394 search results for “lang team presentatie” in the Public website
Peak performances by teams in the operating theatre: What makes a care professional resilient?
Working in an operating theatre is a highly competitive sport. High work pressure, stress, and unexpected developments during operations. This requires a lot from care professionals who need to be mentally resilient to be able to deliver peak performances time and time again. What makes a care professional…
Central Crisis Team: ‘It sometimes comes down to the last second’
It’s the middle of the academic year, but most of the University buildings are closed – something that hasn’t happened since the Second World War. Fortunately, after a week of intensive preparations, the teaching has moved online. How is the Central Crisis Team steering the University through the corona…
Rebekah Tromble to lead Twitter-funded research team on online discussions
In the context of growing political polarisation, the spread of misinformation, and increases in incivility and intolerance, how can Twitter assess and improve the quality of its conversations? To address this question, an interdisciplinary team of researchers from Leiden University, Syracuse University,…
Erwin Dijkstra joins editorial team Handicap & Recht: 'A great opportunity to share my knowledge'
At the end of 2020 researcher/lecturer Erwin Dijkstra joined the editorial team of academic journal Handicap & Recht (Disability & Law), published by Boom Juridisch. The December issue also includes an article he wrote.
Leiden team wins challenge for faster MRI scan through artificial intelligence
Researchers from Leiden, in cooperation with Philips, have won a challenge in which international research groups dedicate themselves to accelerating MRI scans with the help of artificial intelligence (AI). They developed an algorithm with which it is possible to use eight times less data than normal…
A busy early summer for the SETinSTONE team at Salamis, Athens, and the Argolid
In June 2016, Dr. Ann Brysbaert and her SETinSTONE team were invited to participate in the fieldwork training season on Salamis island in Greece.
Leiden University team European runner-up in Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition
The Manfred Lachs Space Law Moot Court competition was held in Vienna between 8 and 12 April 2024. This event was organised by the European Centre for Space Law in collaboration with the University of Vienna. The team comprised David Eagleson, Solène Flambeaux and Aleksandra Spyra, current students…
Wewerinke-Singh leads legal team supporting Vanuatu’s pursuit of advisory opinion on climate change
Vanuatu, an island nation in the South Pacific, announced last month that it will seek an opinion from the International Court of Justice to clarify the legal obligations of all countries to prevent and redress the adverse effects of climate change.
Leiden IHL clinic team presents their research at RIPE71 Bucharest Conference
On 16- 20 November 2015, the four members of the spring-semester International Humanitarian Law Clinic of the Kalshoven-Gieskes forum attended the RIPE71 Conference on Internet-related issues in Bucharest, Romania.
Student teams present their start-ups at final summit Innovation, Co-Creation and Global Impact
From a service stimulating intercultural contacts at work, to pet therapy against stress. An energizing table lamp reducing winter fatigue, and a website informing internet users on their rights. Thursday 24th of January, the student teams of FGGA minor Innovation, Co-Creation and Global Impact presented…
Boekpresentatie 600 jaar Navolging van Christus van Thomas Kempis
Op 26 september vindt de boekpresentatie van de jubileumeditie en herziene vertaling van Thomas Kempis' Navolging van Christus plaats in Boekhandel Van der Velde in de Broeren in Zwolle. De presentatie begint om 20.00 uur (inloop vanaf 19u30).
Boekpresentatie: 'Woodcuts as Reading Guides' (Den Haag, 16 februari)
Op vrijdag 16 februari wordt het boek "Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)", geschreven door Andrea van Leerdam, bij de KB gepresenteerd. De presentatie is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Wel is het nodig om te…
Four questions about the Leiden Law Academy for team leader Linda van Dun
The Legal Post-graduate Training (JPAO) of Leiden Law School changed its name to Leiden Law Academy on 1 May 2023. A new name for the educational programme for professionals and the place to be for events and conferences. What changes will be made and what does the team hope to achieve in the coming…
Stevin Prize winner Andrea Evers: 'This award is for the whole team'
Health psychologist Andrea Evers has won the Stevin Prize – alongside the Spinoza Prize, the highest scientific award in the Netherlands. Evers: 'It’s also a prize for our whole team and our many contacts within and outside the University.’
GLOBTAXGOV team and CIAT launch general anti-avoidance rule toolkit
The launch of the 'Toolkit for the Design and Effective Implementation of Domestic and International General Anti-avoidance Rules' generates strong interest among tax administrations.
Data analysis is really helping the Dutch national women’s football team
The European Football Championship for Women, in the Netherlands this summer, is the background for a large and innovative data research project. The Dutch football union is working together with Leiden University and Sportinnovator. The research is expected to uncover links that have thus far remained…
Humanities as the heart of Leiden in 2022: get to know the team
In 2022, Leiden will be the European City of Science. During this year, Leiden will be the European stage for knowledge, with a programme filled with science, art and culture. Of course, the humanities also take part. Get to know the core team of our faculty.
Shirley van der Maarel and team ‘Samen Verder’ granted Speckmann Awards 2020
Bachelor’s students Dana Huisman, Marleen Kop, Sam Wichers Schreur and Adriënne de Zoeten were granted the Speckmann Award for their Fieldwork NL report ‘Samen Verder: een project gefocust op vrouwen, taal en integratie'. Alumna Shirley van der Maarel received the Master's Speckmann award for her innovative…
Molecular Physiology
Molecular Physiology is a research group at the Leiden Institute of Chemistry dedicated to the design, synthesis and application of chemical tools to study important biological and biomedical questions. The group is headed by Prof. Dr. Mario van der Stelt and includes the research lines of Assistant…
24-hour rhythms in drug exposure and effect
Although rarely considered by the pharmaceutical industry or clinicians, 24-hour rhythms in physiology are a factor of potential influence on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of drugs.
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding mono- and multidisciplinary teaching.
LED3 Lectures
The LED3 hub, consisting of researchers from the Leiden Institute of Chemistry (LIC), the Institute of Biology Leiden (IBL) and the Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research (LACDR), is very excited to organize the “LED3 Lectures”. This lecture series brings world-leading researchers in the field of…
- Neerlandistiek Master Universiteit Leiden
Lorentz Lecture: Superconductivity
Kim Beerden: 'The programme accreditation was good for the team spirit.'
Accreditations. All study programmes have to deal with them and once every six years they cause a good amount of tension. How do you survive the assessment panel? And how does an accreditation proceed in times of corona? Chair of education Kim Beerden recently coordinated the accreditation for the research…
Nieuwe publicatie: Geleefd geloof
Deze zomer verscheen een prachtig boek: "Geleefd geloof. Het geloofsleven van boeren en burgers in Friesland en de Ommelanden van Groningen,1250-1580". Bijdragen zijn er van beide redacteuren, Anneke B. Mulder-Bakker en Rolf H. Bremmer Jr, en van o.a. Sible de Blaauw, Jos Koldeweij, Catrien Santingh,…
Leiden IHL Clinic team members participate in ECCHR conference in Berlin
On 6-7 November 2015, four members of the International Humanitarian Law Clinic of the Kalshoven-Gieskes Forum flew to Berlin to attend the 4th Annual Alumni Meeting of one of the clinic’s cooperation partners, the European Center for Constitutional and Human Rights (ECCHR).
Nadine Stijns and Yin Yin Wong strengthen the team of teachers of Practicum Artium
We are very happy to announce two new teachers in the Practicum Artium programme: Nadine Stijns and Yin Yin Wong.
H2020grant awarded to Leiden team as part of a European network to research the EU’s Eastern neighbourhood strategy
What should the EU do to support Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova? How can the European Union adapt its policies towards these countries in a very difficult and challenging geopolitical context? Ten years after its inception, the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) has fallen short of accomplishing its…
Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice
In science, it is of vital importance that multiple studies corroborate the same result. Researchers therefore need to know all the details of previous experiments in order to implement the procedures as exactly as possible. However, this is becoming a major problem in neuroscience, as animal studies…
International team of Leiden University wins award for best written memorial at Children's Rights Moot Court 2019
We are proud of Chelsea Schuin, Xin Jiang, Siksanee Phollarpthawee and Lucy Opoka for their outstanding research and writing performance in the Children’s Rights Moot Court .
Erik de Maaker and team awarded grant for research on the impact of ‘green farming’
Charisma K. Lepcha (PI, Sikkim University), Pradyut Guha (co-PI, Sikkim University), Rajib Sutradhar (co-PI, Christ University Bangalore) and Erik de Maaker (Leiden University) have been awarded a two-year grant of USD 18.000 to conduct research on the impact of ‘green farming’ on the sensitive mountain…
Cultural Anthropologist Peter Pels part of research team into colonial collections
Peter Pels, affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology of Leiden University, is one of the researchers. Together with Birgit Meyer (UU), he will lead the work package 'Heritage and the Question of Conversion'.
In the Making #10: Sensing Otherwise; in the absence of land(scape)
Arts and culture
Teaming up with Portugal: as a doctor, how do you talk to a patient?
As a doctor, coming to a decision together with a patient: how do you do that in the best possible way? Researchers Geert Warnar and Roosmaryn Pilgram, who jointly teach a course within the MA in Dutch Studies, are entering into a virtual collaboration with the Universidade NOVA de Lisboa to find the…
BEAT-COVID team discovers sugar-coated antibodies that predict disease progression
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, researchers from 15 departments at Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) realised they could do more for patients if they joined forces. This is how the BEAT-COVID group has been able to rapidly gain knowledge about COVID-19, the role of the immune system and…
Geslaagde studentenconferentie 'empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht'
Waarom is empirisch-juridisch onderzoek van belang voor de rechtspraktijk en het wetenschappelijke onderzoek? Op die vraag kregen masterstudenten van de afstudeerrichtingen civiel recht, ondernemingsrecht en financieel recht antwoord tijdens het congres over empirisch-juridisch onderzoek en het privaatrecht…
Boekpresentatie: Der Naturen Bloeme (25 april)
Half april verschijnt bij uitgeverij Walburg Pers: Jacob van Maerlant, Der Naturen Bloeme. Uit het Middelnederlands vertaald door Ingrid Biesheuvel.
Education and Organisation Development
Famous Leiden scientists
The oldest university in the Netherlands has produced many well-known scientists. Some of them are known to the wider public; others are perhaps less well known, but their achievements are no less impressive.
De Leidse Stadscriminoloog
How safe do you feel walking on the street in Leiden? Do you feel safe, or are there situations that make you feel unsafe in the city? These are questions that city criminologist Marianne Franken of Leiden University wants to find answers to. In collaboration with the municipality of Leiden and the…
Binding kinetics
A tantalizing concept that has emerged in our recent research is binding kinetics. An important parameter is residence time (RT), a direct reflection of how long a drug stays bound to its target. This parameter is of crucial importance, because drug action lasts only as long as the receptor-ligand complex…
The scientists at Babylab Leiden ensure that important knowledge is gathered about how babies learn to understand the world around them. Meet our Babylab Team and get to know our researchers!
Ontveld denken - verblijven in een unheimische wereld
Lange tijd wisten we ons thuis in een wereld die we meenden te hebben. Het bestaan in deze vertrouwde wereld vormde onze existentie, die we op een eigenlijke wijze op ons namen. Thans is de wereld echter niet meer wat hij was, en zijn we ook zelf niet meer wie we waren. ‘De wereld is weg’, zo dichtte…
Welcome to the Leiden University Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
The Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences brings together high-quality research and outstanding teaching.
The Mastermind approach to brain research
The brain is a complex organ, and researching medicine to treat brain disorders is equally if not more complex. Elizabeth (Liesbeth) de Lange, Professor of Predictive Pharmacology, calls for a structured approach. ‘In effect, it's like playing Mastermind.’ Inaugural lecture on 22 March.
The QSPainRelief consortium will improve the treatment of chronic pain
The €6.24 million EU-funded research project QSPainRelief has kicked off. The project aims to help patients suffering from chronic pain with novel, personalised combinational treatments and is coordinated by Elizabeth de Lange from the Leiden Academic Center for Drug Research.
Predicting drug behaviour in the brain
Does a drug enter into the human brain once administered in the body?
Minister Kajsa Ollongren offers renewed training programme for council members at congress in Den Bosch
Minister Kajsa Ollongren has offered the new training programme for council members at the congress for council members in Den Bosch. The training program is compiled by the Centre for Professional Learning at Leiden University in The Hague, and is made available to all (new) council members by the…
Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations, and Institutional Challenges
Bij Amsterdam University Press verschijnt 'Imams in Western Europe. Developments, Transformations and Institutional Challenges' onder redactie van Mohammed Hashas, Jan Jaap de Ruiter en Niels Valdemar Vinding, een publicatie waarin tal van zaken met betrekking tot imams in Europa behandeld worden. De…