Ruijtenberg (FSW/CAOS), is online! You can now listen to the first episode on Soundcloud, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. Episodes of the podcast will be introduced in various courses this year.
Wives of professors, students and alumni played a crucial role in Leiden’s women’s rights movement
PhD candidate Agnes van Steen researched the history of the Leiden women’s rights movement (1860-1990) and found that the university produced many feminists.
Music and Words: The Austria Centre, the Practicum Musicae Orkest and Grensverleggend/Crossing Borders
On Sunday, April 23, 2023, Prof. dr. Sarah Cramsey, Special Chair for Central European Studies, gave a special lecture alongside the Practicum Musicae Orkest at the Cultuurhuis de Paulus in Oegstgeest.
Code red: we're barely prepared for a borderless crisis
Worldwide, countries are barely prepared for major borderless crises such as extreme natural disasters or other unexpected calamities that destabilise society, Professor of Political Science, Arjen Boin, warns. In his inaugural address on 23 October he makes some recommendations.
Meet the Europe Hub
Conference, Launch event
Call for papers for conference 'The Persona of the Historian: Repertoires and Performances, 1800-2000'
What does it take to be a good historian? What are the capacities or dispositions needed to thrive as an historian? Put differently, what are the talents, skills, and virtues that historians qua historians have to cultivate? What are the “passions” or the “vices” they are expected to resist? And how…
Leiden based research confirms systematic and excessive violence in Indonesia
New research has confirmed that the Dutch military used systematic, extreme violence against Indonesians. In his book Soldaat in Indonesië (Soldier in Indonesia), to be released at the end of October, historian Gert Oostindie draws the same conclusions using different sources. He presents new findings…
Impact of COVID-19: Digital food collectives in Rotterdam
PhD candidate Vincent Walstra reflects on alternative social interactions and mutual aid in the city of Rotterdam during the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Alumna Akke de Hoog: ‘My work is teaching me how to think in terms of opportunities’
Akke de Hoog (26) helps asylum seekers whose application has been rejected to plan their future and voluntary return to their country of origin. Her master’s programme taught her about migration and how international politics, the climate and the economy impact different migration flows, as well as…
‘Ties with Leiden University important for prospective prime minister Dick Schoof’
Dick Schoof kan ook wel de buurman van de Haagse faculteit worden genoemd. Vooral vanuit zijn rol bij de NCTV werkte hij veel samen met de Universiteit Leiden en hielp hij onderwijs en onderzoek vooruit, vertelt hoogleraar Terrorisme en Contraterrorisme Edwin Bakker. ‘Voor een kritische vriend was altijd…
YAL members
Read all about YAL membership and the members of the Young Academy Leiden.
‘The sun never sets on our university'
Leiden University has partnerships in the local region, in the Netherlands, in Europe and with countries on almost all the world's continents. Students and researchers benefit from these partnerships, but society is also a beneficiary, says Rector Carel Stolker.
Conference Power and Counterpower in Democracy
Book Reviews
The Hague Journal of Diplomacy regularly publishes reviews of recent books within the field of diplomacy and global affairs.
Women in International Security Netherlands
Women In International Security (WIIS) is a global organisation dedicated to advancing the leadership and professional development of women in the field of international peace and security. As part of her research on women, peace and security, Dr. Vanessa Newby at the Institute for Security and Global…
Modern Literature from the Middle East - The Reading List
The Middle East has a rich literary tradition, which is steadily gaining a foothold in the West. Modern literary works deal with contemporary issues, such as the legacy of colonialism, the struggles between traditionalism and modernity, the place of women in society and the war in Israel/Palestine.
Blog Post | Public Diplomacy in the Digital Age
In this blog post, authors Corneliu Bjola, Jennifer Cassidy and Ilan Manor discuss their article for the Special Issues on Debating Public Diplomacy: Now and Next (Vol. 14, 1-2).
- What's New?! Spring Lecture Series 2023
In the Shadow of the Constitution: the Micropolitics of Constitutionalism in Cambodia
VVI Research Meetings 2022-2023
Key Publications
Here’s a selection of key publications by members of the CPP:
- Global Asia Scholar Series (GLASS)
Featured Review | China’s foreign policy contradictions lessons from China’s R2P, Hong Kong, and WTO policy
Rühlig, Tim Nicholas, ed., China’s foreign policy contradictions lessons from China’s R2P, Hong Kong, and WTO policy. (New York: Oxford University Press, 2022). Pp. xvi +259. €90.81 (Hardcover). €51.12 (E-Book). ISBN-13: 979-8212055383.
Closing the Gap 2023 | Emerging and Disruptive Digital Technologies: Regional Perspectives
Alumna Natacha Harlequin: ‘When it really matters, I’m a lion’
She stands out for the moderate tone she takes in discussions on Dutch talk shows. Without judgement you can have an open conversation, criminal lawyer Natacha Harlequin learned in her student days in Leiden. ‘What I personally think of the alleged act doesn’t matter so much.’
Online Experience Leiden University College The Hague
Study information, Online Experience
“Armez-vous des sciences”? The Creative Lives of African Universities
Lecture, Annual Leiden Terra Incognita Lecture
Religiosity and Knowledge in Muslim Context in West Africa: Reconfiguring the Relationship between Boko and Adini
Lecture, LUCIS Keynotes
Small Grants Past Research Projects
The LUCDH foster the development of new digital research by awarding a number of Small Grants each year. These are our past awardees.
2018 Hall of Fame
Over the past year, many of our staff and students have won prizes, been awarded a substantial grant or been appointed to an academic association or a position in public life. All of these are good reasons to include them in our 2018 Hall of Fame. We are proud of them all.