1,149 search results for “course in the master crisis and security management” in the Public website
Monica den Boer
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.g.w.den.boer@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Alumni event: from peacekeeping to making connections for the future
On Thursday 6 May 2021, alumni of the Bachelor Security Studies (BaSS) and the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) were gathered in an online event arranged by the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the study association L.S.A. Custodia.
Sanneke Kuipers appointed professor of Crisis Governance: 'Crises arise from very mundane causes'
The Executive Board appointed Sanneke Kuipers as full professor effective January 1, 2022. Her chair is Crisis Governance. She combines this chair with her position as education director of ISGA, the Institute of Security and Global Affairs. A conversation about working 24/7 in crisis management, her…
Manifesting Mandates: Navigating Ambiguity in UN Special Political Missions
How are top-down directives translated and implemented at mission level in UN peacekeeping?
Jessica Kiefte-de Jong
Faculteit Geneeskunde
j.c.kiefte@lumc.nl | +31 71 5 26 91 11
Social Resilience & Security: Yearbook 2021 - 2022
With the start of the new academic year, the Social Resilience & Security programme proudly presents their yearbook. In the yearbook, you read about the programme’s interdisciplinary research building bridges between institutes, its educational activities such as the new Minor ‘Violence Studies’ and…
Anne-Laura van Harmelen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.van.harmelen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6186
Strategic Autonomy in Security and Defence as an Impracticability? How the European Union’s Rhetoric Meets Reality
Eva Michaels & Monika Sus examines European Strategic Autonomy (ESA) as the EU’s response to the fragmentation of the Liberal International Order.
Re-Scaling Security: Histories and Practices of Trans-Local Cooperation
This project is part of a broader research agenda aiming to better understand the relationships between the development of contemporary security concerns and the evolution of forms of security cooperation and crisis governance.
Symposium Crisis Management in the Banking Sector
On Friday 6 November, a symposium took place on the occasion of the publication of the ‘Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector’, edited by professor Matthias Haentjens and professor Bob Wessels.
Daniëlla Dam-de Jong
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
d.a.dam@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7944
Examining Ideology, Asymmetry, and Ethnonationalism in the 2023 Israel-Gaza Crisis
Abbas provides an in-depth analysis of the complex interplay between Zionism, Jewish identity, power dynamics, and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Towards a crisis resilient society
Pandemics, terrorist attacks, environmental disasters... These are real threats, which we cannot ignore. In fact: we need to prepare better for the large-scale crises of the future. Preferably in a way that suits our lifestyle and respects our social values. Over the next ten years, an interdisciplinary…
Exploring all options during the Master’s Open Day
On March 16th, students from all over the world visited Leiden's Humanities Faculty to explore their options during the Master's Open Day. 'Leiden is a beautiful city, I feel like I could definitely study here.'
Jennifer Dowling
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.m.dowling@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9092
From Mimesis to Metaphor: Reconciling Nature and Humanity in the Age of Climate Crisis
Environmental humility is integral to addressing the climate crisis, but humility can also lead to political domination. How can humans relate to nature more humbly without risking domination?
Students complete Honours Class on the aftermath of the Refugee Crisis
On 8 March the students of the Honours Class presented their paper proposals for the conclusion of the Honours Class on the aftermath of the European Refugee Crisis. In this course students looked at the interplay between the refugee crisis, the EU’s response to this crisis and the practical effects…
Willemijn Aerdts appointed to peace and security committee
Benoeming Willemijn Aerdts tot lid permanente commissie Vrede en Veiligheid
AI, Peace, Justice and Security in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
The AI research in the area of peace, justice and security at each of the three universities in Zuid-Holland complements the AI research being performed by the other two. Three researchers explain. Part one in a series of five about themes that the three universities’ AI research covers.
Reijer Passchier to teach course in the nationwide AI course Ethics
This course in ethics is a continuation of the popular Nationale AI-Cursus from 2018. In which over 300,000 people have since participated.
AI, Peace, Justice and Security in Leiden, Delft and Rotterdam
The AI research in the area of peace, justice and security at each of the three universities in Zuid-Holland complements the AI research being performed by the other two. Three researchers explain. Part one in a series of five about themes that the three universities’ AI research covers.
Leonardo Lenoci
l.lenoci@science.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8484
Eva Michaels
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
e.m.michaels@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Linde Desmaele
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
l.desmaele@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Start fourth cohort executive Master’s programme Cyber Security
Cyber Security challenges are dominating the international agendas. Therefore, the Cyber Security Academy (CSA) enthusiastically and proudly announces that on Thursday 18th January a fourth group of 26 professionals from a variety of public and private organisations will start the executive Master’s…
Contribution Peter Rodrigues to congres book New dynamics in the European Integration Process - Europe post Brexit
The 9th Network Europe Conference in Edinburgh was held at June 2017 in Edinburgh and organized by the Europa Institut Zurich. The contributions of the conference are now published.
Philosophical pragmatism and political crisis management
Philosophical pragmatism has found more and more applications. But thus far it has not been applied to political crisis management. Political scientist Martin Bartenberger linked these two together and discovered that pragmatism, or the lack thereof, can help to explain how governments and public agencies…
Liesbeth van der Heide about the Political and Security Reforms Mali needs
Liesbeth van der Heide, Education and Research Staff Member at the Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA), wrote on 20 April in the American news publication, Foreign Policy about the March’s deadly massacre in Mali, which exposed the lack of progress since the country’s peace accords. Furthermore,…
Noëlle Mahboeb-van Lobenstein
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
n.r.mahboeb@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Madelief Alserda
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.j.alserda@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
Blog Post | Nationals in Crisis and Diplomacy's Domestic Communication Challenge
All countries have turned into a global no-go zone and in the Covid-19 crisis flying citizens back home is an unprecedented logistical operation. More hidden from view is that helping people is one thing, but getting through to an elusive public with the objective of inducing behavioural change, is…
Jorrit Rijpma
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
j.j.rijpma@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Lodge & Boin, COVID-19 as the ultimate leadership challenge: making critical decisions without enough data
The coronacrisis is emerging as the ultimate test for political leaders. How do national political leaders get ahead or behind ‘the curve’ of fast-changing dynamics. Martin Lodge (London School of Economics and Political Science) and Arjen Boin (Leiden University Institute of Political Science) look…
Veni grant for Jeroen Wolbers for research on how crisis managers can deal with fragmentation
Jeroen Wolbers is Assistant Professor of Crisis Governance at the Institute for Security and Global Affairs, Leiden University. In the coming 4 years, Jeroen will study command tactics during sudden-onset crisis operations with his Veni grant. He will investigate how crisis managers can deal with fr…
Serengeti of Tanzania: Towards Applied Ethnoscience in Public Health Management
The research provides insight into disease behavior in both rural and semi-urban areas in Serengeti in Tanzania.
Corona crisis: how is the Netherlands responding?
‘The Netherlands’ response to coronavirus is inconsistent.’ These are the words of Leiden political scientist Arjen Boin, an expert in crisis management. Vulnerable groups such as the elderly need more personalised advice. ‘It would be better to cancel bridge tournaments than football games.’
Research proposal focused on the topic of military operations wins this year’s research conference
In the course ‘Research Design CSM’ Dr. Elke Devroe and Moniek Akerboom organized this year a competitive research conference where students of the Master Crisis and Security Management (CSM) presented their research design in order to gain some (fictive) funding on their proposal.
Isabella Brunner
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
i.brunner@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Jeroen Wolbers on Capacity and Network Management Dilemmas during the Corona Crisis in The Netherlands
Decision makers are faced with dilemmas as result of the corona crisis. Dr. Jeroen Wolbers, Assistant Professor Crisis Governance at the Crisis Research Center explains the existing dilemmas and what makes the corona crisis unique when compared to other crises.
Graduation Ceremony Interdisciplinary Master Cyber Security
On Thursday 7 February 2019, the graduation ceremony for the executive master programme Cyber Security took place at The Hague Security Delta (HSD). The Cyber Security programme is a collaboration of University Leiden, Delft University of Technology, and The Hague University of Applied Sciences. A total…
Els Kindt
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
e.j.kindt@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8838
country of immigrants no more? The securitization of immigration in the National Security Strategies of the United States of America
This article studies the securitization of immigration in the United States of America (U.S.), through the analysis of the National Security Strategies (NSS) published between 2002 and 2017, using a two-layered analytical framework that combines securitization theory and agenda setting theory.
Pieter Tops
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
p.e.w.m.tops@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
New Master: Master Cyber Security Engineering
In cooperation with Cyber Security Academie (CSA) and The Hague University of Applied Sciences the new Master Cyber Security Engineering is established and starts in September 2018.
Online Course Risk in Modern Society
Risk has become one of the defining features of modern society. This course examines various types of safety and security risks, and how these are perceived and dealt with in a wide array of professional and academic fields, ranging from criminology, counter-terrorism and cyber security, to philosophy,…
Leiden Leadership Lunch: Political leadership and the COVID-19 crisis
Even though the COVID-crisis continuously evolves and is marked by new realities and uncertainties, we can carefully begin to take stock looking back on the first phases of Dutch crisis management. What can we learn reflecting on the crisis strategies of this extraordinary and transboundary crisis that…
New courses on 'Violence'
In the academic year 2021-2022 the Social Resilience and Security interdisciplinary programme will offer two courses for interested students who are entering the third year of their Bachelor's degree. You can sign up for these courses in your elective (minor) space. The courses are available to students…
Changes in the cultural landscape and their impacts on heritage management
A study of Dutch Fort at Galle, Sri Lanka
Jorrit Rijpma: No easy solution to the refugee crisis
Europe is still trying to control migration to the continent. In doing so, it has to navigate between humanitarian ideals and public support.
Who sets the security agenda?
Leiden University is organising two international conferences on security from 7 to 10 November in The Hague. Power relations, negotiating with extremists, cyber espionage, and the experience of a real crisis situation are some of the issues on the agenda. The conferences will be opened by Mayor Jozias…