249 search results for “reading anouk” in the Public website
Read the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Magazine
Read about protecting heritage, the LDE traineeship and the importance of international postdocs in the summer edition of the LDE Magazine.
Bookstart: About an early start with books
Becoming Literate by Means of the internet
‘Forgotten books inspire a love of reading’
The compulsory reading list is infamous among secondary school students, and for all the wrong reasons. This prompted the Faculty of Humanities and the Onderwijsnetwerk Zuid-Holland (South Holland Education Network) to launch the Alternative Reading List Award, in search of books that motivate young…
Highlights of 2017: our most read articles
An online course to teach our international students their first words in Dutch, American presidents in Leiden and how Neanderthals made the very first glue: view a selection of our most read English news in the past year.
The best read articles of 2018
The red carpet treatment of expats, terrorism studies and women professors who took over the Senate Chamber. These are the best read articles of 2018.
A fusion of reading and programming
The connection between programming and reading seems non-existing. Yet in the new reading book ‘De Programmeerbende’ they go together very well. On 26 February author Inge Strijker and co-inventor and computer scientist Felienne Hermans launched the book at the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer…
Spring Event 2022: Poetry Reading and Clotheswap
The Leiden University Green Office is pleased to announce the details of its Spring Event, which will consist of a poetry reading and a clotheswap!
Tekstbegrip in het onderwijs klassieke talen
In this study an attempt has been made to describe the degree in which the new objectives of the school subjects Greek and Latin, as formulated at the theoretical level by institutes as curriculum planning committees, are are incorporated by the teachers in their actual teaching practice.
Out now! LEAP # 2: (Mis)Reading Nature
LEAP is a peer-reviewed journal founded in 2021 by a team of junior and senior scholars of Leiden University as part of a Faculty-broad Master course. Each year the journal has a new editorial board and a new theme. Series editors Astrid van Weyenberg and Nanne Timmer guide this process and are assisted…
Leids onderzoek naar bestraffing komt tot stand uit verschillende disciplines. Het onderzoeksproject kent een juridische, criminologische, sociaalwetenschappelijke en filosofische invalshoek.
Reading list – Culinary culture and tasty tales
Are we going vegetarian this year? Shall we keep the dessert the same? Where do I find inspiration for a festive meal during the holidays? For readers who like to postpone these questions, for those who like to tell a good story with their culinary contribution, or for those who simply want to know…
Below you will find an overview of the publications of The Leiden Advocacy Project on Plastic.
Identity, Ethnicity and Political Community
This research cluster is a part of the Institute of Political Science’s research programme ‘Institutions, Decisions and Collective Behaviour’. Its members study phenomena such as migration, immigration, citizenship, integration, ethnic parties, minority and caste-based politics, borders and migration,…
Hall of Fame 2022
In 2022, many of our staff and students won fantastic prizes and were awarded important research grants.
Leiden University hosts Music and Cultural Analysis reading group
In 2016, Leiden University hosts the monthly meetings of the Music and Cultural Analysis reading group.
Read the online magazine on diversity and inclusiveness
How can we make sure that everyone feels welcome at our university? Read the highlights from the conference on The Making of an Inclusive Leiden University: The Do’s and Don’ts.
Leiden students help children from The Hague: 'Now I can read and understand what I've read.'
There is an enormous disparity between children from low and high socio-economic backgrounds. In the Leiden Tutor Programme Leiden students and scientists are exploring what they can do to close that gap. And at the same time the children are learning a lot through the programme.
Read the online magazine about diversity and inclusivity
Leiden University actively promotes diversity and inclusion. In the online magazine Diversity and Inclusion you can read all about the symposium, the exhibition and what the University is doing to make sure that all students and staff feel welcome at our University.
Archaeology article Scientific Reports in top 100 most read
The research article ‘Selection and Use of Manganese Dioxide by Neanderthals’ received 12421 article views in 2016, placing it as one of the top 100 read Scientific Reports articles in 2016.
Boekpresentatie: 'Woodcuts as Reading Guides' (Den Haag, 16 februari)
Op vrijdag 16 februari wordt het boek "Woodcuts as Reading Guides: How Images Shaped Knowledge Transmission in Medical-Astrological Books in Dutch (1500-1550)", geschreven door Andrea van Leerdam, bij de KB gepresenteerd. De presentatie is gratis en voor iedereen toegankelijk. Wel is het nodig om te…
Jason Laffoon's Archaeometry article in top 20 most read
The research article ‘The life history of an enslaved African’ is one of the top 20 read Archaeometry articles in the period of January 2017 to December 2018.
Development of visual span in Hebrew and Dutch-speaking prereaders
Teachers' use of progress data in planning and evaluating instruction for students with learning disabilities
The most read stories of 2021 from Leiden University
Research into depression in children, Leiden alumni in the Dutch House of Representatives and an exceptional achievement by one of our students: what do this topics have in common? They are among our most read stories of 2021.
What we have done, how, and why
The Food citizens? team has included two post-docs, three Ph.D. candidates and two research assistants working with the Principal Investigator. The Winter School involved nine Masters and Ph.D. candidates from the universities of Bologna, Gothenburg, Kaunas, Leiden, Louvain, Tromsø, Turin and Utrech…
Learning behind bars
In dit unieke uitwisselingsinitiatief volgen studenten van de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid samen met gedetineerde personen een vak, binnen de muren van de gevangenis.
The research team
Student life
Leiden is a winning combination of being small and fun, yet big in character as a student city. It’s also conveniently close to cities like Amsterdam, The Hague and Rotterdam, which can all be reached by train in just 30 minutes.
Stereotypes and Misconceptions about the Middle East - The Reading List
The perception of the Middle East is riddled with stereotypes that have had dire consequences on its people. What is myth and what is reality? How did these stereotypes come about? What consequences have they had? All of these questions and more are answered within this reading list.
‘Let pupils actively engage with texts to improve their reading comprehension’
Young Dutch people’s reading skills have been declining for years. The main reason for this is that many have difficulty with reading at greater depth. Teach pupils to read actively in order to construct meaning is what Leiden researchers Paul van den Broek, Christine Espin and Anne Helder write in…
Adriaan van der Weel about E-READ in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung
Researchers from more than 30 countries have been discussing the changes in reading through digitization in the European research network E-READ. Adriaan van der Weel, Senior University Lecturer, spoke about the network’s achievements in the German newspaper Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.
Science on Insta: are influencers helping get young women (back) into reading?
Dutch influencers like Romy Boomsma and Nina Pierson have a huge following on Instagram and are increasingly sharing book tips there. Researcher Aafje de Roest wants to find out more about the reading culture they are promoting and its effect on the reading habits of their mostly young female follow…
New research to get young people back into reading for pleasure
Young people are more likely to find long texts unappealing to read, particularly with all the digital distractions. To improve young people’s reading skills, Elise Swart and Hannah De Mulder are starting an innovative study to make reading fun again.
Consolidator Grant for Marijn van Putten: How many ways are there to read the Quran?
How should the Quran be read? The manuscript of this holy book makes different interpretations possible. Researcher Marijn van Putten has been awarded an ERC Consolidator Grant of two million euros to explore centuries-old recitations.
Andy Sorensen's Scientific Reports article in top 100 most read
The research article ‘Neanderthal fire-making technology inferred from microwear analysis’ received 7,053 article views in 2018, placing it as one of the top 100 read Scientific Reports articles in that year.
What works in social work? Large-scale research into social resilience policy interventions
The need for knowledge among practitioners and the lack of an academic knowledge base for specifically collective arrangements of social work in the Netherlands were the reason for Anouk de Koning, Femke Kaulingfreks and Maartje van der Woude to start working on a Dutch Research Agenda (NWA) application…
Read the three most downloaded papers by CADS researchers
Three of our researchers have been awarded a certificate for receiving enough downloads to be in the top 10% of papers in 2022
Introducing ... the event coordinators of Leiden Law Academy
As of 1 May 2023, JPAO is continuing under the name Leiden Law Academy: a new name for the department that organises and facilitates our faculty’s legal postgraduate education (Juridisch PAO). A new event agency has also been added to the department to help organise the conferences and events of Leiden…
Conference: Vernacular Books and Reading Experiences in the Early Age of Print
This conference explores how reading experiences were shaped both by producers and users of vernacular books. By adopting an international and interdisciplinary perspective (combining book history, literary history, art history, religious studies, and history of knowledge) it aims to contribute to the…
Modern Literature from the Middle East - The Reading List
The Middle East has a rich literary tradition, which is steadily gaining a foothold in the West. Modern literary works deal with contemporary issues, such as the legacy of colonialism, the struggles between traditionalism and modernity, the place of women in society and the war in Israel/Palestine.
Why you (won’t) vote – A reading list
In November, the Dutch will elect a new parliament. Not all eligible citizens will go out and vote, however. How can this be explained, and how big of a problem is it? International research into voter turnout can shed new light on this issue – and offer possible solutions.
About the programme
English Language and Culture is a multi-faceted programme in which you’ll study the language in all its variaties, from Old English to the many different pronunciations currently in use. You’ll also be shown British, American and Canadian literature in their cultural-historical context.
Read about Middle Ages on new Leiden research blog
The Middle Ages are becoming increasingly more popular: just look at the popularity of such ‘medievalist’ TV series as Game of Thrones and Vikings, and let’s not forget popular re-enactments of medieval battles. Leiden University is home to many specialists of this fascinating period and this new blog…
To what extent does your background and your own physical consciousness influence your experience in VR?
Neuroscientists Ineke van der Ham (Leiden University) and Anouk Keizer (Utrecht University) regularly use VR in their research. Their experiences with the medium raise many questions about the ways VR is experienced by different people. Therefore they conducted an VR experiment at the cinedans festival…
‘One day of lessons and the Boa people can read their own language’
Until recently the Congo’s isolated Boa community had never read a single letter in their own language: quite simply, there was no alphabet to describe the language. A crowdfunding campaign by guest staff member Gerrit de Wit has changed that. He plans to use the rest of the money to work with a Congolese…
Two awards for Visual Ethnography films
The master's specialisation in Visual Ethnography offers students the possibility to graduate by producing their own ethnographic film. The films 'Living Art', by alumna Tina Krüger, and 'Across Gender', by alumna Anouk Houtman, have received two awards.
Reading through proteins with graphene: NWO Vidi grant awarded to Dr. Grégory Schneider
While there are numerous and extremely advanced methods to sequence the genome, only a few methods exist to sequence the proteome. The Vidi project of Grégory Schneider promises to shed light on the most difficult paradigm of proteomics: achieving an error-free determination of the sequence of single…
‘If I had put my story in a paper, nobody would have read it'
During a closing exhibition, participants of the Master Honours Class 'Leiden: City of Refugees?' present their invitation to an imaginary group of 'others'. By combining science with art, students learn to look at society in a different manner.
Read the new ELS Bulletin and the Midterm Report of Empirical Legal Studies
Recently, a new edition of the ELS bulletin was sent out. Furthermore, we are thrilled to share the Midterm Report of the ELS lab @Leiden with you!