866 search results for “literatuur en nienke media” in the Public website
Ik wil iets met Bestuur, Politiek en Rechten
This presentation is presented in Dutch
Ik wil iets met Misdaad, Veiligheid en Menselijk Gedrag
This presentation is presented in Dutch
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
Student for a day Arts, Media and Society
Study information
Child homicide: Media hype, but no indications for copycat effect
Child homicide is a phenomenon that not infrequently leads to shock and societal unrest. However, the precise nature and scope of child homicide in the Netherlands remains unknown.
Política del anonimato en el cine de América Latina
This research aims to address the relationship between cinema and political thought in Latin America, in order to question a limited understanding of cinema politics, which has dominated the field of study since the middle of the last century, and to propose a different one that we will call politics…
Monitoring and detection of nanomaterials in biological media.
How do nanoparticles bioaccumulate and biodistribute in organisms?
Media spotlight on neutrino detection by underwater telescope
Scientists have detected a neutrino with the highest energy ever measured. Leiden physicists Maarten de Jong and Dorothea Samtleben were involved in this project, which was widely covered in newspapers and online media last week.
The magic of projection : augmentation and immersion in media art
Sophie Ernst’s doctoral thesis is an artist’s contribution to media art theory.
Sustainability & the Law lecture series
Sustainability and the law lecture series featuring guest speakers discussing legal and social aspects.
Merlijn lecture: Tempel en Staat?
Alumni event, Lezing
Interaccion Colonial en un Pueblo de Indios Encomendados
El Chorro de Maita, Cuba
Arqueología en la Linea Noroeste de La Española
Paisaje, cerámicas e interacciones
Diplomacia y comercio en la Europa Atlántica medieval
This book is a result of the collective research project Urban Societies in the Port Towns of Atlantic Europe in the Late Middle Ages. It studies the connections between diplomacy and trade from a comparative and transnational perspective throughout medieval Atlantic Europe.
ILS Lunch Seminar with Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken
The monthly ILS Lunch Seminars present the perfect opportunity to unite the different Institutes situated within Leiden Law School. On Thursday 14 March 2019, the next edition of the ILS Lunch Seminars will take place. This time, Nienke van Heek and Esther van Ginneken will present their research.
Cuerpos ilegales. Sujeto, poder y escritura en América Latina
Corporeality, intimately bound to the notion of space, to the diffuse border that connects, entangles, and fuses an inside and an outside, is understood in this book as a space which puts the individual at stake as a war machine that, in its fight for a form of life, redefines political territories.
De psychochiroloog Julius Spier en de handleeskunde in het interbellum
The German hand-reader Julius Spier (1887-1942) played an important role in the life of the Dutch Jewish diarist Etty Hillesum (1914-1943). This thesis argues that instead of being a charlatan - as he has become viewed through Hillesum's writings -, Spier was a talented hand-reader who 'psychologized'…
Veranderend kunstenaarschap - De rol en betekenis van de kunstenaar in participatieve kunstpraktijken
De positie van kunst en kunstenaars in de westerse samenleving
Janine Prins
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.prins@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Daisy Smeets
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
dsmeets@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6621
La construcción de identidades regionales en España, Francia y Alemania, 1890-1939
Pintores, arquitectos y exposiciones internacionales –como las de Barcelona y Sevilla– tuvieron un papel crucial en la definición y visualización del carácter idiosincrático de cada región. Este libro pionero compara el proceso de construcción de identidades regionales en España con el de Francia y…
De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk
On 26 February 2020, Hans-Jan van Kralingen defended his thesis 'De ondeelbaarheid van het pand- en hypotheekrecht, deconstructie van een leerstuk'. The doctoral research was supervised by Prof.mr. W.J. Zwalve and Prof.mr. E. Koops.
Yasco Horsman
Faculty of Humanities
y.horsman@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2777
Waves and Patterns in Discrete Media: Bridging the Gaps
What happens to electrical waves that have to cross gaps in insulation material around nerves in the human body
Incompany en maatwerk | onderwijs voor professionals
In addition to the open courses, Leiden University also offers tailored courses for organisations. With customisation, the content of the programme is entirely adapted to the needs of your organisation.
Archaeological Forum: Gül Aktürk en Murat Dirican
Visual Relation extraction Based on Deep Cross-media Transfer Network
Building a Deep Cross-media Transfer Network to extract visual relations that relieve the problem of insufficient training data for visual tasks.
The Construction of Nationalism in Chinese Media Events in the Reform Era
On 12 May 2022 Qiaoqi Zhang successfully defended a doctoral thesis and graduated.
Conspiracy thinking and social media use are associated with ability to detect deepfakes
Deepfakes are videos that have been manipulated to replace one person’s likeness with that of another. They can be difficult to distinguish from authentic videos. In our study, we found that people who score high on conspiracy thinking and people who use social media more are better at distinguishing…
De leefwereld en denkbeelden van Nederlandse & Belgische syriegangers: een analyse van elf facebook-accounts
You can find more information on the Dutch webpage. Click on the “Nederlands” button above.
De filosoof en de filoloog: Brieven van twee Leidse hoogleraren (1879-1899)
Digital edition of the correspondence between the philosopher Gerardus Johannes Petrus Josephus (Gerard) Bolland (1854-1922) and the philologist Pieter Jacob Cosijn (1840-1899), consisting of 46 letters covering the period 1879 to 1899.
redenen voor foute taal: Een open symposium over taalregels in het brein en in de maatschappij
Foute taal? Bestaat niet!
De aanpak van ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit
Deze onderzoeksgroep richt zich op het thema ondermijning en financieel-economische criminaliteit, in het bijzonder de aanpak ervan op een aantal deelterreinen.
Ksenia Fedorova
Faculty of Humanities
k.fedorova@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2952
Sybille Lammes
Faculty of Humanities
s.lammes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2754
News in a Glasshouse: Media, Publics, and Senses of Belonging in the Dutch Caribbean
On the 23d of May, Sanne Rotmeijer successfully defended a doctoral thesis. The Leiden University Centre for Linguistics congratulates Sanne on this achievement!
Tiempo y Comunidad: Herencias e Interacciones Socioculturales en Mesoamérica y Occidente
ASLU 29 Maarten E.R.G.N. Jansen, Valentina Raffa (2015)
Criticismo y materialismo en los escritos tempranos de Theodor W. Adorno y Max Horkheimer
The dissertation focuses on the work of German philosophers Theodor W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, founders of critical theory at the Frankfurt School. Specifically, it is a study of the “early” writings, dated between 1925 and 1940, to reconstruct the early stages of critical theory. The thesis argues…
De gemaskerde krijger : de menpō in de 16e en 17e eeuw
Bas Verberk defended his thesis on 6 September 2016
Figurations animalières à travers les textes et l’image en Europe
Fish climbing trees, storks taking care of their parents… Premodern textual and visual culture presents us with a fabulous bestiary that reveals ingenious and rich reflections on the animal kingdom.
Stijl en politiek. Een taalkundig-stilistische benadering van Nederlandse parlementaire toespraken
This dissertation contains the further development of a method for linguistic-stylistic research, which provides a systematic means to interpret global impressions of a text through choices in formulation at word- and sentence level.
Tiempo, Paisaje y Líneas de Vida en la Arqueología de Ñuu Savi
This work focuses on the interpretation of the archaeological remains of the Mixtec culture in Southern Mexico on the basis of the knowledge, perceptions, economy and worldview of contemporary descendant communities.
El presente incómodo: subjetividad en crisis y novelas cubanas después del muro
This book aims to understand cultural transitions and negotiations between art and politics from 1989 to 2020 through analysis of a series of Cuban novels.
Een overheid op drift : de strafrechtelijke beheersing van seks en jongeren
The study at hand focuses on the control of sex and youngsters through the response by authorities most notably from within criminal justice.
perspectief. ‘Ge-+werkwoordstam’-afleidingen in grammatica’s, woordenboeken en teksten
The Dutch prefix ge- in historical perspective gives first of all a general account of the development of the word formation processes involving ge- in which special attention is paid to the participial ge-.
Développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara d’enfants monolingues et bilingues : étude du babillage et des premiers mots
Cette étude montre que le développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara est à la foiscomparable au développement langagier dans d’autres langues du monde et influencé par les caractéristiques phonétiques et phonologiques de ces deux langues notamment au niveau de la phonotaxe.
‘Forgotten books inspire a love of reading’
The compulsory reading list is infamous among secondary school students, and for all the wrong reasons. This prompted the Faculty of Humanities and the Onderwijsnetwerk Zuid-Holland (South Holland Education Network) to launch the Alternative Reading List Award, in search of books that motivate young…
Imagining Urban Complexity. A Humanities Approach in Tropes, Media, and Genres
Imagining Urban Complexity introduces passionate and critical perspectives on the link between the humanities and urban studies.