215 search results for “poletiek jongejan organisation” in the Public website
‘In the end, rector is just Latin for organiser’
On the day of the Dies Natalis, Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker starts his second term of office. How does he look back on the first four years, and what are his plans? These are the questions asked of him by Mayor Lenferink, student of public administation Mikal Tseggai, Professor Eveline Crone and…
Responding to environmental cues: the adaptive qualities of chromatin compaction proteins
Promotor: M. Ubbink, Co-Promotor: R. T. Dame
Student Marten helped organise a MOOC: ‘It improved my knowledge of linguistics'
Master’s student of Linguistics Marten van der Meulen helped organise the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Miracles of Human Language, which ran from 30 March until 11 May 2015. What was it like for a student to organise an MOOC? And what did he learn from it?
Presentation: Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation
The Embassy of Ireland in the Netherlands and Leiden University's GTGC proudly presented the joint event ‘Building the League of Nations and the International Labour Organisation’.
How Indonesian communities organise their own social security
Many poor people in Indonesia mainly rely on their family members, neighbours and the local community as a social safety net. One of the forms of aid from the community is called ‘jimpitan’ in Central Java. PhD candidate Ayu Swaningrum researched how this social security system works.
Mariana Gkliati organises PhD Masterclass with UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial executions
Mariana Gkliati co-organised and chaired on 14 September a PhD Masterclass with the UN Special Rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, Agnès Callamard.
Students against Corona: A Think Tank Helping Organisations Find Answers to Corona Questions
Many students are looking to contribute during this crisis but are not sure how and where to turn. A group of students from Leiden University and the TU Delft have developed a platform to facilitate this: www.studententegencorona.nl. The platform was created to link organisations trying to find answers…
Training on Human Rights and Children organised by Department of Child Law
From 9-12 April 2018, the Department of Child and the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies have organised in cooperation with the Asia-Europe Foundation a training programme on Human Rights and Children.
eLaw co-organised International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society
Eduard Fosch Villaronga, Assistant Professor at eLaw, co-organised together with Aurelia Tamò-Larrieux, Christoph Lutz, Anton Fedesov, and Anto Čartolovni the GoodBrother International Conference on Privacy-friendly and Trustworthy Technology for Society on 28 June 2022 in Zagreb, Croatia.
Christina Luise Toenshoff
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.l.toenshoff@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Jaap Reijling
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.reijling@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9400
The Design-Thinking method for stimulating knowledge transfer in organisations
Sharing knowledge based on research within organisations presents a challenging task. How can this be done effectively? What steps should be taken to ensure that knowledge obtained from research is shared and applied in the organisation's daily practice? On 8 May, the Leiden Leadership Centre (LLC)…
Organisations and young alumni provide valuable career tips during Meet the Employer Week
Career Services of the Faculties Governance and Global Affairs, Social Sciences, and Humanities joined forces to organise the ‘Meet the Employer’ Week held from 6 – 10 December 2021!
Digital Archaeology group members organise two session at upcoming CAA conference
The annual Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology (CAA) conference is the most important scientific event in the field of digital archaeology.
Arco Timmermans and Wilmar Bolhuis Discuss Dutch Lobby Organisation VNO-NCW on BNR Radio
Several media outlets made mention of an accord on the proposal for a 'verplichte arbeidsongeschiktheidsverzekering' (mandatory occupational disability insurance) for ZZP'ers (self-employed persons), which is part of the 'pensioenakkoord' (Dutch agreement on pension reform).
‘Not all members under an umbrella organisation wish to be represented’
Arco Timmermans Public Affairs
Organising a sustainable academic event at Archaeology: ‘You will be surprised how many people actually enjoy it’
At Leiden University many staff members and students value making sustainable and responsible choices in their personal lives. Making these choices in our professional lives may feel a bit more complicated. But is that feeling justified? Archaeologists Gerrit Dusseldorp and Roos van Oosten share their…
‘How can you lead an organisation when you do not yet know yourself?’
How to implement good leadership? This is the central question posed during the inspiration seminars of the LLP, in which renowned guest speakers share their insights. A seminar at the beginning of May imparts this message: “Keep listening to one another.”
Complexity, Strategic Construct and Cooperation Among International Organisations
During this lunch seminar, Yanbin Ma, PhD candidate at Fudan University and GTGC guest researcher, presented on issue complexity, strategic construct and cooperation among international organisations.
Joint solution for appointment of Vice-Rector of Organisational Development
A mediation meeting was held today between the University Council and the Executive Board about the appointment procedure for the Vice-Rector of Organisational Development, Erwin Muller. We have managed to resolve the dispute.
New collection The International Labour Organisation: 100 years 1919-2019
The International Labour Organisation (ILO) was established in 1919 based on the premise that social justice is a condition for lasting peace. On 7 February 2019 the ILO celebrated its 100th anniversary with an international symposium to consider the future of the ILO.
Emeriti professors organise symposium: 'it’s a shame if our knowledge goes to waste'
When professors become emeriti, it usually does not mean they stop working. The Centre for Linguistics (LUCL) will therefore soon have a first: a symposium is going to be organised where all the speakers are emeriti professors. 'Science will always be part of you are.'
Inspiring pre VSR conference PhD day organised by VSR, ELS Academy & KU Leuven
On 9 March, the first edition of the PhD preconference day, for and by PhDs, took place at KU Leuven. This day was organised by the VSR, ELS Academy and the KU Leuven.
speaks on Frontex’s external relations at Jean Monnet Conference organised by Ankara University
On 17 March 2022, Ilke Göçmen from Ankara University organised a Conference within the framework of a Jean Monnet Chair on ‘Legal Issues in Turkey – European Union Relations’.
Partnership with Baker McKenzie for organisation Children’s Rights Moot Court Competition 2021
From Monday 7 to Friday 11 June 2021, the fourth (virtual) edition of The Children’s Rights Moot Court Competition takes place.
Organising online events: 'No dress rehearsal, but straight to the premiere!’
2020 is a year in which we need to reinvent ourselves, including within our faculty's marketing department. For years, colleagues have been organising introduction activities such as the Bachelor's Open Days, Master's Open Days and Online Experiences. From March onwards, everything had to change.
Manifesting Mandates: Navigating Ambiguity in UN Special Political Missions
How are top-down directives translated and implemented at mission level in UN peacekeeping?
‘Try to get to know different sides of an organisation during your internship’
Annelot did an internship with the crisis management team of ‘Rijkswaterstaat’. During her internship, she was involved in improving an app used for information management during crisis situations.
The Europa Institute organises its annual PhD Day in a new online format
On Friday, June 12th, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day.
Institute of Air and Space Law joins the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation
The International Institute of Air and Space Law (IIASL) at Leiden University has joined the Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO) as its newest Research and Academia member.
Chair of UN Studies in Peace and Justice
From 1 August 2018, Alanna O'Malley was appointed as Chair of United Nations Studies in Peace and Justice, focusing on the ‘lesser-known actors’ of the UN: women, the youth, the agents of informal diplomatic networks within the UN and actors from the Global South. This Special Chair has been created…
From vlogging to organising seminars: students of Italian put their skills into practice
Do you gain enough practical experience in an academic language and culture study programme? Certainly, proved the bachelor students of Italian this summer. For the Transfer IT programme, they combined their own interests with the knowledge they gained during their studies. This resulted in vastly different…
Operations Saskia Goedhard: 'Nice that the faculty is such a complex organisation'
Saskia Goedhard was previously director of operations at the Hogeschool van Amsterdam and the UvA. Since April, she has brought her expertise to the Faculty of Humanities as director of business operations. 'Good business management is like water from a tap. You only notice it when it’s no longer th…
Ben Van Rompuy speaks at event organised by Dutch Competition Law Association
On 10 January, Ben Van Rompuy spoke at the New Year's meeting of the Dutch Competition Law Association in Amsterdam.
CARICOM organises a pilot activity to teach regional integration in high schools
Awareness of the functioning of a regional integration process and the benefits it can offer is crucial for its success, as the European Union experience has proven.
Esteban Szmulewicz speaks at online seminar organised by International IDEA and CED (Chile)
On 18 January, Esteban Szmulewicz, a PhD candidate at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law, spoke on the following theme at an online seminar: 'Comments on the International IDEA report: the state of democracy in the world and the Americas in 2023. New checks and balances'.
Student Members discuss Faculty Council: You get to know the organisation from a different perspective
What does a student member of the Faculty Council do? What is it like to be a member of this representative body and how useful is it to be a member? Students Rassoul Coelen (FC 2020-2021 and presently member of the University Council) and Max Garcia Hoogland (FR 2021-2022) talk to us about their experiences.…
Melanie Fink organised Panel Discussion on AI in the EU and Access to Justice
On 28 January 2022, the Department of Legal Studies (Central European University), the Europa Institute (Leiden University), and the ESIL Interest Group ‘The EU as a Global Actor’ hosted an Expert Panel Discussion on the topic 'AI in the EU and Access to Justice'.
Strike on 10 March: join the teach-outs at schools and public organisations
Leiden University staff will be starting the national staggered strike against the cuts to higher education on 10 March. The Leiden and The Hague Action Committee is calling on staff to join teach-outs at schools and other public organisations on that day.
nl on enlisting Dutch intelligence services in the fight against organised crime
On Tuesday 24 September the Marengo trial, also known as the trail against the so-called Mocro Maffia, continued behind closed doors after the fatal shooting of barrister Derk Wiersum. The main suspect is Ridouan Taghi. He is believed to be residing abroad along with several accomplices.
Sharing of knowledge and discussions during conference organised by JPAO and Department of Criminal Law and Procedure
On 4 November 2022, the Conference ‘Modernisering Wetboek van Strafvordering’ was held at the KOG. The conference was organised by JPAO and the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure of the Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology.
Revisiting the old debate: citizens’ perceptions of meritocracy in public and private organizations
Public management scholars have long debated public and private sector differences. However, the generalizability of empirical results has been limited due to the shortage of cross-national studies.
Yannick Veilleux-Lepage in VICE about the French-Canadian far-right organisation La Meute
Reports from Quebec media show the French-Canadian far-right organisation La Meute dealt itself another self-inflicted blow this week, with several club executives being forced out of the group and having a former co-founder, Patrick Beaudry, publicly declare ‘the ship is sinking.’
The World of the Fullo. Work, Economy, and Society in Roman Italy
The World of the Fullo takes a detailed look at the fullers, craftsmen who dealt with high-quality garments, of Roman Italy. Analyzing the social and economic worlds in which the fullers lived and worked, it tells the story of their economic circumstances, the way they organized their workshops, the…
'I really like it that our advice is taken seriously by the organisation'
Writing a report for a teacher, getting a grade and then no one ever cares about your research again. Pity, isn't it? That is quite different in the course Personal and Professional Impact (PPI). During this third-year bachelor's course of Cultural Anthropology students apply their anthropological knowledge…
Emotions in Multilateral Diplomacy: Exploring Affect in International Organisations in Volatile Times
Forum editors: Seda Gürkan, Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA), Leiden University, s.gurkan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl and Özlem Terzi, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, o.terzi@vu.nl
The Limits of Europe: Membership Norms and the Contestation of Regional Integration
Where does Europe begin and end? How have the European Union and its precursors decided which countries are eligible to join the community and which are not? Few issues are more hotly debated, more important for the course of European integration, or more consequential for individuals in and around…
Hall of Fame 2020
In 2020, many of our staff and students have again won prestigious prizes and been awarded important research subsidies.
Modelling the dynamics of the innovation process: a data-driven agent-based approach
Promotor: Prof.dr. B.R. Katzy, Co-promotor: R. Ortt
'The Love for International Organizations'
A conference organized by Niels Blokker, professor of International Institutional Law and Ramses Wessel (RUG) to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the International Organizations Law Review.