2,151 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Public website
Ewine van Dishoeck interviews minister Dijkgraaf - Astronomy celebrates 60 years of ESO
With a special symposium at Museum Boerhaave, ESO celebrated its 60th anniversary on Monday, 26 September. More than 100 scientists, politicians and people from industry were present to look back on collaborations, milestones and discoveries. Leiden astrochemist Ewine van Dishoeck was one of the pre…
Leiden archaeologists contribute to unique Iron Age exhibition in Oss
Museum Jan Cunen in Oss presents the very first retrospective exhibition of the richest graves from the early Iron Age (800-500 BC), including the one of the iconic Lord of Oss. Leiden archaeologist Richard Jansen was guest curator and the exhibition tells the story of the funeral rituals of the local…
Succesful first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop
On 28 and 29 June researchers from across the EU came together at Leiden Law School for the first MOSE Young Researcher Workshop.
Back again: border controls in the Schengen area
Jorrit Rijpma responds in Dutch newspaper the Volkskrant to attention surrounding the reintroduction of border controls in the Schengen area.
How feasible are the asylum measures announced by the new Dutch cabinet?
The new Dutch cabinet aims to reduce the number of asylum seeks coming to the Netherlands by introducing a number of asylum policy measures. Dr Mark Klaassen, Assistant Professor of Immigration Law, discusses this in Dutch daily newspaper 'de Telegraaf'.
Exhibition on 50 years of archaeological fieldwork in Oss celebrates an archaeological 'Walhalla'
In 1974 Professor Modderman (founder of the Institute for Prehistory Leiden; predecessor of the present Faculty of Archaeology) executed a small excavation in the city of Oss. The Middle Iron Age cemetery, built over by Roman Period farmhouses, proved to be the start of a unique archaeological regional…
Cooperation with the THUAS on the International Labor Rights Case Law Journal
On Tuesday 26 November 2019, a collaboration between The Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) and Leiden University was launched in relation to the journal International Labor Rights Case Law (ILaRC).
Melanie Fink on Frontex and Access to Justice
On 6-8 and 10-13 November 2020, the Network for Migration Law (Netzwerk Migrationsrecht) organised their 14th annual conference on the topic of ‘law at the border’.
Femicide: a comparative approach from a Dutch, Italian and European point of view
From climate to security: 'Students present perspectives I was unfamiliar with'
Cooperation is the solution to international problems, demonstrated the final seminar of the Master Honours Class ‘Smart Regional Integration’ – even when it is sometimes easier said than done. “You can see the students struggle with that.”
authoritarianism"? The case of the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria ICIRA in Chile 1960- 1979
A successful PhD Day 2024 at the Europa Institute
On 20 June 2024, the Europa Institute held its annual PhD Day at the Gravensteen Building. This event brought together PhD candidates in European law to present their research projects, share input from preliminary findings and engage in discussions with their peers and supervisors. The day was filled…
‘A Europe without borders requires political courage’
In recent years, freedom of movement within Europe has come under increasing pressure as a result of transboundary crisis situations. In his inaugural lecture on 22 October, Professor Jorrit Rijpma argues that what is needed is even closer cooperation to provide the best protection.
Leiden Revisited 2023: ‘Door het alumni-evenement voel ik me weer verbonden’
Wat betekent het om alumni te zijn aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid? Naast een maandelijks blad en een groot netwerk organiseert de faculteit ook jaarlijks het alumni-evenement ‘Leiden Revisited’. Wie zijn deze alumni en waarom blijven zij graag actief?
As many as 6 NWO grants for Leiden political scientists
Recently, a new round of NWO XS grants was awarded. This grant is given to researchers with small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). In this round of the so-called Open Competition XS, no fewer than six researchers from the Institute of Political…
Interview with Cristina Grasseni: new Professor of Anthropology
On February 1st Cristina Grasseni started as Professor of Anthropology at the Institute for Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology. She is bringing the ERC Consolidator project ‘Food Citizens?’ with her to Leiden. A few questions to get to know the new professor.
Gazing into deep space
Bernhard Brandl, the new Leiden Professor of Infrared Astronomy, is developing instruments for the world’s largest telescopes. These telescopes can be used to observe objects in space that are more than 13 billion years old. Brandl will deliver his inaugural lecture on 26 September.
Work-in-Progress: ‘The Colonial Roots of European cooperation in the interwar period’
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
Russia’s War on Ukraine: Perspectives from and Impacts on Non-European Actors
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
ESA presents first crystal-clear Euclid photos of the cosmos
The first full-colour images of the cosmos from ESA's space telescope Euclid were presented today. Never before has a telescope been able to take such crystal-clear astronomical images of such a large part of the sky and so far into the deep universe. The five images illustrate Euclid's full potential;…
morphology relevant to the cladistic position of Tocharian in Indo-European
PhD defence
Mark Klaassen: 'Cabinet acting contrary to Directive on family reunification'
On Friday 26 August 2022, the Dutch cabinet presented its new asylum agreement. According to Assistant Professor Mark Klaassen, the new agreement is barely legal.
Oda Nuij
Faculteit Archeologie
o.m.nuij@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Aad Correljé
Faculty of Humanities
a.f.correlje@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mahshid Alizadeh
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.alizadeh@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 6 389 80094
Eduardo Arenas Catalán awarded Theo van Boven Maastricht Research Prize on International Law
Dr. Eduardo Arenas Catalán, lecturer and Academic Coordinator of the Advanced Master’s in European and International Human Rights Law at Leiden Law School, was awarded the Theo van Boven - Maastricht Research Prize 2018 for his doctoral thesis: “Solidarity and the right to health in the era of healthcare…
Successful International Insolvency Law PhD Workshop
On 28 February and 1 March 2019, Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (Foundation) held its first PhD Workshop on European and International Insolvency Law. The workshop attracted more than 25 applications from PhD students from all over Europe. At the workshop young researchers had a chance…
‘Islam is a constant in Europe’: new Humanities podcast delves into the history of Islam
‘Islam and Muslims are not something that happened to Europe; they are part of Europe. In fact, Islam is one the biggest constants in European history,’ argues Professor Maurits Berger in the new eight-part History of Islam in Europe podcast series of the Leiden University Faculty of Humanities.
Brussels Visit Career Service 3 December 2024
On 3 December 2024, Career Service FGGA organised an inspiring excursion to Brussels for students of the faculty. The programme provided a unique opportunity to explore European institutions, organisations, and alumni living and working in this dynamic city. The group departed early in the morning from…
Vincent Bakker wins Research Master’s Thesis Prize 2017
Vincent Bakker, PhD Candidate at the Department of Economics, was awarded the Research Master’s Thesis Prize 2017 of the Faculty of Social and Behavioral Science.
Food Citizens? at the EuroScience Open Forum 2020 Trieste
Image from ESOF Forum programme page.
Eight Meijers prizes awarded
On Thursday 10 January the annual Meijers prizes were awarded for the best published article, of each faculty research programme, written by Assistant Professors or other academic staff members. The winners received a certificate and a sum of money to spend on research.
Annetje Ottow and Seda Gürkan visit the College of Europe
Prof. Annetje Ottow and Assist. Prof. Seda Gürkan visited the College of Europe campus in Bruges on 22 March 2024.
Archaeology as self-reflection
Archaeology can help us reflect critically on our European identity. This is what David Fontijn will claim in his inaugural lecture on 18 March.
Can we measure the privacy component of online advertising?
On 29 January 2019, Robbert J. van Eijk will defend his Ph.D thesis, in which he investigates the online advertisements that seem to follow you.
Katie Pentney wins Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 with master’s thesis
The Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award is presented every two years on 10 December (Human Rights Day) in recognition of outstanding academic works in the field of international human rights.
Leiden anthropologists at the annual meeting of the Swiss Anthropological Association
The Scientific Commission of the Swiss Anthropological Association (SSE-SEG-SAA) convenes once a year a major conference around thematic panels. This year, the annual meeting of the SSE-SEG-SAA addressed the topic of “norms and alternatives”. Prof. dr. Cristina Grasseni and lecturer Janine Prins participated…
Advanced EIHRL LLM Candidates draft report For the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
Prof. Mark Leiser and a team of thirteen law students from Leiden University’s Advanced LLM programmes in European and International Human Rights Law as well as in Law and Digital Technologies together drafted a report for the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom…
Proposal on refugee crisis management wins student Research Design Conference
This year Elke Devroe and Moniek Akerboom organized a ‘Research Design Conference’ for students in the course ‘Research Design’ of the Master’s Crisis and Security Management (CSM). Each group competed in obtaining a (fictive) grant. Students learned to defend their proposal and make it attractive and…
Alternating Dat-Nom / Nom-Dat constructions in Indo-European and the Extended Intransitive Hypothesis
Conference, Comparative Indo-European Linguistics (CIEL) Seminars
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
Honours Class makes cultural heritage tangible: ‘You are dealing with people’
An Honours Class about the ostensibly unrecognisable worlds of insular Southeast Asia teaches students a fundamental piece of wisdom:
Platform Thingsthattalk brings together historical objects
Using the motto 'Exploring humanities through the life of objects' the Thingsthattalk platform gives a voice to historical objects that are usually kept behind closed doors. Objects from various Leiden collections are going to be made public and placed within a historical and user context.
Violent Encounters
Inaugural lecture
Roundtable on the Rule of Law in Poland
On Thursday 25 January 2018 the Europa Instituut in Leiden hosted a round table session with the title “Securing the rule of law in Poland: which role for Europe?”. It was a small meeting bringing high-level experts together under Chatham House Rule.
European and Arab linguistic endeavours and exchanges in interwar Europe (1898-1948): Teaching and learning Arabic
European-wide ecosystem responses and their vulnerability to intensive drought
PhD defence
Understanding the Drivers of Voluntary Accountability by European Union Agencies: Look to the Forum!
PhD defence
Changing power relations and rising stars
The norms, institutions and power relations that have defined the last decades of international political and economic relations in the European Union are undergoing major transformations. With the return of competition between great and ambitious powers, like the US, China, EU and Russia, the need…