2,975 search results for “van campus tot klein” in the Public website
Lezen in de Lage Landen
Studies over tien eeuwen leescultuur
Van Winterfonds: PhD Vacancy
Het Van Winterfonds maakt in 2021 een promotieplaats mogelijk. Doel daarvan is de promovendus de gelegenheid te geven om een promotieplaats te verwerven voor een door haar of hem zelf ontwikkeld promotieplan. Aanvragen kunnen worden gedaan tot 15 maart 2021.
John van Noort Lab - Chromatin Dynamics
Chromatin is an ubiquitous protein-DNA complex that forms the structural basis of DNA condensation in all eukaryotic organisms.
Economie van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Discover the new MSc in Public Sector Economics at Leiden University, offered entirely in Dutch. This program prepares future policy economists by bridging economic theory, Dutch institutions, and real-world policy challenges. Starting September 2025 in The Hague, it focuses on key issues like inequality,…
7th Pan European Conference hosted by the Campus successful
The 7th Pan-European Conference on the European Union hosted from 5 until 7 June 2014 by the Campus The Hague was a success.
Formal handling over of the keys of the Science Campus
The formal handing over of the keys for the first stage of the Science Campus will take place on 23 February.
Completion of the Science Campus
The first phase of the construction of the new building for the Faculty of Science is finished. The Cell Observatory of the Institute of Biology Leiden will be moving to the new building on the 19th of May.
Kaiser Spring Lectures: De geologie van het zonnestelsel: de prachtige planetaire paralellen van tastbare gesteenten en inspirerende landschappen
Successful 1st Campus The Hague Career Event: Kickstart your career!
The first Campus The Hague Career Event took place on 18 April. A Career Event for all students in The Hague, organised in collaboration by the Career Service of the Faculties of Governance & Global Affairs and Humanities.
Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad
On 12 January 2022, Mirjam Franke defended the thesis 'Over de grens van de onrechtmatige daad'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.G. Castermans and Prof. J.H. Crijns.
Afsluiting van het 10e Internationale Congres van de Vereniging van Hispanisten van de Benelux (AHBx)
Met groot plezier heeft de Universiteit Leiden van 1 tot 4 november het X Congreso Internacional de la Asociación de Hispanistas del Benelux (AHBx) georganiseerd, met het thema Transhispanismos: contactos y contagios (Transhispanismes: contact en besmetting). De AHBx is een platform in de Benelux dat…
6 november: Master's Information Day Campus Den Haag
The Master’s Information Day Leiden University – Campus The Hague will be held on 6 November. The presentations will be given at the Schouwburgstraat 2 in The Hague.
Campus The Hague expands into Central Innovation District in The Hague
Leiden University’s Campus the Hague is soon to expand into the Central Innovation District in the centre of The Hague. Plans are under way for a Campus boulevard with a new University building in the area between the Prins Bernhardviaduct and Schedeldoekshaven.
Johan van Meurs Een studie over een pionierend orgeladviseur
In specialist organ literature a negative verdict is given on organs and organ specialists from the 1930’s. Did the same verdict apply to Johan van Meurs’ (1903-1986) work? Which role does Van Meurs’ collection of organ specifications play in the historical research on the organ?
Sense Jan van der Molen Lab - Physics of Quantum Materials
In our lab, we investigate the physics and material properties of low-dimensional systems.
Campus Boulevard will enhance The Hague’s ambitions as a knowledge city
The Hague is going to have a new Campus Boulevard, enabling Leiden University to strengthen its position in the city. This decision was taken by the Municipal Executive of The Hague on 13 December.
Non-food vending machine Anna van Buerenplein
Anna van Buerenplein, Anna van Buerenplein 301, 2595 DG, The Hague
De bescherming van immateriële contractuele belangen in het schadevergoedingsrecht
On 30 June 2021, Thijs Beumers defended his thesis 'De bescherming van immateriële contractuele belangen in het schadevergoedingsrecht'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. A.G. Castermans and Prof. W.H. van Boom.
Verandering van geloofsvoorstelling: Analyse van legitimaties door Antony Flew, Cees Dekker en Raymond Bradley
Michiel Pronk defended his thesis on 30 March 2016
Case study Käte van Tricht (1909-1996)
The Organ Art of the first female German concert organist and Bremen Cathedral organist and
Focusdata: Foreign Policy through Language and Sentiment
In this article Fisher, Klein & Codjo introduce the FOCUSdate Project and they show how the sentiment data provide unique abilities to analyze Russia's and Iran's reactions to US policies and events and NGO human rights campaigns.
Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht? Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Politiek, Beleid en Management? Learn more and watch thevideos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Management van de Publieke Sector: Bestuur en Advisering (MSc)
Are you thinking about studying Management van de Publieke Sector: Bestuur en Advisering?Learn more and watch the videos. Please note that this programme is taught in Dutch.
Council discusses Development Strategy and Implementation Plan for Campus The Hague 2020-2030
On Monday 28 September, the University Council (UR) will discuss the Development Strategy and the Implementation Plan for Leiden University's Campus The Hague 2020-2030. The plan will then be put on the agenda of the meeting of the UR with the Executive Board on 12 October. After this, the plans for…
- Jan van Ruitenbeek Lab - Atomic and Molecular Conductors
COVID-crisis of COVID-kans? Adaptief en lerend bestuur in het LUMC en de regio
Covid-19 is een disruptieve ontwikkeling die hier en nu veel vraagt van zorgprofessionals, bestuurders en managers. Hoewel de crisis nog volop bezig is, is nu al duidelijk dat het Coronavirus een blijvende impact zal hebben op zorginstellingen en fundamentele vragen oproept over hoe we onze zorg optimaal…
Van Willigen, ‘A Dutch return to UN peacekeeping?’
Niels van Willigen (Institute of Political Science, Leiden University) puts Dutch participation in UN peacekeeping into an historical context. He analyses the reasons for the Dutch withdrawal from the 1990s onwards, and explores the obstacles and opportunities for a structural return. Van Willigen argues…
Health Campus The Hague: working together for better health and care
Better health for all the residents of The Hague region. This is the mission of Health Campus The Hague – formerly LUMC Campus The Hague. Eight partners – the LUMC, Leiden University, the municipality of The Hague and five healthcare institutions (see box) – are collaborating intensively in healthcare…
New campus square for Leiden Bio Science Park, also for culture and sports fans
A large new campus square on the Leiden Bio Science Park will be used for a range of activities for students, staff and Leiden residents, a knowledge festival, shows and sporting activities, for instance.
Nieuwe publicatie: Papyrological Texts and Studies in Honour of Peter van Minnen
Dit deel bevat de editie of heruitgave van 52 papyri en ostraca, daterend uit de periode tussen de derde eeuw voor Christus en de achtste eeuw na Christus.
What the campus at Leiden Bio Science Park will look like
The university campus at Leiden Bio Science Park will change rapidly over the next few years. A short film shows the transformation to a full campus. See what this mix of new university buildings, student accommodation and restaurants and cafés will look like. And sustainability and biodiversity won’t…
Een wetenschap van verbondenheid
Inaugural lecture
De wereld van taalwetenschap
Taal als sleutel tot het begrijpen van de mens.
Doorbreking van rechtsmiddelenverboden
PhD defence
Louwerse, Otjes & Van Vonno, The Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset
Political scientists Tom Louwerse, Simon Otjes & Cynthia van Vonno introduce the Dutch Parliamentary Behaviour Dataset, a record of parliamentary (voting) behaviour in the Dutch Tweede Kamer (Second Chamber, House of Representatives) since 1945.
Encyclopedie en filosofie van het recht (LL.M.)
Encyclopedie en Filosofie van het Recht is a specialisation of the master’s programme Rechtsgeleerdheid (Law) at the renowned Leiden Law School of Leiden University. This unique programme considers the philosophical issues and concepts upon which law is founded, in the broadest sense.
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving
De lichtheid van literatuur: Engagement in de multiculturele samenleving (The Lightness of Literature: Engagement in the Multicultural Society) is a plea for the social relevance of literature. The book delves into an age-old debate about literature and social engagement, which has recently been reinvigorated…
In Memoriam Arne van der Gen
On January 11, 2025, our esteemed colleague and emeritus professor Arne van der Gen passed away. Arne was a professor of Organic Chemistry from 1980 until his retirement in 2000, and was a great advocate of the integration and harmonization of European education in chemistry. Arne was 90 years old.
- Ethiek, politiek en cultuur: filosofie van het menselijk handelen
De bescherming van persoonsgegevens, Acht Europese landen vergeleken
The Netherlands generally performs above average in the protection of personal data, according to research carried out at Leiden University. Germany is the leading country, while countries such as Italy and Romania are lagging behind.
Former president South-Africa visits Campus The Hague
Former President Kgalema Motlanthe of South Africa gave a public lecture on Campus The Hague on 7 July. His story was about the economic transformation of Africa.
Oproep voor bijdragen: Wereldsteden. Stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen
Het boekproject "Wereldsteden. Stadsgeschiedenis van de Lage Landen" verwelkomt bijdragen van onderzoekers die zich bezighouden met stadsgeschiedenis van de oudheid tot nu. Meer informatie kunt u vinden in de bijgevoegde call. Deadline voor aanmeldingen: 10 maart 2024.
Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer
On 1 October 2020, Arianne de Leeuw defended her thesis 'Scheiding van zeggenschap en belang in de familiesfeer'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. F. Sonneveldt and Prof. A.O. Lubbers.
Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland
On 9 April 2020, Mohamed Azizi defended his thesis 'Reflecties op Wereldburgerschap: In de spiegel van Afghanistan en Nederland'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. P.B. Cliteur en Prof. W. Veugelers (Universiteit voor Humanistiek).
From Leiden tot Delaware: How empirical legal research on valuation biases was used in a US courtroom
In a Leiden Law Blog, lab member Niek Strohmaier and Marc Broekema describe how their research on valuation biases was used by the Delaware Court of Chancery in a recent valuation dispute involving telecom giant AT&T.
Nathanja van den Heuvel on television
On Friday the 8th of January 2016, our PdD student Nathanja van den Heuvel made a public appearance on national television.
Successful On-Campus Master’s Experience Day: ‘It will help me to make a good choice’
The Faculty of Humanities’ On-Campus Master’s Experience Day was a pleasantly busy event. The information sessions and corresponding information market went down well with interested undergraduates.
5000 jaar Kralen
Kralen spreken tot de verbeelding. Ze zijn aantrekkelijk en persoonlijk vanwege hun kleuren, materialen, patronen en associaties. Je draagt ze op je lichaam, waar je ze voelt en anderen ze zien. Kralen zijn waardevol en verplaatsbaar, tegelijkertijd reizigers en souvenirs.
Global Music: recasting and Rethinking the Popular as Global
Vertrekkend vanuit een communicatief perspectief en concentrerend op mediatiseringsprocessen, formuleert deze dissertatie een alternatief voor het probleem van equivociteit binnen de studie naar populaire muziek.