974 search results for “limit” in the Staff website
Zuzana Vikarská presents her research at the Europa Institute monthly research exchange meeting “Food for Thought”
On 3 March 2021 Zuzana Vikarská presented some of her work in progress research at the Europa Institute's "Food for Thought" session.
- Van Steenis building closed on Saturday November 2
Make sure to close your windows after leaving the office
'EU integration is an opportunity to protect our national constitutional values jointly'
The euro crisis of 2010 has shown that the Eurozone lacks economic cohesion and that EU fiscal integration is needed for a stable euro. But can this integration exist without clashing with the national constitutional interests of the Member States? Frederik Behre looked into this matter in his PhD-thesis…
‘In ten years’ time, we’ll ask ourselves how we can make the Netherlands more attractive for migrants’
When politicians claim they can make major differences with their migration policies, they’re raising false expectations. The opportunities for the government to restrict migration are in fact very limited. And what about the little room they do have? Mark Klaassen’s advice is to make use of those opportunities…
NIA Spring School: Audio Visual Methods in Collaborative Archaeology: Exploring the Politics of Heritage
Making technology work for justice involved youth
Despite the promising effects of technology in assessment and treatment, the actual use of novel technologies in juvenile justice context remains limited. We want to inspire researchers to develop and investigate technological applications for assessment and treatment for justice involved youth.
17 November 2023 - 5 January 2024: Atrium of the Gorlaeus Building will be painted
Facility, Organisation
The BIAS project at the Japanese Society on Artificial Intelligence Symposium 2024
On 28 and 29 May, Carlotta Rigotti, postdoctoral researcher at eLaw, held a workshop on fairness and diversity bias in AI-driven recruitment at the annual symposium of the Japanese Society on Artificial Intelligence (JSAI) in Hamamatsu, Japan. The workshop was organised as part of the BIAS project in…
Léo Ducas appointed professor of Mathematical Cryptology
In cryptography, the sky is the limit according to the new professor Mathematical Cryptology Léo Ducas. He already designed several cryptosystems as part of his research at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), some of which might soon be adopted as new international standards. Since December,…
Technology alone won't save us from the climate crisis
If European countries rely solely on technological advances, they won't be able to limit global heating to 1.5 degrees. Households will also need to change their lifestyles. This 'inconvenient truth' is the result of calculations done by industrial ecologist Stephanie Cap. ‘It's not a popular message,…
Mag Nederland internationale studenten toegang weigeren?
Minister Dijkgraaf van onderwijs wil het aantal internationale studenten terugdringen. Maar mag Nederland dat wel? En zo ja, is het ook wenselijk? Deze vragen behandelde Mark Klaassen, universitair docent bij het Europa Instituut, tijdens de slotbijeenkomst van het Honours College Law op 12 juni.
Career policy for academic staff
Leiden University wants to attract the best academics. What requirements does it set for new academic staff members? What requirements must you meet for a career in academia? Read more about our career policy for academic staff.
Ancillary activities
Many Leiden University employees engage in ancillary activities. The University stimulates such activities because we believe that the right place for a university is at the very heart of society. Ancillary activities bring together research, teaching and society. However, there are some limits on what…
In the Mediacenter in Wijnhaven, podcasts can be recorded with user-friendly equipment and four microphones. In addition, we offer the option to record low-threshold videos in the same soundproofed space.
CEU Praesidium Libertatis Scholarship
Working in a lab
Working in a laboratory is different from working in an office. Some of the rules that apply when working in or around a laboratory are given below.
Requesting facilities for working from home
If you work at home on a structural basis – at least one day a week – and you have an employment contract for 19 hours or more, you can request facilities for working from home
Kuiper-Overpelt Study Fund
Academic integrity
The integrity and reliability of academic research are of fundamental importance to the University. All parties, both within and outside the University, must be able to have confidence that our research is conducted in a scrupulous, fair, verifiable, impartial and independent manner.
Researchers about the labs
Since the opening of the SSH labs in the Sylvius Building, more and more researchers are starting in the state-of-the-art lab spaces. What research are they doing, and how do they like the new facilities? Read about their experiences.
‘In an emergency, I know exactly what to do’
For over 25 years, Christiaan Pen has been a valuable member of the faculty, both as an instrument maker and emergency responder. What is it like to support your colleagues during crises? Five questions for Christiaan.
Science for Policy in a Changing World Insights from Leiden University’s Europe Hub
Developments Humanities Campus: Renovation of De Vrieshof starts and changed plans Lipsius South
There are some changes in the plans for the development of the Humanities Campus. The Faculty of Humanities along with the central organisation and the Real Estate department need to save costs due to the financial challenges at the faculty and the cuts in higher education. At the same time, we still…
Criminal Justice Public Lecture: Maarten Kunst on victim rights
On 1 June 2022, Maarten Kunst, Professor of Criminology at Leiden Law School, gave a lecture on his research into the effects of the right to be heard on both the defendant and the victim. Victims have certain rights in the Dutch criminal process, including the right to be heard in criminal proceedings.…
Inclusive Leadership in the Public Sector
What factors play a role in determining inclusive leadership in public organisations? On Friday June 4, dr. Tanachia Ashikali answered this question as she shared the findings from her recent research on inclusive leadership with various academics and professionals.
The self-employed hard hit by coronavirus crisis
Self-employed workers’ hours have significantly decreased during the coronavirus crisis. Their average hours worked decreased most at the start of the crisis, by more than five hours per week. And it was difficult to return to their pre-crisis hours in the quarters that followed. This is the conclusion…
UMCs join forces to increase pandemic preparedness
Four university medical centres, including the LUMC, are joining forces to increase pandemic preparedness in the Netherlands.
Hunt for cheap metals that help store sustainable energy
Storing energy is one of the biggest challenges in the energy transition. Hydrogen could be a solution. Chemist Daan den Boer is researching how to make the chemical reaction needed to store energy in hydrogen as cheap and efficient as possible.
Nearly all buildings at LBSP open and operating again from Wednesday 24 May
Changes to opening hours and restaurants Sylvius and Snellius
Facility, Organisation
- Broaden your horizon during the International Experience Week
Nearly all buildings at LBSP open and operating again from Wednesday 24 May
Nearly all university buildings at the Leiden Bio Science Park will be open and operating again as of Wednesday 24 May. Last night a team worked hard to restore the power to the buildings in phases and this was successful. Students and staff can work and study there again.
Changes to opening hours and restaurants Sylvius and Snellius
Have your say on research funding allocation
4-7 July 2022 - Construction work near the Lecture Hall building
'Small' Field School 2 projects: apply for funding
Education, Research
- 19-20 May 2022: Workshop OpenSesame
How to deal with AI and ChatGPT in education?
Work balance: 5 tips from education coaches
Work balance is an important issue within the Faculty of Humanities. Education coaches Astrid Van Weyenberg and Maarten van Leeuwen also deal with this regularly during their coaching sessions with lecturers. They have listed their most important tips.
Leiden Law Cast #2: The role of the criminal defence lawyer with Dr M. Lochs
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek openbaarheid overheidsinformatie aangeboden aan Kamer
De minister van BZK heeft op 17 oktober het onderzoeksrapport ”Openbaarmaking van overheidsinformatie. Een rechtsvergelijkend onderzoek naar wetgeving in Zweden, het Verenigd Koninkrijk, Duitsland, Frankrijk, Slovenië en Estland” aangeboden aan de Tweede en Eerste Kamer. Het rapport is geschreven door…
A lifeline for Leiden research – TB solution a step closer thanks to this Indonesian university
Herman Spaink knows of many substances that may help combat tuberculosis. Lab space to study them safely is very limited in Leiden. A brand-new lab at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Indonesia will soon provide a solution. About time, says Spaink, ‘The disease is on the rise and is becoming less sensitive…
Toelating en selectie
Toelating en selectie
Research in the media
How can you ensure that your research hits the headlines? How can you bring your research output, such as PhD research or a publication, to the attention of the public?
Program Coordinator Climate and Biodiversity (0.5-0.6 fte)
Science, Institute of Environmental Sciences (CML)
Frequently asked questions
We provide answers here to some frequently asked questions about knowledge security and the Knowledge Security Advice Desk.
Local Panama communities work with archaeologists on historic land rights
The question of land property titles is a common source of conflict between indigenous communities and federal authorities all over the Americas. A new Panamanian law have led indigenous communities to reach out to archaeologist Dr Natalia Donner. A grant from the Centre for Indigenous American Studies…
AI and Scientific Evidence: Rodrigo Ochigame's Transformative Research
Rodrigo Ochigame’s project explores how AI redefines scientific evidence, aiming to help scientists critically navigate these transformations with the Veni grant.
Innovative research offers new insight into ancient infant feeding practices
New sampling and analytical strategies give archaeologists a better understanding of the nutrition and survival of ancient populations. Publication in PLOS One.