321 search results for “centrum and ester europese” in the Public website
War Heroes and War Criminals. The Spanish Commanders and their Actions during the First Decade of the Dutch Revolt in Narrative Sources from
How were Spanish commanders fighting in the Low Countries between 1567 and 1577 portrayed in Spanish and Dutch narrative sources during the Eighty Years War?
Important collection of topographical images of the Netherlands available in Digital Collections
Castles, monasteries and bridges, but also city profiles, history prints and water management works. Leiden University Libraries (UBL) manages one of the most important collections of topographical images in the Netherlands. The collection, bequested to UBL by Johannes Tiberius Bodel Nijenhuis (1797-1872)…
Joost Batenburg awarded ICT prize
Joost Batenburg, full professor at the Mathematical Institute and group leader Computational Imaging at the Centrum voor Wiskunde en Informatica in Amsterdam, has been awarded the prestigiuous Netherlands Prize for ICT research 2018. Batenburg receives the prize for his research on new algorithms for…
Michiel Luining about the Hungarian riot and European democracy
The conflict between the Hungarian Prime Minister Orbán and his party Fidesz, on the one hand, the other parties within the European People's Party (EPP), on the other, illustrates the complex functioning of European democracy. Michiel Luining, lecturer at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden…
Can Frans Timmermans be best succeeded by a woman?
‘Who will succeed Frans Timmermans in Brussels?’ is the title of the article in Dutch financial newspaper Financieele Dagblad (FD). Various candidates have been reviewed and all are contenders. But a female candidate may still have an advantage, believes Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of Foundations…
New Dutch PM must look beyond national political landscape
In the upcoming Dutch general elections, the focus of the party campaigns is on national issues. Luuk van Middelaar, Professor of Foundations and Practice of the European Union and its Institutions, argues in a column in Dutch newspaper NRC that foreign policy should also be on the agenda.
The urban mine is full of resources, but a circular economy is still too ambitious
Reuse everything and stop producing waste. By 2050, the Netherlands should have a circular economy. However, the new Integral Circular Economy Report by the Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL) shows that there is still a long way to go. For the report, the Institute of Environmental Sciences…
Leiden will host international conference on industrial ecology
In 2021, the eleventh Conference of the International Society for Industrial Ecology will take place in Leiden. The Institute of Environmental Sciences Leiden (CML) has been elected to host the next biennial meeting at the latest conference of the Society in Beijing, China. ‘Industrial ecology can play…
Difficult message for policymakers from two Leiden reports on circular economy
You should start working now, and the positive results will only be seen long after your term has expired. That is just about the worst thing you can say to politicians and policymakers. Yet that is exactly the message of two recent reports on sustainable resource use from the Centre for Environmental…
Stans Prize 2018 for Louie Krol
The ‘Stans Prize 2018' (for the best thesis, report or article produced by a CML student) has been awarded to Louie Krol. Other CML prizes were awarded to Sebastiaan Deetman and Joris Timmermans.
UN calls for urgent rethink as resource use skyrockets
The International Resource Panel of the United Nations Environment Programme, with CML researcher Ester van der Voet as member, has prepared a report called Global Resources Outlook 2019: Natural Resources for the Future We Want. It examines the trends in natural resources and their corresponding consumption…
Archaeological Congress Oss
A peek inside art objects: new algorithm makes CT scan more accessible
An X-ray scanner, some small metal balls, and a newly developed algorithm. That is all you need to make a 3D model that enables you to look inside art objects without dismantling them. Thanks to the research of Francien Bossema (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer…
Fewer errors in software features by using delta modelling
When new features are being written into software code, errors can easily be made. This causes bugs, which leads to software appearing later and being more expensive. Michiel Helvensteijn, a PhD student from CWI and the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science, studied how to prevent these kinds…
Serge Fehr appointed as Professor Quantum information theory
As of 1 June, Serge Fehr has been appointed as Professor Quantum information theory at the Leiden Mathematical Institute (MI). Fehr is employed by Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and as of his appointment works one day a week at the MI. Fehr’s research is focused on quantum cryptology and will…
Cells ‘walk’ to firm ground
A new mathematical model may explain how body cells get their shapes and what makes them move within a tissue. The model provides fundamental knowledge for applications in tissue engineering, amongst other things. Publication in open-access journal iScience.
Peter Grünwald develops a revolutionary statistical theory with an ERC Advanced Grant
Using mathematics to determine whether scientific results are significant or not. Peter Grünwald, full professor of Statistical Learning at the Mathematical Institute (MI) and senior researcher in the Machine Learning group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), has been awarded an ERC Advanced Grant…
Léo Ducas appointed professor of Mathematical Cryptology
In cryptography, the sky is the limit according to the new professor Mathematical Cryptology Léo Ducas. He already designed several cryptosystems as part of his research at the Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), some of which might soon be adopted as new international standards. Since December,…
Netherlands' smallest supercomputer
A team of Dutch scientists has built a supercomputer the size of four pizza boxes. The Little Green Machine II has the computing power of 10,000 PCs and will be used by researchers in oceanography, computer science, artificial intelligence, financial modeling and astronomy. The computer is based at…
Prof. dr. Ronald Cramer appointed member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences (KNAW)
Ronald Cramer, Professor at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University and researcher and head of the research group Cryptology at ‘Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), the national research center for mathematics and computers science in the Netherlands, is appointed as a member of the Royal…
Professor Aartsma-Rus receives Ammodo Science Award
Professor Annemieke Aartsma-Rus from Leiden University Medical Centre (LUMC) has received the Ammodo Science Award for her research into the muscular disease Duchenne.
Geerten Boogaard: 'Netherlands moving towards constitutional court'
The House of Representatives in the Netherlands has requested advice from the Council of State about combining membership of the House of Representatives with holding a post in the cabinet. Geerten Boogaard sees this as a sign that the Netherlands is moving towards a constitutional court.
Ronald Cramer inaugurated as KNAW Member
On 30 September 2013 Ronald Cramer, head of the Cryptology group of Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) and a professor of cryptology at the Mathematical Institute of Leiden University, was inaugurated as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW).
33 sayings highlight multilingual The Hague
Since March 5th, the road between Holland Spoor Station and the old city centre of The Hague (also called the “Loper Oude Centrum”) features 33 sayings in various languages that are spoken in The Hague – many of which are taught here at LUCL.
European Election Dilemmas
The European Elections are approaching and we get to take a trip to our local polling station. But the turnout in the Netherlands is likely to be low and who exactly do we get to vote for? Rik de Ruiter, Associate Professor at the Institute of Public Administration, explains the two political dilemmas…
Linguistic time travel
A love of puzzles and the patience of a saint: these are two essential traits for linguists wishing to explore the Indo-European language family. Fortunately, Professor Michaël Peyrot possesses both. In his inaugural lecture he will take the audience on a voyage of discovery to the past.
The Europa Institute organises its annual PhD Day in a new online format
On Friday, June 12th, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day.
Arco Timmermans on Dutch news radio BNR on the negotiations for European top positions
A marathon session took place in Brussels from Sunday 30 June to Monday 1 July to decide who would become the new President of the European Commission. Arco Timmermans, Professor by special appointment Public Affairs at the Institute of Public Administration at Leiden University, appeared as a guest…
KNAW Thorbecke-grant awarded to Luuk van Middelaar and Vestert Borger
Luuk van Middelaar and Vestert Borger, both affiliated with the Europa Institute of Leiden University, have recently been awarded a research grant by the Statesman Thorbecke Fund Programme of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). The aim of the fund is to promote knowledge about…
Best Advocate General in the European Law Moot Court Competition – Another Victory for Leiden Law School
On 15 April 2016, the All-European Final of the ELMC took place at the European Court of Justice in Luxemburg. Emma Gheorghiu, a student on the Advanced LL.M. in European and International Business Law at Leiden Law School, took home the trophy for the prestigious award for best Advocate General.
2010 Dean appointed as member of JPI Cultural Heritage academic committee
On November 12, dean prof. Willem J.H. Willems was elected as one of the twelve members of the European Union’s academic committee Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage and Global Change.
Luuk van Middelaar on EU Green Deal Industrial Plan
Following developments in the US, the EU has now also opened the door for large-scale State aid to its own sustainable industries. A means to curb China’s power. However, this plan is driving the EU and the US apart.
Leiden University launches MULTIPLY platform to integrate information by newest ESA-satellites for earth observation
The Institute of Environmental Sciences of the Leiden University has, together with its European partners, presented the new MULTIPLY platform, during a workshop at the European Space Agency (ESA). This platform makes it for the first time possible to combine different data stream’s of ESA’s newest…
Awards and Grants 2023
On this page you will find an overview of awards and prizes granted to our staff and students in 2023, as well as special appointments at Leiden University and other institutions.
Sustainability Research Cluster
The Sustainability Research Cluster fosters dialogue and collaboration among anthropologists and sociologists researching aspects of socio-cultural, ecological, and economic sustainability in and affiliated with the Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. It also seeks to stimulate…
Liveable Planet
Crises like climate change and loss of biodiversity threaten our planet. That’s why sustainability is an important topic in research and education across Leiden University. On this website you read how scientists from many disciplines work together in researching sustainability.
- Members (listed per university and category)
CSC-Leiden University Scholarship
After graduation
Psychology graduates acquire skills useful in a variety of jobs. Whether helping people with mental disorders, researching the brain or deciding who should be hired at a company, psychologists can do it.
Fine Mechanical Department
What is the Fine Mechanical Department?
Erasmus+ for Training
PhD, Staff
Erasmus+ for Teaching Assignments
PhD, Staff
Consortia awarded grant for research into pressing issues
Various consortia in which Leiden University is represented are beginning interdisciplinary research, which will bring scientific and societal breakthroughs within reach. Knowledge institutions, government and private parties are working closely together on the projects.
Bachelor programme Mathematics labelled "topopleiding"
Henk te Velde on ABC Nightlife about Queen Wilhelmina
82 years ago Queen Wilhelmina fled to England. Henk te Velde tells about her on the Australian radio show 'Nightlife'.
NETWORKS consortium receives COFUND grant from European Commission
The Gravitation programme NETWORKS has been awarded a COFUND grant of 3 million euros. Half of this comes from the European Commission's Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme, with industry partners paying the other half. Of the fourteen new PhD candidates, two will join Frank den Hollander's research…
LUC The Hague again top rated Liberal Arts & Sciences programme in the Netherlands
LUC The Hague is honoured to announce that, for the fifth time, its Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges programme has been awarded the ‘Top Rated Programme’ quality seal by the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2018!
Lisanne Rens wins H.D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award
Lisanne Rens has been awarded the 2017 H. D. Landahl Mathematical Biophysics Award. Rens is a PhD student at the CWI (Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica) in Amsterdam and also affiliated with the Leiden University Mathematical Institute.
Reality or coincidence? We need to move from probability to evidence.
In studies, it is an old acquaintance, the p-value. But mathematician Peter Grünwald wants to get rid of it. The p-value is too susceptible to fraud and can lead to a distorted picture of reality and chance. That is why he wants to work with the e-value. De Volkskrant spoke to him about it.
LUC The Hague top rated Liberal Arts & Sciences programme in the Netherlands
LUC is honoured to announce that its Liberal Arts & Sciences: Global Challenges programme is one of the highest ranked Liberal Arts and Sciences programmes in the Netherlands and has been awarded the ‘Top Rated Programme’ quality seal by the Keuzegids Universiteiten 2017!