1,703 search results for “inclusion onderwijs” in the Public website
Webinar 'Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) (LL.M.)'
Study information, Webinar
Indigenous populations’ major political impact in Latin America: (Re)shaping the nation-state in Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, and Perú
Lecture, PCNI Roundtable
LUCIP Lecture "Queer Desires and Buddhist Asceticism: Negotiating Dharma and Diverse Embodiments"
Positioning in contrast: insights from a contrastive discourse analysis of positioning practices in online contexts
Lecture, Sociolinguistics & Discourse Studies Series
Next Generation Bacitracin
PhD defence
- SAILS Lunch Time Seminar: A few simple rules for prediction
Public lecture: Challenges of Teaching Controversial Issues in a Post-Conflict Society
Unveiling Media Accessibility: From Research to Practice and Back
Lecture, Leiden Translation Talks
Hanna Swaab
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
hswaab@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5274060
The 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement: Working together to fulfil the promise of peace
The EU fundamental right to ‘freedom of the arts and sciences’: exploring the limits on the commercialisation of academia (AFITE) AFITE is an interdisciplinary five-year research project. It is funded by the Netherlands Organization of Scientific Research (NWO), as part of its Vidi scheme. Its principal…
Seasons of Interdisciplinarity
The Seasons of Interdisciplinarity are an initiative by the Young Academy Leiden that started in 2021.
The team of WIIS-Netherlands exists out of the board members and the advisory council.
Rights Denied, Heritage Stolen
PhD defence
Leiden Leadership Lunch: Changing Service Professionals' Attitudes to Volunteers
Meet the Europe Hub
Conference, Launch event
LUCIP Lecture "The normative body and the embodiment of norms. It’s about habit."
Can we overcome Orientalism with Multiculturalism? A Methodological Reflection on Asian and Comparative Philosophy
- POPTalk: Mapping Slavery Walk & Potluck Spring Dinner
Connecting the Dots: The Role of Internationally Mobile Scientists in Linking Nonmobile with Foreign Scientists
United in Distinctiveness
PhD defence
CPP Colloquium: "The Normative Implications of Structurally Supported Autonomy"
- GTGC lunch seminar: Dr. Sarah Giest on Digital Access, Data-Driven Policymaking and Public Service Delivery
Different dimensions of openness in open science practices. The importance of collaboration for societal goals
A Nimble Arc: James Van Der Zee and Photography
Lecture, Talk
Intergenerational Justice and Human Rights in a time of Planetary Crises in Africa
Shiʿi Studies International Conference 2025: New Directions and Perspectives
Dies Natalis
University ceremony
Four pressured months trying to solve society’s woes
In the National Think Tank, 20 young academics spend four months mulling over a solution to a societal problem. Two Leiden alumni tell us more.
‘I became a stronger believer in the power of Europe’
She knew that a degree in Public Administration would be a stepping-stone to a career in politics. And that is exactly what Leiden alumna Samira Rafaela (30) wanted. Thanks to preferential votes, this member of the D66 party is the first Dutch MEP from an Afro-Caribbean background.
Sustainable growth: a continuous balancing act for the FGGA Board
Erwin Muller, Dean of FGGA and Administrator of Campus The Hague, and Koen Caminada, Vice-Dean, share their thoughts on how ‘we’ as a faculty are doing based on three themes. A discussion about the balancing act between what is and what isn’t possible and the natural urge to continue to grow, the utility…
Storie del Possibile: Grassroots and Local Initiatives in Italy and Europe
The conference Storie del possibile took place in the Ex- lavanderia of Santa Maria della Pietà in the neighbourhood Monte Mario in Rome, on April 21-22 2018. Maria Vasile, PhD candidate of the "Food Citizens?" project, attended the conference and shares her experiences.
Black hole one year later: proof of a persistent shadow
The brightness peak of the ring around M87's supermassive black hole has shifted 30 degrees counterclockwise in a year. This is shown by new images released by the Event Horizon Telescope consortium.
‘We will offer a warm welcome to our students, both in person and online’
The University buildings are partially reopening to students. And first-years will be able to discover real-life Leiden or The Hague during the introduction weeks this summer. Vice-Rector Hester Bijl describes what will be possible once more at the ‘one-and-a-half-metre university’. ‘We want to provide…
Anthropological Research on Solidarity Economy in Croatia: the case of CSA.
Re-occurring moments to reflect on our values: ‘It’s about commitment to culture change'
How do we navigate the continuously developing landscape in research integrity, ethics, and open science? Anna van 't Veer and Eiko Fried discuss the underlying principles and values of science with all psychology units in their Responsible Scholarship workshop.
442nd Dies Natalis focuses on Asia
On the 442nd anniversary of the foundation of Leiden University, and at the start of the Leiden Asia Year, lawyer Jan Michiel Otto, an expert in the field of law in developing countries, delivered the first Dies lecture. He compared demagogues in Asia who call upon Muslims to turn against their governments…
This was 2023! An overview of Humanities in the news
So much has happened this year! 2023 was an eventful year in which several wars raged about which our experts could offer interpretation. It was also the year in which the government made apologies for the slavery past. Leiden humanities scholars were at the forefront of this with their research on…
Animated video in Dutch about corona specially for children
A Dutch-language video shows children their new life during the corona crisis and gives them some guidelines to help them feel less worried. The short animated video was made by two German researchers with whom child psychologists Anke Klein and Annelieke Hagen are working. ‘With our translation, this…
Ten lecturers receive Senior Teaching Qualification
On 28 June, ten dedicated lecturers received their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO). Rector Hester Bijl congratulated them in an online meeting. We asked some of them what this qualification means to them, what they believe ‘good teaching’ entails and what makes them so passionate about education…
Women on the agenda in Leiden
Women are are on the agenda again at Leiden University. That was clear on 8 March in the Academy Building. First there was an informal get-together with women professors and talented researchers, followed by the 27th Annie Romein-Verschoor lecture, on happy and angry women.
FGGA in 2023: This was the year of our faculty
2023 was another year full of highlights and special moments for the faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Find out what the year was like in this year overview: we take you through the most important moments and news items month of each month.
Judi Mesman awarded Stevin Prize for research on upbringing and diversity
What influence do children’s upbringing and education have on their world view? This is the question Professor Judi Mesman is trying to answer. For her research and public outreach activities, she has just been awarded the prestigious Stevin Prize, the highest award in the Netherlands for a researcher…
Seeking balance in a changing world and university
The world around us is changing. What does that mean for the future of Europe, on this turbulent world stage? And what does it mean for our teaching, and for the expectations that Leiden University has of its students? These were the key questions during the opening of the 2018-2019 academic year on…
Annetje Ottow back in Leiden
Annetje Ottow is the first female president of the Executive Board of Leiden University, which means a return to her Alma mater.
Interview Roxane de Massol Rebetz – ‘Vulnerability doesn’t come out of a vacuum.’
The legal distinction between victims of human trafficking and victims of migrant smuggling is unjust, argues De Massol Rebetz in her PhD thesis. In certain instances, smuggled migrants should be treated the same as victims of human trafficking.
The Comics Canon - Graphic Novels at Leiden University Libraries
Graphic Novels and Comics have developed from pulp status to an entirely self-contained medium. This form of storytelling is not limited to stories of superheroes but has been used, molded and reshaped to display historical events, classic stories and autobiographical memoirs. But where should you begin…
Van Bergen Prize winner Archery Attack has growth potential
Dutch and international students brandishing bows and arrows fire at each other on the fields of the University Sports Centre on 11 May. This is the aim – not the shooting each other, but the act of getting together.
3 October University: from Russian DNA to drug-related violence
In prehistoric times there was a huge wave of migration, from the steppes in Russia and Ukraine to West Europe. The newcomers’ genes began to dominate. Archaeology research in Leiden into burial mounds in the Veluwe and Utrechtse Heuvelrug areas of the Netherlands yielded this spectacular conclusion.…
En de nieuwe assessor is...?
De studentassessor: één student die als lid van het faculteitsbestuur aanschuift bij alle belangrijke overleggen en projecten. Zo wordt de student, een van de belangrijkste doelgroepen, vertegenwoordigd bij bestuurlijke besluitvorming. Assessor Julie Külsen draagt volgend collegejaar per 1 september…