4,206 search results for “world in security policy and practice” in the Public website
MOOC: EU Policy and implementation: making Europe work!
Mooc Eu Policy Europe Europa
Emotions in EU foreign policy - when and how do they matter?
Politicians' statements often involve emotions, shaping public perceptions. This study highlights the role of emotions in EU foreign policy.
Research group Cyber Security Governance
The research group Cyber Security Governance will provide cutting-edge academic research in the domain of cyber, where modern technology interacts with traditional concepts such as governance, sovereignty, law-enforcement, international relations and conflict.
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture?
Why is there no Northeast Asian security architecture? Assessing the strategic impediments to a stable East Asia. In this article, published in 'The Pacific Review', the authors Wang (Peking University) en Stevens (Leiden University) discuss the reasons why.
The Routledge Handbook of Ethics and Public Policy
What does it mean to do public policy ethics today? How should philosophers engage with ethical issues in policy-making when policy decisions are circumscribed by political and pragmatic concerns? How do ethical issues in public policy differ between areas such as foreign policy, criminal justice, or…
INFLUEX: Influence of experts on public policy
INFLUEX examines the influence of experts on public policy, aiming to define, measure, and explain their role in democratic policymaking
Expertise, Policy-making and Democracy
This book offers a concise and accessible introduction to debates about expertise, policy-making and democracy. It uniquely combines an overview of recent research on the policy role of experts with discussions in political philosophy and the philosophy of expertise.
UN, EU, and NATO Approaches to the Protection of Civilians: Policies, Implementation, and Comparative Advantages
The protection of civilians (POC) in armed conflict has become a core strategic objective for the United Nations system and for UN peace operations in particular. The UN, however, is not the sole actor engaged in POC.
Focusdata: Foreign Policy through Language and Sentiment
In this article Fisher, Klein & Codjo introduce the FOCUSdate Project and they show how the sentiment data provide unique abilities to analyze Russia's and Iran's reactions to US policies and events and NGO human rights campaigns.
Jorrit Rijpma participates in Roundtable on EU Foreign Policy and Border Management
On 4 July, Jorrit Rijpma participated in a roundtable event hosted by the European Policy Centre (EPC) in Brussels.
Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management? Learn more and watch the introduction video. Or watch the videos on the track-related pages.
Ingrid Tieken-Boon van Ostade
Faculty of Humanities
i.m.tieken@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The Transformation of the Roman World
One of the three long-term research interests of our group concerns the Transformation of the Roman World (c AD 450-900).
Governance and Data Science Group
The extensive use of electronic communication channels and other devices has opened new possibilities for collecting data on human behavior. This information is sometimes openly accessible, but largely part of administrative registration systems that are not open to the broader public. The data provides…
Joachim Koops awarded with Jean Monnet Chair on ‘The EU’s Role in Security and Global Affairs’
Joachim Koops, Professor of Security Studies and Scientific Director of Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) has been awarded a ‘Jean Monnet Chair’ with a focus on ‘The European Union’s Role in Security and Global Affairs’ (EURISGA).
Crisis and change in European Union foreign policy
How do crises produce changes in specific European Union foreign policy areas, and how should we conceptualise these policy changes?
Labour Law and Social Security
The Labour Law and Social Security department provides both bachelor’s level and master’s level teaching.
Politics: lobbying, influence and policy change
Researchers from the Institute of Public Administration study the mechanism of lobbying and influencing political parties and the behaviour of these parties to see how solutions are found to problems. This enables them to reach conclusions as to how best to effect changes in political focus and poli…
Towards a Sustainable World Trade Law? The Commercial Policy of the European Union after Opinion 2/15 CJEU
Dr. Gruni published an article on the impact on sustainable development in the EU Common Commercial Policy of recent Opinion 2/15 CJEU on the Global Trade and Customs Journal.
The Legacy of J. William Fulbright: Policy, Power, and Ideology
This collection of essays details the political life of one of the most prominent and gifted American statesmen of the twentieth century. From his early training in international law to his five terms in the US Senate, J. William Fulbright (1905--1995) had a profound influence on US foreign policy,…
Private active cyber defense and (international) cyber security—pushing the line?
This article on private active cyber defense by Dennis Broeders is part of a special issue of the Journal of Cybersecurity, based on a selection of contributions taken from the 2019 Conference on Cyber Norms organized by The Hague Program for Cyber Norms.
Online Course Cosmopolitain Medieval Arabic World
In this course, we will focus on the fascinating history of the Arabic Medieval World. We will take you on a journey through the Middle Ages. All along, we will present you with historiographical debates and dilemmas and travel back and forth in time explaining to you how events of the past affected…
Jet Bussemaker appointed Professor of Science, Policy and Impact in Healthcare
Jet Bussemaker, former Minister of Education, Culture and Science, has been appointed Professor at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) and Leiden University with effect from 1 July 2018. She will be the holder of the new chair in ‘Science, Policy and Societal Impact, focusing on Healthcare'.
- Policy Papers
Environmental Policy
Leiden University is aware of its role in society and wants to create a green, healthy and inclusive campus and have a positive impact on the field of climate and circularity.
Policy Effectiveness through Configurational and Mechanistic Lenses: Lessons for Concept Development
Valérie Pattyn, Assistant Professor at Leiden University, researched
An analytical framework for postmortems of European foreign policy: should decision-makers have been surprised?
This paper develops a novel theoretical framework for the conduct of postmortems after major foreign policy surprises for the European Union and its member states.
Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) focuses on multidisciplinary research and education within the international scientific field of security studies.
Institute of Security and Global Affairs
The Hague is the international city of peace, justice and security – making it the logical place for the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) to reach partners from ministries, governments and NGOs with research into issues relating to security.
- Leiden City World Walks
- Policies and guidelines
Life after Security Studies: five alumni share their thoughts about the bachelor programme
Five students who graduated from the Bachelor Security Studies share their experiences. Where did they end up after graduation? Are they still using the skills they gained during their studies?
Recalibrating India’s Middle East Policy
After an initial suggestion of a move toward Israel, India’s Prime Minister Modi has signaled a significant recalibration of his government’s engagement with the Middle East region. Now, India seems to be prioritising strong ties with the Gulf states.
Theory-enriched practical knowledge in mathematics teacher education
This study looks at the question of how and at what level students in primary teacher education can integrate theory and practice, and how the organisation of their learning environment, focusing especially on mathematics and pedagogy, can contribute to that.
Implementation of European policy
Leiden experts research ways in which European legislation is converted into national legislation. Knowing how this process works can inspire policy-makers trying to achieve their aims while abiding to Europan legislation.
The Hague Program on International Cyber Security
Taking the changing landscape of international cyber security and cyber conflict as a point of departure, The Hague Program on International Cyber Security focuses on the various modes of governance that states and other actors can bring into play to deal with and shape the strategic changes and challenges…
Crisis and Security Management: Cybersecurity Governance (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Crisis and Security Management: Cybersecurity Governance? Learn more and watch the videos.
Pellikaan & Van Willigen, Bilateralism and Nuclear Security
Political scientists Huib Pellikaan and Niels van Willigen (Leiden University) use and elaborate on the theoretical insights from game theory in order to understand nuclear security in changing environment. Now that the relations between the US and Russia have deteriorated and smaller nuclear states…
Borderless Empire: Dutch Guiana in the Atlantic World, 1750–1800
How geographical and institutional openness in Dutch Guiana fostered a unique colonial economy. This publication is part of the Early American Places Series.
Food security, within Planetary Boundaries
By placing food at the centre of investigation, this Minor explores current-day debates on political, environmental, economic and cultural change at both the local and global levels.
Student for a Day - MSc Crisis and Security Management, spec. Governance of Violence
Study information
Building Northern Public Support to Finance Climate Policies in the Global South
As part of the Paris Agreement, countries across the world agreed to support developing countries to invest in climate mitigation and adaptation through a Green Climate Fund. However, developed countries have failed to meet funding commitments for the Green Climate Fund–the flagship program financing…
Of ticking bombs: Western security services against political violence and terrorism
How have British, Dutch, and German security services dealt with political violence and terrorism since the late 1960s; to what extent did they consider these new phenomena as a task and how have they developed activities in order to counter these security threats?
Frans Osinga
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
f.p.b.osinga@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9506
Joeri Lammerts
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.lammerts@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Activity, Diet and Social Practice
Day-to-day activities are important in the development of social identities, the establishment of social standing, and the communal understanding of societal rules. This perspective is broadly referred to as practice theory and relates to the power of an overarching social structure and the individual…
Food. Rethinking global security. Earth's Future.
Today, humanity produces sufficient calories, in theory, to feed the 7.7 billion people on the planet: the amount of food produced per person on the planet has gone up more than 40% since the 1960s. Yet, ironically, the prevalence of undernourishment – which had been declining for decades – has started…
The European Union's Policies on Counter-Terrorism
This research paper was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs. It was published by the International Centre for Counter-Terrorism (ICCT) in The Hague. Leiden University is one of the participating institutes in this publication and our researcher…
Oxford Handbook of Cities in World History
This seminal volume covers the entire global history of urbanization since the rise of cities in Mesopotamia in the 6th millennium BC. Leiden historians Wim Blockmans, Leonard Blussé, Luuk de Ligt and Leo Lucassen contributed survey and thematic chapters.
Challenges for the Security and Stability of Cyberspace and their Impact upon Global Stability
On Thursday 2 May, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University hosted a guest lecture given by former NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, Ambassador Sorin Ducaru.