526 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Student website
Heritage Quest project wins European Heritage Europa Nostra Award
Heritage Quest is a large-scale citizen science project in the field of archaeology that allows anyone to contribute to scientific research. It is the first large-scale archaeological citizen science project in The Netherlands and one of the few of its kind in the world. As part of the Cultural Heritage…
Protecting Democracy in Europe: Tom Theuns Presents His New Book at the European Parliament
On 10 December 2024, the European Parliament played host to an insightful presentation of ‘Protecting Democracy in Europe: Pluralism, Autocracy, and the Future of the EU’, the new book by Tom Theuns, Assistant Professor at Leiden University. Hosted by MEP Thijs Reuten (PvdA/S&D) and his team, the event…
Dagelijks leven in Nederland voor en na het jaar 0
Antoaneta Dimitrova
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.l.dimitrova@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Kick off European Strategic Dialogue Series: tune in!
How can The Netherlands, France and Germany cooperate more closely on issues such as European security and defence. Join the kick off of The European Strategic Dialogue Series, an initiative by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and its partners in France and Germany. Joachim Koops tells more…
Valerio Gentile
Faculteit Archeologie
v.gentile@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jan van de Streek
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.l.van.de.streek@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7840
Anne-Isabelle Richard
Faculty of Humanities
a.i.richard@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 1399
Ewine van Dishoeck
ewine@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5814
Gert-Jan Boon
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.m.g.j.boon@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6865
Anchrit Wille
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
a.c.wille@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Laura Bakola
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.bakola@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4061
Genevieve Noordeloos
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
g.noordeloos@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
Flitsinterview met alumnus Kees van der Staaij: ik ben en blijf een jurist in hart en nieren
alumna Suzanne Kingston appointed judge of the General Court of the European Union
Suzanne Kingston will be officially sworn in in mid-January. She graduated from the Leiden Advanced LLM European and International Business Law (EIBL) in 2000.
How do European Muslims see their future?
Professor of Islam and the West Maurits Berger wants to use citizen science to answer this question. On the futureofislam.eu website, he is inviting European Muslims to complete an anonymous survey about how they see their future and the role of Islam in this. He will present the first findings at the…
Federica Casano
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
f.casano@umail.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Alumnus, rechtsfilosoof en wereldreiziger Bart Jansen: ‘focus je niet, maar verstrooi jezelf’
Stilzitten doet alumnus Bart Jansen niet graag. Zo geeft hij les in onder meer Nederland, Maleisië en Curaçao, houdt hij zich naast het recht ook graag bezig met kunst en mystiek en vindt hij naar eigen zeggen ‘alles wat fout gaat’ wel interessant aan de rechtsfilosofie. ‘Ik ben gek op veelzijdige mensen;…
Summer School 'The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance'
Applications are now open for the Summer School ‘The European Union, the United Nations and Global Governance’ (12 - 23 June 2023) for Master-level and PhD students. The activity is supported by the European Union’s Jean Monnet programme (Erasmus+).
Daniel Schade
Faculty of Humanities
d.d.schade@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2796
Leren van crises: onderzoek en verandering in crisisbeheersing
Evaluaties en onderzoeksrapporten bieden waardevolle inzichten na crises, maar hoe zorgen we ervoor dat deze lessen daadwerkelijk leiden tot verbeteringen in crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijding? Dit vraagstuk staat centraal tijdens de bijeenkomst Leren van crises: van onderzoek naar verandering, op…
Pedagogische Wetenschappen en Jeugdrecht zetten succesvolle interdisciplinaire samenwerking voort
Onderzoekers van het Instituut Pedagogische Wetenschappen en de afdeling Jeugdrecht gaan samenwerken in 2 nieuwe onderzoeken: onderzoek naar het terugplaatsingen van kinderen na uithuisplaatsing en draagmoederschappen in Nederland.
Leidse Stadscriminoloog: gemeente, politie en UL bundelen de krachten
Per 1 september 2021 is de stad Leiden een heuse stadscriminoloog rijker. Marianne Franken gaat in een vier jaar durend promotieproject onderzoek doen naar de veiligheidsbeleving van Leidse burgers.
Michael Klos in Nieuwsuur over Elon Musk en de Twitterfiles
In Nieuwsuur ging Michael Klos, docent/onderzoeker bij de Universiteit Leiden, ging bij Nieuwsuur in op ‘de Twitterfiles’.
- Apply for the European Student Assembly: deadline 1 December
The European Union Studies Brussels study trip is back!
After two years of COVID-19 induced hiatus, the European Union Studies track of MA International Relations organized another successful study trip to Brussels. Over the course of three days the students had a chance to learn more about the EU institutions, meet lobbyists and interest group representatives…
Bart Krans
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
h.b.krans@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4783
Russia's escalating hybrid warfare across Europe
Bart Schuurman sheds light on the alarming trend in both the frequence and geographical spread of these incidents with The Parliament Magazine.
Alumni from Brussels: ‘Leiden University has a fantastic reputation here’
They dreamed of Brussels, worked hard and finally succeeded: working for Europe. The list of Leiden University alumni in Brussels is long. A few days before the European elections, Julia Gencheva and Vincent Miča talk about how they ended up in Brussels and what their jobs entail.
Bart Custers in Trouw about new European digital identity
Europe is working full steam towards a digital identity for every EU citizen. And although it might be really useful to be able to hire a car everywhere in the EU with no hassles, Bart Custers, Professor of Law and Data Science at eLaw, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies, sees many loose ends.…
eLaw presented at the European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness '23
Carlotta Rigotti, post-doc researcher at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, and Alexandre Puttick (Bern University of Applied Science) presented some research outputs of the Horizon Europe BIAS project during the European Workshop on Algorithmic Fairness '23.
Natália Kubalová
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
n.kubalova@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Sasha Lubotsky
Faculty of Humanities
a.m.lubotsky@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Luc Amkreutz
Faculteit Archeologie
l.w.s.w.amkreutz@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Aleksandra Khokhlova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.khokhlova@umail.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5273879
The European Commission, “a humanities-friendly work environment”
On February 29 2024, the Humanities Career Service of Leiden University organised a career day to the European Union institutions in Brussels. Natalia Papageorgiou, student of the MA History (Politics, Culture and National Identities), talks about how the day went.
Ending of the Europaeum Programme: European History and Civilisation
Ook jij hebt een cyclus – en daar gedraag je je naar
Leiden researchers Arko Ghosh and Enea Ceolini analysed the usage data of hundreds of mobile phones and discovered that our body has rhythms ranging between 7 and 52 days. These cycles influence how we behave. Their research resulted in an article in npj Digital Medicine journal, a Nature Portfolio…
Should we build a European mega-dam?
A mega-dam around Europe is a possible solution as protection against rising sea levels. Whether that is really a good idea, was debated on by young professionals during the debate on the future of European coastal protection. 'A big dam may seem safe, but actually isn't,' argued debate winner Haye…
Arjen Boin
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
boin@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2233
Bernhard Brandl
brandl@strw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5830
Vanessa Mak knaw
Vanessa mak knaw
Citizen science project Heritage Quest wins European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2022
Gelderland Heritage and Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology have won the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2022 in the ‘research’ category with the Heritage Quest citizen science project. ‘Heritage Quest has shown that citizens can play an active role in protecting cultural heritage…
New Faculty of Humanities spending reduction plan
The Faculty of Humanities has shared a new spending reduction plan with its students and staff. Although the plans are less sweeping than previous ones, we still need to make painful decisions: the proposal to scrap the Bachelor’s in Italian Language and Culture, for example.
Student Mentor International & European Governance – Master of Public Administration
- NIPV lecture series: A closer look at the Dutch crisis governance system
Hague TIX ‘To build a European threat intelligence community’
The Hague Threat Intelligence Exchange (Hague TIX) is happening on 12 June 2023. Monica Kaminska, Assistant Professor of International Security and Technology at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, is one of the organisers of this unique conference ‘which brings together cyber threat intelligence…
Europeaum Call for Applications - Challenges to European Security
Education, Research
Mark Klaassen
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.a.k.klaassen@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7420
ISGA gains major European cyber project: EU Cyber Direct
Dennis Broeders, professor of global security and technology at ISGA (Institute of Security and Global Affairs), together with two partners, has been granted a major European project: EU Cyber Direct. Together with EU ISS and Carnegie Europe, ISGA forms a new consortium for 3 years with a total budget…