2,151 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Public website
De psychochiroloog Julius Spier en de handleeskunde in het interbellum
The German hand-reader Julius Spier (1887-1942) played an important role in the life of the Dutch Jewish diarist Etty Hillesum (1914-1943). This thesis argues that instead of being a charlatan - as he has become viewed through Hillesum's writings -, Spier was a talented hand-reader who 'psychologized'…
Cuerpos ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina
Corporeality, intimately bound to the notion of space, to the diffuse border that connects, entangles, and fuses an inside and an outside, is understood in this book as a space which puts the individual at stake as a war machine that, in its fight for a form of life, redefines political territories.
European Integration in Finance
How should European financial law best integrate considering the interaction of the relevant legal systems?
Implementation of European policy
Leiden experts research ways in which European legislation is converted into national legislation. Knowing how this process works can inspire policy-makers trying to achieve their aims while abiding to Europan legislation.
European Politics and Society
Are you thinking about studying European Politics and Society? Learn more and watch the programme presentation.
European Border Communities
European Border Communities provides an overview of interdisciplinary research on the dynamics, challenges and effects of cross border mobilities and the management thereof.
East European Politics
The Center participates in East European Politics, one of the major political science journals focusing on the contemporary post-communist space.
European Lead Factory
The European Lead Factory has been created with the ultimate goal to develop lead drug candidates to address neglected diseases including bacterial infections, psychiatric disorders and oncology.
Journal 'East European Politics'
East European Politics is a refereed journal which publishes articles on the government, politics and international relations of the post-communist world.
European Law LL.M.
Are you thinking about studying European Law? Learn more and watch the videos.
Modern European Philosophy (MA)
The master's programme in Modern European Philosophy at Leiden University focuses on the philosophical reflection on human nature and culture, both from a systematic and a historical perspective.
Ingrid Leijten publishes book Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights
Recently, Ingrid Leijten’s book Core Socio-Economic Rights and the European Court of Human Rights was published with Cambridge University Press. The monograph was published in the series Cambridge Studies in European Law and Policy (edited by Laurence Gormley and Jo Shaw) and deals with the protection…
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
European Law (LL.M.)
This new LL.M. specialisation within European Law will start in September 2024. This master will provide you with advanced knowledge of the legal aspects of migration, asylum, non-discrimination, immigrant ‘integration’, and diversity. The GMD-Legal programme is embedded in the multidisciplinary programme…
Towards a Sustainable World Trade Law? The Commercial Policy of the European Union after Opinion 2/15 CJEU
Dr. Gruni published an article on the impact on sustainable development in the EU Common Commercial Policy of recent Opinion 2/15 CJEU on the Global Trade and Customs Journal.
European DPC project
In this research project, the protection of personal data is compared in eight EU member states: France, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Romania, Italy, Sweden and the Netherlands. The comparison of the countries is focused on government policies for the protection of personal data, the applicable laws and…
Workshop: prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties van de Universiteitsbibliotheek Leiden
Op donderdag 20 februari organiseert Universitaire Bibliotheken Leiden (UBL) een workshop over prenten en tekeningen uit de collecties. In de workshop toont conservator Jef Schaeps bijzondere, bekende en onbekende prenten en tekeningen. Sommige behoren tot de grootste kunstschatten van de bibliotheek…
European Citizen Science (ECS)
The overall objective of ECS is to widen and strengthen the European Citizen Science community through capacity building and awareness raising activities such as the creation of a European Citizen Science Academy and the establishment of a network of 28 ECS Ambassadors.
European Homicide Monitor
The European Homicide Monitor (EHM) offers a standardized framework for countries and regions to compare homicide characteristics, patterns and trends.
Marat Markert
Faculty of Humanities
m.markert@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9934
Leiden alternative to plastic microparticles wins second prize in European student competition
A team of students from Leiden and Groningen took the second prize at the European final of the BISC-E sustainability competition. Last June, the team had already won the Dutch finals. The students came up with ‘Suckerspheres’, a natural alternative to the plastic micro-particles that are still frequently…
One million euros for research on migrant cultures in European Cities
Dr. Sara Brandellero, expert in Lusophone literatures and cultures and member of the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society, will lead a research project about urban night life and migration, culture and integration in eight European cities. The project aims to support community well-being…
La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939
Pintores, arquitectos y exposiciones internacionales –como las de Barcelona y Sevilla– tuvieron un papel crucial en la definición y visualización del carácter idiosincrático de cada región. Este libro pionero compara el proceso de construcción de identidades regionales en España con el de Francia y…
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
Reconstructing language history and prehistory in the context of the Indo-European language family.
De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk
On 26 February 2020, Hans-Jan van Kralingen defended his thesis 'De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.mr. W.J. Zwalve and Prof.mr. E. Koops.
European Energy, Environment and Health
Research on this theme addresses the systemic risks faced by European societies and affecting the quality of life of European citizens.
International and European Governance (MSc)
No nation-state can solve today's global challenges on its own. In the specialisation International and European Governance you will obtain a deep understanding of the interplay between the international, EU, and (sub)national governance systems and how this interplay affects the capacity of public…
‘Handboeken Veiligheid’ are well known: 'Very special that this series has been running for almost 25 years'
For almost 25 years, ‘de Handboeken Veiligheid’ have been a phenomenon. Who does not have a copy on their bookshelf? In 2024, the series will be celebrating its 25th anniversary and next Monday, the Public Prosecution Handbook will be presented: the latest volume in the series. Erwin Muller talks about…
The European Union and the United Nations in Global Governance
Madeleine O. Hosli, Professor of International Relations, wrote this book in which she analyses the complex relations between the European Union (EU) as a regional organization and the United Nations (UN) as an international, global governance institution.
League of European Research Universities
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a group of 24 leading European research universities.
International Relations: European Union Studies
Are you thinking about studying European Union Studies? Learn more and watch the introduction video.
The Foundations of European Integration
Research on this theme concerns the legitimacy and effectiveness of Europe’s institutional order in the face of public alienation and normative contestation.
Incompany en maatwerk | onderwijs voor professionals
In addition to the open courses, Leiden University also offers tailored courses for organisations. With customisation, the content of the programme is entirely adapted to the needs of your organisation.
Meer openheid en verantwoordelijk nodig bij Defensie
Het rapport van de Commissie Sorgdrager naar aanleiding van de Hawija-zaak, wijst uit dat Defensie niet transparant is over eigen fouten. Wim Voermans, hoogleraar Staatsrecht, bevestigt in Nieuwsuur dat ‘Defensie een patroon laat zien van verkeerd en onjuist informeren van de Tweede Kamer.’
- The Common European Framework
The Western European Loess Belt
Agrian History, 5300 BC - AD 1000; C.C. Bakels
Comparative Indo-European Linguistics
Almost all languages of Europe and of a large part of western Asia belong to a single language family, which is called Indo-European, and which includes modern languages like English, Dutch, Russian, Farsi, but also ancient ones like Ancient Greek, Latin, Hittite and Sanskrit.
European Markets, Trade and Digitization
Research on this theme concerns Europe’s position in global markets, its response to the emergence of new international trade and financial actors that challenge institutions where Europe has long had considerable influence.
Project 'Decision-Making in the European Union Before and After Lisbon' (DEUBAL)
As a research project between four Jean Monnet Chairs - two located in Europe, one in Canada and one in the U.S. -- the project DEUBAL has been approved in 2010 for co-financing by the European Commission. DEUBAL aims to study changes in European decision-making due to the Lisbon Treaty, by a combination…
European and International Media Law
This book is the first to incorporate current academic literature and case law on European, transnational, and international media law into a comprehensive overview intended primarily for students.
De leefwereld en denkbeelden van Nederlandse & Belgische syriegangers: een analyse van elf facebook-accounts
You can find more information on the Dutch webpage. Click on the “Nederlands” button above.
A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s
Together with Knud Andresen, Bart van der Steen recently published a volume titled A European Youth Revolt. European Perspectives on Youth Protest and Social Movements in the 1980s.
A European Ministry of Finance?
On 21 October 2021, Frederik Behre defended the thesis 'A European Ministry of Finance?'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof. S.C.G. Van den Bogaert.
Hoe de hazen lopen - Lessen uit de strafrechtspraktijk voor wetgeving en beleid
Inaugural lecture
European Banking and Financial Law Statutes
Just published: European Banking and Financial Law Statutes Published by Routledge
European Union Enlargement and Integration Capacity
This special issue of the Journal of European Policy presents results from the research on the European Union Enlargement and its Integration Capacity. The Journal of European Public Policy is one of the leading journals in this field.
Verdun, How the European Union is Responding to the COVID-19 Crisis
The coronacrisis makes painfully clear that a transboundary crisis requires a transboundary response. The European Union could play a key role, but that has not happened so far. Political scientist Amy Verdun (Leiden University) explains why.
redenen voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
De aanpak van ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit
Deze onderzoeksgroep richt zich op het thema ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit, in het bijzonder de aanpak ervan op een aantal deelterreinen.
e-NOTE: European Network on Teaching Excellence
What is “teaching excellence” in Higher Education? Which different teaching excellence training, promotion and reward schemes exist across Europe? How can a common European teaching scheme look like? The e-NOTE project led by Leiden University seeks to answer these question in cooperation with five…